Member Reviews

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC.

In the cacophony of career advice books, "The Unspoken Truths for Career Success" stands out like a beacon in a foggy harbor. Tessa White, with her no-nonsense prose and laser-focused insights, delivers a refreshing take on navigating the treacherous waters of professional life.

White dismantles the myths that have ensnared countless ambitious souls. She boldly declares that hard work doesn't always translate to a fatter paycheck. Instead, she unveils the secret sauce: leveraging your position to maximize your salary. It's not about burning the midnight oil; it's about strategic moves that yield tangible results.

Promotions aren't handed out like candy at a parade. White's pragmatic advice? Be better than your job description. If you want that corner office, you need to outshine your current role. She dissects the anatomy of promotions, revealing the hidden ingredients that propel you up the ladder.

Companies don't reciprocate loyalty with equal fervor. White urges us to stop waiting for the gold star we've earned. Instead, focus on your future. It's a wake-up call for those who've been slogging away, expecting a ticker-tape parade. Spoiler alert: it ain't happening.

Work/life balance isn't a mythical unicorn. White advocates for working smarter, not harder. She delves into the science of productivity, teaching us to dance with our brains rather than against them. Burnout? Not on her watch.

Office politics—the murky swamp where alliances are forged and daggers sharpened. White doesn't shy away from this reality. Instead, she arms us with knowledge. Master the unspoken rules, and you'll wield influence like a seasoned diplomat.

Reading "The Unspoken Truths for Career Success"feels like that moment when the fog lifts, and you glimpse the distant shore. White's insights are practical, actionable, and delivered with a dash of wit. Whether you're a fresh-faced intern or a seasoned executive, this book is your compass.

Tessa White's book is a must-read for anyone navigating the labyrinth of corporate life. It's not just about climbing the ladder; it's about doing so with purpose, savvy, and a touch of rebellion. So grab your highlighter, sip your coffee, and let White's wisdom guide you toward career nirvana.

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Rating: 4/5 Stars
Great for: millennials, those new to "business" books but want something that isn't dry or slow, those navigating the corporate world, anyone who works in general!

Thank you to Net Galley and Harper Collins for providing me with the DRC for this novel! Great common sense guide to navigating difficult moments in the career world. I think it lays out the soft skills in the communication category very well, things that are hard to learn without having some tough experiences yourself. It feels like a guide to setting your mindset up for success by taking accountability. This book also touches on how important it is for those in leadership positions to truly listen to succeed.

Overall, this is just a solid, non-preachy guide to being in the world and I'm here for it! Would definitely be a great one to recommend to those people who are hesitant to read a "business book", as its not the least bit dry.

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This is a compelling and insightful workplace manual that expertly challenges prevailing misconceptions in today's complex professional world. The author exposes the realities of pay, promotions, loyalty, burnout, and office politics, providing readers with practical strategies to maximize their career prospects. This book would be a good resource for anyone who wants to take control of their career trajectory in a competitive landscape of remote work and shifting job dynamics.

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I have been following The Job Doctor on TikTok for awhile now and loving her insights and tips about career success. I was excited to get a copy of her book and go more in depth. I learned a lot and was able to immediately start applying some of the principles. I appreciated the 5 stages of careers and identified where I am, and what skills I need to focus on to get to the next level. I think this book would be helpful to anybody at any stage of their career. Solid 4 stars.

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A great book to have on your career shelf! A thorough look at careers and advice on navigating them, whether you are just entering the profession or a seasoned pro. I loved the case studies, sentence stems and assignments. Definitely a must have for understanding an important area of your life.

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I can't recommend this book enough! It really helps to understanding corporate work life and teaches how you can positively shape your career. Literally everyone in employment would benefit from reading this book!

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Excellent read for folks who want to accelerate their career without being Machiavellian about it. Some parts feel similar to the Gutsy Girl Handbook and How Women Rise, but those books were specific to women in the workplace. This book is targeted towards anyone working for a corporation who feels frustrated why meritocracy is not rewarded or why "executives" are out of touch with employees. Loved the tips customized to various stages of career.

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Exactly what you need to hear if you were raised not to be pushy. A quick and enjoyable read packed with useful information.

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This is the best book I’ve read on how to navigate corporate life for individuals who want to make an impact and advance through the ranks. I mine books like these for nuggets of helpful advice, and I finished this book with pages of them thanks to Tessa’s direct approach and no-nonsense advice.

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This book was a gemstone for me thanks to valuable recommendations and interesting case studies. I wish I read it earlier to save time in professional career growth. You can find a lot of information on company 's politicians loyalty, priorities and attitude towards employees. There is a good part on professional development at different career stages and skills to focus. Definitely worth reading because everyone can find some useful advice.

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It’s not something I would usually pick up or even my usual genre - and yet I still enjoyed some of the things discussed in this book. Business has always been something I went back and fourth on in high school. This was a very interesting read.

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