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A Nobleman's Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel

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Was so excited for Luke's story and KJ Charles delivered! Steamy, funny, and sweet with lots of family drama and cameos by beloved characters from book 1.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for granting me free access to the advanced digital copy of this book.

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Another winner from KJ Charles - I think I enjoyed this one more than the first (which I liked) - the plot felt snappier and I was very attached to both leads.

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I love KJ Charles so much. While I do think The Secret Lives of Country Gentleman had better developed characters, I was happy to be back at the marsh. I did find the conflict to be a bit underdeveloped, although it could just be because I’ve forgotten bits from the first novel.

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Tons of fun. A fast-paced adventure romance with plenty of secrets and twists. The nods to Gothic novels were fabulous, as were the heroes. Luke's traumatic past really informs his bad decisions, and Rufus is exactly what he needs to help him find a path to healing. They were super sweet together and worked well as a team. Horrible villains that you love to hate, and quirky and endearing side characters (love Beringaria!) round out another excellent read by K J Charles.

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K.J. Charles will forever remain one of my auto-buy/read/recommend authors and in this new installment (a tad longer than expected perhaps) in the Doomsday Books series, she proves her genius once more. I will say that although this is considered a standalone, it's still more enjoyable to have read the first volume in the series. Characters are still as well fleshed out as ever and the plot is plotting. I can't wait to read more future books.

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What can I say about this one that has t already been said? KJ Charles kills it with inventive storytelling, wackadoodle characters, and the swooniest romances. It’s back to Romney Marsh with a new Earl in town, Rufus Earl of Oxney. But his title has been hard won. And moving into an estate where family members regret you and your title is not easy for anyone. Enter Luke Doomsday or the Doomsday clan to help organize your life and take on the most mundane secretarial duties while he also is keeping secrets as to his real reason for taking a position with Oxney.
Luke and Rufus are so sweet and thoughtful towards one another both in and out of the bedroom and their chemistry is off the charts. I loved that Luke was a central character to this novel after seeing the awful way in which he was treated in The Secret of Country Gentlemen. You would be remiss not to read or listen to it first as all of the characters overlap and the world building is so thoroughly entertaining. I received this as an ebook advanced copy from the publisher, but ended up finishing it as an audiobook post-publishing day because I was dying to hear the narration. Spoiler? It’s GOOD. KJ Charles will forever from now on be an autobuy author for me primarily for the mix of excellent plot as well as character development. Thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca for my copy. All opinions are my own.

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This is a delightfully queer historical romance with a gothic undertone. It is second in a series, but can easily be read as a standalone. Rufus and Luke are wonderful together, but there were so many times I just wanted to shake Luke. I highly recommend this book.

I received an ARC from NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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I didn't even read the blub of the book before I started absolutely getting lost in this gorgeous historical m/m romance of a page turner. I totally trust KJ Charles to deliver, and OH WOW, did they execute to perfection.

Soooo much to love:
- the storyline and world building,
- the beautiful prose and 'painting' of the landscapes and people of the land,
- the longing and yearning of both characters,
- their connection with each other (steamy sexy times included) and the constant push and pull,
- the found family (wanted and unwanted),
- the gothic aspects and suspense,

I thought the first book in the series was spectacular but this here tops it.

Gimme anything by KJ Charles in the future and I'll sure to devour it.

Absolutely beautiful!

Thank you to both Sourcebooks Casablanca and NetGalley for granting me permission to read this book ahead of the publication date.

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Finished the first Doomsday Book (and loved it). I'm so glad that this second book is about Luke! Country Gentlemen was terrific but Nobleman's Guide is even richer. Gorgeous.

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The sequel to The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen, this book takes place 13 years after the events of the first book and you definitely need to have read that one before you can tackle this one.

This book follows Luke Doomsday, the nephew of Joss from the first book, as he contests the position of the new Earl of Oxney, Rufus d'Aumesty. It's entirely possible that Luke is actually the rightful heir to the earldom. Although the situation would make Luke and Rufus automatic enemies, it isn't long before they become allies and lovers. But Luke is keeping a secret that could end up destroying their fragile bond.

What I've loved about previous books by this author are the tightly-structured plots and concise character descriptions or developments. I don't know what went wrong this time around, but it felt like the author had no idea where this story was going to go from one page to the next. On top of that, it took way too long before it felt like we were really getting to know these characters. There was little to nothing to explore except for the inheritance plot.

And yet I was willing to overlook all of that, because I was mostly enjoying wasting a few hours in this book. But then the plot went from quirky to bonkers, finishing off with a truly baffling epilogue. This is the first K.J. Charles book that left me feeling a tad disappointed, doubly so because it was a sequel to a book I really enjoyed.

I'll still pick up another K.J. Charles book, but maybe with a little less enthusiasm and slightly lower expectations than before.

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Nobleman's Guide brings us back into the world of the Doomsdays. This book was waaaay spicier than the first in the series. I also really appreciated the character development of Luke. Some of the plot was messy and the KJ Charles pacing continues to be slower than I would like.
Overall would recommend if you like spicy historical romance.

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I’m convinced that KJ Charles is a magician - I truly don’t know how she manages to create characters that I instantly fall in love with and root for every single time. It’s genuinely mind boggling. I absolutely adored Nobleman’s Guide - somehow more than Secret Lives?? Luke Doomsday holds my entire heart - and RUFUS!!! Sweet himbo man.

This story is compelling as it is, but it’s truly made by the phenomenal cast of characters. Luke Doomsday and Rufus, Lord of Oxney are two of the most likable main characters that I’ve read in a KJC book so far. They were just…lovely. Rufus has a gruff exterior, but he’s genuinely kind and supportive - and Luke is so damaged. He just wants to do the right thing but goes about it in the wrong way.

Every part of this is well thought out and excellently planned. Their romance works so well together because you believe that they’re friends an they have a deep connection before it turns physical. When they have issues and during the big conflicts, they’re given the space to fully discuss those decisions and why they were made in the first place. Luke’s backstory is devastating and I loved that Rufus was so gentle with him, despite everything that happens.

As with all of Charles’ books, this book is STRESSFUL. It’s incredibly high stakes and the main conflict had me driving on the edge of my seat. The final conflict was terrifying and I couldn’t imagine being in that situation.

This was an excellent follow up to an already excellent series and I would read about this universe forever. Give me more dastardly doomsdays, please.

I wish I had written my review immediately after finishing it because this doesn’t seem nearly as feral as I felt while reading it. It’s just that dang good.

Thank you so much to Sourcebooks Casablanca and Netgalley for the advanced copy. I adored this.

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A Nobleman’s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel by KJ Charles
The Doomsday Books #2

Flat open moorland in 1823 could be a desolate lonely place for some but for others it is a place of intrigue and danger, dysfunctional families and family feuding, messes to clear up, and fertile soil for the growth of potential happily ever after romances for more than one. Great story that kept me awake till almost two this morning – had to finish before I slept last night!

What I liked:
* Rufus: retired major, newly minted earl, in the midst of trying to restore his estate, dealing with evil relatives, in need of someone to assist and perhaps befriend him, caring, kind, short tempered, loud, and lovely, perfect for and with Rufus
* Luke: educated, experienced secretary, loves to create order and be helpful, from a smuggling family, had a difficult childhood, carries baggage and scars from the past, has secrets, a bit of a schemer, perfect for and with Rufus
* The slow burn but then steamy relationship that develops between Rufus and Luke and being able to see the two men as a happy couple
* The way more than one character impacts another in a positive way
* Getting to see and catch up with some of the characters in the previous book
* The setting, plot, pacing, and writing
* That I was drawn in and cared about the outcome
* Being able to hate the bad guys – and be happy when they were dealt with
* Hoping that there will be another book in this series

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about inheritance and how ruthless some people can be when trying to achieve their goals

Did I like this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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✨ Review ✨ A Nobleman's Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel by K.J. Charles; Narrated by Martyn Swain

The Second book in the Doomsday Books series, Luke is now all grown up and we get to see a bit of Gareth and Joss over a decade later (swoon!)

In this one, Luke joins Major Rufus d'Aumesty's household as he's in the process of becoming earl after a long battle to secure his right to the title. Luke serves as his secretary as they deal with unruly family, underserved tenants, and other general chaos.

I found this to be a little slow moving at first, but found it much more engaging as an audiobook. Overall, I enjoyed this one, but not as much as the first in this series -- it just felt a little tedious in the logistics of running a household sometimes in lieu of plot.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.75)
Genre: m/m historical romance
Setting: Romney Marsh, UK
Pub Date: 19 Sep 2023

Thanks to Dreamscape Media, Sourcebooks Casablanca, and #netgalley for the gifted advanced copy/ies of this book!

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This is the 2nd book in the Doomsday series by KJ Charles, where we find ourselves back on Romney Marsh, 13 years after The Secret Lives of Country Gentlemen.

I liked the Gothic vibes and creepy old house setting very much, and one thing I usually admire about this author's books is that the mystery subplots are generally as interesting as the romance, and this one was no exception.

The one aspect I struggled with was the epilogue, which seemed to contradict the themes and conclusions that the characters come to at the end.

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A swoony drawing room/blue collar LGBTQ historical romance with a mystery included!

Rufus is an unassuming, recently made earl, and Luke comes from a hardscrabble mafia-esque family with a dislike for toffs. Initially on opposite sides, the two come together to thwart Rufus' uncle and make swoon faces at one another. Loved the characters, the romance, the plot, all of it!

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I love this series and getting to see more about :Luke was a delight. KJ Charles is such a gifted writer and her sense of place (both on the Marsh and the manor) makes you feel like you're really there. The dynamics between Rufus and Luke are engrossing and I will always wish for more titles in this series.

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This is an absolutely delightful read! K.J.Charles is a phenomenal writer that I simply can't get enough of. A Nobleman's Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel is witty, humorous, and deeply romantic.

In this book, we are treated secrets,lies, a treasure hunt, and a sizzling hot romance between Rufus d'Aumesty, the Earl of Oxney, and his secretary Luke Doomsday.

Rufus is a gruff, no nonsense, former major newly the Earl and dealing with his feuding family. Luke is a member of the devious yet charming Doomsday family. Their chemistry is amazing and passionate. I loved everything about this book!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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A nobleman’s guide to seducing a scoundrel is second in a very interesting mm historical romance novel.. The story although could be read as a standalone , as the second in series build on the first story. The hero’s find their way to each other in a very repressed time.

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