Cover Image: Sí, Se Puede

Sí, Se Puede

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This graphic novel compiles the contributions of Latinos in the U.S. From the Civil War to going into space, it shows how essential the Latino community is to the U.S.

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It took me a moment to get into this book as I thought the introduction of the museum-tour format was a bit abrupt, but after sticking it out through the first few pages, the book was great! This nonfiction graphic novel read very smoothly and was quite entertaining and informative. It contains brief biographies of many important Latino figures in American history dating from the Civil War up until today. Featured people included political figures, sports icons, entertainers, inventors, astronauts, and many others.

The tour format was well utilized, because on the tour were a small group of Latino people of different ages, origins, and backgrounds and their unique experiences and points of view came into play during different exhibits. Sometimes they knew something from lived experience or could say how a person was perceived in a particular Latino community.

I really did enjoy this book and I know that it will have a meaningful impact on readers. I was reading this e-arc on a plane and a white man in the row behind me who was traveling with his Latino wife and their three children stopped me to ask what I was reading, saying that it looked like it would be a perfect book for his family! Of course, I gave him the information.

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This book is so important, I'm so glad I got to read it ahead of time and recommend it for my branch. Makes me happy to see on the shelf!

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Immersing ourselves in the stories of these unsung Latino heroes through the book was not just eye-opening but profoundly inspiring. It made history come alive, offering a vibrant and inclusive perspective that school curriculums often miss. The blend of technology and storytelling created an engaging experience, making the pages turn effortlessly. I found myself nodding in agreement with the characters' newfound appreciation for their heritage and the broader American narrative. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to anyone eager to rediscover the diverse roots that shape the United States, as it beautifully underscores the significance of understanding and embracing the rich contributions of Latino Americans.

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This book had a pretty good overview of inclusive, diverse Latinx history and key figures. I enjoyed all the visuals, the art style is honestly stunning in this, even if the resemblance to the real-life figure were mostly not there. I appreciated that the book addressed Latinx and Latine word arguements, included and addressed Afro-Latinx people and talked about many important issues like colorism, Zionism, racism and more.

Definitely recommend this book for everyone to read. Love the last panel of the graphic novel as well.

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I liked this book and found it informative. My only problem is that I was a bit confused about what age group it was for.

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I’ve come to love graphic novels! I think that they have the ability to really capture and share just about any genre. However, for nonfiction and sharing topics and history that has been hidden or under-valued/shared, it works so well!! I enjoyed this.

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Thank you, NetGalley, for offering the opportunity to read this ARC.

Before I will start my review you have to know that I am not American, I am Polish so I genuinely know barely anything about Latinos/Latinas history in the US.

I really enjoyed this comic book. It was super educational for someone who doesn't know anything about American history. I appreciate the fact that the author is not avoiding bad moments as well. The variety of people we learn about on these pages is pretty impressive. We have activists, scientists, politicians, musicians, actors... Illustrations are clear and detailed, it is absolutely possible to recognise people we are learning about. I think that if you are interested into the history of Latinos/Latinas in the US or you are a parent who wants to give their child a good piece of a history that will definitely not bore them, then this one is a perfect idea.

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Delayed ARC (and also I finished this a few days ago and forgot to mark it as completed). Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the eARC of this (even though I didn't read it before publication date and it's been out for a while...whoops).

I really enjoy graphic novels, especially when they're used for nonfiction texts. I appreciated how this one showed more unknown history with Latinx populations in the US. I loved all of the stories, and I also appreciated how the graphic novel broke down important concepts and would explain things, like Latino vs. Latina vs. Latinx, Intersectionality, and colorism.

I need to get a copy, now, to put in my classroom.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me an ARC of Sí, Se Puede in exchange for an honest review!

This is different from what I normally read, but I am constantly looking to push myself further and be more mindful of what I read. Sí, Se Puede is a beautifully illustrated graphic novel that focuses on the history and contributions of Latinos on American culture, science, and society.

This is the perfect book for a history classroom and school library. I will be recommending it to a coworker who teaches a Black and Latino Studies course.

As a note, I think it leans more towards middle school and early high school readers.

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This was a helpful and accessible way to present latinx history to young readers. It covers a lot of material that isn't always known to readers, and the format is helpful.

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This was informative! I appreciate getting introduced to so many Latino heroes in such colourful and striking graphics. It was inspiring to say the least, especially when reading about the ways some of these historical people came up with to help their communities.

I will say that the info is a bit hard to remember in the end since it all feels very packed. I got barrages of information flung at me in every line I read while the storytelling aspect is barely there it feels like. But it's okay! I still enjoyed myself so that's what matters, am I right? :>

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a free digital copy of this in exchange for an honest review.

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Si, se puede is a graphic novel detailing the history of Latino people in the United States. It starts this history in the pre-colonial Americas and brings us to the modern-day United States. I enjoyed reading and learning greatly. I kept stopping to look up the history of the people and events being described. Even as a primer, this graphic novel covers a lot of ground so be prepared to sit with the material. This is a book I would definitely recommend, and I am planning to add a physical copy to my bookshelves.

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This was my first graphic novel and I really enjoyed it! It was very informative! The information is really accessible and easy to understand, it was short and straight to the point! I loved learning about all the latine people who changed the world for the better! I highly recommend!

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si se puede is an extremely important illustrated history. did you know 20% of the u.s. population is latino? such a significant number, yet latino history is often glossed over.

the book covers soldiers in the u.s. civil war, activists, athletes, scientists, entertainers, and politicians; all latinos whose stories often go untold, but who have each been part of u.s. history.

our story starts with a discussion of labels (from spanish, to hispanic, to latino, to latinx or latine), which is extremely important. we cover the dark early history of colonization and genocide, which is heartbreaking but also important to acknowledge. and i really appreciate that the book doesn't shy away from complexity, particularly in the chapter about the u.s. civil war. latinos fought on both sides of the war, both for and against slavery of african americans. a greater number did fight on the side of emancipation, but humans are diverse and complicated, and the picture isn't entirely black and white.

i was really happy to learn more about figures whose names were familiar but whose stories i'd never really learned. césar chávez and dolores heurta, in particular, are activists that all american kids should be learning about in school.

my only issue with this book is that sometimes it feels text-heavy. i wanted more from the art; more dynamic images to catch the eye. but overall, it still tells important stories in an accessible manner, which is extremely important!

in the end, there's a chapter on significant modern day figures, which is really interesting. modern day immigration horrors and ICE injustices are mentioned, but not delved into deeply; i suppose because that history is still being written.

the book ultimately ends on an inspiring, hopeful note. it must be a challenging balance, to acknowledge harsh realities and yet remain hopeful and celebratory. julio anta has does a wonderful job of walking that line.

Thank you to NetGalley and Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed Press for providing me with a copy of this book in return for an honest review.

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A straightforward book on notable Latine people in American history. The graphic novel aspect is okay, but it tends to be static, like an illustration of a person and an object related at the end. The best and most dynamic way was when the Civil War general that blew a crater in a field from below.It felt more for high school because of the amount of text and discussion of Latine vs Latino/a. Also, all the politicians are liberals, so no mention of Ted Cruz.

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Happy Latine Heritage Month! Read this book. :)

The premise of this graphic novel: four multi-generational visitors from various latine communities walk through an immersive exhibit at a museum highlighting latine persons (soldiers, scientists, singers, actors, activists, etc.) who have changed the United States.

I hold the belief that reading diverse fiction is not enough to learn. Period. I absolutely loved this read and I learned so many things that were left out of my educational experience. Why is everything so white-centered?! I am so amazed at how much history is left out of a lot of people's learning. Seriously, pick this up, learn something new, share it with your kids - let's start teaching the real history of EVERYONE in the United States.

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A big thank-you to NetGalley, the author, and publisher for giving me a copy of this book for an unbiased review.

4/5 - Really liked it!

This beautifully illustrated graphic novel covers the often overlooked and forgotten history of Latino trailblazers who promoted a variety of advances. The story covers everything from military heroes to leaders of social movements to scientists to athletes to politicians to influential artists. In between the stories, readers learn about the history of Latinos not only in the U.S. but throughout North and South America, as well as concepts regarding feminism, activism, and the importance of representation within culture and politics.

This is a fantastic resource for students of U.S. history, but also a fascinating account of the many contributions of Latino individuals not only to the progress of American advancement but also on the welfare of the world. Although the book explores some heavy topics, I had the impression of being on a journey similar to the Magic Schoolbus, in which an interesting and well-informed guide took me on a stunningly-illustrated tour of the different moments in history shaped by Latino Americans. Overall, this was an informative and fascinating read.

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Sí Se Puede
Written by Julio Anta
Illustrated by Yasmín Flores Montañez

First of all, I LOVED this book! Both the art and the writing were so well thought out and fitting to the subject at hand. This is a book about Latinx history, culture, and influence in the United States throughout history. And it goes all the way back. And it goes all the way forward.

The illustrations in this book are vibrant, clear, and detailed. Flores Montañez takes care in visually representing the diversity of the Latinx community in each panel. Her choice of colors also helps keep the reader engaged and guides them between the different places and time periods.

The writing is top notch. The setting for this book is fascinating; Anta begins with placing the reader in an interactive museum exhibit. We meet our tour guide, Camilo and four fellow visitors on the tour. These visitors are from different generations, and they (or their families) came from different countries at different points in time. They represent just a handful of the differences faced by Latinx people in the US today.

Throughout the book we journey to different parts of the exhibit, looking at historical and contemporary Latinx figures from all walks of life. There are activists, athletes, scientists, entertainers, and more. And what this book does really well is that it digs into some of the names that we might already be familiar with (César Chavez, Rita Moreno, Ellen Ochoa, etc.) while also introducing us to names that might not be as well-known to all readers (such as Felipe Luciano, Sylvia Acevedo, Dara Torres, and more).

Not only does the book address serious issues such as colonialism, intersectionality, colorism, discrimination, and more, but it also tackles these topics without being dismissive of the differing opinions that may exist on the subject. A great example of this is around the term “Latinx.” I won’t spoil it here, but the conversation among the characters in the book is genuinely thoughtful and considerate of the different perspectives they each hold. Anta also provides an index at the end of this book, something not often seen in comics or graphic novels but something that is incredibly useful in a classroom text.

The only “downside” that I saw to this book is that it wasn’t released until after the fall semester started. Otherwise, I would have included the book in my college curriculum unit on the US as Latin America. Combining this graphic novel with academic articles or chapters (some from the books Anta references at the end of the book) would be a great way to help students more fully understand the impact of Latin Americans and Latines on the US.

I can’t wait to pick up a physical copy of this book when it is released!

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I love this book, and I'm so glad it's coming out in a just a few weeks. We need it right now. I hope it finds a wide readership, and not just among youth and young adults. Anta’s amazing compilation of Latino history is rich and complex without being overwhelming. The graphics are interesting but don't distract from the content.
I picked this book because I knew Delores Huerta many, many years ago. But starting all the way back with the indigenous cultures of Latin America, I learned so much (and this despite my thinking I knew a lot of this history.). I didn’t know that Mexican-American Union soldiers defended the territory of New Mexico during the Civil War, and stopped the Confederacy from moving west.
When I got to the section on the United Farm Workers movement, I learned things I had not known, even though I was there for the better part of a year. Cesar Chavez and Delores Huerta were and are heroes to me, and they need to not be forgotten.
I hope that not just children and young people read this book. I hope many adults will pick it up also, because we all need the education, particularly in the middle of the refugee crisis.
My thanks to Mr. Alta and to the publisher for allowing me to read an advance copy of Sí, Se Puede. All opinions are my own.

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