Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgally, the publishers, and Rhys Bowen and Clare Broyles

When I requested this book I was unaware that it was apart of a series, one that requires you to read the previous books for this one to make sense. I am unable to read all the previous books along with this one before the publish date. Therefore, I will rate this a fair 3/5 stars and will adjust the rating and review when I am able to read all the books in the series along with this one.

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The 19th book in the Molly Murphy series. I have not read any of the others, so I was going in blind with these characters and knew no backstory. I think maybe if I knew these characters better it would have enjoyed it more. As it was, it was just ok. Probably not my favorite and will not be reading any more in the series.

Molly Murphy Sullivan is content with her life in Greenwich village. She has great friends nearby and is very comfortable. When her husband drops the bomb that they’re moving up to fifth-avenue temporarily as he runs for Sheriff, Molly is not pleased, but goes along. She needs to learn to live a more privileged life and try to fit in with the more wealthy of the city. But is there more involved than just a short jaunt living the high life?

Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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All That Is Hidden is written by Rhys Bowen and Clare Broyles. This is the first that I have read by these authors - and it will not be my last. The book is set in New York in 1907 - Molly Murphy Sullivan is a former private detective. She is married to her husband, Daniel. Daniel is a policeman. They have a good marriage - but then Daniel tells Molly that he wants to run for sheriff of New York - and they are moving from Greenwich Village to Fifth Avenue.

Daniel tells Molly to trust him - but politics in the early 1900’s were sticky. The Tammany party is known for kick backs. Molly cannot help but wonder what Daniel is getting into - she suddenly does not recognize her husband.

The book is well written, the storyline is engaging. Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read a copy of this book - all thoughts are my own.

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Whenever I pick up or receive ARcs of books that are series, I have this feeling that I may not follow many concepts because I did not get a chance to read from the first book. This is my first Molly Murphy book that I received and it certainly isn't last..

Well packed with twists and turns, this is an author I will look forward to reading.

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This is one of top 5 series and this book did not disappoint. Not only was there the murder mystery to figure out but the mystery of why Daniel was acting the way he was. The book had a locked room murder mystery which are always fun. It also had a very dysfunctional family and the reveal at the end was shocking. I cannot wait for more!!! I hope it goes on forever!

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I'm late to the series, actually #19 is the first I have read. Now I am excited to have eighteen others to add to my TBR. An upset comes to Molly Murphy Sullivan's happy life when her husband agrees to run for sherriff on the Tammany Hall ticket. This means uprooting her happy household and moving to a mansion on Fifth Avenue. The characters are vital, alive and fascinating. And the mystery well-done.

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I was glad to feel like we were back to enjoying another real outing in the Molly Murphy mystery series! With the last book, I felt like I could tell that a 2nd author might be 'overly involved!' With this edition.....I felt like it was back to the series that I've enjoyed since the beginning! Only the authors will know if this was all in my imagination.....but I know that I really liked this installment a lot better than the last! The look into the year 1907 was interesting, seeing into some politics, the increased use of cabs & motor cars, & 5th Ave life....& maybe some new additions to the continuing cast? I'd guess this would be considered into the 'cozy' category, & definitely 'historical fiction/mystery'! This book is easy to recommend to anyone who likes a little history & mystery, & NYC! It is the 19th in the series, but I do think you could start here & be quite satisfied too!
I received an e-ARC from publisher St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books via NetGalley, with the understanding that I'd read it & offer my own independent, honest review.

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Another Molly Murphy book. I love that these are based in New York in the early 1900's. She is an amazing detective with a supportive husband. SHe always gets the bad guy. I love these books no matter what is being solved

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This is 19th in Rhys Bowen's charming historical mystery series, now written with her daughter Clare Broyles. Ex-PI Molly Murphy is wed to New York police Captain Daniel Sullivan. They have a small son, Liam, and a teen ward, Bridie, and live happily in Patchin Place, Greenwich Village.

In the Fall of 1907, Daniel runs for sheriff of New York on Big Bill McCormick's Tammany ticket. This seems against his principles but he won't explain his actions to Molly. Murder soon strikes and, of course, Molly inserts herself into the investigation and solves the case - at great personal risk.

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I love this series and have read them all. I have to marvel how Rhys Bowen is able to write so many books with the same protagonist and yet keep them interesting and engaging. I also like how the characters are developing as time passes.
If you love historical mysteries, and early 1900's NYC, don't miss this series! You can read them as stand alones as well.

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Molly and Daniel are back in the 19th installment in this series. Things get changed up a bit when they move into a 5th Avenue fancy apartment as a part of Daniel’s job. Molly doesn’t like putting on airs and having servants wait on her. Of course they get drawn into a solving a murder because that is what they do best!

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Rhys Bowen sets her latest Molly Murphy mystery All that is Hidden in 1907 New York with her husband Captain Sullivan giving up his captaincy in the New York Police in favour of electioneering for Sherriff of New York County on the Tammany Hall ticket. Molly has to hob nob with New York power brokers; but then the most powerful of them is murdered in his office at the same time Molly is at the birthday celebration of the man's daughter. Whodunit? Why is her husband politicking? and trying to help the police find the murderer? Lots of plots.

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4 out of 5 stars - If you ask me, I'll tell you to read it

This was a great fluff mystery. You don't have to read the whole series to understand the 19th book, but it could be helpful for context. I was able to guess a lot of the twists before they were revealed, but that didn't lessen the enjoyment.

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All that is Hidden is a quality new entry in the Rhys Bowen’s Molly Murphy series, co-written with her daughter. A new home in a different social scene is unsettling for Molly, but it’s exactly where she needs to be to solve the newest crime that crosses her path. New characters, including a friend for Bridie, help provide a new glimpse into upper crust society as Daniel becomes oddly interested in running for sheriff alongside the mayoral candidate from Tammany Hall. New York in the early 20th C is brought to life as Molly helps a family process the loss of the head of the household and determine who might be behind his death.

While part of a series, this book could easily be enjoyed as a stand alone.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press, Minotaur Books, Netgalley, and Rhys Bowen & Clare Broyles for early access to this well-written cozy mystery.

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This is a cute, good stand alone book. I have not read any of the others in this series.. I really appreciate that because I don’t often read a lot of series. It’s about the docks in New York and the reported Mafia that is often associated with it. Moly’s husband, Danny, is a police captain and she used to be a private investigator. I don’t like to reveal much of the story because I am to review the book not write a book report. The story moves along fairly quickly and the characters are well developed. I have read other books by Rhys Bowen and I will read another book in this series and will recommend the book. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an advance copy for my honest review.

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All That Is Hidden by Rhys Bowen and Clare Broyles (her daughter) was the nineteenth book in this series and my first. Even though I was late in starting this series, I was so glad that I had finally been given the opportunity to read this book. It was definitely a book that could be read as a stand-alone book. All That Is Hidden could best be described as an extremely clever mystery. I really enjoyed the characters and the setting in this book. It took place in New York City during the early 1900’s during a time when women were fighting for their rights, class distinctions were glaring and corruption and bribery was not unheard of.

Molly Murphy Sullivan, the strong female protagonist in All That Is Hidden, was happily married to her husband, Daniel Sullivan. Daniel was the police captain at his precinct and a very good one as well. Molly had been a private detective but was now retired. They had a little boy named Liam and a ward named Bridie that they hoped to adopt. The Sullivan family lived in Greenwich Village in an apartment on Patchin Place. Molly loved her apartment and neighborhood. It was home and she had friendly and caring neighbors.

One day in early fall, Daniel invited his wife, Molly, to take a walk with him. They put Liam in his pram and started to walk. Daniel needed to tell Molly something that he wasn’t able to divulge the complete truth about. He needed Molly to trust him. Daniel had been asked to run for sheriff on the Tammany ticket. He would have to give up his position as police captain and they would be required to move into a grand house on Fifth Avenue. The house was one that Molly could only have dreamed about. It was a house that had indoor heating and servants galore. Molly was not pleased with his decision to leave the police force. They usually made decisions together and discussed things before deciding whether to do something. Daniel had not done any of those things. Besides, he deplored what the Tammany ticket stood for. The members of the Tammany organization were known for accepting bribes, kickbacks, being involved with underhanded deals and their negligence in making safety a priority was a common occurrence. Daniel would run on the same ticket as “Big Bill”, his benefactor, who was running for mayor. Molly could not understand why Daniel was doing this. She had no desire to leave Patchin Place. Daniel kept repeating that he needed her to trust him. The Sullivan family moved to Fifth Avenue but Molly was not happy about it.

Bridie, an adolescent girl and the ward of the Sullivan family, was attending a private school. Most of her classmates were from very rich and influential families. The girls in Bridie’s school made fun of her, left her out and thought that they were so much better than her. Of all the girls in Bridie’s class, Big Bill’s daughter was the worst. One day Bridie’s class went on a field trip to see The Statue of Liberty and other historic sites. They were to go on a boat so that they could see everything. Molly accompanied Bridie on the trip. Most of the other girls had brought their nannies along. Molly was the only mother. Half way through the trip, the boat that had transported the girls on the trip caught fire. Bridie ended up saving Big Bill’s daughter life. The two girls forged a strong friendship from that day forward. It was not surprising then that Bridie, Molly and Daniel were invited to the lavish birthday celebration that was thrown for Big Bill’s daughter at Big Bill’s home. During the celebration, though, someone murdered Big Bill. Big Bill had lots of enemies but who could have murdered him in his own home during a birthday party for his only daughter? Daniel, Molly and even Bridie searched for clues in order to solve the mystery of who murdered Big Bill and for what reason.

All That Is Hidden (Molly Murphy, #19) by Rhys Bowen and Clare Broyles was suspenseful and quite clever. I really enjoyed Molly and Bridie’s characters the most. They were both strong, determined, clever and caring protagonists. Each had a special gift for recognizing clues and solving puzzles. I thought I had this mystery solved a few times but discovered that I was wrong. The ending was perfect and unexpected. I hope that these two talented authors continue to write more books in this series so I can continue to read them. I highly recommend this book.

Thank you to Minotaur Books for allowing me to read All That Is Hidden by Rhys Bowen and Clare Broyles through Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased and honest review. All opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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All That is Hidden is the 19th (!) book in the historical mystery series Molly Murphy by Rhys Bowen and her daughter Clare Broyles. If you haven't read the first 18 books, will you be confused? Not in the least, as the mysteries seem to stand alone. How would I know this? Because I started this series on the last book, of course! It took me a lot longer to read this than it usually takes me, as my life is rather nuts at the moment; but each time I picked the book back up I easily fell right back into the wonderful world of Molly Murphy and her family and friends.

It's Autumn in 1907 in New York, and former (ha!) detective Molly Murphy Sullivan is a happy woman. She lives with her police captain husband Daniel, their adorable little son Liam and ward Bridie in a lovely little house in Greenwich Village, and has dear eccentric friends Sid and Gus across the street. Molly and Daniel respect each other's opinions and share ideas, so Molly's shocked when he tells her they are moving to a house on Fifth Avenue. As if that wasn't bad enough, Daniel also tells her he’s running for the sheriff of New York on the Tammany ticket! Why hasn't he told her, especially when that party is known for kickbacks and underhanded dealings and violence and stands for everything Daniel hates? He begs her to trust him, but Molly is still worried...and for good cause! Soon Molly is drawn into the world of cutthroat politics and the evil that hides behind money and magnificent homes.

This was a fun story with a compelling mystery that had me trying to keep up with Molly as she attempted to figure out whodunit! Molly is such a great character; she's sharp as a tack, and though she's no longer a private investigator, she still can't help herself from not becoming involved in whatever mystery that crosses her path. She just couldn't believe Daniel wouldn't tell her in what he had become involved. Even though she kept some things from Daniel, she didn't think he kept anything from her! Daniel was running for sheriff of New York on the Tammany ticket, the same ticket "Big Bill" was on for the position of mayor. When Molly and Bridie were on a school trip to the see the Statue of Liberty, the ship on which they were passengers caught on fire; Bridie saved the life of a girl who just happened to be Bill's daughter. As the two girls morphed from being enemies to the best of friends, Molly was drawn into his family dynamics. When there's a murder, of course Molly does her best to solve it. I wasn't too sure what I thought of Daniel in the previous book, but I grew to like him here; he was a protective husband and father. Bridie was a charming girl, wanting to help solve mysteries like Molly. Big Bill's family was an interesting bunch; I was constantly attempting to figure out who wanted to put an end to their patriarch. I was forever changing my mind as to whom the culprit was. I wasn't even close! Molly gets life-changing news near the conclusion of our tale; let's hope it doesn't deter her from solving the next great mystery. I'm pretty confident it won't!

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I received no compensation for my review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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A worthy entry to the Molly Murphy series. A read that was full of fun an easy read book. I think it’s a great intro to the characters if you have not read the series. The dynamics between the characters were well portrayed. I look forward to more of Molly and Daniel’s adventures.

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Molly and Daniel are back at it, but are in the political and 5th Ave. Society circles.

I really liked the names in this book such as Big Bill, Finn, Constanza, and Tammany. It gave the book and mystery a mafia vibe. It was also fun to see Molly take on Society and build some friendships with the family in the thick of the murder.

I liked the twists and having a murderer that was not very likely. However, I did struggle a bit getting into it since it took a long time to actually get to the murder. I think that was to fill in and build on events from where the previous book left off. This could be read standalone, but the slow start would definitely be even less intriguing for someone just picking up this book. I am ready for the next book and hope it takes off quick from the start due to the way this one ended.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this ARC for my honest review.

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This novel was an absolute joy. Former detective Molly Murphy Sullivan and her husband Daniel live in a quiet Greenwich Village in a modest home.

Daniel gets a promotion which takes them to the upscale part of NY with maids, cooks, etc. Molly is not happy as she is used to taking care of her home. How will she adjust?

Daniel is suddenly in a job where others are corrupt, but he tells Molly to trust him. He is set to run for sheriff with another big wig.

Fires, murder, and mayhem along with Molly’s spitfire personality made this novel fun! This is a series, but can be read as a stand alone.

Thank you Netgalley, Minotaur books and author Rhys Bowen for this advanced copy. Available March 14, 2023.

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