Member Reviews


I'm giving this a neutral review. This is my oldest ARC and I figured it was about time to dive in. I'm not sure if it's my current mindset or what exactly, but I couldn't get into it. It's been 4 days and I haven't been able to move past page 5. I also noticed a repeated process of sentences starting with "I" which felt like I was being told, rather than being immersed in the story. I can't give this a good or bad review, and from what I see, it has a positive reaction. I hope to give this another try some day. Keep it up, Lloyd!

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thank you to netgalley for the advanced reading copy. I really enjoyed this and will be getting copies for my shop.

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I enjoyed this book, but I probably won't be thinking about it much in the future. Science fiction, as I've learned, just isn't my favorite genre to read.

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this was an interesting spacey time warp journey. I enjoyed the main characters and all the side characters. the mc was put in a lot of harrowing situations at the start and that made for an enticing read. I would say overall that this was a quaint spacey story that had some heartwarming moments. I would definitely recommend it to anyone remoted interested in sci fi. there is another book by this author that I would love to read as well.

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Mercury is a thrilling roller coaster of a read, delivering an action-packed and fast-paced narrative that grabs hold from the first page and doesn't let go until the very end. Despite its brevity, the book manages to pack a powerful punch, weaving together a gripping storyline with dynamic characters and intense moments that keep the reader on the edge of their seat. The author's skillful writing propels the narrative forward with a relentless pace, making Mercury a concise yet exhilarating experience for those seeking a quick, adrenaline-fueled literary escape.

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"Mercury" by Lloyd Hall is a YA sci-fi adventure in which the main character travels not only through space but through time as well.

The book had great potential. I found the concept of traveling back in time and hanging out with one's parents really cool and I wanted to see more. However, because the story is so short, I felt like the characters and plot were not developed to the level I wanted.
The plot is extremely fast-paced, which I appreciated immensely (I read about 80% in one day), but the reactions of some characters felt either underdeveloped or overexaggerated.
I also found it a bit hard to connect with Lucy. Once again, because the story was so short and quick, there wasn't much time to completely develop. I liked the found family vibes of Helena's friend group, but the book didn't develop their relationships much.
Additionally, the book ends on a cliffhanger, and judging by the other book the author has written (which he says is not a requirement to read this one), it would be helpful to read Mercury as a sequel to Wardenclyffe.
I did enjoy reading this book and the artwork was gorgeous, but it left me wanting in some areas. Anyone looking for a short sci-fi read for a YA audience would like this book more than I did.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the e-ARC!
Actual Rating: 2.75/5

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(Actual: 4.75⭐, rounded up) I loved this book! The cover (and the title tbh) were what immediately drew me into requesting this ARC, and I'm so, so happy I wasn't disappointed. I love emotional, character-driven stories where yes, the plot matters of course— but it's not the Most Important Thing™, you know? And I feel like toeing that line can be especially tricky when it falls under a genre such as Science Fiction. Which is why this book, to me, succeeds in fitting that bill almost exactly. Mercury is fast-paced, aesthetically pleasing, and atmospheric in how it presents itself to us as the reader; it even has illustrations woven in throughout, which I really appreciated. This book tackles topics related to the inner turmoil we all face regarding making difficult decisions, rebelling against authority, and sorting through complicated interpersonal familial & social relationships. It's a quick read (less than 300 pages) with an open-ending that leaves room for a possible Part 2 should the author choose to go that route. As it stands however, when reviewing this book though at its face value - meaning, as a standalone story - I still found the end to be satisfying enough for me to walk away without nitpicking too much. If I had to critique anything , I would say that I wish it were longer so that certain scenes could be expanded on more fully (we all know I'm a lover of showing rather than simply telling), but again, I still enjoyed myself and would honestly recommend this to anyone looking for something unique to read.

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When i downloaded this I didn't realise it was book 2 in a series. However i didnt feel lost or like I was missing anything diving straight in.
I really enjoyed this book. The time travelling dynamic was done really well and there was a few twists and turns I didn't see coming. I loved the development of the relationships between Lucy and the friends she makes along the way.
The ending definitely made me want to pick up book 3 so I'll be keeping an eye out!

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I did not realize Mercury was a sequel. Though, the synopsis for the first book, Wardenclyffe, sounds more like a prequel. So Mercury can be read as a standalone. It does have a semi open-ending with room for more books to come.

Mercury tells the story of 19 year old Lucy who lives aboard a colony ship. Lucy sets out to learn more about her father. And when a meteor mysteriously strands Lucy twenty years in the past, she finds herself face-to-face with her teenage parents. As rifts in space threaten to destroy her ship, she has to also find a way back to her own time.

Mercury is an action-packed fast read. It might be a short book but it packs a punch. I definitely want to go back and read book one and I hope the series continues.

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Mercury by Lloyd Hall truly came out of no where for me. I had such a fun time getting to know the characters and will be looking for the first book ASAP. I did not realize this was a sequel but I am so glad I requested to read this. I love a good space adventure with a little bit of time distortion, action, and drama. I do feel like this was the perfect length for what I was looking for right now and Lucy, the stubborn but determined teen want to know more about herself and her past. I'm giving this book 5 stars because I really enjoyed it and read it within about 2 sittings. If a book can keep me hooked that easily, I don't have any reason not to recommend it to others. It was fun and sometimes that's exactly what I need in a book.

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Mercury was such an incredible sci-fi book, I loved the plot of this book and the time travel part was so fun to read about. I was so excited to find out what was going to happen, firstly with the time travel and then Lucy trying to return to her present day. I found myself so eager to pick up this book and continue this adventure with Lucy. The adventure didn’t end when she time travelled back to the present either.

I thought Lucy was a great main character, she was thrown into a time zone, unintentionally, and she embraced it. She used her knowledge of the present day Mercury in the past and she utilised that while she was in the past. She also went through a lot of emotional feelings while in the past as she was met with a younger version of her mother and her father, who she never met in the present day.

I absolutely loved reading this book and the pace was maintained throughout. With it being a short book, the author added so much information into the story and it was beautifully written. I also loved the ending and it ties this instalment to the series. I cannot wait to see what happens next in the series. I have to mention how amazing the artwork is in this book. I found it encapsulated the beauty of this world perfectly. Also, the cover is so simple, yet so impactful. Thank you to Lloyd Hall for asking me to review your book, I highly recommend this series!

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Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for giving me the eARC.
I really liked the premise of this book but found the execution to be slightly juvenile for myself in terms of the writing. I do think this book would be perfect for teen readers who are interested in sci-fi. I did think this was an enjoyable read and would read a sequel. I really grew to love Lucy and the characters and I enjoyed seeing them on their journey and hope there is more coming.

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I don't know, I honestly don't know what I just read, but I know that it's YA and sci-fi and if you like short books it's for you, that's it. Apparently sci-fi books aren't for me.

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"Mercury" by Lloyd Hall is a thrilling YA Time Travel Fiction novel that takes readers on an exhilarating journey through space and time. The story revolves around 19-year-old Lucy, who embarks on the colony ship, Mercury, in search of answers about her late father. However, her quest for knowledge puts her at odds with her mother, who also happens to be the captain of the ship.

The novel immediately hooks readers with its intriguing premise of time travel and the mysteries surrounding Lucy's father. Lloyd Hall skillfully weaves a captivating narrative, seamlessly blending elements of science fiction and family drama, making "Mercury" a compelling and emotionally charged read.

As Lucy becomes stranded in the past after a mysterious meteor encounter, the plot takes an exciting turn. Coming face-to-face with her teenage mother opens up a world of possibilities, leading Lucy to discover unexpected connections and deeper truths about her family history. The exploration of complex mother-daughter dynamics adds depth and relatability to the story, allowing readers to empathize with Lucy's emotional journey.

Amidst the personal revelations, the imminent danger faced by the Mercury due to rifts in space creates a constant sense of tension and urgency, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. Lucy's determination to save the ship and find a way back to her own time intensifies the stakes, making for a gripping and fast-paced narrative.

Lloyd Hall's writing style is evocative and vivid, immersing readers in the futuristic setting of the colony ship and the nostalgic atmosphere of the past. The author's attention to detail and well-crafted world-building contribute to the novel's immersive experience, making the world of "Mercury" feel both familiar and excitingly futuristic.

"Mercury" is a stellar YA Time Travel Fiction novel that will undoubtedly leave readers captivated and yearning for more. With its skillful blend of science fiction, family drama, and thrilling suspense, Lloyd Hall's novel is a standout in the genre, offering an unforgettable reading adventure for young adult and science fiction enthusiasts alike.

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Thank you NetGalley for this eARC.

The premise of this book initially pulled me in because it encompasses all of my favorite things: space, time travel, and mother-daughter relationships.

I had a really difficult time connecting with Lucy's character from the get-go. This probably prevented me from connecting with the story as a whole because much of it was "telling" and very minimal "showing." I did enjoy the progression of the story as it was well-paced.

The graphics and animations were a great touch and added more depth to the overall mood of the story. I think a younger version of myself might have thoroughly enjoyed this book.

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At first, I didn't really connect with Lucy's character, but when I realized the weak connection she had with her mother, the loneliness she felt, it made me connect with her.
I really liked the group she came to know, in her mother's youth.
There was a theory for the ending, but it didn't happen. It would be a good way to close a standalone (if my theory happened, of course). However, the ending as it stands left a lot open for a sequel.
I really enjoyed this sci-fi focused on difficult decisions, rebellion and friendship, family and rapprochement.

Thanks NetGalley for the opportunity of getting to know this author's work.

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Thank you Net Galley and Lloyd Hall for sending me a free copy of the book in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.

I really wanted to like this book - I mean we're talking about time traveling, spaceships, distant mother, and a mysterious death of father (until it's later revealed). What not to like about those tropes?

However, I felt disappointed when I reached the end of this book. I felt like there should've been more done with the plot and the characters that could've helped improve this book. It also didn't help there is a major cliffhanger at the end, which I will assume will continue onto book three of the series.

What I did love about this book was the connection of events from when Lucy traveled back in time to when she arrived back. I thought that was so unique and was my favorite part of the book! The way the author described it and made it into a twist I wasn't expecting!

The main plot of the book was for Lucy to get back to her own time after being sent back in time. The other plot of the book was Lucy running into her mother as a teenager and getting to know who her father was. The author did a fantastic job with building a relationship between Lucy and her teenage mother, but I wished there were more done with the father. I would've expected Lucy to want to know him way more than what she did. I felt there was so much more the author could've done with Lucy and her father.

There was too much telling for me going on in this book and wished the author worked on showing more. The writing felt bland and at times, I was confused with what was going on. I think if there were more descriptions, I think it would've helped my confusion.

Overall, I give this book a 2 out of 5 star rating. This book would be great for those who love time-travel and rebuilding a relationship with their mother. The recommended audience would be young adult, as it's listed as.

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Mercury is a sci-fi YA book following Lucy who's living on the spaceship "Mercury". Her curiosity and adventurous spirit gets her in trouble with the captain of the ship, who is also her mother. During an emergency on the ship, Lucy suddenly finds herself 21 years in the past that opens up some interesting opportunities.

I've seen reviews saying they absolutely loved the writing style of the book, but it was not my cup of tea. It feels very jumbled and unfocused at times, and it can be hard to follow along with jumping to and from thoughts without warning or indication. In the end I think this is personal preference.

The book introduces several characters that feels OK, but they're not really fleshed out. Even Lucy is a bit of a stranger after reading to me, but I think this has to do with the writing style. Both characters and surroundings have varying degrees of description, where it can swing from too little to too much and anything in between. The book does have several strong female characters though.

The illustrations used in the book is a good enough reason to give it a read. The whole book is very aesthetically pleasing, and the illustrations absolutely add to the book. I think Mercury has a strong premise, and the story is engaging. The pacing of the book is great where you don't get down periods where nothing happen. The message about forgiveness and understanding is very clear throughout the book (even if it isn't always for Lucy). In my opinion it is a very strong book for teens/YA, and I think I could have really loved it if I were younger. It adresses several problems that are relevant for that age group, without having the morals spoon fed on every page.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Lloyd Hsll for the ARC. It was a quick read as it definitely held my attention. The story of time travel was what grabbed my interest and it was a great time travel read. The main character was well-developed and was great to follow. I will say the end was a complete surprise.

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Mercury by Lloyd Hall is a Future/Space YA adventure with time travel, secrets, and high stakes that will leave readers excited for the future of this series,

The MC of this is a young woman named Lucy who gives you pirate vibes before you learn more about her and her ties to Mercury's Capt. And then you will get Star War's Han Solo vibes (sassy/cocky/hidden backstory).
Lucy struggles with everything being kept from her, including who her father is and about him as well as the closed-off areas of the space ship.

Lloyd for me wrote a dynamic world and female characters, which was awesome and I can't wait to find out more about their adventures now that Lucy has gotten so many answers and so many more questions.

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