Member Reviews

I love the book, I'm part Irish and this brought everything to life. The entire book was amazing and full of information and stories. If you want to know more about the celts this is your book.
A wonderful section on history and that it goes into such detail.
One of my favorites was the goddesses, Brigid has always been one of favorites and there was information I didn't know. Every page I turned was like oh my.
Talking about sacred nature of Ireland caves, forests, trees, mountains, holy springs, wells, lakes, sea cliffs and beaches absolutely amazing the number of springs was 3,000. The reverence and respect is given. The good people faires or fae where are they, signs how they play into the history and culture. This is a book to re-read as there's so much information to try absorb in so setting.

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This is my first read into the Irish-Celtic world, and I found it to read like a text book There was a lot of information, about the mythical and how it tied into the events of history. I really liked that I could immerse into this world and get to know it.

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This is a gorgeous book! Filled with information about the history and mythology of Ireland, reading it was like taking a magical journey. The author possesses a writing style that make one feel like they could be sitting by the fire on a winter's night, listening to tales of old as well as tales of the recent past. I love that his connection to Ireland is physical as well; sometimes people write about the country but they haven't been there themselves. His love for her is evident. I particularly enjoyed the stories regarding Brigid, as she is someone I revere in her goddess form and the author gives a thorough and interesting account of her various guises and what makes her special and relatable to so many. I would definitely recommend this book.

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Aisling by Jeremy Schewe is a treasure! The book is chock full of historical information of all things Ireland. Aisling covers historical battles, myths, and legends. It has maps, and an impressive bibliography with suggested reading, glossary, as well as pronunciation of different Irish dialects (yes there are more than one). This would be a great gift for lovers of the Emerald Isle.

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“Aisling: Discovering Keys in the Irish-Celtic Mysteries,” by Jeremy Schewe is both a challenge for readers to engage in a personal transcendental mystical visioning quest for the supernatural origins and deities that are mysteriously attributed with the creation of the Isle of Erin, as well as a primer on ancient Irish Celtic History—both actual and perhaps fictional; the legendary high kings, heroes, heroines, and goddesses; as well as places of interest to visit—stone circles, holy wells, cairns, huts, etc.

I enjoyed the historical aspect of “Aisling” (meaning dream vision in Gaelic), but the excessive amount of prose about all children of Ireland needing to seek spiritual enlightenment and guidance from ancient deities was less interesting and seemed almost evangelical and preachy. This is a heavy-handed approach that I personally found boring and almost offensive. I’m sure some New Agers will be more comfortable with this concept, but I’m more interested in my Irish roots and heritage than hoping to be visited by ancient pagan fire goddesses in my dreamscape.

JoyReaderGirl1 graciously thanks NetGalley, Author Jeremy Schewe, and Publisher Cross Crow Books for this advanced reader’s copy (ARC) for review.

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Aisling by Jeremy Schewe is a book that I didn’t know I was looking for. Jeremy has combined an approachable writing style with an in-depth look at Celtic history and mythology in a way that is incredibly useful that’s for the academic minded reader as well as a spiritual practitioner. I highly recommend giving this text Read if you are looking into a Celtic based spiritual tradition or wanting to look at Irish history, through a spiritual lens..

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I LOVE history and mystical details and this book REALLY delivers on the Celtic side of my roots in Ireland. I know that I’m a bit of a mutt with my accentral DNA, but I believe that’s what makes me who I am and allows me to relate to so many people and cultures. This book really brought home, not pun intended, my familial Bhoy roots.

If you’re looking to connect with your roots, or even just learn more about Celtic mystics and history, this is a great book for you as well.

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This is a magnificent book to take a journey into the mystical world and gain historical knowledge of Ireland. The author does an amazing job of tying the historical aspects that chapped a country with the mythical aspects and ties them to how someone can make the journey in real life. This book is wonderful if you are wanting learn about the Celts or travelling to Ireland to experience a land full of mysticism. Great read!!!

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I found this book intriguing. I have been very interested in all things Celtic. Most books I have read have bits and pieces of history, mythology, and folklore. This book has it all in one place and references to go with it. It’s a great read if you want the history of Ireland. I was surprised by some things I read as I had never heard them before.

I definitely recommend this book!

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This book is remarkable for its scope and actual usage by solitary learners. Ireland and its beauty is finally given its importance in relation to its Diety worship . I cant say enough about the fact that reading this book is like a chance to dip into what our ancestors knew or experienced! The Goddesses are the focus which made it simpler for me to focus on the land and the sacred spirit of the Island of Ireland, History is given which finally helped me to understand what the invasions meant and when they were as far as we can date reliably. This book is not easy to describe. You have to actually read it and do the work to see the awesome contribution Jeremy Schewe has given to Celtic lore and practical work.

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