Member Reviews

3.5 stars rounded up: The New Mother by Nora Murphy is billed as a thriller, but that didn't really ramp up until the last part of the book. The beginning dealt with a woman who was struggling with her new role of mother. Natalie Fanning loves her son unconditionally, but being a mother was not all she wanted to be. She ended up taking an unpaid leave from work, she couldn't sleep, she was sore from all the nursing and her husband didn't give her any help at all. She was struggling, so when her neighbour, stay-at-home dad Paul, took Oliver from her arms and he stopped crying, she wanted his help and friendship. Paul was a university professor who left his job after accusations of inappropriate behaviour with a young female student. That was over 7 years ago. His daughter was in school and he was supposed to be writing a book. It felt like an emotional affair to me, but then something happened to change the tone of this story.

I have to say that I related well to Nat, even though she wasn't easy to get to know. I had a baby like Oliver who fed constantly, spit up all the time, cried like he was in pain and didn't sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time. He was two before he slept through the night. What was different, is that I didn't have post partum depression/psychosis. What I didn't like was how repetitive that part of the story was. Once Paul's wife disappears, the story picks up and becomes a cat and mouse story. Nat has to prove her innocence, but it seems Paul is one step ahead of her. I enjoyed this part of the story, but I found the ending very abrupt. I liked her writing, but the narration even had a hard time keeping me interested at times. Overall, I can see promise in this story and author so I will look for other books she has written, but this one was just okay for me.

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As a literary fiction novel, I think this would have been excellent. Unfortunately, it was labeled a thriller and I don’t think the content matches the label. The focus here is much more on the postpartum experience than on the murder and mayhem usually included in a good thriller.

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! No spoilers. Beyond amazing I enjoyed this book so very much. The characters and storyline were fantastic. The ending I did not see coming Could not put down nor did I want to. Truly Amazing and appreciated the whole story. This is going to be a must read for many many readers. Maybe even a book club pick.

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Holy cow! I didn't expect this book to engross me the way it did! I was immediately drawn in and it was one of those books I couldn't put down! I had to find out what happened. I loved the twists and turns. I liked the twisted ending....not just a plot twist, but a twisted end as well. If you want a good thriller that takes place in a neighborhood and has you questioning your own sanity, this one is for you!

Thank you so much to Minotaur Books for the copy!

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It’s hard work being a new mother. It’s even harder with a colicky baby but Paul enters the picture. Is he really the help she needs? I don’t want to say too much but this is a great twisty tale.

Thank you #minotaur and #NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review

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This is a gripping suspense novel that will grasp you from the start! I could not stop reading to find out what twists would come and where the characters would go next. It is intriguing and brings up some great questions throughout. I really enjoyed this one!

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This book y'all!!! I'm reading thinking I know what is going to happen. And if I know what is going to happen, so many others will be able to predict the ending. Well, I was WRONG! I did NOT see any of that ending happening. It was fast-paced ride that you do not get off until the very end. It was a pleasure to read this book.

And that epilogue!! It is not thriller material. It was raw real life sh*t about being a mom and struggling with post partum depression. Nora Murphy, You get extra points for putting that epilogue in this book. You made a book that was purely entertainment into something wonderful!! I personally did not struggle with post partum depression (I do have clinically diagnosed major depression that was diagnosed years later after my son was born) but so many women do struggle daily. This is such great reminder that you are NOT alone and to please reach out to your doctor for help. It is okay to not be okay! It is okay to need help. I reached out and got the help I needed when I noticed I didn't feel like "me" anymore. It was one of the best decisions of my life!

Another book part of Arctober where I listened and read the book. I like both versions equally! They were great!

Read this Book If:

On my Scale of Buy, Bargain, Borrow, Bud or Bust I rate this book: BUY. I need a physical copy for my library.

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This book was a struggle to get through. The characters were not likable and noone seemed to have a personality. I did finish it but it was hard

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I really wanted to get to this one, as it seemed interesting. This was requested when I first found out about NetGalley and I had requested so many ARCs that I could not get to all of them before they were archived. If I can find this somewhere for a reasonable price, I will try to get it!

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Isolated. Lonely. Tired. Nothing is easy about being a new mom, alone in a new house, especially with a collicky baby. Natalie Fanning loves her son, motherhood was not all she wanted to be. Paul, a neighbour, is the lifeline she needs. He helps with Oliver, calmed by his reassuring, steady presence, Nat feels she can finally rest. But Paul wants something in return. It's no coincidence he befriended Nat - she is the perfect pawn for his own plan.


This was a really twisted read, and I didn't know what was coming. I related to the "new mother" aspect - living in a fog, feeling isolated, looking for community. I can see how things could get blurry and confusing. It was so sad to see someone taking advantage of her this way. I believe this was my first Nora Murphy read - I would def read her again!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advance copy of The New Mother by Nora Murphy in exchange for my honest review and opinion. I liked (not loved) this book as I think I thought it was going to be a psychological thriller than it actually was. I enjoyed it and will for sure read more by Nora Murphy in the future.

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I wouldn't go as far to say that this book was a thriller/mystery. In my opinion it was more of a domestic drama that focused on the trials women go through when they have a newborn. That being said, since I was expecting more of a thriller, I was left feeling a little underwhelmed by the plot line.

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Nora Murphy did it again. THE NEW MOTHER was a total trip- in a good way. I really enjoyed this novel, much like I did her previous book (which I also listened to as audio) THE FAVOR. In THE NEW MOTHER, Natalie
is struggling deeply with the challenges, change, and exhaustion that accompanies new motherhood. Her type A high achiever approach to parenting has set herself up for zero sleep, crazy stress, and the inability to successfully return to work. Paul befriends her and the reader immediately knows he has ulterior motives, we just don't know what they are. This is a twisty story that literally made me anxious, with plot points that truly surprised me! Good book. EXCELLENT narrator

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Ugh, this book was good. It gave me all the creep vibes, which is what I loved. Not for the faint of heart but well done!

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I enjoyed this novel by Nora Murphy. I felt so seen as how I experienced new motherhood. For anyone who has been a mother alone with a newborn you will totally relate. What a great setting for a thriller, such a common phenomenon for so many. I found the characters relatable and the neighborhood setting realistic. For fans of suspense or new mothers I would highly recommend.

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This book was trippy in a fantastic way. I also loved the really human touch - new mothers are incredibly vulnerable so while it was super uncomfortable to read about, it made for a really compelling story.

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The New Mother is probably one of my top books for 2023. This book is NOT a fast paced thriller which should be said in advance. However, it is loaded with suspense and unreliability that will leave you intrigued.

As a mom to a toddler that LOVES domestic suspense, this was right up my alley. The depiction of new motherhood in the first few chapters was SPOT ON. It is beautiful and joyous but it is so hard with your physical and mental well being constantly challenged. I think that Nora Murphy did an excellent job with this.

Natalie is a tired and isolated mom used to a big career and big responsibility. While now tasked with a new big responsibility, she is eager for some help. Enter Paul, the neighbor, and stay at home dad. Paul is a blessing who quickly turns into a curse. This slow burn suspense was a great read that kept me interested with its multiple POV.

5 stars for me!

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*I received a free copy of this novel from NetGalley and St. Martin's Press and Minotaur Books for my honest review.*

A new mother is being gas lighted by her neighbor who doesn't want to be married anymore. None of the characters are particularly likeable. And I didn't feel like this was even a thriller. More like a drama. But the story unfolded nicely and there were things that happened that I was happy for.

It also made me very happy to not have had to deal with post partum. I will definitely keep reading novels by this author.

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I got to part 2 and I guess as a mother, I can't listen any more. It is just repetitive and I'm not sure where the story is going, but I'm out.

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Natalie is a new mother who extended her eight-week maternity leave into a sabbatical from a law firm because of the difficulty she is having caring for a Oliver, her demanding infant. Enter, the creepy neighbor, Paul, a stay-at-home dad and househusband who supports his wife's finance career by taking care of their daughter who is now ten years old. Paul is a former college instructor and allegedly an aspiring novelist, but his real fascination is with vulnerable women in this upscale neighborhood. As Natalie deals with her crying baby, sleeplessness, and depression, Paul appears as the helpful neighbor. The New Mother is an autobiographical novels about postpartum issues and most importantly, vulnerability. Recommended for discussion groups who enjoy talking about women and self care.

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