Member Reviews

I absolutely loved Laura McKowen’s first book and was thrilled to be able to read Push Off from Here: Nine Essential Truths to Get You Through Sobriety (and Everything Else). I love that her sober lifstyle can be translated to any addiction (we all have our thing) and is completely universal. She has an easy way of being in the “self-help” genre and never feels too preachy or privileged. She offers a roadmap for anyone navigating the challenging journey of a sober life.

The book is structured around nine essential truths, each serving as a cornerstone for building a life of sobriety and self-discovery. These truths are applicable to anyone struggling with addiction, but also for anyone seeking personal growth and resilience.

Laura McKowen is both honest and vulnerable and that makes her books so easy to relate to. They don’t feel heavy or too rigid, she has a way of being both realistic and hopeful. This book also encourages more engagement that her last and this helps you apply her thoughts to your own life.

Shame, self-worth, and forgiveness are explored and her guidance on self-compassion and building a supportive community is so impactful for overcoming isolation and self-judgment. This is a great read for anyone that wants to explore self-acceptance and recovery.

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Laura has been a guiding force for me in my journey through my adult life. Laura writes with a strong voice and tone. It's like reading writing from your best friend who might also be your life coach. I loved that this novel included both actionable steps as well as interlaced more of Laura's story. I loved this as more of a guide than Laura's last book. I think anyone could benefit from reading this novel and I would recommend it to anyone that is looking for guidence but not be ready to ask for help aloud.

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Laura McKowen (We Are the Luckiest) has amassed a following through her honest reflections on sobriety and in her work with The Luckiest Club (TLC), an online sobriety support program. In Push Off from Here, McKowen focuses on nine interconnected principles that can help anyone on their sobriety journey, regardless of where they are in the process. McKowen's accessible and interactive book allows readers--from those questioning if sobriety is right for them to those with years of sober living--to learn from the experiences of others and, guided by questions throughout, to reflect.

Though she draws upon the foundation of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), McKowen also notes its limitations. Whereas AA can be rigid, McKowen argues, she offers an alternative that allows room for individual beliefs. The nine essential truths work together even as they seem to conflict (e.g., "1. It Is Not Your Fault" and "2. It Is Your Responsibility") and McKowen's compassionate voice insists on her readers' dignity and worth. Another powerful truth is "6. You Can't Do It Alone," where McKowen acknowledges the importance of community: "I've come to see the fact of my dependence on others as ultimately beautiful, edifying, and even strangely confirming of my inimitable power. Another paradox: It is only through reaching for another that we can discover the fullness of who we are." McKowen's book focuses on freedom from alcohol, but its salient truths, easily resonant in the "everything else" of life, can be applied much more broadly.

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"Push Off From Here" by Laura McKowen is for anyone looking to navigate the journey of sobriety and personal growth. McKowen's raw and honest storytelling takes you on a profound exploration of the challenges and triumphs of overcoming addiction while transforming your life for the better. Her book provides guidance for anyone seeking a path to recovery and self-improvement.

Not only is there help with recovery, but it’s for anyone who wants to understand the complexities of addiction. The reader can find the courage to make a change, and discover how to live a sober life. McKowen's wisdom and insight will resonate with readers on a deep level, offering practical advice, emotional support, and a sense of community for those on their own journey. It is a powerful and uplifting read that will leave you feeling ready to embrace a life of sobriety and fulfillment.

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I really, really LOVED this book by Laura McKowen. It's her second self-help book about recovery from substance abuse. But it's is so much more than about stopping drinking. It's about what do you do when you make a big leap. How do you cope? Who are you afterward? And who is to blame for the life you didn't truly live to the fullest? (Answer: No one).

This book is written based on the nine "truths" that McKowen shares in her "TLC" online recovery groups. These principles are a much more positive take on the 12 steps and traditions in AA. It's sort of a list of commandments for people that don't need anymore shame in their game.

This is less memoirish than her first book, but still offers loads of anecdotes from McKowen's life. She's an inspiration for how to move on using a framework that's much less punishing. (No offense to can work if you work it).

Highly recommend!

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This book was a big disappointment. I absolutely loved McKowen's first book, so I was excited to get my hands on an e-ARC of PUSH OF FROM HERE. Unfortunately, this book felt too preachy. I found myself not wanting to pick it up time and time again. Self Help books can be big misses for me depending on the tone of the book and this one was def a miss. I do think this book would be helpful for certain people going through an addiction, but be wary of the preachy tone of voice throughout the story.

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I honestly don't even know if my review is needed because I can't imagine that anyone that reads this book would have anything negative to say. Laura McKowen is such a powerhouse in the recovery field. At least in my opinion. Push Off From Here is a fantastic follow-up to her original book, We Are The Luckiest. In Push Off From Here, she continues to tell her addicition and recovery stories and also includes the stories from others. The difference in this book is that she provides a sort of action plan. She breaks it down more, includes resources and in a sense, forces self-reflection (something those in early-recovery may be trying to avoid). Many recovery books explain what recovery looks like...but doesn't always go in-depth on how to get there. This book gives advice and suggestions because quite frankly, those faced with addiciton often have no idea where to start.

Another important note about this book and about this author in general is that she does such a wonderful job of being honest about what she actually felt like in her worst moments. Her ability to describe the pain and shame allow the reader to literally stop and say "Yes! That is exacly it!" She gives words to feelings and thoughts that many don't want to acknowlege and the reader is left realizing that they aren't so abnormal or awful. This specific point is what makes her work so valuable and necessary. Often addicition is associated with shame and secrecy - something we shouldn't talk about. But hearing her describe what is actually probably what the reader is feeling is monumental.

I think this book is so well-written and can appeal to anyone either questioning their addiciton or in recovery. I do think it would be helpful to read her first book beforehand if you are in the stage where you are questioning if you have an addiiction problem. I found this book to be more useful if you already are aware or are getting more serious about working towards sobriety.

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I stopped drinking alcohol over 3 years ago, at the beginning of 2020. I’ve never considered myself an “alcoholic,” but started to recognize that I didn’t like the way alcohol was making me feel, and decided to stop. My favorite “Quit Lit” is mentioned in this book - “Quit Like a Woman” by Holly Whitaker. It was the perfect book for me that arrived at the perfect time in my life.

“Push Off From Here” is a well-written book that I know will resonate with many people, but for me it’s just not the perfect book at the perfect time. It definitely had some messages that I connected with, but overall it didn’t have that “click” of perfection for me. It feels like a book that is more for those who are trying to get sober than for those who are further along in their journeys.

I will confidently recommend it to people for whom I think it is a good fit. Laura is lovely, her story is compelling, and I love the structure of the 9 essential truths in this book.

Thank you to the publisher - I received a complimentary eARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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The growing demand for quit lit and books for the sober curious at my library has been remarkable and refreshing. It seems that society is evolving again, and books that are a pleasure to read, advance that evolution exponentially. Laura McKowen is a blessing.

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Laura's writing, as always, feels like an intimate conversation with a friend and was very much welcome for me in this moment. I find a deep appreciation for her ability to put words to feelings and her humility in sharing her fallible moments. The questions and exercises included were a welcome surprise and very helpful to me at the juncture I'm currently at, maybe giving me the 'push' that I needed to continue my self for that, I am very thankful.

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I really enjoyed Push Off From Here, as I have recently gone alcohol-free. I do enjoy the insights and tips from McKowen, as well as the prompts for reflection at the end of each chapter.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy of McKowen's latest book! I found it to be very helpful. I read her previous book We Are the Luckiest shortly after I stopped drinking five years ago and was so pleased to see Push Off from Here. I enjoy the way she writes and this book is broken down into personal stories, stories of people she knows and then how to implement the tools and tips she has compiled over the years.

I don't struggle with refraining from alcohol now but the advice was useful for my tendencies to over eat and spend! There are prompts at the end of the chapters to get you writing and thinking about situations and more!

This book would be a great gift for people close to ones with addictive behaviors as well as the people coping with their diseases.

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