Member Reviews

I LOVED this! I thought it was a tiny bit slow at the beginning, but overall, beautifully written and I loved the characters. I'm so pleased that this is the start of the series and can't wait to read the next one! Will definitely recommend to friends! Well done!

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Thank you Netgalley and Kensington Books for this arc.

Earls Trip is the first historical of Holiday's I’ve read; to date, all the other books I’ve read of hers have been contemporary. I’m a big fan of her contemporary novels. They’re auto-reads for me (or auto-listens, as the case may be), so I was keen to read Earls Trip.

Unfortunately, I didn’t connect with the story as much as I wanted to. I think maybe her historical voice doesn’t work as well for me as her contemporary one does. Or, perhaps it is that I kept hearing her contemporary voice in a historical novel and it didn’t fit. Something like that anyway.

There were parts of Earls Trip I enjoyed (more particularly in the last third of the story which I won’t go into here because spoilers) but overall it wasn’t a book which wowed me. It wasn’t bad; I just couldn’t get all that excited about it.

As is usually the case, I didn’t refresh my memory on the blurb before I started reading. I was a little surprised by how quickly the initial scandal was resolved. The purpose of the scandal seemed to be more about getting the five young people together in an isolated location for a fortnight than that it was intended to be the central conflict. There is perhaps a question about whether it was entirely proper for the two sisters to be alone with three bachelors for two weeks but if it raised issues for anyone, nobody objected.

Once the group arrived at the castle, the book started to settle out for me however. I enjoyed the renewed friendship and affection between Clem and Olive. I liked that Clem’s example challenged all of the group to consider forgoing meat at least sometimes but also how she did not berate others for being carnivorous. Given Archie’s love of hunting and eating the results of the hunt, the idea of a “meatless Monday” (my words not from the book) was particularly difficult for him but in the end he respected Clem’s vegetarianism (or perhaps veganism?) and Clem herself sufficiently to make significant change freely and with no whining.

The humour is sometimes fairly broad – for example there is a phallic topiary garden at the castle. Sometimes it worked for me, sometimes it didn’t.

I wanted to like Earls Trip more than I did. I feel bad that I couldn’t quite connect to it. But I found myself avoiding rather than wanting to make time to read and that is always telling. As I write this, the early Goodreads reviews are rating the book at 3.89 so I may be an outlier. C+

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I find Archie and his friends, Simon and Effie, to be irresistible. They know how and when to support each other. When to tease. Their annual Earls Trip relaxes them and invigorates them for the year ahead. Arch especially needs the trip as his mother doesn't remember who he is anymore and it breaks his heart. This year's trip will be very different though as two rescued ladies join them. This is a sweet, funny story that is also heartwarming.

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Fun, light Regency romp of three best titled friends whose annual holiday is interrupted by the rescue of one gentleman’s childhood friends from an untimely elopement. Part of a planned trilogy.

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What a fun read! Fans of Regency Romances should know up front that these characters-the Earls and Clementine-are very, ahem, modern. That wasn't a problem for me but I know others might not be happy with Clementine because she's a feminist vegetarian but she's also a strong woman who takes her old pal Archie by surprise, The banter is good as is the storytelling. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. The concept of an annual Earl's Trip, where the three men do a getaway, means that we've got two more romances ahead. And that's a good thing.

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Thank you NetGalley and Kensington Publishing for an ARC copy of this book.

This book was well written and some of the banter between the characters was quite amusing! I did sometimes get confused because of the multiple characters. The intimacy was unusually written and not something I found particularly enjoyable. The book seemed a bit drawn out, and I didnt enjoy that the main characters didnt get together till close to the end.

Overall a good book.

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"Earls Trip" is a captivating and steamy read that left me eagerly anticipating more from Jenny Holiday; she crafted a narrative where character growth took center stage, and I couldn't get enough.

HUGE thank you to Netgalley and Kensington Publishing for gifting me an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I need to start by saying: wow, that cover?! The design, the colors... it called to me.

From the very first page, I was hooked. Even though the plot is relatively simple—boyz trip + cute girl from childhood = luv—I was completely addicted. I seriously did NOT want the book to end!!!
What really stood out to me, besides the elite writing style, was the unique following not just one man, when in most romances we follow the female first, but a TRIO of MALE BESTIES?! Absolutely yes.

Our characters pair up pretty quickly, and for a moment I was worried the plot might move too fast, but I ended up loving the pacing. The way Holiday brought them together for the story really was nothing short of genius.

Clementine's vegetarianism was equally random, in that no one really thinks of that as a character trait/plot line especially in the regency era, and perfect for the same reasons. It also gave us a fun way of looking at her relationship with Archie, whose love for hunting presented an interesting dynamic. Archie's struggles with eating meat at dinner were downright adorable!!

Second chance romances can be hit or miss for me, but in this book, it was a freakin' home run. You could bottle the chemistry between these characters, that's how potent it was! There was expertly balanced past memories with present interactions, which really solidified how well they were for each other. It felt so NATURAL!
And on that note... it would be wrong of me to not point out how fabulous the spicy scenes were... SCORCHING HOT.

Even the "minor" characters were welcome on the page. Effie is obviously the next Earl we will be following, and I can't WAIT! He is such an interesting character and his business with the column has potential to be a great story!
I'm curious about Simon, I don't think we got to learn a ton about him, besides how sweet and charming he is (LOL).
Olive didn't stand out much to me initially, but I understood her point in the story. I enjoyed her more after her true intentions were revealed.
I'm SO excited to read the next book in this series! I think we have a really neat set of characters here, and I'm eager to see what adventures await them.

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Earls Trip is the first in a new series and a new to me author. This was a delightfully lovely book.

A lighthearted romance about childhood friends that have lost touch in the last few years and are rebuilding their friendship. Getting to know one another again by using their childhood as a foundation to learn who they are now. The entire plot and characters were endearing and sweet. The beginning started out in a fast pace but slowed to a moderate pace, once arriving at the destination of the trip, for the duration of the story.

I loved that this story was about seeing and understanding those you love and it didn’t include just romantic love but sisterly and platonic love as well. Getting to see a connection build between the FMC and her sister was a wonderful example of that. The MMC is open with his feelings, not afraid to show the love he has for those he cares for. It was also maddening though as you can see the feelings he has for the FMC but is unable to recognize his own feelings for her. The FMC is adamant in not wanting to marry but is also oblivious to her own feelings as well.

There are three encounters that short but are steamy and has good build up.

CW: on page parent of MC with Alzheimer’s.

An advance ebook was provided by Kensington Books via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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This exceeded my expectations. I am always looking for romances that are on the more "chaste" side. At first, I thought Clementine was going to give off "I'm not like the other girls" vibes, but she was great! This was charming to no end. The whole "found family" arc was so nice to read. I cannot wait to read Effie's story in 2025.

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𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝗶𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂’𝗿𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿…
➱ a fun setting in the English countryside in 1821
➱ lovable characters
➱ a light, sweet, charming (slightly silly at times) story balanced out with some poignant moments
➱ tongue-in-cheek chapter headings that will make you chuckle

Earls Trip is a totally fun historical romcom romp that will satisy your Bridgerton craving until the next season comes out.

And, I mean, that cover!! 😍

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Thank you Netgalley and Kensington Books for gifting me an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review! Ever since I watched the first season of Bridgerton on Netflix, I've been on the lookout for regency-like books with romance to swoon over. Earls trip gets a bit of everything to be a fast and entertaining read! you have romance, adventure, and a group of side characters that will make you even more eager to read the rest of the books! I loved the premise and the atmosphere of the book, as well as the adventurous, out of ordinary (for that era) main character who is fearlessly and unapologetically herself. I enjoyed both sisters coming together, and Archie and Clem being brought back together and seeing the immediate pull they had towards each other. In short, this was a fast, easy and fun read, and I am so happy to have discovered Jenny Holiday with this book! I will say, there were some moments throughout the book that felt a bit long to me, and I did miss some aspects of the romance that made me take this slower than I would normally be with one of these books, but it was still fun! 3 stars, and while it wasn't everything I wished it could have been for me, I will be recommending this one to some of my friends that will surely enjoy it!

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I really enjoyed this book. It was different than anything else I've read recently. I couldn't put it down! I will keep an eye out for this author's future work!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Kensington Books, and Jenny Holiday for the arc of Earls Trip in exchange for an honest review.

First off, what first caught my eye with this book was the cover. It is absolutely stunning, and I will be purchasing this book on pub day, partially because of how much I loved it, and partially because it is going to look beautiful of my bookshelf.

As a historical romance buff myself, this book did not disappoint. This was actually the first book I read of Jenny Holidays, and I will certainly be checking out her others. I love how we got to know the characters and their personalities deeply, before they all intertwined. This is the first book that I have read in a while where I nearly fell for the MMC Archie.

I have a good feeling that this witty historical romance, is going to be a hit! Very excited to share with my fellow regency lovers.

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I did not click with this book like I thought I would. From the beginning the writing did not grab my attention. I’m a huge fan of Jenny holiday but this book was not enjoyable for me compared to her other books that I loved. Another aspect of the book that rubbed me the wrong way was the male main character. He was not appealing in his attitudes and the way he behaved which made me dislike character a lot. I will definitely try to give this book another go when the audiobook comes out but for the time being I will have to give this book a generous 2 stars.

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Earl’s Trip by Jenny Holiday was a fun regency romp. Three men who were friends forever take a trip each year. They all agree with the rules and it seems it is the only time they can really be themselves. EachArchie (the jock), Simon (the nerd), and Effie (the goth) have interests that vary from each other, but together they are solid together.

The Earl is Archibald Fielding-Burton, the Earl of Harcourt. As they start their trip Archie receives a last minute letter from a family friend, begging him to rescue his two daughters Clementine and Olive. The three friends take off to find them and save them from a situation.

The women were working on saving themselves, but with Archie’s help, they were able to leave safely. The Earls agree to take the two women with them on their trip. As much as all agree to stay away from each other in the huge house, they didn’t. That is when things get interesting.

I admit I asked to read Earl’s Trip based on the cover and the title. I enjoyed the novel with the fun characters and the situations. I especially liked the relationship between the three Earls. The book is the first in a series. I am looking forward to reading more! Earl’s Trip by Jenny Holiday is a good read.

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Thank you to Kensington Books for this ARC of Earls Trip by Jenny Holiday. All opinions are my own.

This was my second time reading a Jenny Holiday book. I discovered her books earlier this year when I read Canadian Boyfriend, and I absolutely loved that book. I had expectations that I was going to love this book as well even though it’s a historical romance and not a contemporary romance.

I do think these expectations affected how I perceived this story because this book was drastically different than Canadian Boyfriend in writing style and pacing.

What I liked best about Earls Trip was the characters and the friendships between them.

Archie, Simon, and Effie were so lovable, and their friendship was just wholesome and so welcoming to read about. They were so supportive of each other’s passions and personalities, and I really appreciated this found family aspect since none of them had close relationships with their biological families.

Clementine was also a very likable character because she had a unique personality and interests unlike her sister Olive, which I didn’t particularly like. When I learned more about Olive’s backstory, she didn’t seem as awful, but she still wasn’t great.

The sexual innuendos were a bit much in this story. While some of them were funny, it seemed like the author was trying too hard to cram them in whenever she could.

Also, the pacing was just off in this book. The beginning of this book started off strong. I enjoyed all of the plot leading up to arriving at their residence for the earls’ trip. However, after they arrived, hardly anything happened for most of the book. The characters mostly just spent time talking. It wasn’t until near the end that the plot picked up a little and then was just wrapped right up.

Overall, I enjoyed the characters and relationships in this book, but the rest of the story fell flat for me. I would however read another book by this author since my first experience with her books was great.

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Sad to say Earls Trip wasn’t the book for me. I typically love historical romance, but dnf’d this book early on. I found the male main characters irritating and had a hard time making connections between relationships, who was who, and how they were connected to the plot. I grew bored when I found myself going back and re-reading pages trying to figure out where I had missed essential parts of the storyline.

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I thought this was a lighthearted enjoyable read. I think what I liked the most was the found family feelings and the breaking of propriety and gender roles when this group of friends is together. The ending also gave me happy/fairytale like feelings. I will absolutely read follow up books to see how the other characters end up!

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Historical rom-coms are the perfect Venn Diagram of my reading interests, but they are so few and far between, that it is always a delight when I stumble across one. Earls Trip, a delightful romp full of found family, shenanigans, and of course love, fits the bill perfectly!

Archie and his friends are about to set out on their annual “Earls Trip” when their plans are derailed by Archie’s childhood friends Clementine and Olive, who are in need of a rescue. Next thing they know, Clem and Olive are along for the adventure, and Archie isn’t sure why he’s still so drawn to Clementine, a headstrong woman, who has sworn off marriage for good.

Archie is the sweetest lover boy, while Clementine has a tough exterior, but is secretly softhearted. Their love story was adorable, and the side characters in the novel were just as enjoyable to read about. I’m so excited for the continuation of this story next year! Thank you to the publisher for an early copy. All thoughts are my own.

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I adored this book! I loved the friendship that our boys had, and how they both supported and pushed each other to be better. I loved our hero developing her relationship with her sister, and being open with her old friend and her recent decisions. Such great character growth and funny situations.

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