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Chasing Endless Summer

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This is the second booking the Sutherland Series. This book comes after Losing Spring which I also had the privilege of reading and reviewing. As I loved the first book, I loved this book as well. This follows the story of Caroline when she is younger and after her mother dies tragically, she is left with her cruel grandfather locked away in a mansion. Her only companion is her awful and cruel cousin Simon. When Caroline's estranged father returns, she's hoping to be apart of a family again, but her father is about to marry a new wife and Caroline will have a new step mother and new step siblings. Of course V.C. Andrews takes us on a ride in this story and a lot of things unfold. There's never a happy ending and things never are how they seem. This was phenomenally written, it was sad, entertaining, and heartbreaking just as all her other books are. I would highly recommend reading the first book and then this one. I can't wait for the third book to come out in October.

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I grew up reading VC Andrews books in the '80s but it had been awhile since I had read anything because it felt like the formula was always the same in the book even though the characters were set differently.

The book prior to Chasing Endless Summer was like this (same formula and predictable) but I was thankful that this one was not as predictable. The story setting flowed nicely as the main character is trying to navigate her life with all of the changes she had to do. Your heart did go out to her because she is not the one that caused the events in the last book yet her father treated her that way. It's such a shame when people blame someone for someone's else life defaults. I am looking forward to reading the next edition in this series.

Thank you so Netgalley and Gallery Books for this ARC. An additional thank you to Gallery Books for sending me the first book in the series so I was able to have more backstory for this one.

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This is book 2 in the series and I will not continue on in the series if others come out. This was not something I loved, but it was something I can see others loving, including friends of mine. For me, it was a bit overdone and slow paced.

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Caroline's story continues as she finds herself under the care of her Grandfather Sutherland at his mansion by the same name. Because of her mother's actions prior to the divorce between her parents and the death of her mother she is seen as in need of reprogramming to be a true Sutherland.

After many weeks of being reprogrammed , locked in a dark bedroom she is finally accepted as one of the family. After this her father who has not contacted her since her mother died decides to let her come for a trial visit in Hawaii where he now lives with his new wife Parker and his stepdaughter Dina and Stepson Boston.

It appears to go well until a certain event with Dina and Caroline. Her father and grandfather decide she is not ready to join her father and Caroline is sent back to Sutherland where once again her friend is her cousin Simon and his mother Holly.

This is a good second book in the series with an ending suggesting the next book. I will be awaiting the next book in the series.

Thanks to the Author V.C. Andrews, The publisher Gallery Books, and NetGalley for allowing me to read and review a complimentary copy of the book.

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I enjoyed this book for the most part. I was really hoping Caroline would be able to stay in Hawaii but I guess the story was always meant to continue at Sutherland.

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This was such a a hard read. There were virtually no character arcs, no skeletons in the closet revealed. I expected it to be a bit more like flowers and have some sort of taboo aspect. That was not the case. Usually I would have a side character I am drawn to, but even that wasn't there.

I do wish there was more in Hawaii. I think that would have made a better storyline.

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The teen years are supposed to be fun and carefree—a time to enjoy being a kid before growing into an adult. But Chasing Endless Summer, the second Sutherland novel by V. C. Andrews, follows a troubled teenage girl who’s never experienced what it’s really like to be a teenager.

Full review published on and aired on Shelf Discovery.

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As a huge fan of The Dollanganger Series (Flowers in the Attic, Petals in the Wind, etc), I was STOKED to get approved for this book through NetGalley.

Andrew Neiderman, who has been a ghost writer for the V.C. Andrews estate following her death in 1986, seems to do well in capturing V.C. Andrews’ writing style and following with the theme/trope of unusual family trauma.

I love the development of the characters, though I wish the book were longer – if only to flesh out the characters a bit more. (But maybe, I also should’ve read the first book in the series first!)

With the tragic death of her mother and being isolated in her grandfather’s estate, Caroline finds companionship in her cousin, Simon. When her grandfather deems her worthy (along with her father’s approval), Caroline flies to Hawaii to live with her father, along with her stepmother and two step-siblings. This book is enamoring as you cling to hope for Caroline as she seeks approval and a normal life.

The only “downfall” with this book for me is the modernness of it. The cellphones, the mention of Instagram. It felt a bit out of place when I think of other V.C. Andrews books. (Not a bad thing, but it did take a moment to adjust.)

Overall, a very enjoyable read.

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This book was just ok. It felt very rushed and overly introspective. Thanks to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the advanced copy.

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Chasing Endless Summer is the sequel to Losing Spring. I actually enjoyed this one more than the first! Chasing Endless Summer was a bit more suspenseful with the new devious stepsister present and trying to sabotage Caroline. I recommend this one if you enjoy a good family drama!

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This is the second book in the Sutherland series. It was actually a good quick read. It follows the main protagonist, Caroline to Hawaii to get reacquainted with her father and his new family. As in typical VC Andrews fashion, not everything goes according to plan. I haven't read anything about a third in the series, but hoping there will be one.
Thank you to Netgalley, Gallery books and the Author V.C. Andrews for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to @NetGalley and @Gallerybooks for my gifted copy!

I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this sequel to ‘Losing Spring’ and am really hoping for a third ‘Sutherland family’ book to see how Caroline blooms and embraces her newfound life.

Caroline is first and foremost a Sutherland, even though she is Caroline Bryers (the blurb states Brady, which is incorrect). The Sutherlands are a very wealthy and influential family that has their hands in everything. They command respect and everyone’s unfailing actions to do what is expected and what they are told, especially Grandfather, the head of the family. Grandfather is never to be disobeyed or dire consequences are to be had. Simon, Caroline’s cousin, wants to be just like Grandfather. He lives and breathes his word, but is also a tiny bit rebellious. Caroline, unsure if she can trust Simon or not, lets him lead her until tragedy strikes the Sutherland house again.

Caroline tows the line with Grandfather, proving worthy to reunite with her Dad and his new family in Hawaii. She puts her all into pleasing her dad, in hopes of being able to live with him. However, her new step-sister, Dina may or may not have ill intentions for Caroline and talks her into doing things she normally wouldn’t do, to quell Dina’s unspoken threats of spilling her secrets and ruining her chances of a fresh start. Dina claims all she wants is a sister, but does she really? Who can Caroline trust and what will become of her?

Past and new readers of VC Andrews will love Caroline’s story and want to devour every book in this series. The author definitely does not disappoint in following the Legacy’s “Dawn and Flowers in the Attic” vibe.

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I have some many, memories of reading ALL of VC Andrews books when I was WAY too young. They were so captivating and telling the stories of powerful scary families, incest, the family lies and secrets and maybe a little murder. When I got this book, I was drawn right back in to that world of not sure who is on your side and who is against you; angsty teen tension . I don't even know why I love them, but this is the perfect family, and anything can happen, and I am there for the ride. There wasn't a huge plot twist, and it was almost anticlimactic in the actual story but the way you feel being in Caroline's head as she navigates a life at Sutherland and then in Hawaii with her stepfamily with al l It's dark secrets just keeps me so engrossed. and I can't even explain why except I am such a sucker to the family secrets story.
I was not a good reader and didn't' know this was the 2nd in a series until I finished the book, and I will say, I don't think that made a difference except I want to go back and read how she got to where she was in this book, and I am desperate for the story to continue. Now that we are back at Sutherland, and I am excited for more Simon. He is my guilty pleasure. He is so messed up and I want more of their interactions. I can't tell if he is evil, a lost little boy or just psycho but I want to read more.
I feel like Caroline is such a work in progress and has been through so many things. I started seeing some of her strength in that last parts of this book but then again maybe she will break. I think that is the thrill of reading a book like this. I will either see her explode into strong character she could be or break into a million pieces and I am here for the journey.
I would recommend if you like dark, family drama, character driven stories.

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I received a copy of this book through NetGalley in return for an honest review.

I am a lover of the original V.C. Andrew’s books and was looking forward to reading this story. While there are definitely dark undertones and an enticing plot, it was difficult to have empathy for many of the characters.

Caroline has already been through so much on her grandfather’s estate after loosing her mother in a terrible accident and her father leaving her prior to that due to divorce. Caroline has little to no one to guide her as she tries to maneuver her small world as an adolescent. What will happen when she is expected to reunite with her father and his new family. Will she be able to abide by her families expectations or will she fail?

This story depicts neglect of a child and how strict expectations from those who are meant to love you can do so much harm.

Thank you Simon and Schuster for the opportunity to read and review this book. I do plan to read the next book when it comes out to complete the story.

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Caroline has lost her mother in a car accident. She finds herself under the control of a grandfather she has never met. He has her go under aversion therapy therapy to make sure she doesn’t become “gay.” Caroline is finally allowed to live in her mother’s bedroom in Sutherland. The mansion was a gloomy place to live. Caroline has only her cousin Simon to talk to. He does give her some information about life in Sutherland. It became apparent to her that Sutherland was not a home of love and kindness as it was when she lived with her mother. The housekeeper Mrs Lawson was the housekeeper of Sutherland and also watched Caroline with such an unfriendly attitude that made Caroline’s life scare to do anything. Mrs. Lawson catches Simon and Caroline in a “compromising position and smiles. She can’t wait to tell grandfather. Simon flips out and Mrs. Lawson has tumbled down the stairs and is dead. Caroline doesn’t know if Simon pushed her as she was getting dressed after her nap. The police are called and Caroline is questioned. She tells them Simon was the last one to see her. When police go to his room, he is in the throes of a seizure. What caused it? Eventually the police do get to talk to Simon and Mrs. Lawson’s incident was deemed as an accident. Caroline is told that she will be going to Hawaii to see her father and his new family. She might live with him if things work out between them. Will it or will Caroline get sent back to Sutherland?

The author has written a family chain of events that continues the story from the previous book written. The book is the second in the Sutherland series. Caroline is an innocent young girl who is on her way to becoming aware of a world she didn’t know existed. I liked Caroline and understood her confusing life she was living. Her father and his family was an unusual experience for Caroline. The characters were well written and surprising with their own beliefs. I look forward to the next book coming out as I want to see how Caroline’s life continues.

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Chasing Endless Summer.

This is the second installment of the Sutherland series. I have to say, it was significantly better than the first book. It can be read as a stand alone, but the backstory of how Caroline ended up with her grandfather Sutherland is outlined more in the first book.

What I liked:
-Carolines development. She's growing up. She wants a relationship with her father, acceptance from her family, someone she can confide in and relate to. Someone she can just be a teenage girl with and not have to worry about all the "what ifs" or insecurities that come with being a teenaged girl but more so being locked up and away from people.
-The underlining "who done it" with Simon and the family and why. Made Simon more misunderstood.
-Carolines relationship with Bean. He is older and trying to look out for her. Even though their relationship was brief, it was still a good thing for Caroline in the midst of all the negative.

What I didn't like:
-Dinas character. Not because she was poorly written, but because she was a mean girl.
-The lack of relationship with Caroline and her father. I was rooting for them to be more. But that isn't the Andrews way.
-The ending on a cliffhanger. I want to know what happens next. As this book was just released, I wont know for a while.

Overall, this book was good. I'll recommend it and I look forward to the next installment created.

This opinion is my own and completely unbiased.

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I was gifted this ARC from Netgalley and Gallery Books in exchange for an honest review.

This was a blast from the past. V.C. Andrews was the author who started my love for reading. I was excited to see this book available. Although similar to the old school VC Andrews it did have a different feel to it. There weren't the usual twist and turns or mystery these books usually have. It was an easy read but not a lot of dynamics to it.

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Chasing Endless Summer is book 2 in the Sutherland series by V.C. Andrews.
This book is very well written and the characters are fleshed out amazingly.
The great storytelling with so many twists, had me hooked from start to the end!
The storyline and setting of this tale immediately drew me in and held me captive right to the very end.

Thank You NetGalley and Gallery Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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It's been a hot minute since I've read a VC Andrews book, and when I saw this ARC I knew I wanted to see if I still enjoyed the books, and I certainly do! I loved her books back in middle school (just a few years ago...I read Flowers in the Attic and I loved it!) and they were the reason I loved reading at that age! Chasing Endless Summer grabbed me and kept me wanting to find out what happens next. I enjoyed following Caroline's character and can't wait to see what happens in the next book! Thanks to the Sutherland Series, and this ARC, I will be diving into more of Andrews' books in the near future!
Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the eARC for my honest review.

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Chasing Endless Summer by V.C. Andrews is a sequel in a series about the story of Caroline Bryer, a young teenager sent to stay with her wealthy Grandfather Sutherland in upstate New York after the tragic death of her mother. She is isolated from everyone and is forced to undergo months of aversion therapy because her mother and father divorced after her mother was caught in bed with a woman and her family didn't want her to end up like her mother. In order to be considered fit to go live with her estranged father and his new family in Hawaii, she endures this barbaric treatment. But when she gets to her father's, she learns she's not any better off there.

I struggled to get into the story at first because it seemed like the internal dialog and the description of the setting of the mansion were dragging. It picked up in the middle a bit more, but then it seemed to just drop abruptly at the end. Overall, the plot just seemed to be rushed and didn't have the same flow as other V.C. Andrews books. This story was okay, but it just wasn't my favorite.

**All new "V. C. Andrews" work published subsequent to 1988, while credited solely to Andrews, is the work of Andrew Neiderman, under license from the V. C. Andrews estate.**

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the eARC for my honest review.

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