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Quantum Body

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Thank you, NetGalley, for the advanced readers copy. If you're a big fan of Deepak Chopra’s books and meditations and have wanted to learn more about quantum healing, this is the book for you.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this eARC.

"Quantum Body: The New Science of Living a Longer, Healthier, More Vital Life" is a thought-provoking exploration into the intersection of quantum physics and human biology. Authored by Deepak Chopra, M.D., physicist Jack Tuszynski, Ph.D., and endocrinologist Brian Fertig, M.D., this book promises to revolutionize our understanding of health and well-being.

At the heart of the book is the concept of the "quantum body," an idea that transcends the physical limitations of our existence. The authors argue that our physical bodies, subject to aging and decay, are merely a manifestation of our quantum selves, which exist at a sub-atomic level. This invisible, infinite source of reality influences our thoughts, feelings, sensations, and biological responses in profound ways.

The book is ambitious, aiming to redefine our understanding of metabolism and how our cells process energy. It boldly claims that common diseases like Alzheimer's, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, while prevalent in the physical world, do not exist at the quantum level. By tapping into the power of the quantum body, the authors suggest that we can significantly improve our physical and mental health, boost immunity, and even expand our consciousness.

"Quantum Body" is not without its complexities. The authors delve deep into the philosophical and scientific implications of their theories, which may be challenging for readers new to these concepts. However, for those willing to engage with its ideas, the book offers a unique perspective on health and vitality.

The narrative is interspersed with prescriptive exercises and cutting-edge research, providing a practical guide for readers to apply the principles of quantum science to their daily lives. The authors' vision is clear: to usher in a new era of well-being where the quantum body plays a central role in living a longer, healthier, and more vital life.

"Quantum Body" is a visionary work that will appeal to readers interested in the convergence of science and spirituality. It's a call to look beyond the tangible and embrace a broader understanding of existence. Whether one is a long-time follower of Chopra's teachings or a newcomer to the field, this book offers insights that could potentially alter the way we perceive health and disease, and ultimately, the way we live our lives.

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A Great Book on Quantum Healing

Deepak Chopra and the other authors defines the difference between our physical body and our quantum body, which is blurry and merges into the quantum field and it is infinite in all directions.

The chapters on breathing techniques and quantum metabolism, especially, provides key information on quantum healing, aging and disease, which can improves your overall wellbeing. Additionally, the authors discuss seven quantum breakthroughs that can expand your awareness, thet are:
1. Reality Is Experience.
2. The World Is Magic. You Are the Magician.
3. The Experience is Eternal.
4. Infinity Is the New Normal.
5. The Brain is Not The Mind.
6. “I” Is a Bad Habit.
7. Existence Is Your Crowning Glory.

The authors discuss each of the above quantum breakthroughs in detail, and provide a wealth of knowledge in this book on Quantum Healing that any natural practitioner would enjoy and benefit from. Highly recommend.

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I was thrilled to see a new book from Deepak Chopra. He crams anything he writes full of information that is explained in a way that anyone can understand it.

In the past, I was fortunate enough to listen to several of his recordings and I even came across him when he was a guest on Dr. Oz.

I hope he continues to come out with materials that are a blessing to those seeking knowledge.

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I enjoyed this overall. This might be best for those new to spirituality or Chopra. There's some very good info here that is universal and can potentially help anyone.

I really appreciate the free copy for review!!

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The introduction and epilogue of this book are written by Deepak Chopra and the main parts of the book are written by the other two authors. Depending on the reader, this may affect whether they want to read this book or not. This book takes the field of quantum physics and uses it to help explain how people are more than their physical bodies and that wellness includes spiritual, psychological, mental and physical health.
I agree with much in this book, but as a Christian, could not support a number of the underlying assumptions in it. Chopra, as well as the other two authors use a Hindu religious philosophy in this book. God is an unknowable spirit that is not separate from the matter that was created. It assumes reincarnation and that darkness/evil is essential. Because these underlying beliefs are not correct, in my opinion, this book was not one that I recommend.

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I’m a big fan of Deepak Chopra’s books and meditations and have always wanted to learn more about quantum healing. As an energy healer and earth medicine practitioner I found The Quantum Body a great place to dive deep into this revolutionary perspective. What an absolutely fascinating read! I’m highlighting left and right and learning so much while simultaneously feeling — Yes! I’ll be coming back to absorb more and reference these teachings time and again. And although this is written by the experts, it’s easy to read and follow for us non MD/PhD people. I’m ready to master a new skill set, expand my vision, and let new truths emerge. Thank you for this brilliant book.

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