Member Reviews

I had been following Harry Dunn since he began sharing his harrowing experiences on January 6. I thought I liked and respected him a lot - after reading this I feel both even more so. This is a well-written, captivating book about a an event in history we all think we know about and yet this book exposed me to additional information and a perspective I admire and appreciate more than I can say. Everyone should read this one. Thanks to the publisher for sending me a copy.

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This book was incredibly interesting. I feel like I learned a lot even though I feel like this space in the book world can be pretty saturated. I loved it.

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Reading Officer Dunn's first-hand account of the Jan. 6 insurrection was harrowing, angering, and sad as it brought back everything we watched that day. I do wish the book had a bit more "oomph" behind it.

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When the dust cleared at the end of the very long day of January 6th, 2020, what was left was heartbreaking. Men and women who had fought [some with their very lives] for democracy and to stop and turn back the insurrectionists that were bent on pain, murder and were filled with hate and spewed that over all they met. The men and women, the author included, that put their lives on the line to both save democracy AND the people inside that building are the real heroes and I applaud them for their bravery in the face of a very real peril.

Well done Harry Dunn, well done. Thank you for your honesty and your transparency and your ability to be honest about how angry you were and how sad you were and how you are still, almost 3 years later, are still struggling with all that happened that day. Thank you for your committed service, then and now. And thank you for continuing to fight for those who cannot fight anymore and against all those that tried to subvert democracy and freedom that day.

Thank you to NetGalley, Harry Dunn, and Hachette Books for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I've got an idea: Harry Dunn for Speaker. Clearly he knows -- and cares about -- the buildings and people he works to protect better than many of those elected to be there.

This is an important book and I'll be buying a copy of it as soon as it's out. Thanks to the wonderful folk at NetGalley for this opportunity to read an ARC of it.

Dunn raises a couple of very good questions to which he has yet to receive acceptable answers. And he offers excellent explanations of the work of the various organizations tasked with protecting the workings of our government.

But mostly what comes across in the reading is the beauty and depth of his heart. I hope he feels all the hugs coming at him!

"Did this building, its purpose and its history, mean nothing to these people? How could you call yourself an American and destroy the very symbols of what makes us unique in this world?"

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I was excited to read Harry Dunn's book, Standing My Ground, after reading Michael Fanone'sn book earlier this year. These are good men, doing great things. I watch Harry every time he is interviewed and find him so interesting. He seems so down to earth and humble. He truly is a hero!

Many thanks to NetGalley and Hachette Books for this ARC!

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I wanted to read this book because I interned for a US Senator for a semester in college. The US Capitol has a special place in my heart. On January 6th, I was on break from law school and I remember sitting in my parents’ house watching the events of January 6th unfold from my iPhone and computer.

Harry Dunn is a US Capitol Police Officer who was there on January 6th. To get a first hand account of what I watched from the safety of my couch was heartbreaking and compelling. Dunn’s retelling almost reads as if we were just sitting across from each other at a coffee shop. Dunn came across as real and down to earth. The chapter “Our Blue Lives Didn’t Matter” was probably my favorite, because of how incorrect and insane some of the insurrectionists could be with how they viewed “Blue Lives” or even democracy.

If you do not like cuss words or coarse language this is not the book for you. Dunn cusses a LOT, but I love cussing so this endeared me to Dunn.

I took off a star because there were parts of the book that I felt could have been better organized. There were a few minor issues with spacing, but nothing dramatic that would hinder a reader’s enjoyment.

Thank you to NetGalley and Hachette Books for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review. Anyone who is looking for the truth of what happened on January 6th will enjoy this book.

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Standing My Ground is a memoir by Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn, who was on duty defending the Capitol during the MAGA-led insurrection attempt on January 6, 2021. He has also been one of a handful of law enforcement officials who publicly testified before Congress' January Sixth Committee and in various criminal trials against individual rioters. Standing My Ground focuses on Dunn's experience of the day, and the physical and emotional toll of the aftermath. The chapters that describe the events of January 6 are especially evocative. Dunn does not mince words about his feelings towards the rioters or the violation of their assault on the Capitol. I was also moved about how forthright he is in describing the physical and mental trauma he has worked through in the days since. I found the final chapter, in which Dunn walks through his decision to testify publicly as an act of service, to be a bit meandering. It was perhaps the least focused section, as Dunn contextualizes his decision within the larger landscape of various political justice movements. While I appreciate the detailed insight Dunn offers, and the nuance in his influences, I found the conclusion to be a little unwieldy. That said, it was a compelling read.

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So I liked this book a lot I do feel like sometimes at the front it became a history lesson and I understand that. Also some of the language was a lot for me and I’m no prude but I looked past that because it is his story to tell however he wants to.

I give it 4/5 stars I really enjoyed it

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First-hand accounts of the capitol police officers at the January 6th insurrection are essential for the nation to process what happened that day. This one is pretty straightforward and dispassionate--a just-what-I-experienced sort of narrative. Accessible to high schoolers.

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What a nightmare January 6 was, but that is nothing compared to those who were there - those who were mandated to keep that building and the people safe.

This book is raw and honest. I kept thinking "wow, that's crazy" as I kept reading to find out just how difficult that day was.

Great writing - it is very compelling. Written in a sensitive way, never forgetting the main core and how important it is.

It is very brave to write a memoir, so kudos to Harry Quinn.

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Officer Harry Dunn works at the US Capitol and thus was part of the havoc that occurred during the insurrection of January 6. This memoir covers that day, but more importantly, the aftermath as he struggled with PTSD. He addresses his anger toward The Trump administration that encouraged the riot, and the rioters themselves who have caused so much lifelong damage to the officers who responded that day. Lastly, this is a call to arms, a reminder of how far we have come in this country, but how much further we must go to make sure we don't lose our democracy.

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It was hard to read this book, I cannot imagine how hard it was to write it. To relive one of the worst days in American history was something I did not want to do, and yet those men and women who served on that day have no choice. But back to the book, I will be honest about the writing, some I found slightly repetitive, and there was a lot of swearing. But I wasn't the one fighting for my life. I do not want to put off some potential readers by saying that while reading chapter nine, I had tears in my eyes, but I will say that this chapter just about had me standing on my feet saluting Harry Dunn and his fellow officers, those who are with us and those we lost because of that day. Chapter nine is the perfect explanation of what this experiment named America is all about. We have all the officers who stayed in harm's way that day to thank that the experiment continues. I thank NetGalley and Hachette for this remarkable read. And I thank Harry Dunn for standing his ground.

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Harry Dunn is a Capitol Police Officer who was fighting against the insurrectionists on January 6, 2021. He and his fellow officers fought for the safety of our lawmakers and our democracy and they all paid a high price. Many of them were injured, both physically and emotionally, and some of them gave their life trying to protect the will of the people.

Mr. Dunn freely admits that he made mistakes, but he never gave up. He was pepper sprayed and beat, but he fought through it all. And now, when it is long over, he still fights his demons from that day every single time he has to go to work. He testified at the Oath Keepers trial even at the risk of his own safety and that of his family, because Mr. Dunn believes in democracy and our right to free and fair elections.

This book should become a must read. There are too many people who still believe that January 6 was just an ordinary day or that it was a protest that got a little out of hand. This book lays out the facts. It is the true story from a man who was in the midst of it all. I am grateful to him for his honesty and integrity. This is a 5 star read because of its relevance and importance in today’s political climate. It’s hard to put down and, if you believe in justice and democracy, you should read it.

Thank you, NetGalley and Hachette Books for the advanced copy.

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This was a wonderful book. It sure pays to hear the story from someone who was there. This is a no holds barred look at the event.

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