Cover Image: Goblin Monday (Goosebumps House of Shivers #2)

Goblin Monday (Goosebumps House of Shivers #2)

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I enjoyed the previous House of Shivers novel so much, I knew I would have fun with this one as well. After all are you ever too old for Goosebumps? I don’t think so.

R.L. Stine is as entertaining as ever. Goblins in the snowy mountains of Vermont is a perfect spooky story to read under some warm blankets. It’s just so nice to be transported into a story that you can’t put down. Like yes I’d love some goosebumps escapism instead of watching the news today 🙈 We’ve got a stew making grandma and a giant birdcage inside a house in the middle of snowy nowhere. So, the perfect setting for the stuff of nightmares 🙃

I believe this would be age appropriate for 9 and up. Content warnings for kids - The character does see a dead small animal, mild danger, adults lying, not really a happily ever after.

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This book is everything we love about RL Stine: it is spooky, it is fun, it is easy to read, and the ending was somewhat unexpected! Another great addition to the spooky middle-grade book collection!!

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RL Stine is at it again. Nothing I thought would happen and of course it happens. I don't know why I'm surprised. Fantastic book to read to my 6yr old and it kept me guessing as well. I love that Goosebumps are pretty much for all ages! Keep em coming !

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I thoroughly enjoyed this read and it provided me with the nostalgic Goosebumps vibes from my childhood. As an adult reading this novel, I appreciated that it was still enjoyable (and a bit scary!) but it also remained kid friendly and true to the original Goosebumps roots. The pacing felt a bit off to me, with parts dragging and others moving quickly. I felt the writing and plot was strong and the descriptions were vivid and colorful. I was frustrated by the plot twist and ending but it was sort of expected since this seems to be a theme in Stine’s writing. Although I wasn’t a fan of those elements, I think if I was a child reading this novel, I may have liked it, so I can’t hold it against the writer since this book is geared towards children. Overall, it was an enjoyable read that brought me some much appreciated nostalgia!

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Another quick, easy read from RL Stine. I didn't love this one, but I didn't hate it- it fell somewhere in the middle. It was very okay but not particularly new or interesting. I did find the bit with the birds a little shocking- in a fun way. I really enjoyed the main character and the little twist at the end- I think it would be neat to see him in more books, actually.

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GOBLIN MONDAY – Goosebumps House of Shivers #2 – by R.L. Stine

‘How would you feel if you were going to see snow for the first time in your life?’

Mario Galagos, who grew up in Key West and moved to Philadelphia a month ago, is invited to go on a road trip to Vermont with his new neighbors twelve-year-old Todd and thirteen-year-old Jewel Simms and their parents to visit their MomMom and Grandpa Tweety.

Mario is super excited to see snow for the first time in his life, that is until his fun experience borders on more than the bazaar. . .

‘I’m in the middle of a horror movie!’

‘What are they going to do?’

I am a huge fan of R.L. Stine, so it’s always a pleasure to read any and all of the books in his catalog.
GOBLIN MONDAY, for this Horror Fan, was super fun, very creepy, and a tiny bit cheesy-wonky with how one reveal plays out, however, it’s followed by an ending that I Loved!

Highly Recommend!

Reading Age: 8 – 12 years
Grade Level: 3 – 7

Thank you, NetGalley and Scholastic Inc., for providing me with an eBook of GOBLIN MONDAY at the request of an honest review.

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Goblin Monday is such a fun read. I was surprised by the descriptions of certain things that led to the intensity of the fear. It made me laugh and cringe in anticipation. My jaw dropped at least once and I know I said “eww” aloud on a couple occasions. never read R.L. Stine books as a kid and now I feel like I missed out!

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This is the second book in the Goosebumps House of Shivers Series. It has a new story, so if you have not read the first book you can read this with no issue. Mario is going with his friends to visit their grandparents during winter break. His friend's grandparents seem a little off, but very kind overall. He's excited as this is the first time he sees snow but it also becomes the first time he sees a goblin!

I thought that this story was a lot of fun to read! I liked the way Mario, Todd and Jewel all communicate and interact with each other. I enjoyed seeing how things went from 'Oh this is silly' to 'wait something is off here' with Mario. Grandpa Tweety and MomMom go from silly to odd and then to a teensy bit frightening. This book was not too scary, but definitely entertaining and the ending is not what you expect. If you are a fan of Goosebumps, you will enjoy this book!

Thank you to Scholastic and Netgalley for this eArc in exchange for an honest review!

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It’s been such a long time since I read an R.L. Stine book, but I had to check this one out because Goosebumps was such a big part of my childhood reading. This definitely is one that I had to put myself into the mindset of a pre-teen while reading. It doesn’t work quite as well looking at it from an adult perspective. But thinking back when I was reading these, it had the same quirky humor and slightly disturbing events that I remember and loved. There were a few parts that made me giggle out loud.

I don’t think I will be reading too many more Goosebump books, but I am very thankful for the opportunity to reminisce about some of my favorite childhood books.

Thank you to NetGalley, Scholastic Paperbacks, and R.L Stine for an e-arc of Goblin Monday in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Let me tell you, this new Goosebumps story did not disappoint! It was fast paced, full of twists, and sooo creepy. What a spooky adventure full of nostalgia but with a new story! 😍 I loved the winter snowstorm setting, it definitely helped set the mood. Also, who doesn’t love creepy Grandparents? 🤭😮‍💨

I highly recommend grabbing a copy of Goblin Monday and enjoying a new Goosebumps story!

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Loved this Goosebumps book! These were always a favorite of mine as a kid and it was fun to reminisce with this new book! I really enjoyed the story and look forward to sharing with my 9 year old step daughter!

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These are always a fun time no matter what age I am. I'll be 63 reread R.L. Stine books. But for real I always enjoy these and I think when a kid asks me if they should read these books I will tell them yes of course.

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This was an amazing book. I loved how the book had amazing details and very good description. This is a wonderful book for a third grade reading level.

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Goblin Monday is the 2nd book in the House of Shivers series, and I am happy to see R.L Stine starting up a new fun and creative (but still with the Goosebumps vibe) series.
Loved this book and was so happy to read it. I am a huge R.L. Stine fan and have been for many many many years. I am an adult now but I still love to read the new books by him. I enjoy that it brings me back to my kid days.

Main character- Mario. From Florida and never seen snow this trip will be his time to see snow and a bunch of other things, some things he might not want to even know about or maybe he does.....
He goes on this trip with his friends (Todd & Jewel).

Now let's talk about the family that they are going to visit, Grandpa Tweety and Mom Mom (Grandma) they are a bit odd, but funny and entertaining. Tweety is full of so many outlandish stories that he says are true but they can't be.... right?!?!?!

I loved the way that the Goblins (and a few other creatures) we introduced in this book, lots of fun and mysterious.

This book was such a quick read for me because I couldn't put it down and had to know what was gonna happen next. Def keeps your attention and draws you in.
And the ending was a classic R.L. Stine one
Go read it!!!! :)

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book. The above is my honest review, which is voluntary.

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Once again, R.L. Stine can do no wrong. This is a friendly little winter break story with goblins. I really enjoyed this. I'm definitely looking forward to the new Goosebumps House of Shivers series.

Actual rating 3.5 stars but I will always round up <3

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Goblins! Imps! Grampa Tweety he's always telling the strangest story about the strangest of creatures. And when he's not doing that he's crooning to his collection of songbirds.

Trigger warnings: There's a tense scene about a rabbit that has been killed, laying in the snow. After our young hero of the story, Mario, lays his eyes upon that scene outside, it bothers him for a while. Also, there's a room inside the house or the wall is covered in dead bird's feet (not a fun sight either).

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Any fan of Goosebumps will surely enjoy this. The new House of Shivers series has me reliving my childhood and I am thoroughly enjoying the nostalgia.

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Mario gets to go on a trip with his friends Jewel and Todd. The grandparents of Jewel and Todd are odd.
The author is R.L.Stine and of course his books are spooky.
Thanks to Scholastic and to NetGalley for the ARC.

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I continue to be impressed that RL Stine has written what feels like about a zillion Goosebumps books at this point, yet he continues to come up with cute and clever ideas to keep the series fun.

You can see the ending of this one coming from miles away, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a good one.

Probably not recommending this one for young kids if your family has beloved pet birds, but otherwise this is fun for all ages, cleverly creepy and just spooky enough without being too much for a younger audience.

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Thank you NetGalley and Scholastic Paperbacks for a free digital copy of Goblin Monday by R.L. Stine in exchange for an honest review. I am a huge R.L. Stine fan, and if you are like me, then this book will be right up your alley. I think it fits perfectly in the age range for middle grade scary. I love the mystery, all the twists, and its creepy parts too.

When Mario travels to his friends', Todd and Jules, grandparents' house in Vermont, strange things start to happen. Are Grandpa Tweety's stories true, is he just a fantastic storyteller, or is something strange going on? This book really keeps you turning those pages to find out what is going to happen next. I think kids as well as parents will enjoy this spooky read.

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