Member Reviews

A beautifully crafted story about grief and family and magic that reveals itself piece by piece. The switches between time periods and perspectives was well-done and I was compelled to keep reading as more and more information was revealed.

This was a bittersweet read that I was happy to believe in.

Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC!

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The Strange Inheritance of Leah Fern gave me some of the same vibes as Phaedra Patrick or Fredrik Bachman. A melancholic coming of age tale that fans of those authors are sure to enjoy.

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This is the story of Leah Fern. She is better at being alone than with people. Born in a carnival trailer, her mother a magician, Leah was put to work at six years old, telling fortunes. And she is a natural. She definitely has a gift, but her mother’s chaotic life finds her leaving her daughter with a friend and never coming back. All her life Leah has wondered and fantasized about where her mother is.

Life has been hard for her. Being different is often hard. She is overwhelmed with feelings whenever she touches anyone and now on her 21st birthday, she is ready to move on. Like to heaven move on.

A knock at her door changes that and everything else she thought she knew as a mysterious package may lead to finding out what happened with her mother. And along the way, she learns a lot about herself.

Following the wishes of her former neighbor, she sets out to retrace the steps her mother took with this woman that Leah barely knew. At times frustrated and angry, she still pushes on to find who she is and why her mother left.

This is a book that I couldn’t put down. Leah’s character was so well done. We watched her evolve along the way and I was so invested in the outcome.

Beautiful Story!

NetGalley/ October 4th, 2022 by Melville House

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Coming of age stories are perhaps my favorite and The Strange Inheritance of Leah Fern did not disappoint. While the coming of age story is about Leah, it also provides insight into other characters-her mother, her mother's friends, and the people that Leah meets at each of the destinations she visits. On her birthday, she receives a box that holds the key to understanding her lost mother and herself. Following letters left at post offices across the country (and Canada), Leah embarks on a journey that brings her closer to her mother.

A little bit of magical realism woven in to the story added depth to Leah's coming of age journey. I really enjoyed the dual timeline of the story. Chapters alternate between Leah's childhood story and her present story of searching for her mother. It is very well written and readers will not be confused between the past and present.

This will be a title that I will re-read and look forward to purchasing a print copy!

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On her 21st birthday Leah Fern, once billed as "The Youngest and Very Best Fortune Teller in the World", who has spent the last 15 years waiting patiently for her mother's return, decides to end her life. Saved by an unexpected knock on the door, Leah sets off on an unexpected voyage of discovery,

A book full of self-discovery, The Strange Inheritance of Leah Fern leaves a sense of hope and a belief that maybe there really is magic in this world.

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A very different kind of coming-of-age novel about a young abandoned empath -- the world's youngest fortune teller. Somewhat bittersweet but overall uplifting,

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Thank you NetGalley and to the publisher for the eARC! This book was wonderful, magical, and strange indeed.

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This is a story about love and loss and of finding yourself. Our main character, Leah, was raised in the carnival life, where, as a child, she was known as the youngest fortune teller. As an empath, she can read people when she touches them. When Leah is young, her mother has her pack a bag to go on "an adventure" and drops her off with a man named Edward Murphy, who ends up raising her. After 15 years, Leah has decided that she will end her life on her 21st birthday, until a man shows up at her door holding a heavy box. And that's where the fun begins: Leah is given a letter that sends her on a quest to find answers about her missing mother and what happened all those years ago when her mother left her with Edward Murphy.

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The Strange Inheritance of Leah Fern caught my interest right from the first chapter and held it until the end. It was a delightful story of a young woman's journey to understand her own past, as well as discovering what happened to the mother who suddenly disappeared from her life. Leah was an engaging character I could really get behind as a reader, and I enjoyed following her travels and the gentle unravelling of her tale. The magical realism elements blended well with the story, and it was a pleasure to pick it up each night and continue the adventure. It gets a solid 4.5 stars from me. Recommended if you like stories that cross between life drama and mystery with a hint of magical realism. I would certainly read more from this author in the future.

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4 stars

This is a beautiful and emotional journey, with a great cast of characters. The only downfall is that there are quite a few run-on sentences, like full page worth. It was slightly distracting, and took away from the story a bit, as I had to go back and reread a few times.

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This is the story of a girl who grew up in a carnival trailer as "The Youngest and Very Best Fortune Teller in the World." As a sensitive child, she knows how to comfort others and empathize with their pain. At six, Leah's mother leaves and puts her in the care of a kind old man. Fifteen years later, Leah has decided to end her life on her 21st birthday and has rituals to help herself die. The narrative shifts when she is given a series of letters written by her mother that promises to be a journey that will reveal her story. Beautifully written coming-of-age tale with well-painted characters and haunting prose. Highly recommended! 'Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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