Cover Image: The Mistress & The Renowned

The Mistress & The Renowned

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This series takes a fun spin on those classic Greek myths, especially the Hades x Persephone angle. The first book set things up nicely, and this sequel jumps right into the action, with Persephone doing her thing in the Underworld while Hades is MIA. It's cool to see the gods getting along better than usual, but Demeter's still causing drama.

My only gripe? Persephone's kinda the source of her own drama because she won't talk things out. But hey, Hades steps up, showing his softer side and trying to be a good partner and king. There are some sweet moments amidst the chaos, but Persephone's sudden fighting skills without any training? Not buying it.

Also, can't they catch a break? Every time things start looking up, something else messes it up. And that cliffhanger? Classic move, but Persephone seriously needs to work on her communication skills for the next book.

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*ARC received from Netgalley - all opinions are my own*

TLDR: If you enjoyed the first book then you’ll like The Mistress and the Renowned, if not, this will definitely be a miss for you. Constant conflict wasn’t fun for me to read about and didn’t feel like there was as much spice in this instalment to make up for it.

I had really hoped that Hades and Persephone could have grown a bit more as a couple and individuals a lot more in this one. We had a lot of the same issues of miscommunication and immaturity, which feels so frustrating with Hades given his age, experience, prior reputation. Even he points out that the way he is feeling and acting is bizarre and out of character.

Pretty much the entire book, right until the end, is the main characters in a fight or pausing said fight to quickly have sex or to rescue/ fight someone (no spoilers). When we get an inch of adult conversation and working through issues, it falls apart almost instantly (sometimes on the same page). Unfortunately this makes for an incredibly depressing and frustrating read as it’s difficult to read about constant conflict, especially when it's supposed to be a “spicy greek romantasy”.

There are strong themes and talk of trauma from the middle to end, with some parts written so well. How Hades feels/ acts and subsequently deals with his trauma feels very true and realistic and those scenes are probably the ones I enjoyed the writing and imagery of the most.
Persephone on the other hand, I feel shows an equally real depiction of trauma but one that is very difficult to feel empathy for. Persephone constantly, imo, diminishes the thoughts and feelings of Hades’ and almost downplays the horrific things he experienced for so long and how he is trying to put himself back together. It feels very “me, me , me" and uncaring of her, especially when you look at both experiences side by side.

Realistically, I probably shouldn’t have continued with the series after not liking the first book but I am an absolute sucker for Greek myths and who doesn’t love a HadesxPersephone retelling! Unfortunately this one just didn’t hit with me and I’ll not bother reading the last in the series.
However, if you liked the first one and didn’t mind the constant fight, make up, fight, makeup trope then you’ll enjoy this one as well. Just note that I felt like the tension and spice in the first book was far better than in this one so maybe read some other opinions if you’re reading mainly for the spice and I don’t think it’s as good in that area!

**Will add Amazon review link once live**

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I love this series so much.
I love the modern vibes in a Hades and Persephone story.
He does seem to be a lot more whiney in this book, but P puts him in his place quite a few times, and I absolutely adoreeee that.
The banter is on point as it was in the first book.
So freaking funny and cute at the same time.
Plus, there is a puppy. And that makes any story perfect. I don’t make the rules 🤷🏻‍♀️
The story was easy to follow and fun to read.
I read it all in 2 days, I just couldn’t put it down.
Major cliff hanger at the end killed me. Lol I can’t wait for the next one!

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~ Book 2 of the series ~

I must admit, I much preferred book 2 over book 1. I felt that there was more of a storyline, and we learned even more about Hades and Persephone's backgrounds, I especially enjoyed reading and discovering what the Underworld was like to live in, and how the magic and powers worked there.
Special shout out to the adorable Berry! (iykyk)

Don't worry smut lovers, there was still a few good scenes ;) but I felt that they were more enjoyable this time, as the storyline developed, and the relationship between Hades and Persephone grew.
Also, that cliffhanger!!

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I really was praying to the God's that book 2 would drastically better. I was reluctant to pick up the Mistress & The Renowned because of the writing style and just bland/immature characters from book 1 and it seems it carried onto book 2. The plot is subpar and unfortunately the overall feel of the book felt depressing. I am all for some well written angst and miscommunication but at some point I just wanted to yell at them to get it together.

I enjoyed how Hades is an Alpha male with feelings and even tears at some point but the writing just felt choppy and the cursing was unnecessary it didn't add anything to the plot or even the overall emotion or tone.

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||: “Shhh, he's my baby,” I whisper, feigning outrage. Hades raised a brow, his gaze trailing to my lips. I lick my bottom lip. “My husband. My love. My demon. My King.”
“And I come before the dog.” He growls.
Unbelievable he can't possibly be jealous of a dog. His god, no less. I cup his cheek. “You come before everyone and everything, my fated.”
Hades growls again, his eyes black. He dig his fingers harder into my thigh and slams his lips to mine, kissing me desperately. I moan into his mouth, his kiss dizzying.
“My Fate.” Hades murmurs against my lips before he deepens the kiss, his tongue flicking mine, his hands pulling me tighter into him. :||

The King and Queen in the underworld are introduced to us in this book, their love for each other evident in every page, we shadow their movements as they battle through adversaries raged by a powerful enemy which coils them in problems not once but twice proving a maternal love is the strongest to break. They maintain their love for each other and we are treated to an indepth look of Hades' past. It's a shame there weren't flashbacks for Persophne to tie them both to similar feelings as they are mostly trying to mirror each other during the book.

Although I enjoyed this beautiful love story, I didn't understand enough what happened in the first book to know what the couple had been through or why they were in the predicament they found themselves in.

The writing of both characters were amazing but I must admit the fact that similar sentences, feelings and motions were described for each character didn't persuade me they were mirrored or entwined.. it made it seem more Disney than desirably evil.

It also seemed such a small part of the story for what actually happened and how they progressed in one book. I felt more could have been added without compromising the ideas for the next part of the story.

Also the C word used for the female private area completely put me off the whole thing. It was crude and took away from the beautiful writing around It.

There was almost too much love for a Hades and Persephone story, however. The thought of the King of the underworld crawling around for a girl, no matter how in love or powerful she is, was disturbing but it made me want to read the next book to see how the story ends. Even though I didn't think I would be. I am invested now!

Thank you to Alexis Rune and Jeanette Rose, Rose and Star publishers for the advanced copy of The Mistress and the Rebound. Thank you also to Netgalley for providing the platform to do it, in return for honest voluntary feedback x

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This sequel gives us a lot more plot when compared to the first book!

This book picks up right after the events of the first book, but now Persephone is in the Underworld. And without Hades. But within their relationship there is definitely a good amount of miscommunication, so if that’s not something you like, be warned. I did really like how human Hades and Persephone were when it came to dealing with emotions and issues, I feel like you don’t often see that in stories of gods and immortal, powerful beings.

Hades and Persephone are fated and yet Demeter is being a garbage and obnoxious person (she was made so easy to hate and I think that’s so fantastic) who thinks that she can change fate.

I really appreciated all of the backstory and background there was on Hades. This book shows a lot of his childhood and what he’s gone through. And we get to see a much different family dynamic (between Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus) than I feel like you’d usually see in a Greek retelling.

And we get to meet Cerberus! We love a good doggo.

And there is a cliffhanger ending with some ambiguous language. So I am both intrigued and frightened.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ebook!

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Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and author for the copy of this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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The sequel tried to switch things up from the first book, aiming for deeper character development and a more involved plot, which was a good idea, given that this is a series and not a standalone. However, this new direction didn't quite deliver as expected.

The plot was kind of predictable and didn’t have enough going on to really pull me in. Similarly, the character development struggled to resonate. We were meant to empathize with the characters' struggles, yet the narrative fell short in providing the detailed context needed to forge genuine connections.

Also, the book leaned a bit too much on the whole miscommunication trope to keep the story moving, which felt a bit lazy. I missed the fun, easygoing vibe of the first book. Plus, the mix of the new serious tone and the amount of spice just didn’t work out well.

Overall, it felt like the sequel was trying to be something totally different but didn’t quite manage to pull it off. I definitely missed the charm of the first one and will read the next to finish the series, and hopefully we will see some improvements.

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I'm still very on the fence with this series. While I do enjoy the modern day Greek myth aspect, I'm struggling with the characters. A lot of Persephone's behaviour is a little too frustrating for me. I find that a lot of the arguments and issues the two of them have could have been easily avoided and I wasn't loving how easily she tends to get angry/irritated. It felt more like she was 18 and not a centuries old goddess.

There is a lot of potential, I just think the writing style isn't quite for me. However, I did like the ending and I am interested in seeing where things progress from here.

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After the way book one left me hanging, I couldn't wait to dive into this one... unfortunately, it also ends on a cliffhanger! It was so easy to fall back into Hades and Persephone's world(s) again. This is a bit darker than book one, but no less tense, steamy, and addicting. They've finally found each other, but it's not smooth sailing for these fated lovers. Getting to see the cracks and vulnerabilities in both Hades and Persephone made them seem more human in some ways, but that's not a bad thing. My biggest complaint (besides the cliffhanger), was Persephone's struggle with communicating with Hades. That said, it kind of fits because she's never had a truly serious relationship, and I don't think it's a skill her mother instilled in her. I do recommend this is you love myth retellings, and spicy romance.

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The Mistress & The Renowned by Jeanette Rose & Alexis Rune is a fantastic book that continues the story of Hades and Persephone. In this book, Hades has finally claimed his fated queen, but at a cost that neither of them could have foreseen. He's trapped in a carnivorous tree that's sapping his power, and he sends out a call for help, hoping that Persephone would answer. But another god is the first to hear him, and he's transported into his memories.

Meanwhile, Persephone is the new queen of the underworld, a title she never expected to hold. She's plunged into her new role but feels unsupported by Hades, who is not expected to be in the underworld for another month. She's plagued by nightmares and fears that her fated mate is in trouble.

The authors have done an excellent job of continuing the story of Hades and Persephone and keeping the readers engaged. The characters are well-developed, and their struggles are relatable. The world-building is excellent, and the plot twists keep the readers on the edge of their seats.

The Mistress & The Renowned is a must-read for anyone who enjoyed the first book in the series. The book is beautifully written, and the characters are engaging and memorable. The story is well-paced, and the plot twists keep the readers engaged until the very end. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a captivating read.

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I absolutely loved this book. I am a big fan of Greek mythology so it was an instant attention grabber. I feel like the authors did good research and that I actually learned some things as well. The origins were written well and I can't wait to read more!

Thank you Alexis Rune, Jeanette Rose, and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read the ARC!

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Absolutely adored:

Berry! I absolutely must have that affectionate 3-headed hellhound as a companion!
The rich infusion of Greek mythology! Kudos to the authors for their thorough research; I feel like I absorbed more about the Greek gods here than in all my years of schooling. The intricate details about their origins were captivating.
The conclusion! It left me craving for more!
Helios and Mellie's storyline. They deserve their own book, no doubt. Their eccentricity is utterly captivating.
What frustrated me:

The persistent miscommunication. About 200 pages of this book could've been spared if they simply confronted their issues and communicated openly. The constant circling around the problem was exasperating.
The immaturity displayed by the protagonists. It felt like they took a step back from their growth in the previous installment and reverted to behaving like adolescents. It's hard to reconcile this portrayal with the image of Hades as a successful businessperson.
In essence, I adored the beginning and the end, but the middle left much to be desired.

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"The Mistress & The Renowned" by Jeanette Rose & Alexis Rune offers a captivating twist on the timeless tale of Hades and Persephone. Set in a lush and immersive world, the authors skillfully blend mythology with their own creative elements, breathing new life into the ancient story. The dynamic between the titular characters is richly explored, showcasing their complex emotions and struggles as they navigate the realms of love, power, and destiny. With vivid prose and compelling narrative, this retelling is sure to enchant fans of mythology and romance alike.

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The second book was an improvement over the first, but it felt like things were just too easy. Every problem that popped up and got solved with barely a hitch. I enjoyed how the authors dove deeper into Greek Mythology, but the story and characters still fell a bit flat for me.

Thank you to Netgalley, Alexis Rune, and Jeanette Rose for letting me read this in return for an honest review.

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After reading "The Maiden & the Unseen," I was very curious to find out what would happen in this second book, and let me assure you, "The Mistress & the Renowned" didn't fall short. On the contrary, I liked it even more than book one. I love the continuation of a dual POV, and the character development was great. I enjoyed reading about Persephone getting to know herself and her new realm without Hades, and the journey to discovering her real powers. The POV of Hades as he starts to "relive" his past was also well written. Overall, I enjoyed getting to know these characters and what caused them both to have so much trauma and insecurities. And how the story turned out in the end... well, let's say I did not see all of it coming! Love it!

Favorite quote:
'"Ask me,"she whispers, and my eyes snap open to look at her. "Ask me to be your wife, your queen, to accept my fate."'

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The mistress and the renowned by Jeanette Rose and Alexis Rune.
Book 2 of love and Fate series.
Hades has finally claimed his fated queen, but at a cost that neither of them could have foreseen. Taken from his secure penthouse, he’s transported into the heart of a carnivorous tree that is sapping his power. In a moment of panic, he sends a call out, hoping for relief, a distraction from the torture he’s enduring. He’d hoped Persephone would answer. But another god is the first to hear him, sending him the last place he’d ever want to be: his memories.
I really did enjoy this book.  I love this series. I loved the cover. Short chapters, and I got into it straight away.  I did like Persephone and Hades. How they were with each other. I loved the illustrations in the book. I didn't like Demetir at all. I did love Cerberus. He sounded headious, but he wasn't. I did like Melinoe. I did like the style of writing. It did feel like I was there with them watching in the shadows. I am really looking forward to the next book. 5*.

#Jeanetterose #alexisrune #themistressandtherenowned #loveandfateseries #roseandstarpublishing #romanticerotica #netgalley

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I was so excited for book 2 in the Love & Fate series! I was not disappointed, but it did take a few chapeters to get into this one. Halfway through, I really started to get into the book and couldn't put it down. I loved the growth we see with Persephone and her relationship with Hades. I also adore the relationship she has with her Marshmallow too. Persephone really embraces her role as Queen of the Underworld, especially when her brother-in-laws are present! I can't wait to jump into book 3!

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What a follow up to the first book. Exciting, and romantic. It starts answering questions and really sets up for the evil and madness that will be the conclusion. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this book!

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