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Soulfull is a gentle nudge to reorient our intentions and seek more from our one precious life. This collection of spiritual reflections, recipes, activities, and prayers acts as an encyclopedia of hope and spiritual direction.

Are we truly living the life we want to live? Sometimes, but not nearly enough. Our souls crave authentic experiences, but seeking them is a challenge in our over-committed world, where we often focus more on “making it through” than “making it sacred.” We need regular soul wake-up calls and holy daily rhythms to live a life that feels good from the inside out, shines with meaning, and radiates joy.

In this refreshingly original invitation to soulful living, Farrell Mason speaks to the universal human experience—navigating relationships, coping with change, rebounding from setbacks or loss, finding peace, and prioritizing food, fellowship, faith, and regular joy. Her devotional offers balanced and creative ways to bring a bit of heaven down to our patches of earth.

I love the delightful writing style and layout of the book. Farrell Mason’s personality shines through, and I can tell we’d be able to hang out. Like the author, cooking brings me immense joy. The anecdotes and illustrations are wonderful, and the prayers at the end of each devotion are a delicate touch.

However, the weekly devotional concept didn’t work for me; it was too easy to forget about it. Daily devotionals fit better into my routine. Despite this, I love her practical steps for getting through difficult times, the fun recipes, and the great anecdotes from her life and others.

Filled with excellent quotes and Scripture, there are too many references to Buddhist and New Age thought for my taste. The frequent mentions of “The Universe...” didn’t resonate with me.

Overall, Soulfull is a beautifully written and inspiring guide to living that invites you to slow down, reflect, and bring more meaning and joy into your daily life. 4 stars.

** Thanks to the publisher for a review copy. The opinions are my own.

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Soulfull is a great book to encourage and soothe the soul. It includes recipes, stories, prayers, and more. I recommend this book to anyone looking for new Christian morning reading.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for making this book available for my review.

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Soulfull: A Weekly Devotional to Nourish the Mind, Body, and Spirit by Farrell Mason is an encouraging weekly devotional that offers spiritual reflections, recipes, activities, and prayers. It is a lovely addition to any Christian library. It even includes a thoughtful list of religious books to read that the author calls "Lights in the Tunnels." Thanks to NetGalley for the free digital copy. All opinions are my own.

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This little book is a great reminder of what's important in life. It encourages us to slow down, find joy, and build relationships. As I get older, I am starting to realize that there is not an endless amount of time ahead and I needed this to remind me to make the time I have left count!

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I highly recommend this book to everyone! I enjoyed reading this book and I am looking forward to reading more by this author.

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I am a big fan of devotionals. Big, small, long, short, wordy, or simple...I feel like no matter what, there is something to learn & I always have a good takeaway from devotionals. Soulfull is no exception...but this one just feels like more.
More depth, more insight, more of a personal connection, and recipes?! Soufull really does have it all...nourishment for the mind body and spirit. I absolutely love this book & am excited to purchase a few copies, one for myself and also a couple as gifts.
Thank you to Convergent Books for granting my wish. 5 stars.

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A Weekly Devotional to Nourish the Mind, Body, and Spirit
by Farrell Mason
Pub Date 24 Oct 2023
Convergent Books
Christian| Cooking, Food & Wine| Health, Mind & Body

Through Convergent Books and Netgalley, I am reviewing Soulfull:

As an encyclopedia of hope and spiritual direction, Soulfull is a gentle nudge to reorient our intentions and want more for our one precious life.

Are we truly living the life we want to live? Sometimes we do, but not nearly enough. Our souls crave authentic experiences, but finding them is a challenge in our overcommitted world where we are often more focused on “making it through” than “making it sacred.” To lead a life that feels good from the inside out, shines with meaning, and radiates joy, we need regular soul wake-up calls and holy daily rhythms.

Farrell Mason offers a refreshingly original invitation to soulful living: how to navigate relationships, cope with change, rebound from a setback or loss, and prioritize food, fellowship, faith, and regular joy. We are able to bring a little bit of heaven down to our patches of earth with Soulfull's creative and balanced approach.

Whether you’re taking a walk in nature, reading a meditation on hope, finding comfort in a prayer, making a sumptuous dish for family and friends, or growing an herb garden, Soulfull is a journey—a mothering toward new growth, an exploration of life-giving experiences, a joyous resource to nourish your soul and welcome a life of wonder, delight, and meaning.

I give Soulfull five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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In this refreshingly original invitation to soulful living, Farrell Mason speaks to the universal human experience: navigating relationships, coping with change, rebounding from a setback or loss, finding peace, and prioritizing food, fellowship, faith, and regular joy. This is a unique way to look at journaling and to get more out of your life and journal. If you are looking for a different way to journal, then this is the book!

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Received an ARC through NetGalley. This was a sweet devotional. I found it to be simple and straightforward. The art was beautiful. It features weekly reflections, meditations, calming suggestions (such as yoga or recipes). It is Bible passage and theology light.

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Author: Farrell Mason
Source: NetGalley
Pub Date: October 24, 2023

Soulfull is the perfect book for the perfect time. With the chaos and strife in our world, this is the kind of book that will calm your fears and recenter your soul in sync with your faith. Ms. Mason also requires us to hold ourselves accountable for our peace and joy. I guarantee I will purchase more than one copy of Soulfull to share as Christmas presents this year. If you buy ONE book this year to encourage yourself, this IS the book. #mediatation #bible #bibleverse #positivity #faith #resource #soul #comfort #growth #Soulfull @farrellmason_ @netgalley @convergent_books @penguinrandomhouse

I received a complimentary copy of this ARC. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own. Thank you to Convergent Books, and the author for the opportunity to read this novel. Pub. Date: October 24, 2023.

#book #books #bookAddict #BooksOfInstagram #bookstagram #bookstagramer #bookshelf #reader #booklove #bookreader #reader #reviewer

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A delightful weekly devotional. Each day starts with an inspirational quote and biblical quote and then moves into the weekly devotion. Each devotion end with either recipes from the author or a suggestion to try. This can either be used sequentially or you can dip into it. A great resource that helps feed your mind body and spirit.

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Soulfull a weekly devotional to nourish the mind, body, and spirit
By Farrell Mason
Convergent books
An imprint of penguin random house

Publishes Oct 24, 2023

Thank you to NetGalley and Convergent Books for an ARC copy to read and review.

This was a sweet devotional- simple and to the point each week. While the author said some good things and made some good points- our beliefs aren’t the same but I could understand what her objective was.
What I enjoyed that I thought was unique compared to other devotionals I’ve read is that she includes recipes. There’s a cookie recipe I want to try to make and a spaghetti recipe in the back that sounds yummy.
These quotes have stuck with me and of course she elaborates more in each section-if these speak to you as well then I would recommend picking this book up.

"Am I living the life I want to live?" The honest answer was, sometimes. Certainly not always. Sitting in the pew at a young friend's funeral, I realized I operated my life on the premise that there would always be more time. I see now how short the earthly stay truly is. I have to be more intentional with how I wish to live, what the poet Mary Oliver calls "(my)one wild and precious life”

“Hope is responsible for every brave, beautiful, and redemptive vignette of my life. Few things I know for certain, but I do know this: There is always hope.”

“The most successful human beings accept and then adapt to changing circumstances. And they do it again and again. God programmed us to evolve.
Don't panic. Be patient. There is always a path forward, God promises it. Instead of avoiding, fighting, or running from change, mine the experience for clues as to what God wants you to see, do, and accomplish next. Beware of the ego. It gets in the way of enjoying the ride and slows our spiritual becoming. The ego fears what it cannot control.”

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Soulful is a very well written collection of devotions. I recommend this book. My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley.

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I really liked this book. It gives specific examples to go along with the theme of the day/chapter. I liked the personal experiences and the verses. This book got just deep enough to allow me to decide if I wanted to search for more or use the current depth in my own life and contemplation. It has meditations, prayers, and recipes. A complete package!

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I appreciate receiving and invitation to read this devotional. Between the constant performing and managing, chasing and juggling, it feels like there is little time and space to hear what your Soul is trying to tell you. That's where a Soulfull comes in. Farrell is delivers a honest and heartfelt space to think and breathe for those seeking to relish the gift of their one precious life daily. Read this devotional to reconnect with what truly matters.

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This book caught my eye because of the pretty cover art. "Soulfull: A Weekly Devotional to Nourish the Mind, Body, and Spirit", by Farrell Mason, is part Bible study and part lifestyle guide. Each weekly devotional includes a personal anecdote, devotional, meditation, and a recipe/yoga suggestion/stretching guide. It was easy to read and very helpful! If you're looking for a devotional that's not super heavy on Bible passages, this is your book!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I was offered an advance copy on a day I was feeling more than a little blue. I replied instantly to the publisher - yes and how it arrived on just the right day. I love devotionals as they are inspirational supplements. Soulfull is just that! It feeds the soul with insights and wisdom which has been hard earned by Farrell Mason. I also look forward to checking out her podcast—Soulful 7 Conversations. And did I mention her recipes? Yes I’ll be trying those out as well! I look forward to reading more from this spiritually articulate author.
Thank you for this!!

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Very nice weekly devotional. Each week has a quote, verse, devotion, prayer and a unique suggestion . The suggestion might be a recipe, a practice, or an activity. The author calls on experiences both near home and from her travels. This would make an excellent gift for a friend or for yourself.

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As a fan of Kate Bowler, this book was recommended to me. The recommendation was soit on. I love the thoughtful essays that capture the human experience and intertwine it with spirituality. I am sure I will spend a lot if time reading and rereading this book over time. Recommended for collections where books on self help and spirituality are popular.

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I actually like this book more than the 3-star rating might lead you to believe. It's gentle, but pointed. I found it to be very quotable in places, some sentences causing me to stop and roll them around in my mind for awhile to grasp the full depth of them. It was everything you might expect from a devotional entitled "Soulfull."'s not a Christian devotional, and that knocks it down for me.

It's another one of those books that pretends to be Christian, but latches on to far too many ideas from other religions to actually be Christian in practice. Referring to God most often by non-specific, non-committal idea-names like "Divine," suggesting yoga as a spiritual meditative practice, citing spiritual wisdom of the bigwigs of other faiths (like the Dalai Lama), offering a traditional Native American prayer...these things change this book from Christian to firmly "spiritual, but not religious" - which is okay if that's what you're looking for, but I picked this book up under the label "Christian" and it simply is not.

As with most devotional cookbooks, I found the recipes to be mostly out-of-touch, requiring the purchase of a lot of fancy-sounding things that the average person doesn't actually keep on hand or use ever. At least, not anyone that I know, including the foodies in my life. So that creates a bit of a distance between the reader and the author, as well.

It's a good read. It is well-done. It's just not what it claims to be, so it needs to be targeted to the appropriate audience and embrace itself for what it is.

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