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Simply the Best

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This one had me from the first page, what a great way to start a novel!

Clint and Rory had chemistry from page one, and I loved watching their story evolve. And this one from SEP had an original twist that haven't been in her earlier stories, a mystery. Rory takes it upon herself to help solve it and clear her baby brother's name. Doing so helps her strengthen her relationship with him, and with her step-mother Kristin. Kristin was kind of a sleeper character for me, and I really loved watching her story as well.

This one was great from start to finish!

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This opposites attract, enemies to more, modern day cinderalla romance is humor filled fun. There is also a mystery element but it's the amazing, colorful characters and their chemistry, hilarious banter and dialog that keeps the pages turning. As always, struggles are involved but the happy ending arrives. The book was fantastic from start to finish and put a smile on my face. 100% recommend!

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I have read everything SEP has written and for the most part loved them all! But this book was not for me and missed the mark on so many levels. I didn’t like the characters to start with. Rory is immature and makes bad decisions knowing they are bad decisions. Brett is just an a hole. I have no clue even at the end why they like each other much less want to get married. There were awkward moments where they kissed and I guess had sex at some point. Their banter isn’t even good.

The story for me wasn’t presented well either. It’s all centered around Rory’s brother ex girlfriend who was murdered. Not only do we have that to contend either trying to do a romance between Rory and Brett (her brothers agent) but then there’s an added storyline about her step mother and her new boyfriend that was completely unnecessary. Also she’s an awful person and I didn’t like her so skimmed her chapters.

The cornering jewel of this whole book was when Heath and Annabelle were in the scenes. Otherwise it would have received even lower stars.

While I will continue to read anything SEP puts out, I would recommend reading any other stars book than this one.

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After having a one night stand, Rory and Brett are thrown together when her half-brother, his client, is implicated in a murder. They both go back and forth on dealing with each other while also trying to find her brother who has gone missing. Rory is trying to find the real murderer, while keeping her chocolatier food truck afloat. I would have liked better interactions between Rory and Brett. It was a hate to love you. They spend the entire book not really having any chemistry. For every step forward they took, it seemed like they took three back. There was more relationship growth between Rory and her step-mother than with Brett. There was potential for growth with Rory and Brett, but I felt it didn't happen.

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Susan Elizabeth Phillips has been my go-to author for years so it's no shock that I jumped at the chance to read her newest release Simply The Best. A romance with a murder mystery in the mix? Sign me up! Brett and Rory's story is another great addition to an undoubtedly awesome series. Simply The Best reminded me of SEP's older work especially the romance. A driven sports agent and the eccentric, kind hearted chocolatier. Their dynamic throughout the book had me hooked and the tension was palpable. Thank you to Netgalley and Avon for my copy!

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"Simply the Best" is an enjoyable story with some unanticipated twists to it. After the unexpected death of her best friend, Rory Garrett is determined to prove her brother's innocence, and we follow along as she tries to find her brother and figure out what really happened that led to Ashley's death, all while battling a growing attraction to her brother's forbidden sports agent and trying to pick up the pieces of her failure of a life.

While there is a lot going on in the story, the characters were engaging and the opposites-attract romance was enjoyable. And I'll admit, I was surprised to learn who the killer was. I had one person pegged as the culprit for much of the story, so was pleasantly surprised when it turned out to be someone else.

Thank you to Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Avon and Harper Voyager, and NetGalley for an advance review copy.

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Simply the Best was fun from the beginning to the end! Romance with a mystery, humor and sarcasm. Brett and Rory's love story was entertaining, and I couldn't stop reading/listening to this book. Great narrator too!

It's been years since I've read one of the Chicago Stars books but I'm so glad I picked this one up. I've always enjoyed Susan Elizabeth Phillips books!

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review. All opinions are my own.

Publication date: 13 February 2024

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Brett Rivers is a top sports agent. Rory Garrett is a mess. She lives in the shadow of her football hero brother. Brett and Rory share on stupid drunken night together. There is no way that should pf happened or will work out. The basic question is what price are we willing to pay to be simply the best. Read and find out.

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Thanks to Avon for an advanced copy of Simply the Best by Susan Elizabeth Phillips.

I've read all the books in the Chicago Stars series but unfortunately, this book wasn't for me. I love sports books and the sports agent/megastar football client's sister is a great trope but I didn't like Brett or River.

Hopefully, SEP fans will enjoy this more than I did.

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Simply the Best was so much fun to read. And the fact that SEP combines her epic sense of humor with a whodunit made this book 10x better. The banter is some of the best. The entire time I am laughing my butt off, I was trying to figure out who the killer was, and I must admit that I never once guessed. Because who I thought it was, was completely way off. This whole book was an absolute joy to read, filled with lovely characters and silly moments and so much heart. I loved it!

And as always Happy Reading!!

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Classic SEP. this feels like past SEP but without the problematic consent issues. I absolutely loved this book - it’s fun, funny, swoony, the tension builds and feels realistic. I was worried it would be: rich, strong man and messy inept woman but Rory really is so much stronger than you think (and her family thinks) at the outset.

I also liked the mystery of this and was surprised at who the killer was!

My one negative critique is that both characters talk about how they don’t want kids or marriage but that shifts really quickly by the end. I understand people’s ideas changing when they meet the right person BUT I do wish that SEP had them stay firm at least with their desire to not have children as it’s so rare in romance.

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The latest Chicago Stars novel enters new territory, focusing on an agent and his client who is suspected, and accused, of killing his ex-girlfriend. That client’s sister joins his agent in attempting to clear her brother and identify the real killer while also trying to right her own dream of becoming an artisanal chocolatier. SEP, as always, rewards her readers with her wry wit and her opposites attract plot lines. There are rocky paths travelled to a well earned HEA and plenty of charming, yet unconventional, characters confronted along the way.

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According to my Goodreads list this is my first Susan Elizabeth Phillips book which I find hard to believe! I actually read it twice, once in October and then again during release week because I just loved it! Who would have thought a little murder mystery in a romance book would hook me? I had the opportunity to hear Susan speak about her book and romance writing at the Love Y'all Book Festival and have my book signed which was such a blast! It also gave me some inside perspective into our main characters and what just works about sports romance.

I really loved Rory's character because she's kind of a mess but still optimistic and a ball of energy. She's snarky, independent and is chasing her dream even if it's not what most would consider practical. Brett is definitely described as a Type A workaholic which is not usually my type but everything about him works for me. He's sarcastic and funny, incredibly driven and success-oriented. He's a business shark, but underneath it all is a good heart. The dynamic between the two is funny and full of chemistry and I love the banter. Rory definitely gives Brett a run for her money. Plus -- the chocolates! Who could resist the chocolates. Despite the history Rory has with her brother and step mom and unresolved feelings of being second best, she is determined to clear his name in the murder of her somewhat friend/neighbor. We also get a look into her step mom's romantic life which is interesting because it also shows how she interprets her relationship with Rory. The story starts off with a one-night stand between Rory and Brett, neither knowing who the other is, which turns into a big misunderstanding and fuels the animosity/chemistry between the two. It's sports romance but sort of detective romance too as the two try to solve the mystery of who murdered Clint's ex girlfriend, because Rory doesn't believe the police will dig deep enough when her brother seems to be the perfect culprit.

It's a truly enjoyable and fast-paced read that definitely deserves all 5 stars! I wasn't able to put it down.

Read if you like forbidden love, opposites attract, enemies to lovers, murder mystery, family drama, a bit of danger, banter and lots of laughs.

This is the 10th book in the Chicago Stars series and I am so excited I have 9 books to go back and read because I ate this one up! I can say that you don't need to have read the others to enjoy this book but it will have you craving more from the author.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced digital copy from Avon on NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Simply the Best by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. Simply the Best is an amazing story from beginning to end. I especially loved the descriptions of the chocolates. Read the story you will be amazed.

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Simply The Best by Susan Elizabeth Phillips is another touchdown in the Chicago football series. I always love this series. The grumpy/sunshine and the mystery sprinkled in keep the plot moving right along. The bonbons were a great addition too! Happy reading!

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SEP knocked it out of the park again! her latest instalment in the Chicago Stars series is everything I love about her books, funny, heart warming, and well written. Loved that this one also had an element of mystery/crime solving to it too and wasn't a typical sports romance!

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I loved the quirky main characters of this book. You will laugh and totally root for them! Brett and Rory have a love and hate relationship, where two very different people start to for, a relationship. They are trying to solve a murder that her innocent brother is being blamed for. Will they be able to solve the case and protect what they both want? I was given an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Wonderful story, great character development, great writing! Highly recommend this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it

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I adore this writer and have read every book she has written. When I see a new release, I don't even read what it is about-I just go ahead and order because I know I will love it. I received this one via NetGalley as an ARC in exchange for a review. Mrs. Phillips' characters typically have a quirky female lead, a hunky overconfident male lead whose life is turned upside down by the romance that occurs between the two characters and a heavy dose of conflict and humor. This book was no exception. Brett Rivers is a driven, successful sports agent who meets his biggest client's sister Rory without realizing who she is. Rory is scattered, has a low self-esteem from being overshadowed by her famous football player brother, and she never quite lives up to her potential. However, there is a murder, and her brother, the main suspect goes missing. Brett and Rory team up to track him down and the adventures begin. I really enjoyed the interaction between the two main characters as well as the conflict that Rory had with her stepmother. They mutually disapproved of each other and there was humorous sarcasm, utilized by both, until their relationship grew, and they realized that they had much in common, as well as that their differences complemented each other. I highly recommend this author and her latest book. No one writes romantic comedy quite like she does.

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Ms Phillips is the queen of sports romance for a reason! This one combines sports, a mystery, sweets, and a cast of fantastic characters! Rory has always been in the shadow of her star half-brother. Clint Brett, Clint's agent excels at work and he's gotten to the top because of it. When Clint finds himself in a bit of trouble Rory and Brett find themselves joining forces but will it bring them together or tear Clint's world apart?!

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