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Chasing the Horizon

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DNF'd at 15%

This book has such a unique and intriguing premise. I have heard many good things about Mary Connealy's books, so I was excited to read this one.

Unfortunately, this book felt a little scattered to me, jumping between so many points of view as it did. As such, it failed to capture my attention and I had a hard time feeling a connection to any of the characters.

Maybe one day I will come back to this book and try it again, but at the moment, I need to move on to something else.

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Thaddeus Rutledge liked life on his terms & was not a man to be crossed. When he wanted to advance in society, he married wealthy socialite Eugenia Wyse. When he wanted his businesses to prosper, he stopped at nothing to make it happen. When his wife began voicing her own opinions & refused to hand over their daughter's trust fund, he locked her in an asylum. When his daughter Elizabeth tried to convince Thaddeus to release her mother from the asylum, he caned her. Nothing would stop Thaddeus from having it all - until his wife escaped from the asylum & his daughter went missing. This was not in his plan...

Beth and Ginny were on the run & needed a place to disappear. Going West on the Oregon trail seemed to be the perfect solution & would allow them a chance to find a new home. However, the asylum escape did not go exactly as planned. They did not plan to bring another woman with them from the asylum on their hunt for freedom. They did not plan to find a man shot & critically wounded that needed their assistance with his secrets. They did not expect so many trials & tribulations & difficulty keeping their presence unknown & low-key. Beth did not expect to find happiness, or love....

This was a really great book with very interesting characters! I enjoyed reading it and cannot wait for the next book in the series! Thank you so much LibraryThing Early Reviewers for the ARC.

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Chasing the Horizon by Mary Connealy is book one in her new historical romance series A Western Light.

I enjoyed this story. It had the perfect balance of light and tragic. Plenty of tension, too. I especially liked the characters. Particularly the hero. He was calm, determined, and patient.

One note – there is back story of abuse since the heroine had to help her mother escape from the asylum where her father falsely imprisoned her mother. A common—but horrific—occurrence in that time in history.

If you enjoy wagon train historical romances, don’t miss this one! I can’t wait for book two.

I received a complimentary copy of this book.
I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with FTC guidelines.

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In Chasing the Horizon, Beth Rutledge devises a daring plan to liberate her mother from her tyrannical father's clutches, opting for a perilous journey westward disguised as sisters on a wagon train. Amidst the rugged landscape, Beth finds solace and companionship in Jake Hoult, an astute wagon scout who senses the danger shadowing them. Their burgeoning romance blossoms amidst the trials of the trail, offering a glimmer of hope amidst adversity. As they confront the perils of the frontier and Beth's father's relentless pursuit, the narrative unfolds with suspense and excitement, showcasing the resilience and bravery of its protagonists. Laden with historical detail and brimming with captivating adventure, Chasing the Horizon weaves a gripping tale of love, survival, and the quest for freedom in the untamed West.

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Another amazing book by Mary Connelly! Set against the backdrop of the rugged Oregon Trail, this novel is a rollercoaster of mystery, courage, and the true essence of family.

From the get-go, Connealy whisks you away on a journey filled with vivid descriptions and heart-pounding suspense. Beth, our fearless main character, whose determination to right the wrongs done to her mother, sets the stage for an epic tale of resilience and love.

As Beth aids her mother’s daring escape from the clutches of an asylum, she discovers that family isn’t just about blood ties, but about the bonds we forge with those who stand by us through thick and thin. Alongside a band of newfound allies, including the charming Jake, Beth navigates the treacherous trail, facing dangers at every turn. I loved all the supporting characters in this story.

Connealy masterfully weaves in themes of women’s rights and the hardships they endured during this era, shedding light on a chilling reality of the past. Through the menacing pursuit and POV of a chilling villain, Thaddeus Rutledge, keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very last page as he relentlessly pursued his wife and daughter.

And oh, the romance! While Beth and Jake’s love story may seem sudden, it feels like a natural fit amidst the unpredictability of trail life. Their admiration for each other adds a tender touch to their whirlwind adventure.
But beware, dear reader, for this tale ends on a tantalizing cliffhanger, leaving you craving more. I am fairly new to Mary’s books but have loved every one I have read so far!

I received a complimentary copy of the book from the publisher to read and review. All thoughts are mine.

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What an interesting read this book was, it's about a mother and a daughter and their desperate escape from Chicago by way of a wagon train. The mother was placed in an insane asylum by her husband because he wanted to get rid of her and he intended to do the same with the daughter. So the daughter came up with the idea of joining a wagon train going west with also another escapee from the asylum. Mother and daughter pretend to be sisters on this wagon train. Jake is the wagon train scout and he knows something is not quite right with Oscar's sisters. You will definitely be enthralled with this story as they continue with the wagon train and their deception but then something unexpected happens...... Thanks to the author and NetGalley for an early copy of this book for me to read and I am very happy to give my review.

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On the Run

A suspenseful and romantic western set against the Oregon Trail and wagon's westward.

Ruth's father threatens to send Ruth to an asylum so he can get her inheritance. Ruth's mother is already there sent by her father. Ruth rescues her mother and they along with another inmate with her mother join a wagon train with some friends that are helping her escape.

Ruth finds romance along the way. They hide from the Pinkerton's her father has sent to find them with the help of the trail boss on the wagon train. They are hoping to make it to Idaho before the pinkerton's catch up to them.

It is a very delightful and fun book to read. The events and how they deal with them are fun to read and quite entertaining. I know that you will enjoy it as much as I did.

Thanks to Mary Connealy for writing an entertaining story, to Bethany House Publishers for publishing it and to NetGalley for allowing me to read and review a complimentary copy.

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Mary Connealy’s Chasing the Horizon is the story of Beth Rutledge who devises a plan to help save her mother who was unjustly placed in an asylum. Beth and her mother travel west to escape from Beth’s evil father. Along the journey, they meet Jake Holt, a wagon-train scout. I voluntarily read a complimentary copy of this well-written story about love, loyalty, trust, truthfulness, and family.

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Once again, Mary Connealy has brought another fantastic book! What a powerful experience to delve into this story! Beth proved to be such a powerfully strong young woman with an ability to truly swing with the circumstances she is faced with! She thinks on the spot, and takes control of every obstacle that comes to their little group as they head west! It starts with just Beth wanting to rescue her mother. However, she ends up responsible for two more along the way. The adventures they face are so truly emotional and powerful that it is hard to put this book down! Thank you, Ms. Connealy, for another fantastic book!

Thank you, Bethany House and Netgalley, for this wonderful opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I was so excited when I saw that Mary Connealy had a new book coming out! I couldn’t wait to dig in. Chasing the Horizon is the first novel in A Western Light series. This story focuses on Beth as she fights for her mother’s freedom. Escaping from an insane asylum is no easy task, but Beth and her mother are up for the challenge. Beths father is a hard man, and he doesn’t often hear the word “no”. When Beths mother fought back, she was sent to an asylum, and Beth knows it’s only a matter of time before her father sends her next. Greed can be a evil motivator. Lucky for them, Beth is good at making plans and eager to learn. After escape, they both know that they must get as far away as fast as they can. Assuming new identities the ladies join a wagon train. The adventures that leads to, along with meeting Jake, kept me turning pages late into the night. Can Jake see behind the secrets to the truth before it’s too late? I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys Historical Fiction. Connealy did not disappoint, and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next! I received a complimentary copy of this book from Bethany House Publishers and was in no way forced to post a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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I love a good wagon train story and pioneer story, and this is both. With some extra high society influence and villains as well. Ginny has been put into an asylum and her daughter and former employee plot to get her out and go west to hide. Wonderful full dimension characters you either love or hate. Very interesting. Looking forward to spending more time with them in the next book!

I received this book free from the author, publisher and NetGalley book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

#ChasingTheHorizon #NetGalley #BethanyHouse #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #ChristianHistoricalFiction #FiveStarBooks #MaryConnealy

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Chasing the Horizon

Beth’s father put her mother in an asylum. Beth’s mother and friend escaped and Beth got them to a safe place. I loved how Beth kept them safe. I enjoyed the boat ride where they cooked. The wagon train was very interesting too. A lot of hard times and some good days on the trail. Will they be able to stay away from Beth’s father or will he find them?

A great start to a new series.

I received an advanced copy of the book from NetGalley and the Publisher. This book review is my own opinion.

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I am always impressed at the way Mary Connealy sets the stage for her books. She is a master at coming up with dangerous and exciting plots for her characters and infusing them with humor which makes for stories I can’t put down. Chasing the Horizon is a great start to a new series, I really like Beth, Ginny and Kat and can’t wait to read each book in this series. The villain in this series is excellent and I am looking forward to the ladies besting him once and for all. This is going to be a fun adventure!

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Connealy is known for her trademark cowboy humor but has apparently decided to go another route by writing historical fiction. I found myself immensely missing the humor and also felt like this book was very low on plot. Connealy is still a great writer, so I finished the book and have already read book 2 in this series which gets much better. So, I'd still read this one to establish the characters for book 2, but expect a slightly plodding plot in most places and little to no romance.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC--all opinions are my own.

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A new series by Mary Connealy?

Insane asylums? Wagon trains? Sinkholes? Pinkertons? Hunky wagon train scouts?


I loved the character of Beth from the moment I met her on the pages of Chasing the Horizon, bravely rescuing her mother from the insane asylum to which Beth’s father had her unfairly committed. Not batting an eye (or much of one, anyway lol) when her mother brings along another escapee named Kat… or when Kat rescues a gunshot victim along the way and adds him to their ramshackle party too. Beth’s compassionate heart and warm personality make her a good friend to those they join up with on the wagon train, including a devastated family and that hunky wagon train scout I mentioned earlier. Her father is a formidable foe to be sure, but her inner strength ultimately makes her the bigger threat. I really admired Beth and the way she handled the situations life has handed her.

And of course I loved the romance thread between Beth and Jake, a bit more in the background of the story than I usually prefer but in the context of setting up this series it worked well and still had enough swoon to make me smile. Jake is a great guy, a hero in every sense – something we come to appreciate in ever-deepening ways as secrets are revealed and decisions are made. His steady & unquestioning support of Beth, her mother, and their makeshift family as they continue to run from Beth’s father makes him even swoonier, in my opinion. He – and the Collins brothers – stand in stark contrast to Beth’s father when it comes to integrity, courage, and heart, and I enjoyed getting to know them all.

Bottom Line: Chasing the Horizon by Mary Connealy is a delightful western frontier adventure! The plucky heroine and swoony hero are a good match, and their romance is sweet and straightforward. But it’s the hodgepodge of uniquely-layered supporting characters and the ever-present dangers from without (Beth’s father) and within (the Oregon Trail) that had me glued to the pages this time around. After all, we aren’t that far removed from the days when it was oh-so-easy to have an uncooperative relative (like a wife who spoke out against slavery and wouldn’t give her husband access to her trust fund) committed to an insane asylum based solely on your say-so, and I found that element of the plot quite intriguing. I can’t wait to learn more about Kat’s story in book two, and I’m just as eager to see what happens with several enemies that are still at large. An entertaining read from start to finish and a great series starter that has me impatiently waiting for Toward the Dawn‘s release in June!

(I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book)

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After breaking her Mom out of the insane asylum, Beth, her mother, and a Kat join a caravan crossing the Oregon trail. Along the way they find a man shot, and nurse him back to health. Once they join a larger group, Beth quickly grows comfortable with
Jake, a wagon train scout. Back home, Beth’s father employs Pinkerton agents to scour the countryside for his wife and daughter.

This book wasn’t really what I was expecting. The book itself moved slowly and focused heavily on the romance between Beth and Jack. The big “chase across the country” didn’t really happen and the Pinkerton agents didn’t play much of a part until close to the end. I thought the characters themselves were stereotypical and in general lacking. Overall, not a book I would reread or recommend. Maybe it just wasn’t for me.

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I truly enjoyed this book! Chasing the Horizon has a bit more gravitas than most of Conneally’s books, given the danger Beth and her mother face and the harsh realities of travel on a wagon train, and I’m here for it. There were small moments of her signature comedy, but the more serious tone was appropriate and right. I felt all the emotions of their escape from a true villain in Beth’s father, the trauma from the asylum Ginny deals with, and the pain of loss on the trail. The hope of Hidden Canyon, the gratefulness for Oscar, and the love of Beth and Jake. There are some really good action scenes and excellent character depth. I still have so many questions and I can’t wait for book 2!

I received a complementary copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley. I was not asked to leave a positive review. My opinions are my own.

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I enjoyed most of this story! It was like an episode of Wagon Train that my grandmother and I watch. I didn't really like how the story flowed, and it just seemed to be missing something. I liked the characters and was invested in what happened to them. I'm excited to read the next book!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I have been craving a novel set during America's Westward Expansion for quite some time, so when I learned about Mary Connealy's new novel, Chasing the Horizon, I eagerly signed up for the chance to read it! Readers looking for adventure and romance in their next book won't be disappointed.

Chasing the Horizon was a page turner from start to finish. The book opens with its daring heroine, Beth, helping her mother escape from an insane asylum in which she had been wrongly imprisoned, and the action doesn't stop from there. With a villainous father and his seemingly endless resources chasing them, in addition to the many perils more commonly encountered upon the Oregon Trail, Beth and her mother don't have time to catch their breath until they reach safety. Thankfully, they have several brave and selfless friends willing to help them.

I also really enjoyed the romance in this one. Jake Holt proves himself to be a great love interest for Beth. I really admired how Connealy wrote him in such a way that he both respects Beth's boundaries and is willing to sacrifice his own comfort and plans for her safety, and yet is also a strong leader who gently guides her when there may be a wiser course than what she had considered. Likewise, I loved Beth's willingness to learn, not only from Jake, but from anyone willing to help her and her mother. The chemistry between this couple was great, too!

Chasing the Horizon is a great start to Mary Connealy's new series, A Western Light. It ended on a bit of a cliff hanger and I'm eager to learn what will happen next for Beth, Jake, and the rest of their new "family."

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“Thaddeus saw the sense in both his women pre-deceasing him” (location 1696). Thaddeus is as vile a villain as any you hope never to meet. Unfortunately for Beth and Ginny, he won’t stop trying to get what he wants from them.

Beth is a wonderful, strong woman. She goes to great lengths to free her mother from Thaddeus’ clutches knowing she must give up her own hopes to do so. She willingly and generously pursues ways to survive. I appreciated the way she systematically went about learning skills that would help her and her mother.

There are several characters that have a lot of mystery surrounding them and I look forward to finding out their secrets in future books. It was interesting learning about the insanity laws and practices of the time. How horrific to be declared insane because you had a difference of opinion. I am curious to see how this thread plays out.

Thank you to Bethany House for providing me with a free e-copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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