Member Reviews

Exposed by Anna J. Stewart
Circle of the Red Lily #1

What lurks beneath the glitz and glamor of Hollywood’s façade? This is the first in a series introduces the Circle of the Red Lily that is a secret society that requires human sacrifices and will kill to keep their secrets. Little does Riley Temple realize that old negatives she buys to take to her dark room will expose the final moments of one woman’s life.

What I liked:
* Riley Temple: photographer, lost her parents when she was very young, raised by her grandfather and Aunt Moxie, grew up in Temple House, strong, impulsive, tenacious, likes mysteries, attracted to Quinn
* Quinn Burton: homicide detective, from a family of police officers and chiefs of police, has a new partner he is getting to know, fit, intelligent, caring, attracted to Riley
* The development of the relationship between Riley and Quinn, that they were “real”, I cared about them, and liked them for and with one another – they were well rounded and have good support systems…really liked them
* Aunt Moxie: octogenarian, a star in the golden age of movies, slowing down but still vibrantly alive
* Cassie, Mabel, Laurel, and Sutton: four who live in Temple House and are good friends of Riley’s – hope they each get a book of their own.
* Blake Redford: new building manager, ex-Navy-special deployment, finding his way after retiring, mad skills, looking forward to hearing more about him in the future
* Wallace “Wally” Osterman: new Detective, paired with Quinn, liked him and hope to hear more about him
* Others that were introduced
* The plot, pacing, setting, and writing
* Getting enough but not too much detail on the murders and also about the secret society – can’t wait to find out more
* That though there is more to the series, this ended in a comfortable place and not on a cliffhanger
* Reading a new-to-me author I would gladly read again

What I didn’t like:
* Who and what I was meant not to like
* Thinking about how callous, evil, and awful some people can be

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more in this series? Definitely

5 Stars

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This was a good story which kept me turning the pages throughout the night. Great mystery, writing and plotting will recommend to all my friends who love this genre.

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Exposed is the first book in The Circle of the Red Lily series. I read Vanished first so had to come back and read this one to get the back story. It's a gripping, intense suspense, thriller with some thriller moments. Well written since it had me gripping the edge of my seat at times. Some really eye opening moments.
Add family love, friendships, romance and descriptive scenery and this is another great story by this author who is a "must read" author for me.

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Exposed is the first book in an intrigue series Circle of the Red Lily. This book is the blend of spooky atmosphere, secret society, murder mystery, suspense and some very secretive characters. The author showed passion, eerie and intrigue building them up in a perfect way. Exposed pulled me in with two strong main protagonists, fun cast of secondary characters in Temple House and decades old mystery, secrets, cult and serial murders.

Exposed follows Riley Temple who is fascinated with photography from a young age and all things old Hollywood whose grandfather, a famous Hollywood photographer, taught her everything. She accidentally stumbles upon a photo of a woman that opens Pandora's box into a mystery that will span decades likely involving a lot of powerful people when she buys old rolls of film to develop in addition to pursuing her bill paying gig as a paparazzi. Riley doesn't trust the police as her history with them is complicated, and her trust in authority, tenuous. But as her friend is killed and wanting to protect those dear to her, she’s willing to do anything, even trust a cop and cooperate. Enters LAPD Homicide Detective Quinn Burton. He is very intrigued and attracted by argumentative, outspoken, tenacious, sassy, determined Riley. Quinn knows a dangerous situation when he sees it and Riley Temple is a trouble he can't afford yet can't let her to investigate alone. The things complicate more when the said pictures are discovered to be connected to a notorious murder conviction partially secured by Quinn’s own police commissioner father and powerful people who have a vested interest in keeping it in place. Quinn prides himself on being loyal, honorable so making a choice means betraying someone: his job, his family or the woman he is falling in love with. With danger surrounding them, unknowing killers after photos, secret society, Quinn and Riley need to work together, build a trust and discover why these old photos and the secrets of the Red Lily symbol are worth killing for. Riley and Quinn's relationship is very fascinating, with witty banter, testing loyalties through darkness and plot twists that are so skillfully interwoven and crafted masterfully with slow-building tension, romance and suspense.

Very well-written, enjoyable, intense, gritty and raw romantic thriller.

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This was fast paced, exciting, and a thrill to read.

Riley, the protagonist, is feisty, loyal to her loved ones, stubborn, good at her job, and a pleasure to read about. The steamy romance that developed over the course of solving the mystery was not too distracting, and added some suspense and tension to the story. It worked well.

The greater mystery was not completely solved, and will be continued in the next book in the series, but this book works well as a stand-alone, too. I’m glad I gave this book a try.

(I received a free review copy from NetGalley.)

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"Exposed" s a thrilling and suspenseful novel that skillfully blends elements of mystery, conspiracy, and romance into a captivating narrative. With its intricate plot, well-defined characters, and a relentless sense of danger, this book immerses readers in a world where secrets and shadows conceal a chilling truth.

The story revolves around Riley Temple, a Hollywood photographer whose life takes a harrowing turn when she stumbles upon a haunting image of a dead woman. As Riley delves deeper into the origins of this disturbing photograph, she unwittingly becomes entangled in a dangerous web of violence and deceit. Faced with danger and betrayal, she turns to Detective Quinn Burton for help, setting in motion a series of events that challenge their loyalties and ignite a complex romance.

Riley is a compelling protagonist whose determination and resilience shine throughout the narrative. Her willingness to confront perilous situations to uncover the truth adds depth to her character. Detective Quinn Burton is a well-drawn and conflicted character, torn between his duty as a detective and his personal connections to the case, including his family's involvement.

The chemistry between Riley and Quinn adds an intriguing layer to the story, as their relationship deepens amidst the chaos and uncertainty. Their evolving connection is both passionate and fraught with tension, creating a palpable sense of longing and desire.

The pacing of the plot is relentless, with each revelation and twist propelling the narrative forward. The author's writing style is suspenseful and atmospheric, creating a sense of unease that keeps readers on edge. The mystery at the heart of the story, involving The Circle of the Red Lily, a secret society with a stranglehold on Hollywood's elite, adds complexity and intrigue to the plot.

Themes of power, corruption, and the consequences of uncovering hidden truths are woven into the narrative, providing depth and social commentary. The novel explores the moral dilemmas faced by individuals who seek justice and the sacrifices they must make.

Overall, "Exposed" is a gripping and intense thriller that will captivate fans of suspense and mystery. With its well-drawn characters, intricate plot, and a touch of romance, this book offers a suspenseful escape into a world where uncovering the darkest secrets comes at a perilous cost. Readers will find themselves immersed in a high-stakes battle against hidden forces and conspiracies, eager to unravel the enigma that lies in the shadows of Hollywood's glittering façade.

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