Member Reviews

I simply loved this book. I couldn't put it down. The thing that really hits for this work is the humor in the dialogue. As a huge fan of What We Do in Shadows, this book made me laugh so much. There are several storylines that keep your mind swirling. Sprinkled throughout are funny lines. Read it yourself and see if you don't laugh!

Willow and Nev are a fantastic pair. The book-length journey of the two of them is so addictive. The characters are really great whether good or bad or just family. The world building done here makes the book such a great time.

I was wowed by this book and will be keeping a copy on my reader to read again.

If you enjoy books with magic and witches, then get this book. If you enjoy paranormal romance, then buy this book. I think this is a terrific book and I am glad I read it. You will be too.

Disclaimer: I received a copy from the author in the hopes I'd review it.

My Rating: 5 stars

Reviewed by: Teddy

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Meet a witch with her magic gone haywire, a recluse witch whisperer, and two familiar animals in this sassy novel. Go through a portal to a dangerous land and meet two faen determined to help the whisperer obtain the herb he needs to cure the haywire witch. Along the way, sparks fly. Cute story with romantic tones.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Magical adventure, totally addicting and entertaining. A new and imaginative world of witches, familiars, alternate dimensions, bad guys, and of course difficult family and witch politics. Plus that stubborn and super hot Whisp, that just keeps getting under our FMC's skin. And maybe perfect isn't all it's cracked up to be. Highly satisfying.

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Fantasy readers looking for a dash of romance and lot of adventure are in for a treat with The Witch Whisperer by Barb DeLong.

What I loved
- Easy to follow writing style
-strong bonds between the characters
-great dialogue structuring.

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I finished this book in less than a day. I would list this as an enemies to lovers. Its a fantasy story that is well written, easy to follow and entertaining. I would definitely pick up a physical copy at the store. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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Willow Gladstone will go to any lengths to improve her glitchy magic before her sister's wedding. Unfortunately, the frequent mishaps have caught the attention of the Haven, and she has been given two choices: go stay at the Haven until she is healed, or go into a rehab residency with Never Ravenwood, aka The Witch Whisperer. Never, or Nev, has been exiled for a lengthy sentence on a secluded estate alone, for past misdeeds. He has learned to enjoy his solitude, and doesn’t welcome the distracting intrusion of beautiful Willow.. Finding a cure for Willow’s broken magic takes them on extraordinary journeys through a portal to another realm full of danger, friends and foe. What will they sacrifice for life and love?
I absolutely loved this book! This author did an excellent job with world-building and I loved the Nev and Willow as well as her mouse familiar. The glitches that she experienced with her magic made me laugh, and I loved the way Willow's sister played pranks on their brother every time he was a jerk to Willow (which was often). Picturing Eldrin and Freya as they discovered all of the modern conviences of this world made me laugh, and I had my fingers crossed for Nev & Willow to wind up together, because they were so perfect for each other. I am excited to see that this is book one of the series, so there will be more adventures to come....I can't wait to read about them! I highly recommend this for all of the fantasy lovers out there.

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