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The Cure for Burnout

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The writing is extremely approachable and comfortable to follow along. The organization of the book seems well planned. It’s general enough to appeal to a large audience. I stopped at 13%.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for the ARC.

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A timely and comprehensive approach to the problem of burnout - a silent epidemic in our time, exacerbated by COVID-19 pandemic and the downstream changes in our society.
I was delighted with the author's approach, providing info on how to diagnose the various kinds of burnout and the different solutions to tackle the problem. I recommend this book to all who feel overwhelmed in managing work and life balance or want to ensure they resolve issues so they don't reach critical points in their life.

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Speaking as someone who has dealt with intense burnout in my own life, I can say that this is a good resource for anyone currently experiencing that, or for those who are coming off of a season of burnout.

Personally, I think anyone who manages or leads a team should consider going through this book with their employees as a way of gauging how best to support their staff. In the world created by the pandemic, the workplace has become more stressful and burdensome on many people. A book like this points is in a healthy direction.

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A relatively quick read but full of great information, relatable anecdotes, and an easy writing style that never makes itself too lofty nor too dumbed down. Probably no revolutionary new information, but a good read especially when you’re in the right headspace to want/need it.

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The Cure for Burnout by Emily Ballesteros is just about everything I hoped for from a book about burnout. Ballesteros dives into the different kinds of burnout a person can face and some strategies to help prevent, combat, and come back from burnout.

It was a nice experience to find words I could very easily relate to and walk away with action items to incorporate in my every day life. I’ve already started employing a few different techniques. As a high-performing individual with very high (if not unrealistic) expectations of myself, burnout is a thing that often feels inevitable and insurmountable. Ballesteros’ breakdown into why that doesn’t have to be the case anymore is much needed in a world that feels like it still praises hustle culture over health.

I read and watch a lot of content around productivity and burnout and, as I often wish for with personal development books, do think this book could be more succinct. The individual topics around setting boundaries felt a bit long for my taste and I found myself wishing we could just get to the point a bit more quickly. If you’re picking up this book, you’re likely familiar with many of the themes outlined here and don’t need full-scale synopses on the different kinds of stressors. You KNOW what triggers you — you need actionable feedback to overcome those triggers. No book will help you with that. Therapy will (and while were on the topic, YES, I do think everyone needs therapy).

All in all, I did enjoy reading this book. It was smart and fast-paced and I will certainly recommend it to anyone I know looking for some confirmation that their burnout is valid and deserves attention before it gets out of hand.

Important to note if you are struggling with burnout: while this book is a fantastic starting resource, I strongly recommend you work with medical and mental health professionals to ensure your physical and psychological safety during recovery. Burnout is NO JOKE and no one should try and overcome it in a vacuum.

Thank you to Penguin Random House and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for this review.

#TheCureforBurnout #NetGalley

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This was such a relatable read, and it is written in such a way that it feels like you are having a chat with a good friend instead of reading a book written by a human you have never ever met.
I had not heard of the author before, I had to look her up online and wow, her IG content is good. I believe this book is going to be HUGE because of that!
Burnout, I believe, is something most encounter nowadays, at least to some extent. There is just SO MUCH of everything. Although there is plenty of information about it out there already, this one is good, it is really good. It reads easily, reading it already makes you feel better, makes you feel seen, heard, understood and validated. And then there is advice and suggestions – none of them condescending in any way, presented in a way that makes it look DOABLE. Actually doable. Loved it.

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I think putting your best foot forward and always looking ahead not behind is such an important trait for any human being to have. Now, this is easier said than done, but something that we can all work on. Working and redefining ourselves is the epitome of being human. I think that sometimes we become so caught up on the hype and trying to please others before we please ourselves is so detrimental.

This author was able to bring out those lessons that we need to hear and learn in order to become our best selves!

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really great practical advice! I have been following Emily on IG for years and this book is the perfect expansion to her burnout graphics and topics she discusses online. I am so glad to have received an early copy, I will be sharing this with all my friends and coworkers!

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Like most self-help or self-awareness books, I didn't totally need the whole thing since my burnout isn't an overstimulation at work issue. But the parts I did need, dang I really need those parts.

I impulsively requested this book on NetGalley after seeing an advertisement for it. Since beginning to struggle with burnout about a year ago, I've been trying to read everything I can about it and how to combat it. I liked, and will have to go back and re-read, her theory on burnout essentially out of boredom since that's what I feel like I face a lot.

Either way, the parts I needed in this book I REALLY needed, and it gave me lots over which now need ruminating. Joys.

Thanks, NetGalley!

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I had legit so many books ahead in my "need to read list" and when I saw I got approved on this one, I ...accidentally? Shoved everything else aside and read it. I think I've read about every book about burnout, habit tracking, figuring out your goals that have been trending, but something about this one was really quite a joy to get through.

The writing was easy, relatable, and dare I say, easily consumable. Most of the information wasn't "new" to me, but I enjoyed reading it through the author's voice. Never heard of her platform before, but I would definitely check it out.

If you're new to the productivity sphere/looking for ways to fix your burnout, this book is truly a great one!

Thank you to NetGalley and Dial Press for a copy to read and review.

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A must-read for anyone who knows or suspects they are suffering from burnout. The author helpfully identities different types of burnout and offers practical solutions and guidance to reducing your risk for or to overcoming burnout in a non-judgmental manner. I will certainly be applying these tools to create healthier work/life habits.

Thank you very much to Random House and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a copy.

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Burnout is real and I’m happy to see this title forthcoming. The author does a good job sharing her own experience coupled with tips for overcoming burnout. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Love the cover!

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Thank you to netgalley for a chance to read this book.
I won't give much away simply because I think it's a book people need to read. I like how Ballesteros rejects the "conventional" cliché methods and just deals with sound, informed strategies and advice. For someone on a job thats primed for burn out, this was very welcomed

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We live in crazy times and our various media and devices along with our responsibilities cause so much pain, disorientation and burn out. The author has presented me with some useful ways to think how I slow down my own treadmill and live.

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“The Cure for Burnout” by Emily Ballesteros is absolutely amazing. I really liked that she hates the conventional help that everyone suggests just doing yoga and meditating to fix life problems as much as I do.
It is filled with many things like baselines being what temperature that’s livable for you, habits changing and the need to adapt constantly, the types of burnout, neglecting basic needs, tracking behaviors and correcting them, internal vs external experiences, mindsets that lead to burnout, changing toxic environments, not falling into social norms traps, past limitations, seasonal values, rest, non-negotiables, personal care, sustainability of habits, bare minimums, and so much more.
I cannot express how much this book is going to change my life. I realized while reading it as someone who suffers from burnout and things like depression that the things, I’m currently doing to help are some of the steps the book talks about. It has so much good advice that makes sense and I’m going to implement it in my life. This book is really going to help me for sure.
I’m going to buy it for everyone in my life because everyone I know, even if they don’t suffer from burnout, can use this book to create a healthy lifestyle. Hands down 5 out of 5 stars.

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This was the best book on burnout I've read in a LONG time. Actionable, supportive, realistic—it made me feel empowered and in community, not alone. The voice is sharp, clear, and witty, and I took copious notes. I'll be buying everyone I know a copy when it releases!

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Ugh! Burnout is becoming an epidemic. I've felt it, and I know others have, too. Workaholism has been so praised for so long as the "way to get ahead" but leaves disastrous results -- especially for working women who also juggle more family and home responsibilities because, well, even when we think things are "equal" they're not. This is the book I wish I had decades ago to equip me with the perspective and framework to help me work appropriately instead of overworking all the time. More than just time management and boundaries, it's a framework for the whole person to have a fulfilled life with meaningful work as a part of taking care of oneself and learning to rebuild a life after burnout so it's bearable again.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC!

This book is extremely useful, especially coming at a time when return to office mandates are putting further stress onto an already stressful job for me.

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Emily Ballesteros, author and corporate trainer, has created a helpful book for anyone who feels overwhelmed in life. "The Cure for Burnout: How to Build Better Habits, Find Balance, and Reclaim Your Life" contains helpful ideas and suggestions to combat burnout. Ballesteros defines burnout as "a state of exhaustion, stress, and misalignment (with the direction your life is heading in) for an extended period of time." She describes burnout as more of an incremental process that slowly takes over our lives before we even realize it. The author asserts that there are three categories of burnout (burnout by volume, social burnout, and burnout by boredom), and then gives tips to combat each category.

I thought this book was well-written and would be incredibly helpful for those who feel overwhelmed or who can tell that they're beginning to get in over their head. I would heartily recommend this book! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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The Cure for Burnout is a much needed book in today's world of overwork and blurry boundaries between work life and personal life. The book explains that there are different types of burnout with different causes and therefore different ways to manage burnout. The 5 pillars of managing burnout are mindset, personal care, time management, boundaries and stress management. Ms. Ballesteros explains each pillar with examples and provides great advice on how to implement changes. The writing is very clear and the suggestions are actionable. I highly recommend this book to anyone in the workforce.

Thank you to Random House and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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