Member Reviews

This book has so many tropes that people will love:
-Second chance romance
-Interesting careers to read about, as she is a wedding planner and he is a florist! A grumpy florist, what a delightful combination. Her career isn't just an interesting background that's barely explored, it is a major part of the story.
-A strong setting, as Julie Soto lives in Sacramento and the book takes place in Sacramento, and it really comes to life.

Ama is a wedding planner who is hired to plan a wedding for a celebrity couple. They have a few things that they're set on, one is to have her as a planner, the other is to have Elliot as the florist. The problem is that Elliot is her ex, and she's dreading working with him, but she also really wants and needs this wedding.

The book has dual perspective, with Ama's perspective being about what is happening now, and Elliot's being what happened in the past when they were together. While this was an interesting idea, I felt that it really ruined the flow of the book, as so much of it was focused on the past which made it harder to understand why they were able to work past their issues and get back together. It also hurt the flow that we didn't get to see either one's perspective on the other timeline, so it made everything feel very one-sided despite the dual perspective. I think it would have helped the flow more if we had more time at the end with them as a couple.

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Forget Me Not is Julie Soto’s debut. This contemporary romance contains second chance romance trope, takes place in the wedding planning industry, strained relationships, and small business life. Ama Torres loves planning weddings but has decided that marriage is not for her due to her mother's history. Elliot is a florist who inherited his father's flower shop but is not passionate about it. When Ama is hired to plan a celebrity wedding where Elliot is already contracted to design the flowers, their complicated history and obvious chemistry put their hearts and livelihoods in jeopardy, especially with the interference of two brides and a reality TV film crew. I liked the plot of the book, but the execution was lacking. While Ama's present-day perspective was interesting, Elliot's character development in present day seemed to be lacking. Ama's behavior and her admiration for her ex-boss, Whitney, were also irritating. Although Elliot's past POV was helpful, it would have been better if this was shown as flashbacks in both perspectives instead of just Elliot’s. I felt that the ending was too rushed. Ama and Elliot’s present-day chemistry seemed forced and not well-developed. The reason for their past breakup and present day reconciliation didn’t make sense as to how they planned to move forward or resolve their issues. Overall, I had mixed feelings about this book and wasn’t my cup of tea.

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I requested this book on the cover alone. 😍 But when I did read the synopsis and it was about a wedding planner, I got really nervous. I’m a former wedding planner and I’ve read zero books about wedding planners that were actually somewhat accurate. 😂 But bravo to Julie Soto for actually doing her research and talking to planners. We appreciate you. 👏

Short Synopsis:
Wedding Planner Ama books the wedding of her dreams - a high profile wedding, high budget, amazing couple. But the catch? She must work with her florist ex, Elliot.

My Thoughts:
I loved the first third of the book. The flower installations, the wedding planning, the mystery of the second chance romance. I had a hard time connecting to the second half of the book though. It was more steam than plot and that turns a book quickly for me. I felt like I didn’t get to know anything about Elliot except he’s a florist architect. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Read if You Like:
💐 Weddings
💐 Second-Chance Romance
💐 Steam. Lots of steam.
💐 Men with Tattoos
💐 Grumpy/Sunshine

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Short synopsis: Ama is hired to plan the wedding for a high profile client, and the florist they’ve picked is her ex Elliott.

My thoughts: The audio was so well done on this! I loved how well they sounded together, and I’m a sucker for multiple narrators when his/her perspectives are involved.

I thought Ama was such a strong character, knew what she wanted and just fought for herself! Elliott was swoon worthy, and just so perfect in so many ways! I really enjoyed seeing each of their sides of their story.

The wedding planner/florist was such a fun element. I enjoyed the behind the scenes into both, and from what I know about wedding planning it seemed fairly accurate!

Read if you love:
* Weddings
* Large budgets
* Flowers
* Second chance romance
* His/her perspective
* Flashbacks.

Thank you to for the free ebook, the audio was so well done! And to @forever for a copy of the e-book! Publication date is set for July 11, 2023.

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Forget Me Not is a second-chance romance between a wedding planner and a grumpy florist who have to work together on a high-profile celebrity wedding years after they broke up.

This book was so entertaining, I finished it in less than 24 hours. I loved the grumpy/sunshine trope in this book, I thought it was really well done. I also really enjoyed following along with the beautiful wedding that took place in this book, I could picture all the flowers and the way everything was set up so clearly in my head while reading.

This book follows a dual timeline, with Elliot’s POV being mainly in the past, and Ama’s POV being mainly in the present. This was the only real issue I had with this book. I would’ve loved seeing more of Elliot’s perspective in the present timeline and more of Ama’s perspective in the past timeline. I think it would’ve made it easier to believe in their love for each other. This didn’t take away from how much I enjoyed reading this book, but it is why I didn’t give it a higher rating.

Overall, I had such a fun time reading Forget Me Not! If you love second-chance romances and the grumpy/sunshine trope, you NEED to read this!

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What a wonderful, second chance love story from Julie Soto. I love this trope and this story is one of the best executions of it I have read it quite some time.

I loved the vulnerability of Ama and Elliot demonstrated throughout. The dual POV and alternating timeline was such an effective narrative device for their story and was terrifically deployed. Their chemistry was palpable and had me smiling from ear to ear.

Be warned, you will need to have access to donuts because you will be craving them by the time you finish this book.

Thank you Grand Central and Net Galley for the opportunity to review and read this story! We are excited to bring in Forget Me Not to our store and look forward to what Julie Soto does next!

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Ama is shocked when she is approached by influencer Hazel Renee to plan and design her wedding to her fiancee Jackie. Ama has only worked on small budget weddings, but this wedding could be her chance to grow her business and increase her client base. When Hazel's fiancee Jackie insists on hiring Elliot Bloom as the florist, Ama worries that she will have to give up the opportunity. Her and Elliot used to work together, but their personal relationship ended calamitously after Elliot asked for more. After working together, though, Ama finds herself hopelessly drawn to Elliot, who continues to show up for her despite their history.

A perfect romance for fans of the grumpy/sunshine trope. Julie Soto writes a compelling and emotional story of two people falling back in love after their differences pulled them apart. Both Ama and Elliot are well-written and well-developed characters and their growth over the course of the book is captivating to read. Soto's use of flashbacks to show Ama and Elliot's previous relationship are heartbreaking in context to their current relationship, but also bring some spice to the novel.

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4.5/5 ☆

This was fantastic! A second chance romance between a grumpy florist and a sunshine wedding planner - Ama and Elliot were a duo I never knew I needed.

Ama is getting her big break planning the most high-profile wedding of the year. Everything is almost perfect... except she has to work with Elliot Bloom, her ex from two years ago, who's been hired to do the flowers. Told in past and present POVs, we get a glimpse into what went wrong in their relationship and how they navigate it now working together. On top of trying to keep things professional with Elliot, Ama is simultaneously dealing with imposter syndrome, trying to make a name for herself in the wedding industry despite her old boss sabotaging her every chance she gets.

Forget Me Not was filled with so much character and angst. Based in Sacramento, I adored all the little details Ama put into making the perfect wedding. Her dedication to her clients and love for her hometown hit all the feels, especially being from there myself. The tension and obvious attraction between Elliot and Ama was addicting - I was hooked from the beginning and could not put it down. Even after two years, they both remember so many details about each other.

While I would have loved a more flushed out ending/epilogue, which is ultimately why I docked this half a star, I really did enjoy most of this book. Julie Soto has easily made me a fan - I look forward to her next book!

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This was a really sweet second chance, forced proximity romance. There's even a little taboo/forbidden thrown in since they work in the same industry. The book is dual POV and is told partially through flashbacks. I couldn't wait to find out what drove these two apart, but it was somewhat anticlimactic once all was revealed considering how long it was drawn out. It made sense given Ama's history, but I still wanted something more.

Elliot was the highlight of the book for me. I fell really hard for this total softie on the inside grump and he showed up for Ama over and over again throughout the book. It actually annoyed me that Ama didn't seem to fully appreciate how incredible and giving he was. The steamy scenes were delicious, but I'm not sure if Ama and Elliot's relationship was the most healthy since they often had sex instead of talking and working through their problems.

I both read the ebook and listened to the audiobook of Forget Me Not and Callie Dalton and Teddy Hamilton were amazing! I love both of these narrators individually, so it was a dream to have them narrate together.

Audiobook Review
Overall 4.5 stars
Performance 5 stars
Story 3.5-4 stars

CW: death of parent (past), grief, manipulative/toxic ex-boss, peanut allergy/anaphylactic shock (on page incident), FMC is sexually harassed while working (past), work place injury resulting in a broken foot (on page)

*I voluntarily read and listened to an advance review copy of this book*

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This book was so raw , to read and feel the emotions within each page was consuming. I was immersed in the heart break and I loved the change of timeline in the book. This is my first time reading a florist romance book, and he has flower tattoos, which is freaking awesome. The past and the present comes together and makes a beautiful future together. I loved it.

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I’ll start by saying it has been a long time since a romcom novel has made me feel this way. I’ve struggled with feeling motivated to read over the past few months due to brain overload and no books really lighting that spark in me… UNTIL THIS, which I devoured in a day and has put the “joy-of-reading” back in my life.

Forget Me Not is a second-chance romance that features:
- he-falls-first (& hard)
- Grumpy/sunshine
- a fmc with HBIC energy & running her own business
- spice!!
- a hot man running a floral business!!

The first character we meet is Ama Torres, a wedding planner who doesn’t believe in long term love (both likely a by-product of having a mother who’s been married 16 times). After leaving a large-scale wedding business three years prior to go out on her own Ama has just landed the “big one”, the wedding event that will put her on the map and open endless opportunities for her. The catch? Her clients are dead set on their florist… Elliot Bloom. Who also just happens to be Ama’s ex, who she hasn’t seen since they broke up over two years ago.

Elliot Bloom is a brooding, rude, tall, dark-haired, floral-tattooed, man who refuses to do things halfway (that includes relationships). After dropping out of architecture school to take over his family’s floral business after his father has fallen ill, Elliott’s life is thrown another curve ball when this short woman in 6-inch stilettos comes into his shop in hopes of using his services in an upcoming wedding she is planning. Despite a disastrous first meeting, featuring some flowers with less than complimentary meanings, Elliott quickly finds himself caught up in the hurricane that is headstrong, ambitious Ama Torres and soon their lives become entwined beyond “strictly-business”.

One of my favourite aspects of this book was that it is told using a parallel narrative. The first is told from Ama’s perspective as we follow her working with Elliott for the first time since their break-up. The second is Elliot’s perspective, three years prior, to when he first met Ama and when they first got together. This set-up truly worked so well for this story and these characters. Each narrative worked to show the respective characters personality, goals, and fears. Additionally, being able to see each character from the others POV, but from different points in time, really helped ground this relationship for me and understand what the other characters were likely feeling in each moment, without the need of their POV for that time.

I split my reading between the audiobook and the ebook. If you are into audiobooks, I would recommend this one. There is a male and female narrator for each POV, and I think having this read to me really upped the comedic aspect. I was cackling while listening to this. Also something about listening to the inner thoughts of Elliot as he released in his pants after some relatively quick heavy petting because he’s just so attracted to Ama had me rolling.

In summary, A GOD DAMN DELIGHT. So, if this sounds like something you’d enjoy. Read it. It doesn’t come out until July 12th but put in on your TBR, or pre-order it now!

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I really enjoyed this book! Despite it being a second chance romance, which I don’t typically go for, I found the characters likable, the plot well developed, and overall—the read is squeal worthy! I love a tall, dark, and emo man—so Ben Solo coded—so this book really was up my alley.
The tension and dialogue was amazing, I really felt immersed in the book.

I legit couldn’t put it down—I will be looking out for this author in the future for sure!

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Oh my gosh I’m so in love with this book!!!!
Thank you THANK YOU Netgalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for this arc!!!

First off my only complaint is that this book isn’t longer and I don’t get more of Ama and Elliot. It’s pacing was perfect to me, never going to slow and not too too fast where I couldn’t keep up. I will admit some parts were dizzying mostly because I couldn’t read fast enough to see what happens next. Julie Soto is an exceptional writer and I can FEEL everything Ama and Elliot felt as well as see their visions brought to life.
I absolutely loved how the book is dual point of view but each POV is stuck on a single timeline for each rather than a back and forth. It really clarified what happened when instead of being confusing like some stories end up being.

Character review:
ama is so cool and I enjoyed seeing her growth. as a wedding planner she obviously has to have control in a lot of the process, but sometimes you can overwhelm yourself too much from being in control. She’s very bubbly and I really felt her character being brought to life and like she was going to barge through the doors at any moment, her personality was that vibrant! I do wish I got a little more BTS with her mom and how she felt about having a mother with so many marriages. Obviously it plays a role in her job and her passion for it, but it’s addressed in bits and pieces.

Elliot- my poor himbo romantic. A man of few words, I found exactly how he loved and saw Ama through his POV. He too has his own issues which off page seemed to he addressed. The thing with his dad was very sad, but we saw little connection other than him owning the store and passing away. His background as an architect a was so gun and I loved how he didn’t just remain stagnant in the years after the split. He’s very tall, dark, and broody which seems to be my favorite type in books. I love his loyalty to Ama even after their split and his respect. This man’s quiet spirit is so sweet and it’s one of my favorite things about him. Also the black Henley’s….. Julie those are my WEAKNESS

I’m so glad to see how this book dealt with the plot points- obviously their relationship (executed quite perfectly in my opinion) and ofc Whitney

One thing I despise is how you can sense the pettiness and jealousy from the beginning. Whitney was so manipulative, but I’m glad Ama rose above it. The anger I got from “Be a professional”! You can be professional and still care. It’s a difficult line to balance but Ama works well with it.

Jackie and Hazel are literally icons. Slightly bitter with that Instagram story bit and not holding hands with her fiancée like they’re so freaking cute. The plotting between them on their own wedding planner and florist was so funny to see.

The chemistry was off the charts, the plot was perfectly placed, the characters were complex but not too much to be confusing, and the attention to detail was amazing. I’m so excited for this to relate to the public and for that other book coming in 2024. Julie if you ever read this, I love your work and wish nothing but success in your writing career.

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I love me a good second chance romance novel and I was really excited to read this book. The story started off strong and held my attention, but I felt the ending was rushed. I wanted more time with Elliot and Ama as a couple after they reconnected.

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I absolutely adored this book! Ama was such a strong character and to see her overcome so many challenges was great. Elliot was the perfect "I hate everyone but you" hero. I don't normally enjoy duel timelines but I felt like it really worked well here and I even found myself enjoying the past storyline more than the present which is rare for me! This was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and it definitely solidified Julie Soto as an autobuy author for me.

Biggest of thanks to Forever (Grand Central Publishing), Forever Romance, and NetGalley for sharing this advanced reader copy with me in exchange my honest opinions.

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Received an ARC of this from NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing!

First of all, I think this is the fastest I've ever read an ARC from the second it hit my inbox. Julie Soto started as a fan fic writer (lovesbitca8) and this is her debut novel! It features a sunshine wedding planner whose mom has been married 16 times (yes, you read that right - <i>sixteen<i>), and a grumpy florist.

This book had me laughing out loud, and had me hooked from the very first chapter. I will say - if you're anti wedding industry (or, stressed about planning your own wedding) this probably isn't the book for you as its plot and characters heavily revolve around all things wedding.

The characters are well developed, interesting, and endearing. I'm so excited to see what Julie Soto writes next!

NetGalley blurb:
"A wedding planner and her grumpy ex must work together to plan a celebrity event in this deliciously spicy and funny novel from fanfic sensation Julie Soto.

Ama Torres is an optimistic wedding planner who doesn’t believe in marriage. But weddings? They’re amazing. Elliot Bloom is a brooding florist who hates owning a flower shop…until a certain bright-eyed, donut-loving workaholic shows up at his door.

Once upon a time, they collaborated on events by day, and by night, Ama traced the intricate flower tattoos etched along his body. Then Ama shattered his heart and never spoke to Elliot again.

Now they’re working on an event that could make or break both of their careers—except neither of them has gotten over what happened two years ago. Things are not helped by the two brides, who see the obvious chemistry between Ama and Elliot and are determined to set them up, not knowing their complicated history. But as the wedding takes on a life of its own, Ama and Elliot are about to discover that some things can survive a complete catastrophe . . .

Smart and hilarious, Forget Me Not is about two people giving themselves—and love!—a second chance."

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If building a "Forget Me Not" bouquet you'd use a Now & Then story format as the base. Your focal pieces are akward & intense Elliot and ambitious & determined Ama. Support them with touches of workplace romance, second chances, competence kink, "I don't believe in forever", and icebreaker donuts. Gather it all together and finish with a love letter ribbon to hometown Sacramento.

I loved Ama & Elliot's past & present story. From Elliot we see how they met, fell in lust and in love, irritated eachother to near death, and supported the other's dreams. The pure comedy of his grumpy being outmatched by her sunshine was such a joy to read.

In the present, we follow Ama building her business as a wedding planner. Her thoughtfulness towards clients though doesn't often trickle down to herself. She was too busy coordinating Big Days for others that she didn't recognize her own happily ever after when she had the chance. It'll take work, and a bit of forced proximity, for Ama to set aside her fear of forever.

I laughed so hard and ugly cried my way through this read. If I could toss the bouquet, I hope you catch the same feels I did when reading.

Thank you NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for an advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Forget Me Not is a sweet and a cozy read packed with drama, navigating relationships, and of course weddings. As someone who manages social media for a wedding planner, this was such an anticipated read for me.

What I loved about this was the present day narration from Ama’s point of view. Her independence and grit really starts to shine. I wished I had either her perspective from the past or Elliot’s from the present day. The set up was an interesting dynamic but left some views unsaid. The overall plot really got me but left me wanting more in terms of romance and relationship. All of the juicy bits were left for the last quarter of the book and while it held my attention, a better balance could’ve pushed this over the edge. With that being said, had this been marketed more as women’s fiction and less of romance, specifically hinting at the second chance trope, this would’ve been a knockout. Definitely more of a personal perception issue versus the content of the storyline.

I’d recommend this read for anyone looking for some small business women catching their big break, those who enjoy the ambiguity of romance as a theme, or someone wanting an entertaining and quick read.

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Mark my word, Forget Me Not will be one of the top romances of 2023. While this is my first Julie Soto, it won’t be my last (::currently stalking her fanfics while I anticipate her next novel::).

The cover is what initially drew me to this novel, it is such a beauty and I knew I would need to know more about these characters. But as beautiful as the cover is, the content is even greater. We have a wedding planner, a tattooed florist, and a second chance romance…this is a recipe for success.

But what makes this book unique is the creative narrative timeline and how it comes full circle and the butterflies you feel for this couple.

I can’t wait for more of you to fall for Ama and Elliot’s love story.

Thank you NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Two words: Grumpy. Florist.

Elliot was such a little grumpy marshmallow I love him. I really admired Ama as a character too and her band of ex step siblings.

As someone who’s from Sacramento it was really cool reading a book set there from someone who you can tell genuinely loves the city. For me personally it was missing that little spark to make it a full 5 stars but it was still a very nice and cute short read :)

Thank you so much to NetGalley for giving me a copy for review!

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