Member Reviews

The Unforgiven Dead is a paranormal Scottish mystery/horror mashup by Fulton Ross. Released 25th July 2023, it's 432 pages and is available in hardcover, paperback, audio, and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references throughout.

This is an atmospheric read, full of brooding "tartan noir" and dread, but also quite difficult and not very immersive in general. Readers should expect to expend some effort to stay immersed in the story, which is diffuse and dreamlike in places, especially the first 30%. The author has juxtaposed ancient folklore and horror with a modern procedural novel. It's not always entirely seamless or successful, but it felt earnest and the author -is- undeniably talented with narrative prose.

There are spots which are horror tinged and graphic, about which more sensitive readers might need to be aware. The ending heavily foreshadows a possible continuation of the story. It's heavily influenced by traditional folklore and history of the Celts, especially Scotland. It bears repeating that this is a deeper read and will be best enjoyed by readers who are either interested in the subject or who want a read which needs some contemplation, and not just a passive read which will carry them along.

Four stars. Fascinating, deep, and a substantially long read which requires some concentration. Not for the faint hearted.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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**4.5 stars**

This was a fantastic supernatural occult police procedural, almost like a Scottish Charlie Parker book. I loved the characters and setting, the setting itself was almost like a character in the story. I felt like I knew the characters in the story especially Angus and his wife. I’ve been to the Highlands so that probably added to my enjoyment of the book because I’ve seen and experienced the weather, mountains, etc. but even if you’ve never been the author describes everything so clearly you feel like you’re there.

I’ve seen some negative reviews for this book about it being too long and drawn out but I did not feel that at all. The author spends a lot of time with the background on the area, the characters, and the Celtic and supernatural beliefs that are used in the story and to do that well takes time. Even though I received an ARC via NetGalley (thanks to the author and publisher) I also listened to the Audible audiobook for most of the story so I could hear my favorite accent in the world and that definitely added to my enjoyment of the book.

Overall if you love Scotland, atmospheric detective stories that include the supernatural I highly recommend this book especially the audiobook version. The only reason I gave it 4.5 stars is because I correctly guessed Faye’s killer but I don’t think most people will. I very much hope the author continues Angus’ story, I’ll definitely be in line to read/listen to it if he does.

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This book is a 4 star read for me. The synopsis had me intrigued and the book did not disappoint. It is a very slow-burn murder mystery story. It touches on Celtic history which I loved and deals with the supernatural. The haunting, spooky atmosphere and vibes were definitely there. The characters are very likable and well- rounded. Overall I find this a very well written book with lots of suspense and tension just keep in mind the first half of the book is a slow start but absolutely worth it in the end!

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Although hard to get into this book was rewarding. The setting (Scottish highlands), and protaganist (Angus - a constable who can foresee some deaths) were lovely while the story went in a twist that I wasn’t expecting coming from a (what I thought) was primarily a police procedural. I just wish this wasn’t this authors first work!

“what then, was life, if not the search for knowledge in the face of darkness? What was the point of any of it without knowledge?”

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An enthralling journey into the pagan, the occult, and history propelled by a fascinating plot? Set in Scotland? Count me in, and consider yourself warned: this psychologically insightful psychological thriller will have you clearing your schedule as you race to the end.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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another DNF for me, witch is sad. I just was not invested in the story even a bit. I didn't care what happens to witch character. I actually read three other books while I was in the process of reading this one!

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A mix if folk horror and Tartan nioir, a haunting and gripping story that kept me hooked.
Many thanks to the publisher, all opinions are mine

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This Tartan Horror/Mystery had me creeped out in the middle of the night! And yet, I couldn’t put it down, spine shivers be damned!

The novel revolves around a murder of a young girl and the mystery of her gruesome death, as seen through the eyes of the local constable who is investigating it, Angus. But this policeman is extraordinarily gifted with paranormal (in)sight, a legacy of his own haunted past. What results is a deeply engrossing whodunit woven through with Gaelic history and culture. For readers who enjoy hints of the demonic, pagan, and ancient evils, The Unforgiven Dead will have you prancing a ritual dance. For readers who love a twisted murder mystery, one in which the murderer is hidden in plain sight alá Agatha Christie, The Unforgiven Dead will absolutely make you squeal once the culprit is exposed.

But the story alone is not the novel’s only draw. The characters of this novel are deftly crafted, their dialogue mimics life, their motivations are raw and human and utterly flawed. For readers of literary fiction, the trials of Angus, Nadia, Gills, and Ashleigh will rent your heart. Their lives mimic reality and their hurts are ones we are likely to relate to, if we don’t know them well already.

The Unforgiven Dead leaves me pining for a moody, grey Scotland more than I could have imagined.

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The Unforgiven Dead by Fulton Ross

The blurb for this book drew me in as it seemed to have a lead character with second sight that he was having difficulty embracing. The introduction was gripping but within that first chapter or two I found my mind wandering, not sure where the story was heading and, as I usually do, I ended up reading the ending to see what the outcome would be. At that point I decided that I would not finish the book even though the writing was clear and well edited it just did not feel a good fit for me at this time. I am sure others will enjoy and even love this book, though.

Thank you to NetGalley and Inkshares for the ARC – This is my honest review.

2-3 Stars

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DNF around 20% - I found the storyline a little boring, I just needed a little more of something to keep me interested. The writing was off, it didn't flow well.

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The Unforgiven Dead by Fulton Ross - 2/5

This was a hard one for me. I wanted so badly to enjoy the story and the characters, but I could not get past the 35% mark. There were some promising moments but then the story would fall flat and lose momentum. I will give this book another chance at a later date and hopefully come back and amend my review.

The Unforgiven Dead by Fulton Ross is available for purchase May 2023

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4.5 Stars
My first Tartan Noir and I was not disappointed. I'd recommend this book to anyone down for a slowburn, supernatural, murder mystery interwoven with Celtic history (specifically the Scottish Highlands) and folklore.
This was neeearly a 5 star read but the first third or so of the story relies heavily on vibes. Fortunately these are hauntingly beautiful, Scottish coastal vibes, so I was fully on board. I enjoyed the multi POV, mainly following Constable Angus MacNeil, however Gills was my favorite!

Thanks to NetGalley for the eARC.

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Unfortunately, I ended up putting this book down.
I just couldn't get on with the writing style for whatever reason.
I just wasn't the right person for this book to reach, but I truly hope it finds its audience because what I read of it was interesting and not at all badly written. It just wasn't for me.

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I tried to complete the Book but it just couldn’t. I tried to go back to it but I found it wasn’t a book that could keep me invested in the story. I really struggled with it. Some of my fellow readers might love this book.
I would like to thank the publishers Inkshares for the ARC of The Unforgiven dead by Fulton Ross in exchange for my honest opinion

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A+ for the cover design!! There were so many things happening in this book that I couldn’t help but feel confused. Such interesting premise, but I was not patient enough to understand what was going on. Heard that this story is being developed for TV and I’m definitely watching it!

Thank you Inkshares for the gifted ebook!

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I was looking forward to this book after reading the description. Unfortunately I couldn't even finish the book. It was quite boring and confusing.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

Unfortunately I did not finish this book as there were plot and story lines that were just too confusing for me to truly follow, which prevented me from being fully invested.

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Dark, atmospheric, with an intriguing central character, Angus McNeil. Supernatural elements enhanced but did not overpower the mystery. I hope this is the beginning of a series!

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This book turned into a DNF for me. I found it so boring. I couldn’t stay interested in this book. I thought it was going to be different from what it turned out to be. I was rather disappointed.

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This was definitely not for me. I read to about 40% and decided that I wasn't going to continue aside wasn't enjoying the story. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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