Member Reviews

You would think that Natalie is beyond tired, but happy. After all, she’s just giving birth to her child, Oliver. She and her husband, Tyler have recently moved to a larger house in a great school district ( planning for the future). She is on maternity leave and will have the chance to bond with her new baby before going back to work. Sounds lovely but that isn’t exactly what happens. Oliver is a difficult baby, never sleeping and ensuring that Natalie could get hired as a zombie on The Walking Dead. She comes to loathe everything about her husband as he sleeps and his career progresses. The only bright spot is meeting her neighbor, Paul. A man who is a stay at home father and seems to be the only person who understands what Natalie is going through. But something about Paul just isn’t quite right, even if Natalie is too exhausted, and stressed to see it. Soon, though, she will discover that there is more to him than she imagined, and extreme fatigue might become the least of her problems.
A plot that builds chapter by chapter until I was sure that I had figured out how this would end. Spoiler alert: it didn’t, end in the way I imagined! What a surprise! I know it didn’t really fit into the story, but I would’ve liked to have spent more time with Paul. He was just such a loathsome,I mean helpful neighbor and quite a character.

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books for the copy of The New Mother by Nora Murphy. While I liked the lead up to the murder, I hated that so much time was spent portraying Natalie as an incapable mother and it was surprising that no one could tell that Natalie was suffering from PPD. The amount of time devoted to her attempts at and feed for breastfeeding and her feelings of inadequacy took up a huge portion of the book. While I feel for the author after reading the author notes, I felt like I was being browbeaten. The idea of the story was great, but the murder and its resolution was overshadowed by the PPD aspect. I would have loved it if the murder and investigation had felt less like it was just tacked on to give some suspense. 2.5 star rounded up to 3

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Thanks so much to @stmartinspress for my advance preview of The New Mother by Nora Murphy. The story synopsis had a great premise and I was interested to read it as I'm a huge fan of psychological suspense and the mystery aspect of the book sounded interesting. A smart, competent attorney, living the dream in suburbia, has a baby, and the caring of that baby, sends her spiraling down a path of post partum depression and worse, she is beginning to question her memory. We have a strange neighbor that gives the impression of someone who is befriending our new mom, but is he really? This plot line was one that I wish was explored more, as I think it could have enhanced the story. I felt way too much effort was put on the breastfeeding aspect, it seemed every other page that is what was being described. The twist at the end was not surprising, and predictable.

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4.5 stars. This is my second novel by Nora Murphy and I was so excited when I saw she was releasing her second. I loved, The Favor, and jumped to read The New Mother. I am. now a big fan of Nora Murphy because this was just as good as her debut. Murphy’s character development is wonderful, she creates unique and relatable characters who you are rooting for and hoping they get away with it or wake up and smell the coffee. I can’t wait to see what her third book is about and no matter what it is….I’m reading it!

Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for allowing me to read, The New Mother, in exchange for my honest review.

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Wow! Nora Murphy nailed what it is like to be a new mom and be sleep deprived and just wish you could get some sleep. Your heart goes out to Natalie as you read about her day and how she is forgetting things and loosing track of time. She returns to work after eight weeks and she realizes she can't focus like she use to.

Natalie goes on sabatical from work because she feels she has no other choice. She meets Paul a friendly neighbor and thinks finally someone who understands what she is going through and can help her. Unfortunately, Paul has a plan to use Natalie to help make his life better. Paul is one person you will love to hate in this book.

Being a mom is the toughest job you can have and sometimes the loneliest as this book points out. You are isolated and sometimes don't know how to ask for help. It was beautiful how the book ended and that Detective Jill West was able to help her see that she needed help and that it wasn't something to be ashamed of.

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Murphy’s previous novel, “The Favor,” was one of my favorite books of 2022 so I was elated to get a chance to read her most recent book, “The New Mother.” I’m not quite sure how I felt about this novel or how to rate it. On one hand, it is, without a shred of doubt, the most authentic portrayal of every aspect of postpartum reality for new mothers that I’ve ever read in a fiction book or even in non-fiction parenting or birth books. It is INTENSE in its realness. So much so that, frankly, it was a massive struggle for me to read. I recognized myself in Natalie so much so that it was frightening and I think other women might feel similarly. There’s a reason why our brains block out some of the trauma of postpartum life after years of experiencing it and I didn’t enjoy the PTSD this book rendered for me. I kept going, though, and once I got to more of the “action” (about 2/3 of the way in), I enjoyed it more. It isn’t really a thriller but it does read like a horror story at times and is definitely a slow, slow, slowwwwwwww burn. The ending wrapped up much too quickly and neatly and I was disappointed that, despite the alternating POVs from Natalie and Paul throughout the novel, we didn’t get a chance to hear Paul’s final thoughts. I also think having Petra (Paul’s daughter) speak at some point would have added dimension to the story. I did appreciate the epilogue and Murphy’s honest author notes, urging women to see the signs for postpartum disorders and get the help they need. Overall, this was too triggering for me personally but I commend the author on her raw and authentic depiction of the early stages of motherhood.

Thank you NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for the advance copy. All opinions in this review are my own.

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New motherhood. A time if great joy and great pain. Growing pains felt all through a once smaller family. But what happens when your normal baby blues turns into full blown postpartum depression, or even worse postpartum psychosis? Well that’s one ride that can lead to disaster. Especially for a new, sleep deprived mother who is being preyed upon by a cold hearted killer with a kind demeanor and who is so willing to help make her feel normal again. A man who wants nothing more than to draw her in close, and let her sleep deprived self take the fall for his misdeeds. This is a crazy cat and mouse game that hooks you fast and reels you in to a world where nothing is what it seems. Highly recommended as a fast fun take on that lovely space called new motherhood.

Thank you so much to #NetGalley, the authors and publisher for extending an ARC in exchange for my honest review. My full review will be available on all social media on release day.

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Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for this fabulous advanced reader copy. I have to admit I was hooked from the first chapter. I felt for Nat as a new mommy! I have been there several times and felt that isolation, But then she meets Paul, and you think this is just a neighbor who can wants to help her. Every chapter had me shaking my head and shocked to see how this storyline was happening. Plain and simple.... read this book; it took me down a path I never saw coming. I did not want it to end. What a story but one all women can relate to as they travel that road with a new baby, sleepless days and nights, and feeling all alone in their struggle; add in a fantastic twist, and you have The New Mother!

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A satisfying game of cat and mouse- I felt for the heroine even when I questioned her choices. A believable tale that any mother, or any woman who’s ever been unsure of her choices, will relate to.

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Per usual, though this is a 5 star read to me, I didn't give it a favorite designation because I don't see me re-reading this in the future. I thought this was a great thriller and I loved the twists and turns the book takes.

"The New Mother" follows Natalie Fanning, known as Nat throughout the book. Nat has given birth and also recently moved into a new neighborhood. Nat feels overwhelmed with love of her newborn son, but also feels as if she's slowly losing it due to lack of sleep and conversation with other adults. She meets one of her neighbors, Paul, who seems to have a magic touch with her son, can get him to settle when no one else can. But also Paul seems to listen and understand her problems. Enter. Murder. Just pretend those last two words were followed by a maniacal laugh.

I thought the book did a great job of giving us Nat and Paul's points of view throughout. I do have to say though based on what was going on with Nat. I had comments/questions about things I was shocked that no one was asking about. And I say that as a woman who has no children (God love them, don't want them myself).

The writing was great. Nat's sections felt more and more divorced from reality. Pauls' read as stoic. And no spoilers, but liked the slow reveals about a host of things going on. I thought one thing, and then quickly realized I was wrong.

The flow worked for this one too. The whole plot takes course over a period of five months. I don't know if all the bits and ends would have been wrapped up that fast, but honestly I was glad for it. The other book I finished the other day felt like it took forever to get to the end.

The setting of the story taking place in a well to do neighborhood where too many neighbors notice things was great. I have noticed a rise in suburbia will kill you stories, and this was one of them and I enjoyed it.

The ending was great and I liked how things got resolved.

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I read this author’s debut novel (The Favor) last year and really enjoyed it - I knew this would be an author to keep an eye on, so I was very happy to get the ARC for this, her second book!

The synopsis is slightly short, as this review will probably be, because you don’t want to know what this man, Paul, has in store before you read it yourself. We know from the synopsis that he has an interest in our protagonist though, and it’s as creepy (if not more) than you’re imagining.

Natalie is our main character, and she’s a mom with a difficult newborn. It’s obvious from the beginning that she has post-partum depression, and that, combined with a lack of sleep, is really affecting her mental health. She loves them both, but she’s angry with her husband and angry with her baby - she can’t get sleep, her baby Oliver eats constantly and Natalie feels like a downed cow. At so many times in the book, I wanted to shake her and say “JUST LET HIM HAVE A BOTTLE SO YOU CAN HAVE YOUR SANITY”, but I know there are a lot of mothers who feel guilt over breast-feeding. Natalie is definitely one of them.

All this is happening in a new neighborhood, and Natalie has no close support system aside from her increasingly-distant husband. One day, while breaking down during a walk with her son, she meets Paul. He’s one of her neighbors, a stay-at-home dad/aspiring writer, and is the only person aside from Natalie who can get Oliver to sleep. Soon, she trusts this man completely … which was exactly his plan.

This was quick, super entertaining, relatable to moms, and a great thriller. It was also a good look at post-partum depression/psychosis and insomnia. I really enjoyed this one; it gets a solid four stars from me!

(Thank you to St. Martin’s Press, Nora Murphy, and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review. This book is slated to be released on May 30, 2023.)

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This was such a good psychological thriller. I never felt bored because the pacing was just right. I liked how the book commented on the unbearable stress of motherhood, but it wasn’t preachy about it. I really felt the pain and suffering of the mother in the book, and even though I could see where the story was headed, each step held my attention.

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Bravo, for Nora Murphy for writing such an excellent novel of what it's like to be a new mother. Trying to do things right, albeit putting yourself in the position to expect perfection from yourself. My experience was very different from this character Natalie, and even this author's. My sons are 24 and 21 now, but I remember their births and my feelings toward motherhood as easy and the memories come back like they were only yesterday. I am not up to date with the latest *How to care for your new baby manuals*. I think that this book is a great learning experience for mothers who have just given birth, and are trying to figure it all out. I still very much enjoyed this novel for the most part. Sometimes I just wanted to say to Natalie (the main character), to not be so hard on herself. I disagreed with her about letting her baby Oliver fall asleep in his baby swing, so she could get some rest. I would imagine that anybody who went without sleep for as long as she did, would slip into the grips of psychosis. I think that my one quibble with this novel is it did get a little repetitive from Natalie's ruminations of her continuous ramblings about not sleeping. That's not to say that I didn't sympathize and empathize with what she herself put herself through.

Like I said, I haven't read up on the latest research, but the baby swing saved me and my husband in terms of getting sleep with our first born. We had the same problem with our first born son, in that he would cry whenever we put him in his crib. So we put the baby swing next to our bed, and let him sleep in it. It worked like a charm. He would finally settle down and sleep, and we would give the swing a new wind up, every time he woke up. He would go back to sleep, and so would my husband and I. Natalie says to her husband Tyler that sitting up sleep--isn't as healthy for a baby. My son was relentless just like Baby Oliver. He wouldn't sleep in his crib and wanted to be picked up, so I wanted to say to Natalie who suffers from either/or Postpartum depression, or psychosis or both. Stop refusing every idea to give herself a break, and accept some help from those offering to give it. Happy mother equals a happy baby. I thought Natalie was being unreasonable by ridiculing her Mother-in-law's decision to be a stay at home mom. She refused her husband Tyler's offers to let his mother help, so Natalie could finally get a break.

Basically, this book is about a new mother with her new born baby named Oliver who thinks she is a failure as a mother. At not being able to resume her job as a lawyer, after only eight weeks of maternity leave. At not accepting help from her husband or his mother. Natalie thinks that she and she alone is the only one who can soothe her baby. Except for her neighbor, Paul Riley, who is a stay at home father of a ten year old daughter named Petra. Paul befriends Natalie in their bucolic neighborhood, and he is the only one Natalie lets hold her baby. Soon the two of them become
great friends. It is only Paul who can give Natalie the moral support, but Paul has nefarious plans for Natalie. The up to no good Paul Riley and his intentions are what saved this book for me and elevated it up to a Five star reading experience for me. I think that his actions and the consequences of what he does is what enhances this novel greatly, for me anyway. I think that I enjoyed this novel, but feel that younger women preparing to give birth or women who have just given birth will be the target audience to read this. Perhaps, for women who think that they have to do it all, they might also benefit from reading this.

Publication Date: May 30, 2023

Thank you to Net Galley, Nora Murphy and St. Martin's Press for generously providing me with my ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions are my own.

#TheNewMother #NoraMurphy #StMartinsPress #NetGalley

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Although I am more than a little bit over the "new mom, sleep-deprived, convinced she's going crazy, being told she's too emotional" plot device, this one throws in an over the top horribly scary, do-good stay at home dad next door neighbor. That's not something I think I have read before, and I found it downright chilling and page-turning. If you'd like a fresh-take on this type of storyline, this is one for you.

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Now this is the kind of thriller I love. I was pulled in instantly and on the edge of my seat many times. Lots of twists and turns throughout. Nat is a new mother, living in a new house, in a new neighborhood and dealing with postpartum depression. She's lonely, exhausted, and can't seem to relax, until she becomes friends with Paul. The stay at home dad in her neighborhood. He seems to be just what she needed to help her. As you read on, Paul begins to seem very sus and you start to wonder, does Paul have an ulterior motive for befriending Nat?!

This was a fun, suspenseful and relatable thriller. I did not guess how it played out. I can't wait to read future books by this author.

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the gifted copy. All opinions are my own. Out May 30. My review will be posted on Goodreads, Instagram, Bookbub, and Amazon once it publishes.

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Oh my gosh! I was totally hooked on this book! Cannot wait to read more by Nora Murphy. This had all the elements of a perfect psychological thriller. So many feels. I laughed, cried, nearly threw my kindle. And then cried again. It struck so many chords with me. Brilliant characters that just kept the storyline racing along. Highly recommend!
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book

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This book was surprisingly good. So well written, the main character's struggle with a new baby who doesn't sleep much who needs so much, who is losing herself and desperate and perfect for a neighbor with suspicious motives. I wish there was a little more time spent on how she turned the tables, there was a lot of build up in a quiet way. 4..5 rounded up

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A special thank you to St Martins Press, Nora Murphy and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this uncorrected proof in exchange for my honest review. This book offers a lot to fans of psychological thrillers! A new mom adjusting to her life while undergoing post pardon depression, a seemingly too perfect, ever so helpful married man from her block and lots of manipulation. The reader is told “who done it” in reference to the actual murder, but the reader is left guessing whether they covered their tracks enough to get away with it. Some parts of the resolution of this story seemed far fetched to me, but since it’s fiction, I rolled with it! I would recommend this book to others!

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Having thoroughly enjoyed The Favor by this Author, I was ready and willing to dive into her second book. Holy Moly!!! Natalie is an isolated, exhausted new mother who is befriended by the stay-at-home dad who lives down the street. I was afraid for Natalie. If I ever had a neighbour like Paul, I would be moving! This Author is going places. Read her books. This one is especially amazing. Thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press and the Author for the invitation and allowing me to read and review this book.

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Captivating, riveting, emotional, unpredictable.

Natalie just had her first baby. He's not an easy baby and her life seems to be falling apart around her. Until Paul, her neighbor, comes into the picture. The man has the magic touch. But what are his true intentions?

A solid domestic thriller I enjoyed.

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