Member Reviews

This book was a fun read. When you start rooting for the corrector and then you know the story has you. Your thoughts go to wanting to help. Then you realize what am I thinking and laugh because you have fallen in love with the story. Awesome read.

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An exceptional and heartwarming Amish romance. It is a delightful blend of faith, love, and community with a touch of humor.
Many thanks to Barbour Publishing and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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A very well written and sweet romance. Ruth is a delightful character who you will love to cheer on as she finds her new place in life.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was a paper turner for me. Looking forward to reading more from this author.

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This was a sweet story about a young widow Ruth, who is working hard to take care of herself and find a new start after the death of her husband. Ruth finds several road locks in her way, including a Bishop whose attempts to to help include selling her house and offering his hand in marriage. Ruth perseveres though, showing us a string Amish woman who is faithful but also determined to write her own story - and maybe find love again.

The characters were lovely, with a few challenging but real-lifelike personalities mixed in and the story was a simple, lovely read of faith, courage and a commitment to live life as best you can.

I also enjoyed the infiltration of indoor house cars throughout the story.

Overall, if you are looking for a charming read about faith and strength and enjoy a setting the Amish community, this story would be a delightful choice.

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Amish fiction is one of my favorite genres. I enjoy their simplicity and resourcefulness. When I was a child, my family and I visited an Amish village in Pennsylvania. It remarkably resembled the home my father grew up in. I think because of that, I’ve taken special interest in their culture and lifestyle.

Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise, is about a recently widowed Ruth. Like most Amish, her church community is quite close and in everyone’s business. It’s no surprise when widower Jonas begins paying closer attention to her. They’re friendly, courteous and respectful of each others situations.

Jonas also has a young daughter, Abigail. I can understand that she’s more grown up than other children her age, but she comes off more like a six or seven year old, not a four year old. Her speech is nearly perfect and manners mature. I find her to be at least a few years older than portrayed in this book.

Ruth is a super hard worker. She cooks, takes care of over thirty goats, a few who are pregnant, chickens, and her dear friend gives her a house kitten, which is soon named Ginger Snap. She milks her goats and makes goat cheese and soaps. She’s also fixing up her grandmother’s greenhouse and growing chrysanthemums and sunflowers. I’m not sure where she has time to be courted by the lovely Jonas!

The overall storyline I admire and enjoyed. I give this book 4 out of 5 tiaras due mostly to the nearly perfect child and the very rude bishop who tried to sell off her family’s land without even discussing with her first. No Parrish needs a bishop who oversteps! thankful for Barbour Books and NetGalley for access to this work.

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Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise by Anne Blackburne – Enjoyable Story with Likeable Characters

Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise is the first book I have read by author Anne Blackburne. I found this book very enjoyable. It was a nice change of pace and filled with some likeable characters.

Ruth Helmuth has been a widow for a year and is childless. She lives on a property that has been a part of her family for many years. She is hard working, industrious, and provides for herself by raising goats, using their fiber and milk to earn income. That is why Ruth was taken aback by the proposal from Bishop Troyer that she sell her family’s farm to someone who he deems more deserving. Ruth knows of widower Jonas Hershberger and his young daughter Abigail. But it is not until he has a business proposition to use the upstairs of Ruth’s large barn for his basket weaving business that they get to know one another. Will their business relationship develop into something more?

The main characters in this book, Ruth, Jonas, and Abigail, as well as their friends are pleasant, kind, and caring. They are very supportive of one another. The only exception is Bishop Troyer and his rude granddaughter Evelyn. It seemed like the bishop was not very discerning and has turned a blind eye to his ill-behaved granddaughter.

I enjoyed reading Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise and felt like I was stepping into a different world. A slower pace of life and with nice characters, the kind of people I would like to know. Faith is a part of the storyline.

If you enjoy Amish fiction with a little romance, I recommend reading Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise by Anne Blackburne. This is the second book in the Heart of the Amish series. This book is an enjoyable read with likeable characters. I look forward to reading more books by this author.

I would like to thank Barbour Publishing and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a complimentary copy of Ruth’s Ginger Snap Surprise by Anne Blackburne. I was under no obligation to give a favorable review.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I’m a fan of both Amish and Christian fiction and this was exactly what I expected and got in this novel.

Great story and likable characters. I look forward to reading more of this authors work.

I received a copy from the publisher through Netgalley. Opinions are my own.

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I loved this book!! It's a beautifully written story that the author brings to life with her words. It has wonderful characters and holds your attention from the first page until the last. I can't wait to see what this author writes next.
I received a complimentary copy from Barbour Publishing via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Ruth's Ginger Snap Surprise by author Anne Blackburne is part of the The Heart of the Amish Series. I love this series because it is a collection of tales written by different Amish authors. This one is a delightful story that takes place in a small Amish town.

It was a delightful story that included children and animals. The Christian and life lessons were on point. I loved the author’s style of writing and was immediately engaged with the characters and story. At the end be sure to read the recipe.

I highly recommend this beautiful Amish book. It gets a 5 out of 5 star rating from me. A copy was provided by NetGalley, but these are my honest words. #RuthsGingerSnapSurprise #NetGalley

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a sweet Amish romance. I loved the characters and the setting. very sweet book. enjoyed very much..

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Love the Second Time Around!

Ruth, a thirty-three-year-old Amish widow, has kept her life running smoothly on her own. She raises goats, making cheese, soap, and fibers from them, and the profits support her.

Jonas, a widower with an adorable four-year-old daughter, has a basket business near Ruth. Since these two have circumstances that bring them together, a relationship between the two should naturally flow. But outside forces constantly work against them.

Her bishop thinks Ruth should give up her family farm. He wants her to sell it to a man who would make better use of it than a woman! He will not take no for an answer, and continues to bring buyers to her home to see if they want to purchase it.

He also has just the person he thinks Ruth should marry.

The bishop’s conniving granddaughter, Evelyn, also won't take no for an answer. She wants Jonas for herself. Evelyn creates a trap for him, that if successful, will force him to marry her.

To make things worse, Jonas botches it when he speaks to Ruth, leaving her thinking he is only interested in her because of the work she can do. This causes Ruth to believe Jonas does not have feelings for her.

There are some funny parts to the story, especially concerning cats, and the normal Amish practice of not keeping one indoors. Also, Ruth and Jonas are devoted to their faith, and five delicious Amish recipes are included.

This five-star book will keep you cheering for these two, but wondering if they will ever get together. Often the course of true love does not run smoothly. It certainly does not in this case, making this bumpy road of romance a great clean tale. This will be enjoyed by fans of Amish books, and well-written stories.

Thank you, Barbour Publishing, for providing Tickmenot with a book to review. Opinions are my own.

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Ruth's Ginger Snap Surprise
by Anne Blackburne
Barbour Publishing,Barbour Fiction
Christian| Religion & Spirituality| Romance

Ruth's Ginger Snap Surprise is being reviewed by Barbour Publishing and Netgalley:

This new series takes you into the heart of Amish country full of faith, hope, and romance.
Ruth Helmuth has never been rude in her life; trust her to choose the bishop of her Amish community for her first time!Ruth Helmuth has never been rude in her life; trust her to choose her first Amish bishop!

In the wake of Levi's death, Ruth tries to keep body and soul together. As well as tending her herd of goats, she runs a farm and household by herself, and does so very competently. How could she imagine the bishop suggesting she should give it all up to another family, who will “make better use of the space”?Would she be able to imagine the bishop suggesting she give it up to another family, who would "make better use of the space?"

Widower Jonas Hershberger has adorable dimples and a charming 4-year-old daughter. Jonas needs a larger space for his growing business. Ruth's big red barn might be the answer. Abigail needs a new mother. Ruth might be just the ticket there, too!Ruth might be the answer!

Is it possible for two independent souls to work together? Are they willing to explore what grows between them?  Or will Ruth’s fear over her “big secret” and Jonas’s caution about allowing someone new to get close to his young daughter, kill their love before it has a chance to grow?Will Ruth's fear over her "big secret" and Jonas's caution about letting someone new close to his daughter kill their love?

A wise, elderly friend, an orange kitten, and a smart little girl who sees Ruth and decides she is the perfect new mother are all part of God's plan for the stubborn pair.

I give Ruth's Ginger Snap Surprise five out of five stars!

Happy Reading!

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I really enjoyed meeting all the wonderful characters in this story! Ruth’s sweet demeanor and pure determination made me root for her throughout the story. I enjoyed the many twists and turns, and of course who doesn’t love a mean girl in the story. I look forward to more books from this author.

I received this copy from NetGalley for my honest review. Thank you to them, the publisher and author

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Ruth's Ginger Snap Surprise was a great book about faith, hope and romance. This was such a sweet heartwarming story that takes place in a Amish town and revolves around Ruth and Jonas. I highly enjoyed reading this book and would recommend this book to other readers. Thank you to NetGalley and publisher for this book in exchange of my honest review.

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Ruth's Ginger Snap Surprise is a charmingly uplifting Amish romance by debut author Anne Blackburne.

The narrative centers on widow Ruth Helmuth, her neighbor Jonas Hershberger, a widower, and his delightfully darling daughter Abigail.

There are a few supporting personalities, including a couple of delightful kitties, that offer humor, insight, wisdom, amazement and dumbfoundment.

The plot captivated me from the start, and I was immediately hooked on the story. I felt a sense of kinship with most of the characters. However, Bishop Troyer and his spoilt granddaughter were two that I found hard to like until practically the very end, and even then, I had my reservations.

Reading and learning about the specifics of making baskets, growing flowers in a greenhouse and raising goats was interesting and fascinating. The recipes featured at the back of the book are ones I can't wait to try.

Blackburne had a constant thread of faith running throughout the book, which I greatly appreciated. I am eagerly looking forward to her future endeavors.

I received a review copy of this book from Barbour Publishing through NetGalley. All opinions are my own, and I am voluntarily leaving this review.

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This book is the second book in the Heart Of The Amish Series. It is a good and sweet Amish story. It is a story about grieving the loss of your spouse, being strong, building friendships and helping your friends in their time of need, and finding love again while facing several obstacles throughout the story, and keeping your faith and trust in God. I loved this book from the beginning until the end. It held my interest and I kept reading for hours because I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen with the characters. Anne Blackburne is a great Author and I plan to read more of her books in the future. I recommend this book to anyone but especially those who love Amish Fiction books. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and Netgalley and was under no obligation to post a review.

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This was a fun read. Widow Ruth’s bishop expects her to sell her farm to a family because what does one woman need with such a large place? She can always marry him (he’s old enough to be her grandfather) because he enjoys her baking.
Widower neighbor Jonas needs room to expand his basket weaving business. That will take up unused space in her barn.
A wise elderly friend, a scheming young woman with no control over her tongue, Jonas’ adorable 4-year-old daughter whom Ruth grows to love. Suddenly everyone' has a kitten. Animals in an Amish house? Shocking! A great cast of characters.
Ruth has more business ventures than one woman should be able to handle, but that doesn’t distract from an enjoyable story.

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Oh, I loved this book, it was so fun to read. Ruth Helmuth, a widow living in the farm house that has been in her family. The older bishop wants her to give it up to another younger family and suggests she marry him for convinience sake. In walks Jonas Hershberger, a young widow himself. He needs extra space to accomodate his growing business. It is with a couple kittens that changes their lives. A very heartwarming story. I received a complimentary copy of this book, opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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#RuthsGingerSnapSurprise #NetGalley
Ruth, Ginger snap surprise was a beautifully written book filled with joy and laughter and never deep fun and BlackburnE did it again with amazing story about Ruth and the surprise be gorgeous cat named Ginger with ginger stuff cookies are your favorite or you have a favorite cat and ginger snap this is the book to start out any season of reading. If you’re looking for something, Genuine and loving, be sure to check out this book and don’t forget to watch for Anne’s next book, I will be sure to be watching for it.

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