Member Reviews

I love Prisclla Shirer. I value her as a person and respect her as a person and love reading what she has to say as an author. I know that she will always point me back to God which is what i want. this book was no exception. I thoroughly enjoyed being challenged, encouraged and finishing the book with hope for a better tomorrow. God certainly is able and I would highly recommend this book.

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I adore Priscilla Shirer! Her teaching and leadership are so referential to the character of God revealed through scripture and she is so encouraging in my own walk with God.

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Have always recommended this book and will continue recommending. This is a great read. The author does an amazing job with the subject matter.

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Priscilla Shirer is back with an updated version of God is Able, and I agree, God IS STILL Able! Priscilla's basic premise is that God is able, and she has come back after ten years wondering if her view back then was starry eyed, young, and even a bit naive. She ends up walking away with her foundation in God firmer than ever, with new and updated stories of how God has shown up, provided, answered prayers, given her hope through the darkness, and yes, God is still able! Another fantastic book from Priscilla!
*I received a copy of this book from NetGalley. This review is my own opinion*

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God is Able, 10th Anniversary Edition, by Priscilla Shire was a most enjoyable read!!! Priscilla is such a strong and knowledgeable bible teacher, and this book is chocked full of scripture, wisdom, humor and encouragement. After reading this book, we feel equipped to see the events in our lives and this world through the Lense of hope, faith in God's loving kindness and His ability to walk us through all that life throws our way. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Set aside some time for this book, you will be glad you did.
Thank you, Net Galley and B & H Publishing, for the opportunity to read this book.

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As usual, Priscilla Shirer doesn’t hold back. I’ve always loved her style of writing and studying, and God Is Able has probably topped my list of her work. Mankind is weak, but the God we serve is not. I love the emphasis of God’s sovereignty in this.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. The topic of the book is very timely-that while our circumstances can and do change, God does not change and He is able to do far beyond what we can imagine. I think the execution of the book could have been better. It lacks the depth I was looking for and paints something of a “prayer vending machine” picture of God. There needs to be a better balance between God’s ability to answer our prayers in ways beyond our imaginations and our responsibility to accept in faith when His answer to our prayers is No. This side of the equation is minimalized by the author, which renders the book much less effective.

Thanks go to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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This book is a great reminder of how good God is! I find it hard to trust Him sometimes, because I forget how good He is, and how He loves me, and how He has everything under control!! And though life is not always great and we don't always understand His plan, we can still trust Him. Thank you to the author for this reminder!
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance e-copy of this book! All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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This is a wonderfully written book by Priscilla Schirer. It was originally written 10 years ago but is now being all these years later. Based on Ephesians 3:20-21, the author takes up through it one word, or just one phrase at a time as she relates it back to her own life; witnessing and sharing God’s hand on her life and that of her family as she shares her joys and pains, and triumphs and losses.

As the author states, “I didn’t need to get past what I’d written, as if my real life had outmatched it; I just needed to get back in touch with what I’d written…. Saying and believing “God is able” is not a spiritual smokescreen intended to keep us from dealing with life’s hard reality. It is instead the bedrock truth that gives us the hope and strength we need for facing reality.”

I truly enjoyed this book as Ms. Shirer openly takes us into her life, with all its ups and downs, and shares her deep truths and what she’s learned after reflecting over 10 years. I couldn’t help but feel, as I was reading, that her talent as a gifted writer and down-to-earth relatability, it was like sitting down across from her and hearing her retell her stories firsthand.

Disclosure: I received this book free via NetGalley. The opinions I have expressed are my own, and I was not required to write a positive review.

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Priscilla Shirer is one of the greatest storytellers around. I will never say no to one of her books or teachings. What a gift it was for her to share the things in her life that have changed since she originally published the book. Thank you for the ARC!

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Priscilla Shirer is a seriously anointed author/teacher- I have another book of hers, 'Fervent', which I LOVED so I was super excited when I received an ARC of this one. The central message is based around Ephesians 3:20-21 and just how GOOD God is, regardless of circumstances and uncertainties. It is so encouraging and faith-building. I highly recommend!
Massive thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for a complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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Priscilla Shirer is a fantastic teacher and Bible study author. In "God Is Able (10th Anniversary Edition)", she returns to a former Bible study and updates it to the modern age. This study is focused on Ephesians 3:20-21 (one of my favorite passages), and I really enjoyed the in-depth look into this passage. Shirer does a great job of not just blithely muttering, "God is able", but showing exactly why that's true. She delves deep into this passage buy makes it easy to understand as well.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This book is a great reminder of how good God is! I find it hard to trust Him sometimes, because I forget how good He is, and how He loves me, and how He has everything under control!! And though life is not always great and we don't always understand His plan, we can still trust Him. Thank you to the author for this reminder!
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance e-copy of this book! All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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