Member Reviews

This book seems really cute! Those first chapters are very captivating and I’m so curious, I just want to read the rest!! Thanks for the preview, really!

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This is a m/m love story set in the nineteenth century in London. And it's a celebrity romance book (my favorite trope!). And it has a dual pov.

The Gentleman's Book of Vices tells us about two main characters. Charlie Price is going to marry a woman he doesn't love. He has an explicit novel collection, and that's why Charlie decides to find his favorite author, who uses a pen name.

Miles Montague is an owner of a bookstore, and yes, he's that smut writer Charlie is looking for. With the help of his friend Jo, Charlie comes to Miles's bookstore and tells him he knows that Miles is his favorite author Reginald Cox. And that's the beginning of the story.

I really enjoyed the beginning of this story. We can already feel that tension between Charlie and Miles and I just know that there's going to be a great romance. I also liked Charlie's friend Jo and I'd love to read some spin-off about her solving different mysteries.

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*I received an ARC of the first 5 chapters of this book thanks to Net Galley *

The Gentleman’s Book of Vices has Charlie Price and Miles Montague as two characters who fall into place in the strangest way possible - Charlie is an overzealous rake in the verge of marriage to a charming, well-to-do lady; whilst Miles finds himself writing smut to support his old inherited, quasi-abandoned bookstore. Their lives come together when Charlie seeks Miles out for an autograph, given that he’s his favourite author and all. Sufficed to say, Mr. Montague is not only not amused but this rouse, but he believes the so-called Mr. Price is there to blackmail him.

These first few chapters were funny, endearing, a little spicy and they honestly started to bring in the feels almost immediately. I was already hoping for so much after reading the blurb but reading the first 5 chapters has only made it worst. I can’t wait to read this!

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I love love love when publishers have these previews of the first few chapters of the book. It’s always nice to sample something before you commit.

However, I totally enjoyed these first 5 chapters and cannot wait to read the rest.

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The Gentleman’s Book of Vices is off to a fantastic start! Cannot wait to see what happens next for Charlie and Miles.

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A promising start, I absolutely love Jess Everlee's writing style and the buildup of the characters so far. I'm curious to see where things will go next!

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Thank you Netgalley for giving chance to read the preview of this book.
I loved the preview. It has first five chapters of the book. I am so excited to read it and have already sent arc request for the same.

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Loved it! It's very well written. I enjoyed it. Jess is a good author!! This is not typically the type of book I'm into and I still really enjoyed this one. She wrote it well.

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Enjoyed this as a preview. Not sure if I'll read the entire book, but I'm glad to see more queer historicals in the romance space.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to read a preview of this book!

This book started out a little slow for me, though that wine tasting scene was AMAZING. The enemies to reluctant partners dynamic was fun. It didn't draw me in enough to pre-order but I'll keep an ear out for buzz as it gets closer to release.

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Thank you Netgalley for this preview.
This preview includes the first 5 chapters of the book. The book starts with a misunderstanding between miles and charlie.
Loved the preview. Definitely going to read when it comes out!

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Debut author Jess Everlee is destined to become an auto-buy author for lovers of historical romance with The Gentleman's Book of Vices, and I'm confidently saying that after only reading the first five chapters! This grumpy/sunshine romance has a fabulous twist on the book about books trope since our heroes are an avid reader of illicit erotica and his favourite author who also happens to run a bookstore. I'm also holding out hope that Charlie's friend Jo will get her own book because she's already stolen my heart!

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I really liked this preview. It was not what I was expecting, but everything about it is excellent. Terrific writing and characterization. I'll have to dry clean the smoke from the opening chapter out of my clothes. I'll add to my request list after I'm caught up on my TBR/review list.

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The preview can be found in the read now section and includes the first five chapters of the book. Based off the preview this book isn't for me.

I liked the author's writing style. The story has an interesting storyline and has potential. The characters so far seemed interesting and developed for the story. This story is told in dual POV.

I had a hard time connecting with the story and I didn't care for Charlie, one of the main characters.

It could be that the story has a slow start and I may give it another chance in the future.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read the preview.

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Thank you to the publisher and Jess Everlee for a preview of the book!

This is such a charming start! The premise is so good and the fact that this is MM is the cherry on top! The writing is witty and the characters are likable—I can’t wait to read the rest!

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no because this is good stuff i want more!! i can't wait till November comes send help. I was so excited for this and honestly? still am😩 someone end my misery please

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loved this! cannot wait to read the whole book. The first five chapters have already got me hooked an I am in need of more..
Truly amazing!

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Love this so much! Charlie is a cute quirky guy who just wants to meet his favorite smutty author and Miles is a slightly skeptical (for a good reason) lovable character. Can't wait to read the entire book to see where their story goes, wonder if the marriage takes place or not for Charlie?

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OH. MY. GOSH! The Gentleman’s Book of Vices is the most compelling and captivating book I’ve read all year! That is remarkable, as I’ve read 33 books so far this year and only five chapters of The Gentleman’s Book of Vices.

First off, we have the premise. When I read the synopsis for this book, I knew I had to drop everything and savor it! As it turns out, I devoured this novel instead of savoring it, but I couldn’t be happier!

A m/m love story in the nineteenth century is something I never knew I needed, but now can’t picture myself without. Especially with the fact that one of them is a risqué smut writer and the other an adamant follower of said works.

To be honest, I’m a fan of smut. I’m always drawn in by affection between characters and stellar writing. Like this novel proves, queer romances are the best writing there is out there. They are so exciting because they represent me. I can’t help but fall in love with every LGBTQ+ character I meet. I don't know what the scientific formula for love is, but Jess Everlee has found it!

The only way I can describe the first five chapters of The Gentlemen’s Book of Vices is in unintelligible rambles. I can not plan a proper response that would convey how impressed and excited I was by reading Jess Everlee’s work. Nonetheless, I will try my best!

The Gentlemen’s Book of Vices is astronomically phenomenal! I am already obsessed with Miles Montague and Charlie Price. From their first meeting, it is obvious they have something unspoken between one another. As you can probably guess, they are the main couple in this book. If I went in with no knowledge of what this book was about, I’d know Charlie and Miles were meant to be. Everlee writes their interactions with sparks flying!

I am very much fixated on grumpy/sunshine and oblivious to love tropes. They are trés magnifique! Miles and Charles have this sort of relationship and I need answers now!

I have already pre-ordered a copy of The Gentleman’s Book of Vices and I hope you will too! It is stellar; it is the shining star of 2022 releases. Don’t miss out on this novel! I know I wouldn’t miss it for the world! Word for word on my life, if I died, I’d stick around as a ghost until I saw this novel through. Jess Everlee has me hooked!

November 29, 2022. I'll see you there!

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This preview got me HOOKED!

Charlie is engaged to be married in a marriage of convenience, but he was hoping to get an autograph from his favorite author of *spicy* books before he has to lock down his collection of novels for the rest of his married life. Miles happens to be that author, who uses a pen name and runs a book shop as his day job. Within the first 5 chapters we get the meet cute that isn't too cute, Miles pretending to be a sommelier at the wedding cake and wine tasting, and some big characters that I can't wait to read more about!

I got some big Kit Webb and Percy vibes from this story already with some (maybe) grumpy sunshine thrown in for good measure!

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