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The Heirloom

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This book was a secret sleeper hit for me. I was going through a bit of a slump and I thought the premise sounded kind of silly, but I decided to give it a shot and I’m so glad I did. This story is absolutely lovely. The way the main character is portrayed and grows through the story is compelling and wonderful, and I loved her from the first chapter. The plot itself is full of humor and heartwarming moments and self discovery, and I easily got lost in it. I highly recommend checking this out!

Thank you to GP Putnam and Sons and Netgalley for this ARC. The Heirloom is out today!

4.5/5 stars

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I mostly liked this book but struggled to relate to the “superstitious” beliefs of the main character. The plot twists in the middle made me rethink if I was still reading because I was enjoying it or just finishing to finish it

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What started off as a little slow and difficult for me to connect to turned into a story that I just couldn’t put down. Seriously, once I got into it, I stayed up until the sun came up to finish it. It’s a simultaneously joyful and heartbreaking story of a young woman in a journey of discovery when her fiance proposes with an heirloom ring, one that’s she’s been warned by her grandmother not to accept based on superstition as well as one she doesn’t know the history behind. So she heads off first to NYC from LA with her sister and an unwanted journalistic-researched in tow as she works to get to the bottom of the story about the ring and all the women before her that wore it. Following clues she comes across in NY, she heads to Italy and Portugal to meet these women and get their stories. Along the way, she learns some hard truths about herself and her own past. Her quest for the truth she’s hoping for drives a wedge between her and both her sister and her fiance, while simultaneously drawing her closer to her travel companion. Torn, she begins to question everything - her past and future, and whether she even deserves a happy end after all. I could see how many other readers got frustrated and DNFed all around the same point in the book, but sticking with it when it got a little uncomfortable had a such a huge payoff for me that it was totally worth it.

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Though the story is built around a romantic proposal and a stunning engagement ring, The Heirloom isn’t a sweet, predictable romance. It’s challenging and unexpected—a moving story of understanding the past and healing old wounds in order to embrace the future.

Full review published on and aired on Shelf Discovery.

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I’ve been excited for this book for months. The premise sounded like the perfect summer read. I was expecting picturesque ocean villages, and a little dose of self-reflection, sprinkled in with romance and pasta. Maybe a little Mama Mia meets a Carley Fortune book. Unfortunately, once the story gets going, the only thing I enjoyed was the setting. It’s mostly about grief and our MC, Shea never redeemed herself in my opinion. Her behavior goes well beyond superstitious and felt more selfish or even narcissistic. (Also, I felt like she mentioned she’s from California or LA a lot. An unnecessary amount. I didn’t understand if this was a brag or ??? ) I’m really bummed this story went the way it did- it could have been great.
2.5 ⭐️
Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher for this advanced copy, in exchange for my unbiased review!

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This book was a lot of things, part zany romp through the Italy, Portugal, Boston and LA; part rom-com; part self-discovery with a lot of super dark undertones. All in all, I liked the storyline, and the rich settings and interesting side characters were enough to keep things fun. For me, though, the main characters fell somewhat flat and unrelatable. I would like to see this made into a movie!

Thanks to NetGalley for the free copy!

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Shea and John had been in a relationship for a couple of years and when John finally proposed to Shea it was with an heirloom ring. Shea’s grandma had superstitions and passed them onto Shea. When she first met John she told him she didn’t ever want an heirloom engagement ring because it could bring bad luck. Unfortunately, she took off to find the previous owner of the ring and took her to Italy and then back to Boston. Graham was a writer and he joined Shea and her sister Anne to look for the previous owner to get a great article. Not only one owner but others and to see what if any did it bring bad luck? But could Shea be falling for Graham? I wanted to keep reading because I wanted to see where Shea went with her life.

I received this ARC from Netgalley for free, and I am waving this review voluntarily.

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I loved the travel in this book, but it did fall a little flat for me. Some of the characters issues just seemed a bit too dramatic for me. Some of the conflict felt a bit unnecessary, with that being said, I did read this pretty quickly. It kept me engaged and turning pages, I just was over the drama at some points. The ending did make everything worth it, it felt like the absolute perfect ending. I love when a book comes full circle like this one!

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I was really enjoying this book until about the halfway mark, after that it became kind of repetitive and tedious to read. I blasted through the first half in just a few hours and then struggled to pick up the book and rad more than just a couple pages at a time during the second half. I found myself skimming to get to the finish line. The ending was decent however and that does make up for the second half a bit.

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This is an incredible story of a journey of self-discovery. Shea is proposed to, however, it's with an heirloom ring that causes Shea to start a journey through different parts of the world to learn the original story of the ring.

I loved the way this author described the places that Shea was visiting. Everything felt so real and alive. I also love the idea of the story. Something that I found relatable while still feeling like a very new idea.

Thank you, Netgalley and Publisher, for this Arc!

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Thank you NetGalley, Penguin Group Putnam, and Jessie Rosen for the advanced copy of The Heirloom!

The Heirloom follows Shea during her proposal and subsequent adventure to find out the history of the ring she received from her fiance John. The story was very captivating, and it kept my interest for the duration of the book. Shea's Italian heritage and resulting superstitions were fun to explore while she went on her adventure.

I didn't really enjoy the ending as much as I would've liked to. I felt like the author tried to wrap everything up into a neat little bow, but it's impossible to do that with the events of the book.

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If you are really superstitious, this might be the book for you but I found myself thinking the main character was sabotaging herself and her relationship. I was so frustrated and the ending was not satisfying, for me at least. Hope you have better luck!

The Heirloom comes out tomorrow on March 7, 2024 and you can purchase HERE.

. . . I am superstitious about many things, but most important among them is heirloom jewelry. I don't like it. I don't trust it. So if someone was to propose to me with an heirloom engagement ring, I would say no."
"What's an heirloom engagement ring?" John asked.
"An antique ring you buy at a vintage jewelry store that was previously worn by an unknown woman in an unknown marriage."
"And what is there to be superstitious about?”
"Bad karma. I believe the ring carries the energy of the previous wearers' marriages."
"And then what? Gives it to you?"
"Exactly!" His quick grasp of the concept was reassuring.
"Okay, but why?" John asked.
"I'm not one hundred percent sure. In my mind the energy needs to move and so it sort of jumps-" John laughed. "No, I mean, why do you believe this?"
"Oh. Because of my nonna. She was the queen of superstitions. No shoes on the table, no owls in the house, if you gift someone a knife you have to also gift a penny. But her rules around marriage were legendary."

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The Herloom was enjoyable, but something I expect I’ll forget I read next week. The characters were interesting enough to keep the story going but not enough to make N impression. I struggled to connect with them personally. The settings were what kept me going and I enjoyed the travel aspect of the story.

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Such a promising and intriguing premise that unfortunately fell flat for me.

I was so excited to start this. I was expecting Letters to Juliet vibes (which is one of my absolute favorite movies), but this is *not* a romance despite it being rooted in marriage. This is a story of trauma and grief and deep-rooted feelings.

I think all of the characters were problematic in their own ways. Did it make them more human? Yes. Was it way too dramatic in some parts for me? Yes.

I liked the twists and turns (even though there was probably one too many), but the twist about halfway through (if you read it, you’ll know) just made me feel so, so icky. I figured it was heading that way… but it’s my absolute least favorite trope and I HATED it and how it played out. It was also lowkey useless? I think there could have been others ways to come to the conclusion without including that plotline.

I did like the ending, though. The full-circle moment of self-realization and love was nice, but that was one of the only moments I kind of enjoyed.

And finally - thank you so much to NetGalley and G.P. Putnam’s Sons for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review!

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I was so excited to start The Heirloom by Jessie Rosen and it honestly didn’t let me down.
This one was really well written and kept my interest throughout the book.
I was totally engrossed in this book from the beginning.
I fell in love with the characters and the storytelling was so well written.
These characters were realistic, showing true emotion.
I will be keeping my eyes open for her next title.

Thank You NetGalley and Publisher for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Shea lives by four rules in her life, one of which is that she doesn't wear heirloom jewelry due to the bad karma she believes is attached to it. When her boyfriend, John, of four years proposes, she should be elated, but her only focus is learning the history of the vintage ring John chose. The mystery takes her across the world to Italy and Portugal, and she gets involved with a journalist, Graham, who may have a personal interest in writing a story about the ring. With the help of her sister, Annie, Shea must determine what her future holds, and if it will include John and the heirloom ring.

I thought history of the ring was interesting, especially all the little side journeys it took Shea on, and all the people she met along the way. I wouldn't necessarily call it a traditional romance, as John (an actual saint for being so patient with Shea) only bookends the story, with a bulk of the middle focusing on Graham, but not truly ever diving into love triangle territory. Graham and Shea needed each other in order to find themselves, and they wouldn't have been able to do that together. Overall, a quick and fun read, and I was content with how the book ended.

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I was immediately drawn to this dreamy book cover and the blurb. Superstitious Shea Anderson is proposed to by her long time boyfriend, but with an heirloom ring. Shea believes that she needs to know the ring’s provenance before being able to accept John’s proposal. This sets off a winding chain of events as she chases down the answers she needs.

I enjoyed this book. I liked the adventure part of it, as Shea travels to multiple cities and countries, and I liked the stories of the ring’s history slowly unfolding. I don’t tend to enjoy stories that include infidelity, so I could have done without that element, but I see how it was part of Shea’s journey to self discovery.

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Can love conquer all, even when it challenges our deepest convictions?

Shea's boyfriend, John, knew better. So why had he broken one of her three cardinal rules? She'd made it clear, over the course of their relationship, that heirloom jewelry was a big no, never! Her beloved grandmother said it was bad luck, based on what she'd witnessed from her years of owning a bridal shop. So why had John tainted the most momentous moment of their relationship to date by presenting her with an heirloom ring of unknown history? What did that mean for their future?

As an intuitive empath with a knack for sensing the energy stored in objects, I found "The Heirloom" to be a delightful journey through the realms of psychometry, superstitions, and the enduring bonds of family beliefs. Shea Anderson's quest to unlock the history of an heirloom ring is not just a search for the past, but a poignant exploration of love, luck, and the power of our inherited superstitions. She has helpers in her quest--her sister and a journalist who heard about her issue and is writing a feature piece about it. Each person on the quest contributes to the search, but it is Shea who must confront her fears and prejudices and make a decision. I found her internal struggles realistic and her moments of realization deeply relatable. In the end, "The Heirloom" poses thought-provoking questions about love, fate, and the choices we make.

In summary, I highly recommend "The Heirloom" for a fun, interesting read. The book's short chapters and compelling narrative kept me eagerly turning pages and following Shea and company across continents. I believe you will enjoy Jessie Rosen's blend of mystery, romance, and travelogue elements. Her writing style makes for a sophisticated, uncertain, and enjoyable read you'll want to tell your friends about.

Thanks for the advanced reader copy for review, @NetGalley!

#TheHeirloom #NetGalley #womensfiction #igfiction #travelfiction #psychometry #superstition @JessieRosen @putnambooks @penguinrandomhouse

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This was a descriptive adventure read. Shea gets spooked after being proposed to. According to her Nonna’s superstitions there’s a bad omen amongst used jewelry . This leads her on a journey to several different locations to find the story behind her engagement ring. It ended up assuring her that John was the riight choice. Sometimes a wive’s tale is just that. Generational fears from past experiences. The Hank you to NetGalley for this free advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinions

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The Heirloom by Jessie Rosen is a story of self discovery that takes the reader on a journey to Italy, Portugal, Boston and New York. We start out in L.A. following Shea after she has been proposed to by her fiance. Shea's grandparents are from Italy so there is a strong tie to them. I love to see places in Italy and hear about her heritage. Shea's Nonni had many superstitions that Shea carries with her and one of those is not to wear a wedding ring that has been worn before. That is the kind of ring her fiance gives her and it sets her off. She is determined to trace the origins of this ring back to the original owner and all the owners in between to see how the marriages ended.
It loved that this was a clean book to read meaning there were no swear words and no smut scenes. That made it enjoyable. I also really like the travel that takes place as the author can place you in many different places with the history and landmarks that make it special. I did not really like our main character, Shea, although I came to a better understanding of why she felt this way. I thought she really took things too far in her search and did it really matter. But that is the point of the book, Shea didn't know why it mattered so much so in her self discovery she learns a lot about herself, her parents and her reason for not believing in love.
Overall, it was good but it did get redundant after a while.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

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