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Very Very Lucky

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Member Reviews

An excellent read from Amanda. The story features a family with Emma as the mainstay. She has a very busy life with work, family, and friends.she has to deal with a lot of issues as well as keeping the family going. It is very emotional at times and has its funny moments too.

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A wonderful feel good book. With really great characters and wonderful storyline. It's a great book that will tug at your heart strings.

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Amanda prowse is the most fabulous author and this book was no different. Emma and Thurston tell their story in alternate chapters. Emma leads a manic life with two boys; a husband; a mum and a best friend…Thurston is lonely, his wife Mary had passed away and he just wants to see her again. We find out midway that they’re loosely linked….Emma’s boss Nancy is Thurston neice. A friendship is formed and their lives become entwined. This is such a beautiful story of family; love and loss.

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Thanks to Net Galley for granting this request - love Amanda Prowse - she writes from the heart. This book is full of everything you could wish for in a brilliant read - emotions of every type joy, sadness and humour and the realisation that no matter what you’re going thorough in life you’re still lucky! WOW what a book deservedly five stars and highly recommend did not want it to end.

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When I first tried this book I couldn’t get into it. Thankfully I decided to give it another go. I absolutely loved it. The characters were amazing. I couldn’t see how the storyline was going to come together but when it did it felt right and I was impressed. Definitely recommend.

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This book serves as a reminder that each day we have the opportunity to truly enjoy each moment, live fully and love unconditionally as there are such items such as disease that can be beyond our control. Emma rushed from one place to another and tried to please all members of her family by consistently catering to their needs and forgoing her own as a result. It is not surprising that she found herself sleeping in the bed at Ikea.Her chance meeting with Thurston and the deep conversations they had coupled with the emotions shared were beneficial for both as they both struggled with loss and the ramifications. Emma blamed herself for her father and Thurston didn't know how he could go on without Mary, the true love of his life of whom he got to spend 62 years together. There were definitely moments of levity such as her mother's revelation of her "friend", the chilli incident and the pub quiz team name, but the largest takeaway is that love and life should never be taken for granted.

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Emma is one of those people who are always crazy busy and never able to catch up. Her husband, 3 kids and mom are needing something from her at almost every hour of the day.

Thurston has lost his wife of 60+ years and decides he doesn't need anything but to be with her and he comes up with a plan.

Roz (Rosalind) is absolutely the best kind of friend you could ever ask for. She's got a surprise for Emma which will change their lives forever. I wanted closure on their story but just knowing how real and treasured their friendship is will be enough.

This book reminded me a lot of "A Man Called Ove."

I would recommend this book!

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Thanks so much to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing.

I was so excited to read this book. I've never read Amanda Prowse before, but I've heard of her and how great her writing is.

The story starts off funny - Emma falls asleep on a showroom bed at IKEA. Her life is very full. Even too full. Then there is Thurston who is recently widowed. He is sad and trying to figure out how to have meaning in his life again. He meets Emma, and her life is the opposite of his. They form a friendship and balance each other out.

This was such a dear, dear book to read, and I feel very very lucky that I was able to. I can see why Prowse's writing gets rave reviews. I was so touched by this story and the precious characters.

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I love Amanda Prowse’s books, this one is my seventh by her. She never disappoints me, and Very Very Lucky is no exception. Emma is of the sandwich generation, looking after her children and her mother all while holding down a job. Emma has a lot to be thankful for and I understand how it can be hard to not feel sorry for one’s self when you’re in the thick of it and we have to remind ourselves that it is the little things that make life worth living.

There were many moments of laughter reading this story but also some very serious topical matters. The characters are dealing with some heavy issues such as grief, suicidal thoughts, and terminal illness but the way the author chooses to have her characters deal with them with love and humour touched me and it was also done in a very sensitive manner.

I loved the characters in this tale, they were so real and relatable, especially our main character, Emma. I enjoyed reading about her and her support group of friends and family, watching them learn that it’s never too late to make new friends who can be a surrogate family and that while reaching out and helping others often we can help ourselves as well. There are no easy answers to tough times but many little steps can lead to big steps forward.

This was such a clever story that I got totally absorbed in, written with warmth and compassion. It is a thoughtful, moving book and Prowse makes it very clear that although we all go through difficult times having a lot of support from friends and family makes us very very lucky indeed.

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So have just finished reading the new one by Amanda Prowse, Very Very lucky, I was fortunate to receive an Arc
Well what can I say a beautiful story about family, love, loss and how with a little help from friends old and new, it can all be put back together, what a totally wonderful read, and once again Amanda has managed to leave yet another one of her books inside my heart 😍

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I feel very lucky to have read Prowse's book! The story was a delight. Lots of love and great characters throughout. I stayed up late to finish it. The stories sucked me in and I was invested in the outcomes. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. Five stars.

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I think most mothers, daughters, friends, colleagues will be able to relate to the main character Emma Fountain. Each day feels like a never ending to-do list and no matter how hard she tries she always feels like she’s letting someone down. Sometimes reading about someone else’s hopelessness can really put our own lives in perspective. But Prowse also shows us how to find the glint of happiness within the storm of life. There is laughter and friendship even on the darkest days.

Thanks @netgalley @lakeunionauthors for the early access. Amanda Prowse’s new book is out for general release Jan 2024

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This book was so touching in a few different ways. Lost loves, illnesses, families and great friends making new ones.
I loved absolutely everything about this book.
The characters were brilliant and I loved how they teased, as this is how I was brought up.
Tears were slowly leaking from my eyes.
When a book touches you that much I have to thank the author for bringing it alive.
Definitely looking for more from this Author.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for an early release of this book.

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Emma is a typical wife and mother, overextended and exhausted, and she ends up falling asleep in a bed in a department store. Now, she’s trying to cope with the most terrible news possible about her best friend. Meanwhile, Thurston is living a lonely and joyless existence. After losing his wife of over six decades, he doesn’t feel that he has much to live for. But the day he meets Emma, everything changes. This is a lovely and bittersweet story about love, loss, and making the most of the time we have.

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I liked this from the blurb and could empathise with Emma being pulled in several directions and I don’t have kids, the friendship between Emma and Roz is priceless and anyone lucky to have that is very fortunate. Definitely a book I’ll be re reading in the future.

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I do feel very, very lucky to have received this ARC.

The story was nicely written and I liked most of the characters, especially Emma's zesty best friend Roz, but otherwise the book was just a bit meh and fell flat for me.

Thank you so much to the publisher and Amanda Prowse for the advanced copy though. And I really think other people would like this, it just wasn't for me.

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"Very Very Lucky" by Amanda Prowse promises to be a heartwarming and emotionally resonant story of life's unexpected twists and the power of friendship and human connection.

The novel introduces us to Emma Fountain, a woman juggling the complexities of modern life—family, work, and personal relationships. Her IKEA escapade is a relatable and humorous moment that hints at the chaos and exhaustion that can come with trying to manage it all. Emma's best friend, Roz, adds a touch of humor and support to her life, a relatable dynamic that many readers will appreciate.

Thurston, a recent widower searching for meaning and joy after the loss of his wife of many years, represents the other end of life's spectrum. His encounter with Emma, a woman living a drastically different life from his own, sets the stage for an unlikely but potentially transformative friendship.

The novel's exploration of grief, love, and the small but precious moments in life appears to be its central theme. It suggests that, even in the face of loss and life's challenges, there is an opportunity for connection and rediscovery. The idea that "the little things in life are precious" is a powerful and universally relatable message that is likely to resonate deeply with readers.

Overall, "Very Very Lucky" seems poised to deliver a poignant and uplifting story about the resilience of the human spirit and the ways in which unexpected friendships can bring healing and hope. Readers who enjoy heartwarming tales of love, loss, and personal growth are likely to find this novel a touching and worthwhile read.

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