Member Reviews

This is a family drama about an elderly couple who decide to commit suicide together because one of them has a fatal disease and cannot contemplate living without the other. I had two problems with this book. I thought this book was too long and could have used more editing. A few themes seemed a bit repetitive. The second problem was that I didn't really find a likeable character in the story. They all seemed very self-absorbed and somewhat selfish. Having said that, it is not a totally unlikeable book. It was well written and the premise was interesting. I recommend it to anyone who loves a family drama full of angst and characters who struggle often with finding fulfillment in their lives and relationships. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced readers copy of this book.

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Wow. This is an instant classic. The Notebook meets The Nightingale. This story weaves young love maturing into a life long commitment while navigating family dynamics and living with loss. Beautifully written. A must read.

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC. And bring the tissues with you. This story is about sickness but is beautifully written. I loved the characters and felt so connected to them.

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This is the highly emotional story of Joseph and Evelyn, an elderly couple who is dealing with one traumatic diagnosis and made the ultimate decisions to plan the end of their lives together, on their own schedule. The story flashes back to their earlier years as childhood friends, dealing with deployment in a war, growing a family, and owning a business. It also flashes to the present day as their adult children grapple with the plan that has been shared with them.

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An intimate debut featuring a long-married couple who make a decision to end their lives together. That's not a spoiler, as the reader is told that early on, when Evelyn & Joseph -- who were childhood sweethearts -- tell their adult children about their decision. This book has "all of the feels" plus family dynamics, ambitions realized and set aside, relationships damaged and, in some cases, repaired, and a realistic look at the moments that make or break a marriage.

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When I heard about this book on a podcast, its premise and title immediately drew me in. I am thankful to Netgalley and Harlequin Trade Publishing for the advanced copy.

This was a beautiful story about family, love, loss, growing up and growing old together and what it means to support each other through all of life’s different phases.

I loved this story. I felt deeply emotionally connected to the characters. I also enjoyed the novel's structure; it is told in sections with different character perspectives that alternate between the present and the past. And I loved this family, with its ups and downs and how real and relatable their successes and disappointments felt.

About halfway through, there were times when the heaviness and sadness was hard to live in with these characters. I was faced with the opposing emotions of wanting things to move a little faster but also afraid to get to the end because, like these characters, I wanted more time. I wanted to stay with these characters for all the precious moments they got to experience together.

The characters were solid and consistent, as were the settings, which it takes great talent to set up so tightly when you’re following these people and their stories over a 60 year time span.

Amy Neff skillfully and heartbreakingly raises so many issues about aging and battling diseases that affect mental and physical agency, like Parkinson's in this case, with dignity and choice.

Evelyn and Joseph’s love story will stay with me for a long time. I enjoyed this book and would read anything Amy Neff writes in the future.

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This story is bittersweet. It deals with a great enduring love between a husband and wife.and the love between parents and their children. The reader has to wonder what they would do themselves in a similar situation. It is a beautiful story about accepting what we cannot change and realizing how precious life really is.

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I absolutely adored this beautiful love story! I laughed, cried, fell in love with the main characters, cried some more all while reading this story. Since finishing it I can’t stop thinking about the story and Joseph and Evelyn. This story is timeless and so perfectly captures life, love and family. It tells about falling in love, love during the hard times, love during the misunderstandings and finally the simple love that you realize is what is most important about one another. Joseph and Evelyn were next door neighbors growing up on the beaches of Long Island. The friendship eventually turned into love. Sixty years later they are retracing their love story. I loved how realistic this approach was to their journey of love, the tough times in marriage, family drama, and of course the good memories that matter most. A heartbreak epic love story told over the time spent together. I loved being able to see the story told in both Joseph’s and Evelyn’s point of view to really get a feel for how they feel. Many thanks to Harlequin Trade Publishing, Park Row and NetGalley for the digital review copy of this novel. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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This book definitely had a controversial pull but I was happy with the ending. I enjoyed this read although it was a little too "lovey dovey" for me at some parts… I half expected Evelyn to just go out to the sea by herself - it seemed like she eluded to that a few times but I am glad with how it ended, it was sad, and overall a great family saga. I felt like Evelyn was the most fleshed out - Joseph was a little one dimensional with his only aspiration to be content at home, it was frustrating because you could see that while his "dream was fulfilled" than that meant everything should be all wrapped in a nice little bow, and obviously Evelyn needed more (which is fine!) both main characters were def. annoying at times. I also don't believe that Evelyn didn't even make out with Sam but sure. I could see this as a HULU adaptation and I think it would do well - only little things would need to be tied up - like how did Violet and her husband end up on good terms, there was a lot of emphasis on her wanting a divorce and then it all seemed to work out at the end unless I missed something. Either way I would recommend this to my friends who love the notebook and romantic reads. Thank you!!!

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With a tile like The Days I Loved You Most, I knew this one would leave me reaching for a tissue. This is my first time reading this author. She took a very hard subject matter (sickness) and wrote a beautiful, heartfelt story. This story was heart wrenching but I am so thankful to have read it. I found this to be very reminiscent of The Notebook - which I have read numerous times & will continue to do so. If you want to feel something deeply profound, I highly recommend this book.

Thank you NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing, & Park Row for the ARC copy of this book.

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The Days I Loved You Most was a book that I had to sit down to start reading a few times just because I was nervous about the storyline.
I don’t normally like to read books about someone who has been diagnosed with a serious disease.
The eloquence and writing style of this author is an absolute joy and the perfect safety net for delving into such a potentially heart wrenching storyline.
Kudos to the author for allowing me, through her magnificent storytelling, the opportunity to read such a beautiful story that I would not normally have chosen to read.
Highly recommend !
Thankyou to author Amy Neff, Park Row Publishing and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book.
Charlene 📚🤗🌸 @lastnownext

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Thank you to NetGalley, Harlequin Trade Publishing and Park Row for providing this book, with my honest review below.

The Days I Loved You Most was a beautiful, melancholy, and hopeful story that wrenched at your heart. I know it’s a bit of an oxymoron to describe it as both hopeful and melancholic but that is ultimately how it made me feel. I’d strongly compare it to The Notebook, and that book has many fans for a reason. That said I would also agree with others that much like many of Spark’s novels, this seemed almost designed to illicit that reaction from me and without the reality - the really gritty and harsh realities that come with terrible illness. That is Amy Neff’s choice and she has written a beautiful novel without it, but with it I think it would have hit a more personal note for so many readers.
As it stands if you don’t mind tearing up from your reads and you do crave feeling deeply touched at your core, this is recommended.

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One of the most heart wrenching books I've ever read! I enjoyed reading about Joseph and Evelyn's love story. I loved how real and complex and complicated it was at times. It'd hard to find the right words for how this story made me feel, because it did exactly that. Made me FEEL. Definitely recommend to reads that love emotional stories, realistic romance, and Nicolas Sparks vibes. I truly loved it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Trade publishing for the chance to read and review The Days I Loved You Most!

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An incredible love story from start to finish. Parkinson’s is such a cruel disease and I was worried that would be the main focus of the book. I’m so glad I was wrong. Some of Evelyn’s symptoms were reminders of a family members. The incredible love between Evelyn and Joseph gripped the reader from the start. One can only hope to experience a love like that. One of the best books I’ve read.

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It’s a beautiful story of love, commitment, family and redemption. Everyone wants a love story like this where they look back at the end of their life and just want more days of the exact life they had with the exact family they made, heartaches and all. For me it is a bit saccharine and a lot like a Hallmark movie but I am well aware that a lot of people love that sort of novel. Reminds me a lot of The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. I like my family dramas a bit messier, a bit less predictable and I don’t like when they wrap up in a neat happy bow at the end.. I wanted to see more of the physical struggles with her advanced Parkinson’s. I wanted more depth and details to the ugly parts. However it’s a good story a but light for such a heavy topic but I’m sure alot of people will love this book.

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This was an amazing journey through the Joseph and Evelyn's love story. Beginning, when they were just kids and continuing through the trials a tribulations of their adult life. It was a poignant read about love, forgiveness and finally acceptance. Beautifully done!

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Joseph and Evelyn’s New England beach homes have been side by side for generations. In 1941, on the shores where they were raised, these two childhood friends fell in love. More than 60 yrs later, they gather their 3 grown children to share a tragic diagnosis, and he cannot live without her. So in one year’s time, they will end their lives on their own terms. They embark on a journey to create new memories, to live out their greatest dreams, and to comfort and connect with each of their children before they’re gone. But as their final days draw closer, they must confront the stark reality of what they are about to do, and make peace with the legacy they will leave behind for their family.


I heard about this book at a @theglossbookclub and @htpbooks event where they described it as a book that will break your heart then put it back together again, which was 100% accurate. This is a story about family, friends, love, parenting, and personal growth. We flip between narrators and follow the couple along their romantic but not without trials, relationship. Life is beautifully messy and imperfect and this book does a beautiful job portraying just that.

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My review of The Days I Loved You Most by Amy Neff will be published in an upcoming online or print edition of Library Journal. The ARC was received as a review copy from the editors of Library Journal.

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This book wrecked me
I’ll never be the same
It’s soooooo good- I’m not a cryer with books but I was bawling by chapter 3!
Get this book and get your tissues
It’s amazing
I hope there is a sequel

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Unfortunately this book was very slow in the beginning and super depressing. I loved the idea I just don't think it was for me.

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