Member Reviews

I just love Pepper Basham’s books! I’ve really enjoyed Frederick and Grace’s adventures, and a little birdie told me there may be more to come…..In the meantime, definitely add The Juliet Code to your TBR. It’s got plenty of romance amongst the intrigue, and will keep readers guessing. 4/5 stars

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Mystery and mayhem seem to follow Grace and Frederick wherever they go. Now here they are on their honeymoon in Italy and mysteries abound concerning a set of Juliet paintings. No one seems to be who they say they are and there's adventures galore! Fun follow up to The Mistletoe Countess and The Cairo Curse.

I read/listened to the audio. Pamela Klein has done a wonderful job narrating this series.

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review. All opinions are my own.

Publication date: 1 December 2023

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This novel was a delightful addition to the Freddie and Grace mystery series. I loved the atmospheric setting of Venice, and the intriguing mystery of the Juliet paintings. The plot balances mystery and romance and I loved the chemistry between Freddie and Grace.
Many thanks to Barbour Publishing and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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In Italy for their honeymoon, Lord and Lady Astley, Frederick and Grace, become entangled in an investigation involving stolen art and a purported treasure that can only be found by deciphering a code in the missing artwork.

Due to my issues with the first book in this series, I went into this one really uncertain about how it would go. I did like it a little more than the other, mostly because the mystery was a little more involved. Though Grace is ready to dive head-first into the case, Frederick drags his heels a little bit before accepting that their usefulness could be needed by their detective friend who has been brought in to investigate. This may have provided the most enjoyable parts of the story, but overall, Grace's character was just too immature and silly for my taste. The mystery is convoluted, with so many people involved and suspected, so many different times when people get hurt and the motive is uncertain, that it was difficult for me to follow. When the truth is revealed, it's a bit anti-climactic for me.

The first book in the series is super steamy for a Christian book, and I was worried about how one would go. It's maybe toned down a little, but there are still a lot of references to them enjoying each other and teasing each other for later. Then at about 80% into the story, another romance sort of starts to develop, but it's almost completely about physical attraction as well. This section of my review alone is enough for me to say I have no desire to read any other books in this series, and I'll be cautious about other books by this author in the future. If you are interested in the genre and aren't bothered by the issues mentioned, please check out other reviews too. You certainly might like it more than I did.

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A Grace and Freddie adventure will always be intriguing. With bookish and whimsical Grace and serious and thoughtful Freddie, you have a dynamic duo who are completely and helplessly in love. Perhaps a little bit too in love, some might say, and not just because it distracts them from their investigation. There are places it feels like they are laying it on a bit too thick. That said, Basham's talented hand has been a dashing adventure that takes readers on a thrilling journey while also dealing with serious questions fitting the time in which the story is set concerning women's right and a woman's place in the work force. Christian historical fiction fans will delight in this book.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I received a complimentary copy and this review is fully mine.
The Juliet Code was a tad disappointing to me, I loved the previous books by Basham and this was good, but not as good as the Cairo Curse.

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This is my first book I've read by the author and while this book can be read as a standalone, I look forward to reading the other books in this series. Also, mystery is not one of my main reading genres but when an author does a great job of bringing intrigue into the story like this author, I'm inclined to read it. This book is Christian Historical Fiction Mystery and I was drawn into their story and stayed glued to it until the very end. The characters are relatable, have growth and likeable so you become invested in story. I highly recommend this book!

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A very well written book that explores the what ifs of life. Delightful read for all who enjoy a good historical mystery.

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I loved having the opportunity to see Freddie and Grace on the page together again. This series of novels mixed with comedy and amateur sleuthing is such fun! I loved spending time in Italy of all places as well. Tagging along on this pair's adventures together is always a good time. I enjoyed the banter and teasing between characters—only making me love them more. This book is perfect for cozy mystery lovers who prefer "cleaner" content.

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Thank you to Netgally, the publishers, and Pepper Basham

When I requested this book I was unaware that it was apart of a series, one that requires you to read the previous books for this one to make sense. I am unable to read all the previous books along with this one before the publish date. Therefore, I will rate this a fair 3/5 stars and will adjust the rating and review when I am able to read all the books in the series along with this one.

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I enjoyed The Mistletoe Countess immensely and loved this latest book in the series! Full of action and kept my interest the whole way through! Freddie and Grace are as adorable as always!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions in this review are my own.

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The third book to the Freddie and Grace Mystery series is Juliet Code by Pepper Basham. In just a few weeks since their unexpected wedding, Lord and Lady Astley are finally in their honeymoon in Venice, Italy. What better way to enjoy their time than to join Detective Jack on what begins to be a search for who stole some paintings from a local art gallery?

But, of course, it’s not just a simple theft. In fact, it turns into a trip to an island owned by a former circus trapeze artist who inherited a large sum of money from his late grandfather. Worth it, he’s bought the island where the artist of the stolen art is from.

There’s a ghost, an assault, Grace is pushed into and locked in a trunk, another painting stolen, a woman being pushed off the ferry, the detective gone missing, a secret message in the paintings, and an actual cave with treasures within it, and so much more. Phew! There’s so much going on in this book!

My favorite part of this book is the cleverness of Grace, even when she’s stuck in the trunk. She’s a quick thinker and enjoys testing others, especially with their knowledge of books! I dream of being just a smudge as clever as she is! She’d be a fantastic friend to have!

I’m saddened that Freddie and Grace mystery is just this trilogy because I’d love to continue learning about their lives when they return to Havensbrook! But I do give this book 5 out of 5 tiaras and thank NetGalley and Barbour Books for access to this title.

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In the latest installment in the series following Frederick and Grace, Lord and Lady Astley, readers find the couple on their Italian honeymoon where another mystery has occurred. While visiting Venice, the couple runs into their friend Detective Jack Miracle who is investigating a strange series of art heists involving the Juliet paintings (as in the Shakespeare character and star-crossed lover). At the elaborate, extravagant manor house, all the house guests and even the servants are shifty, strange, and complicated, so Frederick, Grace, and Jack really have their work cut out for them. As the plot thickens and the mystery weaves a tighter, harder picture to unravel, readers follow the protagonists as they attempt to solve the mystery of the Juliet paintings and this house party. Basham’s characters are fantastic, and she has captured the heart of an Agatha Christie mystery with her shifty characters and the house party setting; the characters are the heart of the story and drive the plot forward. Seeing Frederick and Grace’s relationship further develop and giving Jack Miracle a minor arc of his own really add to the longer narrative of the series and the potential for future sequels. The mystery itself is fascinating and unique, combining some amazing historical and fictional elements to weave this larger, complex plot.

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If I see any book by this author, I know I will want to read it! Grace and Frederick are a beloved couple from the first book in this series, but this book can be read first and be appreciated. They are taking their delayed honeymoon in Venice when they encounter their friend, who is a detective. Grace is especially eager to accept the invitation to join the case of finding missing Juliet paintings. Frederick is learning that his new wife is thrilled when he speaks to her in "sleuth'! The couple's witty interactions and honest faith observations help make this book special, in addition to untangling all the mysteries!
I appreciate the publishers in allowing me to able to read this book, and the thoughts expressed are my own.

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A fun adventure takes commences from the first page. This is a great book if you enjoy adventure that is a bit more lighthearted and at a leisurely pace. It is the third book in a series and you may wish to first consider reading the first two books before joining in the search for the Juliet Code.

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I love Pepper Basham but I did not love The Juliet Code.
Too much fluff, not enough substance.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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3.5 stars
I loved getting pulled into the pages of this cozy mystery novel. The characters were all fun to chase as they tried to piece together all the clues and solve the mystery. The setting was so great and made me want to visit Italy even more. It was filled with mystery, danger, and twists and turns.
I read The Juliet Code really quickly. It’s the perfect read if you’re looking for a light, cozy mystery to keep you entertained for a few hours.
I also really liked the writing style. It was immersive and descriptive and brought this story to life.
*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to post a positive review. All thoughts expressed are strictly my own.*

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In The Juliet Code we find Freddie and Grace arriving in Italy for their delayed honeymoon only to find themselves once again in the middle of a mystery. This time, it's an art heist, and their friend Detective Jack Miracle is only too glad for their help. When they all find themselves at a dinner party on a private island and people and paintings begin to disappear, it's a scene worthy of Poirot.

Fans of Freddie and Grace will enjoy seeing how the character’s love and working relationship continues to mature, making them as admirable as they are adorable.

“Wise men recognize the treasures they already possess and do not go in search of more.” (Lord Frederick Astley in The Juliet Code)

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Freddie and Grace are just so much fun, and traveling to Venice with them was delightful! This was a good mystery as well. I had a hard time figuring out who was real and who to trust! And I love how they pick up new friends and family members everywhere they go! Very much looking forward to their next adventure!

I received a complimentary electronic copy of this book from NetGalley.

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This is book 3, The Juliet Code, of the Freddie and Grace mystery series by Pepper Basham. I’ve read the other two (and see my earlier post why I don’t recommend The Mistletoe Countess). I was really torn on the review because there are some things I liked and some things that just went backwards.

Story: 4/5
Worldview: 3/5

I think it would get a moderate+ rating from the Book Cave Rating system because there’s a lot of talk about what the couple are going to do later when they’re alone. The story itself is interesting with mystery about who is stealing The Juliets for their own. I couldn’t follow the clues but it was a nice twist! Fred and Grace continue to grow and trust God, which is nice to see as well. I do think it’s funny how it’s the second book where the male side character falls in love with one of the women who was suspect.

Worldview is 3/5 because I felt that the faith themes were shoehorned in at the end. I know the characters talk about God throughout, but they aren’t challenged until we’re almost finished with the novel.

Overall, 3.5. I don’t think I’ll pick up another one in this series. It’s a shame because I 💕loved💕Hope Between the Pages.

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