Member Reviews

Thanks to the author and publisher for the arc of this story. It was my first foray with this author and I was drawn into the world that had clearly been created over several books.

While entertaining enough, this ultimately fell on the lighter side of urban fantasy with many of the common pitfalls. Characters that lacked real depth, instalust, a heroine who’s described as being a badass, but kinda fails to show it.

If you’re happy to put all that aside, it’s not a bad book to spend a few hours with, but not something to come back to again and again.

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NetGalley ARC Educator 550974

This is Antonio and Rachel’s story. This is a continuation of the Vampires of America series. This is a standalone book. However, you will want to read the entire series as Ms. Reynolds is a prolific author and the characters are breathtaking. Antonio is a vampire elder and Lord, Rachel is an assassin who hates and hunts supernatural beings. I was sucked in from the very beginning. I love slow building romances with action thrown in.

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Loved reading the engaging and mesmerizing paranormal romance story. Rachel, an assassin, is hired to kill Lord Antonio, the vampire ruler of Portugal, but Rachel is having difficulty completing her mission. Read the highly. recommended, wonderfully written, and a riveting must read love story.

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Loved this read. When an assassin sets to to kill the most important vampire in Portugal will she succeed., or has she bitten off more then she can chew?

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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Well HOT damn!!! This was freakin awesome! Although I should never be surprised by this author. Honestly I have read ever book in this series and how they never get repetitive or boring speaks volumes of this author. I freakin loved the energy they had and the amazing chemistry! Great characters and intriguing storyline.

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Rachel is given up by her mother who is a powerful woman. She used her small daughter to gain the favor of the people and get the position of power she wanted but we never really find out how she used her daughter for that or why she had her in the first place. When Rachel is little her mother gives her over to a boarding school where she is trained to become an assassin. But when she is a little older she finds her mother and confronts her and her mother tells her she never wanted her in the first place. She doesn't see her again after that for a long time.

Rachel works for The Society and they assign her who to kill. She knows if she doesn't carry out their orders, she could be the next one on the kill list. But they seem to want her to be killed by her job since they keep giving her really hard assignments like assassinating a very powerful vampire lord. She isn't sure they actually want her to make it out alive.

The thing is we don't even see Rachel and Antonio together and talking until around the 44 percent mark of the book. Before that we get a lot of her background and the plans on how she's going with Lady Inge to be her translator which will be her way in to meet Antonio and seduce him so she can find him when he's in his vampire sleep during the day and kill him. The only problem is Lord Antonio is a very powerful vampire and can stay awake and even out in the sun during the day for sometime. So that really blew her plans out of the water.

The first half of this book was very boring. The two main characters don't even meet until almost halfway through the book. There were so many pages of descriptions that really could have been shortened. The lack of action, dialogue and storyline really made this book hard to read because it was boring to the point of me having to put it down and come back to it several times while I was reading.

The vampire politics were nothing short of boring and really made this story drag out, almost to the point that I almost stopped reading it but I was really hoping it would get better which never happened. Antonio is supposed to be this powerful vampire who turns beserker at times when he's really angry, but I just didn't see it. When he finds out what and who Rachel really is and why she's really there, I expected him to get really angry but he didn't and that just didn't seem like his personality at all.

Rachel is a deadly assassin who has been raised to hate the supernatural being she kills but she finds herself attracted to Antonio right away to the point that she has a hard time concentrating. I would have thought her training would help her through that but it didn't seem to. I found that far fetched, I would have found it more plausible if she had fought the attraction a little harder, but she didn't. It just wasn't believable. The ending was very predictable and made the story something I just rolled my eyes at. I usually like vampire romance stories but this one didn't live up to my expectations.

Disclosure: I was given an e-ARC of this book via NetGalley but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Another hit in the series by a great author. Love her books! Hard to believe this is book 15 already, and they just get better and better all the time. Set in Portugal, with a Vampire Lord and an Assassin who instead of fighting each other work together to find out who is pulling their strings. Good story and characters. Highly recommend.

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It had been a while, but suddenly a new story on the European vampires popped up at Netgalley. This story picks up after Xavier has become the Lord of Spain. One of his best friends, Antonio defends his honour and accidentally defeats the vampire Lord of Portugal. Antonio doesn’t want to be a Lord. He was happy in service for Xavier. But now, he must rule Portugal. Fast forward to now, when Lady Inge, second in command to Lord Walther of Germany, comes to visit Antonio. Lady Inge has made it clear, that she thinks she and Antonio would be a great match, whereas Antonio really isn’t attracted to her. But to maintain the good relationship with Germany, he will receive her and her entourage. The human translator in Lady Inge’s party is a lot more intriguing to Antonio. Although just a mere human in a palace full of deadly vampires. Rachel doesn’t seem afraid. Not the normal for a translator, or so it seems. What Antonio doesn’t know, is that Rachel has infiltrated into Lady Inge’s team, with the single purpose of killing Antonio.

Rachel has been raised by a secret group, called The Society, who target vampires. As an assassin, she doesn’t learn why she has to kill her target. But lately she has been getting more and more dangerous assignments. It almost looks if someone wants her dead. Her latest assignment, taking out Osiris, was however finished by Nicodemus (rings a bell?! So, yeah, there are some storylines of DB Reynolds interacting, but all the stories can be perfectly as a standalone. But it’s sooooo much better if you read the other stories as well. And then you can also enjoy the similarities between badass Cyn (from Raphael) and Rachel. Same as DB Reynolds other stories, Antonio has some twist and turns and keeps you entertained throughout the night. 

Four out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc.

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I had every intention of having this read and reviewed before it's release date, but that obviously didn't happen. And I'll tell you why. Because this book was just so boring! I wanted to like it. I really did. Antonio was a pretty fun guy, especially when he was with Rachel. But so much of the story focused on Rachel and I didn't really care at all for her.

So it turns out that Xavier is Antonio's sire. If that was mentioned in his book, I don't remember. It doesn't really matter except for the fact that it was because Antonio was following him that Antonio ended up a vampire lord. Xavier was trying to quietly leave for Spain, because that's where he wanted to rule, but the lord of Portugal at the time was convinced he was threat to his own rule and pretty much chased him down. Antonio stayed behind to buy Xavier time to get away. He had no intention or desire to be a vampire lord, but obviously it happened. And he's been one for quite a long time.

Rachel was abandoned by her mother at a very young age to be raised by the zealot group she was part of leading. As she grew older, Rachel never trusted the group, but she was really good at what she did. She was trained to be an assassin. Something we are told ad nauseam throughout the book. While she never questioned why she was sent after her targets, she didn't enjoy the killing like her peers did. Even so, we're told more than once that she was one of the best.

Antonio is Rachel's current target. Her directions were to act as an interpreter for another vampire that had a meeting with him, seduce him, and kill him. Really not so easy when she'll be in his own home. Or one would think. The attraction between these two is immediate and it's only Rachel that fights it. And not even for long as she finds herself in his bed, in his secured vault, pretty much right away. But she can't bring herself to kill him. Which is a good thing because there's a dangerous plot going down that centers on Antonio. So while most of the book is meetings with all of the various main characters, or Rachel going out and doing touristy things, the ending has one big battle going on. Was is exciting? Meh. Yes and no. Honestly, I expected a hell of a lot more from Rachel considering how often we are told how great she is. I did like the very end when Rachel got her revenge of a sort and Antonio finished it all. I kind of doubt the organization is destroyed completely, but I guess we'll see.

The epilogue has us coming back to America it seems, and while I didn't really care for this book, I am looking forward to that one.

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It was great to return to the Author's Vampire in Europe series - what's not to like when you have a book featuring Vampires , Assassins and Intrigue

Vampire Lord of Portugal , Antonio , is a reluctant host to Lady Inge who is supposedly seeking an alliance on behalf of her Sire , the Vampire Lord of Germany
As part of her entourage Lady Inge has employed a human translator , Rachel Shepherd - however Rachel is no ordinary translator , she is an assassin in the employ of the Society .......... her target Antonio
As sparks fly Rachel begins to doubt her mission and when she discovers she has been double crossed by the Society she knows where her loyalty really lies .............

This is yet another enjoyable , fast paced , paranormal romance from the Author - Rachel shows touches of a younger Cyn .

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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Assassins and Vampires what’s not to love in this fast paced story. Antonio, Vampire Lord of Portugal is next on Rachel’s list. When these enemies meet the romance is red hot. There enemies have plenty to worry about when they join forces. This story rips along at a great pace which will leave you wanting more.
Thank you NetGalley and (publisher, Belle Books Inc) for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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This series is like going to the source of my love for reading - I started with paranormal books so - Vampires are my jam. This series consists of many installments and travels from America to Europe. This time we will visit more than one country which is interesting and shows how different Europe is from America.
Antonio didn't want to become Vampire Lord, but fate changed when he killed the current Portugal Lord. It was his worst nightmare he wanted to stay by the side of his beloved Sire - Xavier. Yet after a few centuries, he's still a Lord that rules from Porto. Right now he is about to host a delegation from the German court - something h would like to avoid... but... then they come, and with them, there is a translator that catches his attention... A HUMAN!
Rachel had a harsh upbringing - she was not loved by her mother and then abandoned... my heart cried for her as this was terrible. She was bred to become an emotionless assassin that would kill when told... but then something happens so would not oblige to everything she was told!
Antonio is the target on Rachel's list, but unexpectedly she got attracted to him and this is something that no one was ready for. they are matched for each other - keeping on toes will be included and banter where she will try to not fall for him. I would love to have more "couple" time in this book - as this feeling developed quickly, not allowing reader to grow exactly for them. And with this ending, I'm intrigued by what Ms. Reynolds will bring us in the next installment.

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Antonio is book #5 of the Vampire in America paranormal series by D.B. Reynolds. It is told in 3rd person from dual POV with a happy ending. A great addition to the Vampires in America series!

★ World building: 🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎
★ Character development: 👤👤👤
★ Plot: 📚📚📚
★ Romance: 💕💕💕
★ Overall Rating: 3.5

When assassin for hire Rachel Shepherd is sent by the society she works for to kill the vampire Lord Antonio Silveira, the suspicion she’s had about her superiors wanting her to die in the line of duty are confirmed.

As they connect to reveal their true adversaries, Rachel and Antonio form a deep connection of trust and loyalty they never thought possible.

Rachel and Antonio are interesting characters. Rachel reminded me of Cyn, as she’s a total bad @$$, while Antonio is without a doubt a delicious alpha male.

I’ve been a longtime fan of this series, and although I did enjoy this story, I did find it curious that the main characters didn’t meet almost until the middle of the book. Yes, their backstory was substantial, but I would have liked more interaction between them in the present instead of the insta-lust/love they had.

That said, I always enjoy going back to this world and that epilogue which hits at North American Lieutenants is super intriguing. I can’t wait to see what’s next.

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I’ve read all of the previous books in this series, and while I don’t think that’s necessary, it definitely helps understand the overall world and buildup to the current focus. I’d also recommend checking them out because, while I still enjoyed this book, there may be others you’d enjoy more.

This book is Antonio’s story, which really ends up being Rachel’s tale. Rachel is an assassin for the Society, a shadowy organization that kills “others.” Her mother is the head of the organization, and Rachel was treated as an orphan since she was very young. Her connections and ability to persevere ended up getting her a coveted spot in their crew of assassins. Lately, though, it seems like her jobs are getting harder and harder, leading her to believe they may be trying to retire her early. Her latest assignment, to assassinate Antonio, reinforces that.

Antonio is a vampire lord and really should not even be on Rachel’s list of possible targets because they are so unevenly matched. The plan is to seduce him, which also shouldn’t work, but vampire mate bonds work in strange ways. It takes a large portion of the book for these two to even be in the same room, so if you’re looking for lots of romance and smutty good times, there isn’t a bunch in here. The majority of the book was spent in the buildup to what is a pretty awesome battle. To be honest, I was more excited about what the epilogue may be hinting to next than this couple.

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Antonio: Vampires in Europe is book 15 in the Vampires in America series. I have been reading this series for many years and while I have loved some books more than others, I continue to be obsessed with Ms. Reynolds' vampires especially my favorite of all time Raphael. I say this because although I didn't enjoy this book as much as I hoped, I will continue to read this series. Basically, the story is about a young woman Rachel abandoned by her mother to an orphanage where she is trained to be an assassin. Her newest target is Antonio the Lord of Portugal. As I said above, I really wanted to love this book but there were so many things that I just don't enjoy. For starters the couple doesn't even meet till almost 44%, we spend so much time with them separate and in their minds and then almost immediately they are intimate, in love and then it's the end. Personally, I felt the romance and the overall story lacking.

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Another exciting and hot addition to this imaginative series. I was a tad surprised how long it took for the couple to actually meet but that was clearly a plot device to allow the reader to understand their backgrounds.

Rachel will no doubt be popular with Cyn fans, she's a younger version and just as capable and dangerous. Antonio is a heartthrob without a doubt, loyal to the core and most definitely a man of action both in and out of the bedroom! A must read for the fans of this series and I cannot wait to read the next book in the series!!!

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And just like that I’m back in the Vampires in America, or in this case Europe, game. I have to admit that I was beginning to find VIA a bit repetitive. However, Ms Reynolds has reenergised the series with this book. Antonio is a great protagonist and Rachel is an engaging heroine. The story was action packed and kept me engaged the whole way through. The romance was built well and the next story arc is off to a great start. Looking forward to the next book in the series! Thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A good but different start to Antonio the newest book from Db Reynolds. Getting an insight to Rachel Sheppard front and centre to start this book gave it a fresh and exciting approach and you understand why. Antonio Silveiro is Portugal’s Lord Vampire he maybe be charming, but he is also brutal. A story of vengeance, power, understanding, and love Antonio is an edgy, dynamic and intriguing read, I was engaged throughout and will definitely recommend this to readers.

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3.75stars--ANTONIO is the fifteenth instalment in DB Reynolds’ adult VAMPIRES IN AMERICA/ VAMPIRES IN EUROPE erotic, vampire romance series. This is Portugal’s Lord Vampire Antonio, and vampire assassin Rachel Shepherd’s story line. ANTONIO can be read as a stand alone without any difficulty. Any important information from previous story lines is revealed where necessary. Antonio was first introduced in book fourteen XAVIER.

Told from third person perspective using present day and memories from the past, ANTONIO follows vampire assassin Rachel Shepherd on her latest task, an assignment from The Society to take down and kill Lord Vampire Antonio. Working as the translator for German vampire Lady Ingeborg Fischer, Rachel finds herself up close and personal on Lady Inge’s visit to Porto, Portugal with the man she has been ordered to kill but Rachel knows there is more to this assignment that she has been told, and our heroine finds herself the target of some very powerful people.

From the age of twelve Rachel Shepherd found herself a virtual prisoner of The Society, a group of powerful men and women who claim to take in unwanted orphans, and train them to become lawful citizens but Rachel knows better, and The Society’s focus is on the take down of the supernatural, one vampire at a time using highly skilled assassins in the process. Lord Antonio’s attraction to Rachel is immediate and visceral, something Lady Inge is reluctant to accept but Antonio suspects there is more to Rachel than Inge’s language translator, and Antonio is about to seduce the truth from our story line heroine.

We are introduced to Antonio’s right hand man Breno and their head vintner Amadeu Pinto; German vampire Lady Ingeborg Fischer and her assistant Frau Rose Margrit; Lord Walther and his lieutenant Gerhold; and fellow assassin Barnabe, Rachel’s mother Mavis, and vampire mistress JoJo Griffin.

ANTONIO is a story of power and control, betrayal and vengeance, love, acceptance and understanding. The slow building premise is complex and detailed told mostly through internal dialogue, reflection, contemplation, consideration and narrative. The romance is passionate and seductive ; the characters are determined and dynamic-to most vampires Rachel is considered nothing more than human fodder with which to toy, unaware of the powerfully trained assassin.





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Antonio was a book I was so excited to be offered for an honest review from the publisher/author. I have adored this author's work, but her Vampires in America series is by far my favorite from her. These are delivered so well and I love how atmospheric they actually are. I really enjoyed the way in which this author showcased this story. I couldn't seem to get enough of this one but it was by far from perfect of a read. I really REALLY struggled to get into this story. I am not sure if it was me, or the book itself, but I just couldn't get fully engaged with the story so this is going to be reflected in my rating.

I did enjoy many aspects of this story overall though. I really liked the heroine being a badass assassin and being able to really push the hero's buttons. The hero is an alpha in his own right, and I love how they keep each other on their toes and really push in all the right ways. I adored the manner in which they come together. Now the story starts out slow, our couple doesn't really meet for a while in the story, so make sure you are aware that will happen. I was hoping for a bit more couple time, I felt like this pairing just didn't get enough page time, and wish there was more couple page time in this one because it felt a bit lackluster in that respect. I do prefer more couple time on the page. It was just fun seeing them together and didn't want to have it end. I did feel like the ending was a bit rushed a bit.

Overall I found myself charmed by Antonio, it was an endearing kick ass romance that kept me on the edge of my seat and thrilled me from head to toe. If you are a fan of this author, you will have a blast with the latest addition.

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