Member Reviews

I was not expecting the depth that this book held. It was incredibly cute, relatable, introspective, and touched on some things that were really important to me personally, like Carter's total acceptance of Jason and his role in Emma's life. As someone who grew up with guys, has a guy as my best friend, and maintains a complete lack of romantic interest with said guy, it was so refreshing to read about that. It's always a hidden romance, unrequited or otherwise, or the object of some major blow-out fight because the love interest is jealous. So this was nice. I also really loved the way Carter was integrating Emma into his life and his space. Both his and Emma's character growth was really great to watch. And as for their basis in their faith, I greatly appreciated that it felt genuine and not forced or fictionalized. Overall this was a sweet book with sweet characters, Amy included when push came to shove, and I look forward to the next one!

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Love love loved this book! I got to immerse myself in the world of art and computer programming. It was fun to see where the two worlds meet. Emma, a programming extraordinaire, meets Carter, a famous artist. As the wife of a computer programmer I could easily symphathize with Emma's desire for comfort, especially in her clothing and social choices. I found it completely fascinating that Emma brought Carter's inspiration back to life.

Here are some aspects that I loved:
- Opposites attract
- Twin sister reconcilliation
- Carter's grandparents
- The Tylenol incident

Thank you to NetGalley for the advance copy of this book. A positive review was not required.

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Me gustó mucho!
La relación principal de la historia (el romance), dentro de todo y considerando los errores de los personajes, fue super cute y muy sano. La relación de amistad entre la prota y sus mejores amigos es muy bella. La relación de hermanas se fue restaurando y fortaleciendo a medida que avanzaba la historia y me gustó mucho como fue ocurriendo. Solo me quedó un poco al debe la relación madre-hija, pero supongo que no era taaaaan crucial para la historia.

Es la primera vez que leo una novela catalogada con la etiqueta de "christian novel" y no sabía qué esperar. Pero sí me resultó muy realista la forma en que los personajes viven su fe, no fue forzado ni molesto, y se nota que es algo que no está puesto a la fuerza por la autora, sino que tenía sentido con la personalidad de los personajes.

Respecto a la historia, se me hizo novedosa. Me gustó que ocurriera entre galas benéficas, museos y la casa de los protas. Al menos para mí, estos fueron escenarios nuevos y los disfruté. El hilo principal de la historia es el proyecto que está desarrollando Emma para demostrar a ella misma y a su familia que en su trabajo igual puede ser "diseñadora", pese a que es programadora. Resultó interesante seguirla en su trayecto y cómo esto marcaba de alguna forma su relación con los demás.

En resumen:
-Creo que esta es la definición de "los opuestos se atraen" y resultó muy bien.
-Hay autodescubrimiento y superación personal.
-Las relaciones de amistad son muy bellas.
-La relación familiar se va sanando.


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Thanks @netgalley for this review copy!

We have 2 pov’s in this book, Emma and Carter.
Emma loved her family, especially her twin sister. She goes to an art gallery with her sister. And there Emma and Carter meet. He is one of the artists.
They agree to go out as just friends. But we all know where this is going to, right? 😁

Personally I’m not really into art, but the cover of the book spoke to me (not literally, I’m not getting crazy).

Emma is a real weirdo girl. And I absolutely loved her. She is quirky and cute and funny.
Carter is the more serious one. Grumpy vs sunshine, although Carter isn’t really grumpy.

Though I’m not into art, this book was very original because of it.
It had all the right ingredients. I loved it! It was funny, had a great romance and was unique.

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Ooh this was a fun read! I really enjoyed this Rom-Com. Emma quirky and complicated character; it was fun getting to know all the sides of her and how that affected her relationships. So relatable.

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this was just such a fun and delightful read! i really liked this and it was so much fun!! if you're into this type of book, you should definitely check this one out!!!!

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A tale as old as…the modern computer. Art vs. technology. Can you really like both? The two main characters certainly don’t think so.

Emma is a computer programmer who has compartmentalized her life into one her family approves of and then who she actually is. An opportunity arises for her to finally prove that her job is more than tech support to her family, she jumps on a project for an art museum, except she hates art.

Carter is an artist who has recently lost his inspiration until he walks into a gallery showing one evening to find a woman who very clearly hates art. Suddenly he wants to paint again. He learns of her new technology project for the art museum and the art-lover decides to help the art-hater so that he can keep his muse around and maybe convince her at the same time that technology has no place in an art museum.

Will their views on each other’s professions get in the way of what might be standing right in front of them?

The book was super cute, and I can definitely relate with Emma’s want for a quiet lifestyle. I thought the pace was a little slow, but overall was very enjoyable.

Thank you NetGalley for a free copy of this book where I give my unbiased and true review.

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Emma is a programmer - a good one - who suffers through fine arts and high society to please her family.
Carter is an artist - a good one - with an aversion to technology.

After a chance meeting they serendiptiously find themselves crossing paths as their circles overlap. When Emma lands a massive software development project for an art museum, she asks Carter for help understanding the intricacies of the arts despite his loathing of technology .

This was a thoroughly wholesome "opposites attract" book that appealed to both my love of art and my geekiness. Emma was a relatable "everywoman" figure who tries to be everything to everyone and loses herself in the process.

Carter, meanwhile, has more of a 'Henry Higgins trying to refine Eliza Dolittle" vibe initially before doing the obligatory "falling for his subject" thing.

This does follow the standard pattern for slow-burn romances - boy meets girl, opposites attract, but in a refreshing take on the romance novel genre - there is absolutely no sex. Not even a hint of a closed door or "nudge-nudge-wink-wink". This is a squeaky clean book about the development of a relationship, not something to get your rocks off to.

There were references to one character's spiritual beliefs (eg meeting at church) which fit the narrative without being preachy. The references were there simply as a part of the character's whole being.

This was an enjoyable, refreshingly clean, romance.

~Many thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review~

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Sadly, this book wasn't my cup of tea. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. I was aware that some faith might be debated on the book, but it ended up being too much for me.

The story is sweet, but both MC's seemed immature (for a 27 and a 31 year old) aswell as their relationship... And I wasn't really convinced about their relationship on the long run. I wish we could have seen more of them by the end, with maybe an epilogue?

There were some typos also, but nothing major.

All in all, if you're into very clean, Christian, opposites attract romance, then this should be a good read for you!

I willingly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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It was fun to read. Loved the characters too. Enjoyed till the end. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me a free e-book.

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Thank you Netgalley and the Publishers for this ARC for an exchange for an honest review.

Wonderful book, very interesting.

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Emerald "Emma" Trinket has never been a "fancy dress at a gala" sort of girl. However, that's all her mother and twin sisterlike to do as "cultured" people of Atlanta's boutique fashion scene. In fact, while at an art gallery opening, Emma meets Carter and admits, out loud, for probably the first time ever that she hates art. Her technological brain just doesn't "get it".

Carter Anderson, renowned hyper realism painter, takes Emma's admission in stride. He's found a new muse. A contradiction, Emma is as our of place in the art world as a wetsuit in a bridal shop. Intrigued by her admission and determined to help her understand, Carter takes her under his wing to help her understand her work project to design an interactive tour guide for an art museum.

Pixels and Paint is one of the best slow burn romances I've ever read. I read the full spectrum of spice and this books has no spice but the burn is there. Emma and Carter's relationship feels hyper realistic, in that it takes awhile for them to admit they like each other to themselves and move to the next step and be partners. It's honestly refreshing in the current novel industry where it seems like everyone goes from attraction to sex in less than a week. While there's nothing wrong with that, I truly enjoyed this change of pace.

The narrative constructed, while semi predictable given the typical romance book formula, was highly enjoyable. Both MCs needed to understand who they were individually and how they were seeing the other before they could get to the end of the book. I really liked that Carter didn't just fawn over her project proposal just because he likes her. He gave her honest feedback as an artist.

Emma's finding herself arc was so well done. It wasn't an overly crazy transformation, it felt just right. Finding the right clothes is 90% of the battle for her to be who she is! I also really liked her pushing herself with work.

Finally, this book was decidedly funny! I found so many tidbits hilarious and legitimately laughed multiple times. Highly enjoyable though a bit long for my liking. Solid 4 stars!

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Pixels and Paint follows two main characters. Emma Trinket a skillful computer programmer and Carter Anderson a painter and consultant for the McGrary Museum. Emma is more into technology and computer gaming rather than art. She is most comfortable in sweatpants and crocks than at fancy art showings or museum parties. Her mother and Aunt own a local popular fashion boutique. Her twin sister is going into the family business and knows exactly what pair of shoes to go with the designer dress. Emma gets a chance to compete for a new computer application for the museum. This is her chance to shine and show her family that her chosen profession is valuable too. Emma finds herself attending an artistic event at a gallery and runs into Carter. Sparks fly..

This is a cute romance story. There is lots of comedy and witty dialog. I enjoined the relationship Emma has with her sister as well as the romantic interludes with Carter. They both learn to appreciate what the other values. This book does a nice job at character development. This was an enjoyable quick read.

I love the cover art for this book as well. It does a great job of depicting Emma and Carter.

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I found this book to be very slow paced and didn’t love the character development. If you’re looking for a clean romance with no explicit scenes, this might be up your alley.

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Having read all of Kristi Ann's historical novels, I have come to expect a wonderful reading experience each time. That was certainly the case here. Pixels and Paint was such a treat to read from Kristi Ann Hunter, who excels in building out three-dimensional characters that you want to meet in real life. Kristi Ann's historical novels have a bucolic charm to them, which translates over quite well here, giving you time to be fully absorbed in the world that she has created. I didn't want to leave!

Reading this book hearkened me back to Nancy Pearl's Four Doors to Reading, from my library days. I used to believe that most books fit into one or possibly two doors. Pixels and Paint shattered this notion for me as I felt that it touched on all four doors in equally compelling ways. The story kept my rapt attention as the characters' relationship was building and the project was taking off. With the characters, well, how much more endearing could they have been? Seeing Carter and Emma gently and vibrantly grow in their self-awareness and spiritual understanding throughout the book reminded me why I enjoy Kristi Ann's books so much. Additionally, the setting was such that I felt transported to the vividly depicted art studios and computer labs (or portable workstations as may be), without being an artist or programmer myself. Lastly, the language—not only did I savour the words on the page, I resonated with them as they communicated the themes of contradictions, perceptions, and identity. This book is no exception to scenes that make you guffaw because of how funny the author is; the humour may be subtle but it can pack a punch! And now to wait for Amy's story; I'm curious what her spiritual journey will look like based on what was shared in this book.

I'd like to thank Kristi Ann Hunter and NetGalley for providing a digital copy of Pixels and Paint by Kristi Ann Hunter for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Pixels and Paint had a bit of a slow start for me but after I got into it a bit I really enjoyed it! Carter and Emma are definitely opposites but it was fun to watch them become more of each other's world and to see Emma come into her own.

Fun and clean Christian romance. I heartily recommend!

Thank you Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review. All opinions are my own.

Publication date: 4 July 2023

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Full disclosure: I don’t typically read much rom-com, though I have been branching out more this year and have been really enjoying the few I’ve read in the genre. That said, when one of my favorite Regency authors shared that she was publishing a contemporary novel I was in the camp of “huh. That could be interesting.” And as I’m seldom one to shy away from something different, especially when one of my favorite authors is the creator, I knew I would soon find myself reading another rom-com . . . and hopefully enjoying it.
And I did greatly enjoy it! When I was laughing before the end of the first chapter, I knew I was sold on whatever twists and turns were to come. I hope at least some parts of this book were as fun to write as they were to read . . . because I laughed so loudly a couple times that my husband felt it necessary to make sure I was still okay (and to ferret out what was inspiring the laughter). I knew from Ms. Hunter’s previous books that I enjoyed her sense of humor and I thought it shined even more brightly between these covers. I loved Emma, with her comfy fashion and black-and-white way of looking at the world. My heart hurt for the way she felt she needed to keep portions of her life separated from each other and I found myself cheering her on through the entire story.
And I loved getting to know Carter and learning more about art and the passion that drives it. I haven’t been to an art museum/gallery since . . . I think I was in middle school? And this book made me want to find one and see if I understand it any better now, after Carter’s tutelage of Emma.
Overall, I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys rom-coms with compelling characters, depth of conversation, and a great sense of humor.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review and have not been compensated for it in any way. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This is a story of opposites meeting and getting acquainted and then moving on to friendship. Emma works with computers, loves video games, and is sloppy and a casual dresser, with her friends. Her life is compartmentalized, showing her friends and church one side of her, her family another side. Carter is an artist, conservative in his dress, neat as a pin in his home and life. But Emma intrigues him at an art show and he wants to get to know her better. What a time they have together, two opposites, but they do become close. Will their differences be a deal breaker? But the story goes deeper than that as Emma comes to a point where she has to realize that she can be herself with everyone and Carter sees that he needs to overcome his snobby and self-centered view. of the arts. Sweet ending. I am looking forward to reading Emma's twin sister's story.
I received a copy for the purpose of an honest review, and these are my thoughts.

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Cozy comfy gamers, grab your hoodies and PJ pants along with this book!

In Pixels and Paint, Emma, computer programmer and black sheep of her family, gets pulled into making an app for a local art museum. By happenstance, Emma keeps bumping into a local artist who agrees to teach her how to appreciate artwork.

I really enjoyed that Emma was analytical and into video games. This is not something I normally see in romance books. As a cozy gamer myself, I loved the scenes where she’s snuggled in her blanket playing video games on her console.

The main issue I had with this book was how slow it was in the beginning. It felt as though I was reliving many of the scenes afterwards in the characters’ heads, rather than experiencing the scenes play out in the moment. This aspect did change about 50% of the way through the book. By this point, the banter between the characters became light and there were several sweet scenes that had me smiling.

There was one scene (having to do with a “square”) that felt out of place for a Christian book and more typical of a secular romance. I would have preferred if that scene was not included.

If you enjoy Christian fiction and are looking for a sweet contemporary romance, this one may very well make you smile.

I am grateful to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.

Content - difficult family relationships

Language - none

Spice - none

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Tem um tempinho que ouço falar dos livros da Kristi, em especial os de época, que não costumam ser meu forte mas já haviam me deixado curiosa sobre. Então, quando me deparei com esse lançamento contemporâneo dela esse ano, já aproveitei a chance de leitura. Honestamente? Não sabia muito o que esperar da leitura, exceto por saber a autora escreve romances clean e com cosmovisão cristã também. Isso por si só já me agradou, digo logo de cara, mas vamos falar mais a fundo do que achei.

Pixels and Paint é de fato um romance clean e bem leve em outros contextos também, incluindo o quesito interação do casal, que se aproxima aos poucos e desenvolve uma amizade bacana antes junto, mas o livro é mais do que o romance como foco. Ele está ali, na verdade, só para ajudar nossos protagonistas a, ao mesmo tempo em que lidam um com o outro, se permitem enfim colocar em cheque à respeito de questões que ou eles viviam ignorando a resolução ou simplesmente não percebiam existir. Isso é mais forte principalmente em torno da Emma, nossa mocinha que vive um certo complexo desde a faculdade, por sentir que não atinge as expectativas da mãe, diferente de sua irmã que seguiu a carreira da família no design e não na programação.

Muito ligada em tecnologia, Emma já é um tanto distante no quesito arte, ainda mais a exposta em museus, depois de anos sendo arrastada até eles por sua família e se sentindo tão deslocada. Os dilemas dela dentro e fora desse âmbito familiar, pessoal e até profissional são de longe um dos pontos altos do livro, ao nos colocar tanto para ver um pouco do que ela sente e passa, tanto por culpa dela quanto da família, quanto, ao mesmo tempo, nos faz refletir sobre, para além de todo o gosto por arte e seu significado, o nosso propósito com o trabalho que fazemos, não importa qual seja ele.

Nosso mocinho, por outro lado, já precisa se permitir se desapegar um pouco desse significado em tudo o que faz, e, com a ajuda da Emma, acompanhamos o Carter começar a descontrair mais, se divertir mais, e ver a vida com mais leveza do que a pressão de antes, uma vez que a simples presença da Emma em sua vida também o ajuda com o bloqueio criativo que vinha sofrendo e ele se sente de novo voltando a pintar do jeito que realmente gosta, com o propósito que, no fundo, seu coração anseia, mas que já tinha um tempo não ocorria com muita facilidade. Carter também não é lá muito fã de tecnologia e mais ainda quando ela entra em choque com a arte como na proposta de Emma para os tours no museu, mas aos poucos o vemos se dar conta de que tudo é questão de equilíbrio e de como é feito, até que ponto permitimos algo ou não. São dois personagens um tanto opostos, vendo assim por alto, mas é interessante como, ainda assim, eles também são tão parecidos em outros aspectos, em especial no social, e é bom vê-los se abrindo e se desenvolvendo de verdade com a ajuda um do outro e mesmo sozinhos também em alguns momentos.

É nesse ponto que, particularmente, a história acaba funcionando mais se suas expectativas não ficarem no romance, porque mesmo existindo sim e sendo até bem fofo, não me cativou tanto quanto eu esperava, diferente dos plots individuais da Emma e do Carter e da relação prévia deles enquanto tratavam sobre a tecnologia no museu. Então, quando o romance começou a acontecer, foi bacana, mas ainda não foi de cheio na trama, senti que o foco estava mesmo era no desenvolvimento do casal, o que já vale super.

Só uma ressalva para o final que é uma gracinha, mas ao mesmo tempo senti ser meio apressado em um momento ou outro, especialmente rumo a uma certa resolução ali, e que, aliado com o plot do romance que não me ganhou como esperado, colaborou como um todo para eu ficar com aquele sentimento de "faltou algo" no final, sabe? Mas isso não tira o mérito da história até ali e, no mais, eu com certeza recomendo a leitura, e inclusive já quero o livro da irmã da Emma, a Amy, porque especialmente depois dela no final desse, imagino o quão interessante seu plot deverá ser futuramente.

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