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Revelation: Poppet Cycle Book One

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Ich weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht, wie ich dieses Buch bewerten soll, da ich es aufgrund relativ kurzer Ausleihdauer (ohne Verlängerung) nicht lesen konnte.

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Loved. Loved. Loved. Loved. I have no words for this book. Thank you so much for everyone who recommended this story for me. If you haven't read it yet, DO IT PLS.

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I want to thank NetGalley, Hydra Publications, and the author Donna J.W. Munro for providing this e-ARC. Witch, I will be giving my honest and sincere review.

Ellie is naive and believes the world how is it shown to her. She lives in a futuristic world, where no one works and death can be recycled into a Poppet form, they act like robots thanks to a chip, with a program designed to do the labour for the owners. Ellie is attached to her Poppet in ways society would approve, she always challenged her poppet, Tom, to save her when she was a child, even now as a teenager she talks openly to him and acts like he responds to her questions, only when they are alone.
Ellise her mother and her aunt live in luxury, The company that recycles death the "Desloge Corporation" was started by her great-uncle, and she's supposed to inherit the ownership of the company.
Mozes arrives from "the wild" and things start to open Ellie's eyes, we go through a rollercoaster of emotions, and people she knows are not what she thought they were. from here on horrifying scenes are happening, the truth comes out, and she's not ready for it.
The world-building is really good and detailed.

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"Revelation" by Donna J.W. Munro is the first book of the series Poppet Cycle and it's the perfect beginning for a dystopian universe.

Set in a future world, approximately 150 years from now, the new era is ruled by a few companies. One of them is DesLoge Com, specialized in poppets, slaves that are build from deceased people that keep their abliities but not their personality or soul. Poppets are programmed to obey and they are treated as nothing but servants.

Cordelia's the one in control of the company; her niece, Ellie, will inherit it all. She's only 16 and she's been educated all her life as the heir of DesLoge Com. She's been told that poppets are things without feellings, she's been told that humans are better than them... However, her love for her poppet Thom, and the conviction that he's more than an empty shell, tells her otherwise.

Ellie's world turns around when Moze appears in her life. The new kid in class, that comes from the Wilds (outside her own world), shows her how much she's missing, how many truths have been hidden from her all this time.

I don't usually read dystopian books, but something in this one caught my attention and I'm so happy I gave it an opportunity. This story's worldbuilding is one of the best I've read in many years: it's coherent, interesting and it makes you get deep down in it without noticing. Besides, the author adds between chapters little pieces that help build that universe: news, notes, law cases... I found this part very refreshing and original, and one of the elements I enjoyed the most.

The characters are really deep and their personalities and reactions are really plausible. I was fascinated by Ellie's evolution: how her thoughts start to change, how she discovers how the world really works. She's smart, thoughtful, empathic and altruistic. I loved getting to know her and I can't wait to know more about her.

There were also very memorable quotes in the book, that I underlined and will revisit from time to time. The author is a magnificent writer, she moved me many times in many ways.

The only reason I didn't give this book a 5/5 stars is because in the final part I lost some interest. I'm not sure if that was because of the structure of the story or because I was in a different mood, but I disconnected a bit because there was a lot of action and less character evolution and worldbuilding.

In conclusion, "Revelation" is an enjoyable book that submerged me in a world I'm ready to visit again.

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Revelation by Donna J. W. Munro is an atmospheric YA dystopian novel featuring arranged marriages, steampunk vibes, and zombies. Ellie was a phenomenal character - she starts out naive and sheltered and grows to an amazing badass main character trying to survive a world functioning odd of the backs of undead robots. This plot was incredibly unique and the prose was immersive. Highly enjoyed this!

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Wow 🤯 I've never read a book with zombie like stuff in it before. At first i was accepting of the poppets but by the end of this book a big nope and her aunt is pure evil. About to start book 2 and can't wait to see where it takes Ellie and Thom and hopefully they get to see Moze again.

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Character/Relationships: 8
Atmosphere/Setting: 9
Writing style: 7
Plot: 6
Intrigue: 7
Logic: 7
Enjoyment: 7

After a war where the working class rebelled against the rich and lost, the workforce has been replaced with poppets, reanimated corpses. Ellie Desloge is the heir to the company that cdeveloped the tech to revitalize poppets. After discovering the truth of the system, she must choose whether to follow the path other predecessors and cement their legacy or to remain true to her kind nature and acknowledge that poppets may have their own consciousness.

The strong point of Revelation is this futuristic setting where respect towards the dead has been discarded and the government has been rebuilt from the ground up to put the rich on top uncontested while the "undesirables" have been exiled to "The Wilds", the world outside the domed cities. The first 50% drags a bit in order to properly build the relationships and setting, but the last 50% escalates and sets high stakes that make it impossible to sit the book down.

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A big thanks to NetGalley and Hydra Publications for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

How have I not read this book sooner????

Revelation: Poppet Cycle Book One by Donna J. W. Munro is a YA science fiction novel that follows a teen heiress by the name of Ellie. In a dark future, people with money live in doomed cities and use the recently deceased as repurposed servants and workers called poppets. Ellie DesLoge is the teen heiress of the company that makes and distributes poppets–your basic reprogrammed flesh robot complete with training chips and kill switches. If Ellie does everything her Aunt Cordelia says, she’ll have a life of wealth and power. If she chooses to be what is planned for her, life will be perfect. Everything she ever dreamed. But something about her sweet poppet Thom goes against what Aunt Cordelia and tradition have taught her. Will she choose to believe what everyone knows is true or will she follow what her heart tells her about Thom? Her choice will change the world.

...................this book is and has so many things. Boy meets girl. Gritty and dystopian. ZOMBIES. But that's only the skim of it. This book has a butt ton of worldbuilding and detail that is all utterly amazing. You just need to read it. Like right now. You haven't read zombies like this.

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This book reads like a scary futuristic story about a future where the dead are used as servants and soldiers while our main protagonist Ellie grapples with her families legacy with involvement with this tattered world.
I’m feeling a mixture of The Uglies & Divergent in this book to be honest. The world this story is set in is for sure feels like a world based on looks and future sciences that leave humanity in such a toxic state that it’s alarming. Roll in living in domes after wars decimated large sections of land leaving the ones left outside the dome susceptible to disease, lawlessness, and, before they got the serum to make the dead slaves,zombie like creatures roaming the empty lands. Throw in using deceased people to be your slaves and soldiers, you have a wacky but interesting setting.
Ellie, the main character, for sure falls into the category of a rich girl living in world that she is uneasy with. She questions why are things they are the way they are. It isn’t until she runs into a boy from the wilds(places outside the domes)Moze that her interest in the past and its artifacts began to unravel the stories she was raised on.
Overall this was a solid ya dystopian novel that had me intrigued, disgusted and had my heart racing at times. For sure a unique book with a fully realized world that is eerily similar to ours. I would recommend this book for sure. Will have you feeling a wide range of emotions.

Thanks to the folks at NetGalley for a copy of this book. My review is a honest reflection of my feelings towards this book.

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"Revelation: Poppet Cycle Book One" by Donna J.W. Munro is a captivating blend of old-fashioned traditions and futuristic technology, set in a dark future where the wealthy live in doomed cities and the recently deceased are repurposed as servants known as poppets.

From the outset, Munro presents readers with a richly imagined world, seamlessly combining elements of dystopia with innovative technological concepts. The concept of using the deceased as programmable robots adds a unique twist to the post-apocalyptic genre. The world-building is a standout feature, drawing readers into a society where traditional values coexist with advanced, and at times unsettling, technology.

The protagonist, Ellie DesLoge, serves as an effective lens through which readers explore this complex world. As the heiress of the company responsible for creating and distributing poppets, Ellie faces the weight of societal expectations and familial pressure. The tension between adhering to tradition and following her heart creates a compelling internal conflict for Ellie.

The character development is well-executed, and Ellie's connection with Thom, a poppet, adds emotional depth to the narrative. Munro skillfully weaves in elements of romance and self-discovery, elevating the story beyond the confines of a typical dystopian tale.

The novel also touches upon thought-provoking themes, drawing parallels between the use of poppets and historical issues such as slavery. This adds layers of complexity to the narrative, inviting readers to reflect on the ethical implications of the society depicted in the story.

Overall, "Revelation: Poppet Cycle Book One" is a thoughtfully crafted and original work that successfully combines futuristic elements with historical inspiration. Munro's ability to create a compelling world, develop engaging characters, and explore meaningful themes makes this novel a standout in the dystopian genre. Readers looking for a fresh take on dystopian fiction with a touch of romance and societal reflection will find this book to be a rewarding read.
4.4 rounded down to 4/5

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The cover is what drew me in along with the description, and I’m so glad I was able to read this. It had everything that I was looking for in this type of book. The characters were interesting and I was invested in what happened to them. I thought Donna J. W. Munro wrote this perfectly and am excited to read more in this series.

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2.5 / 5.0

I DNF this at 25% plus the last two chapters. It is written well and the premise of the story seemed interesting, but once I began reading it I lost interest quickly. The characters aren’t engaging and the way the plot is presented is slow, causing the book to be more drawn out than I like.

Until Next Time,

Thank you to NetGalley for the eARC for my review.

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Really cool setting!

I love the hints throughout the beginning of the book that something isn’t right, and that it mounts to something bigger.

The pacing felt very natural and everything flowed on really nicely. Most of the characters had depth, and felt real, and reacted like someone in that situation would react.

I love the little bits of world build that happens in between the chapters with excerpts of documents from the world, making it real old and real. It also helps to educate the audience on why the world looks like it does.

I am waiting patiently for the sequel.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an advance copy of this book. The execution of ideas for this novel was very well done. I haven't read any YA in a long time, but I'm very glad that I did choose to read this. I loved that between chapters the author included articles and court documents regarding the fictional events happening in the book. I haven't seen that in very many books, it made it feel very authentic and was always very relevant to what was happening in the previous chapter.
The characters were all very likable, and I really enjoyed the romantic subplot between the main character and love interest. You could feel the humanity of the main character reaching through this book and touching your heart. It's scary because it's something I can very well see happening in this day and age. Overall, it was a very enjoyable read with a gorgeous cover that really pulls you in. I would definitely recommend it to teens, but adults as well for the important lessons that are being taught.

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Don't let the innocent cover fool you; this book is about zombies and slavery.

Revelation is the first book in the new Poppet Cycle series, and it has some of the most unique dystopian world-building I've seen. The working class was defeated after an attempted revolution, and to prevent another rebellion, workers were replaced with reanimated corpses. Ellie is the heiress to the company that produces these "poppets," and so she sees no harm in the treatment of these robotic zombie-type creatures.
This book is much more thought-provoking than I expected. Court case briefings between each chapter really paint the world as horrific and there are certain scenes that reminded me a lot of Neal Shusterman's Unwind in that they made me sick to my stomach.
The world itself carried the book for me. The middle felt a bit slow and I didn't particularly love any of the characters, but the concepts present in the story kept me hooked.
If you're looking for a new kind of zombie story or a dystopian world that borders on horror, this book is for you.

Thanks to Netgalley for the free e-ARC!

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OOOOOOOOOWEEEEEEEE! This book is both disturbing and intriguing! I don't want to review and add spoilers but this book kept me up at night. The way that the respect for the human person went away so quickly in this dystopian read was alarming, I can totally see humanity going in this direction. With the need to remain young looking, wanting to get the work done without a thinking, breathing person actually doing the work. The depictions of slavery was a bit of a trigger for me but not enough to DNF the book.
The way the book was written it seems like it is set in present day however, present day is the past for them, FACETIME for them is a Holovid (holographic video). I don't believe that I could walk around with a POPPET roaming about let alone sleep, protected by a bubble or not. There is so much to say about this book, it was AMAZING honestly, ....IT IS WORTH THE READ!! I will absolutely be reading the second installment.

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ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

"Revelation," the first book in Donna J.W. Munro's Poppet Cycle series, paints a vivid picture of a futuristic society teetering on the edge of dystopia. The narrative centers around Ellie DesLoge, a privileged teenager set to inherit her family's corporation, which specializes in reanimating the dead (zombies) as obedient "poppets." These poppets serve as a compliant, tireless labor force, akin to slaves, catering to the whims of the elite. Munro brilliantly draws parallels to historical injustices, particularly the institution of slavery, through this creative, thought-provoking lens.

Ellie's perspective on the poppets is challenged when Moze, a newcomer from the "Wilds," enters her life. His insights and experiences open Ellie's eyes to the darker facets of her family's business and the morally complex nature of poppet creation. Munro excels in portraying Ellie's evolution, as she wrestles with her ingrained beliefs and undergoes a profound transformation in her understanding of the world.

The novel's commentary on class, corruption, and the consequences of unchecked power is both compelling and relevant. Munro's world-building skills shine, offering a well-crafted futuristic setting replete with advanced technology, lavish parties, and ethical quandaries. The story's thematic depth and the complexity of its characters make it a truly engaging read.

As Ellie grapples with the choices she must make, readers are thrust into a captivating exploration of morality and the importance of challenging the status quo. "Revelation" serves as a timely reminder that change often begins with questioning long-held beliefs and confronting uncomfortable truths.

Tropes: Dystopian, steampunk, pop culture references (Journey, the Hobbit, etc.), Zombies, working class vs the 1%, YA,

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Ellie belongs to one of the most powerful families in the domes and is in line to inherit the business of manufacturing Poppets. Poppets are mindless reanimated recently dead and are programmed provide all labor. However Ellie has always had a suspicion that her personal poppet, Thom, once acted on his own saving her from drowning as a child. Something that should have been impossible. After encountering a new student at her school she is introduced to new and dangerous ideas that cause her to question everything she thought she knew.

Revelation is adept at overlapping and combining the horrors of what is happening in this fictional world with the societal issues and horrors of our own world in a very chilling way. The contrast between the dark and disturbing moments against the glittering socialite world was well done and the escalation as we learn the full truth of what’s happening kept me reading late into the night. While Ellie may be a bit of a naive ingenue, I really enjoyed how her and the characters around her related to the world and each other. The world building was really interesting and I’m excited to explore it further in the next book. All in all a really interesting take on the ya zombie genre.

I received an advance review copy, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book.

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The depth of this story is nothing short of remarkable, evoking reverberations of classics like "The Hunger Games" and "Divergent" as it weaves an enthralling, emotionally charged narrative around pressing societal issues. It represents the zenith of young adult dystopian fiction, encapsulating readers with profound insights, well-crafted characters, and thought-provoking themes.

At the core of the narrative is Ellie, the inheritor of a company responsible for creating "poppets." In future society the reanimating of the recently deceased to serve as programmable laborers are considered socially acceptable, as they are no longer plagued by their once insatiable cravings for human flesh. They are now soulless creatures that function as compliant companions, adept cooks, and more, perpetually wearing a serene, emotionless expression and devoid of thoughts, feelings, or the ability to voice their opinions. Or are they?

Ellie's life takes an unforeseen turn when she forges a friendship with Moze, a newcomer to her school from outside the city. Their connection deepens, and Moze becomes convinced that Ellie deserves to uncover the hidden truths about her aunt's company. What unfolds is a tale replete with grim revelations, shocking twists, sporadic moments of terror, and profound heartache.

This narrative seized my attention from the very beginning, immersing me in a utopian world where Ellie seemed to lead a charmed life, albeit beset with commonplace "first-world problems." However, this idyllic existence is soon shattered, plunging me into the tumultuous maelstrom of Ellie's world disintegrating around her. As she grapples with harsh realities, she awakens to her own blissful ignorance of the world that surrounds her. Whether you're a connoisseur of young adult literature, science fiction, steampunk, romance, dystopian tales, or historical fiction, this book promises an engrossing and masterfully written adventure.

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Ellie, the heiress of a company responsible for creating Poppets. Ellie's deepest desire is to see emotions of the Poppet named Thom, who had shown her a unique connection during a near-drowning incident from her childhood. Her struggle lies in her compassion for the Poppets and the desire to prevent their abuse by their human owners. Poppets are flesh robots that are servants and workers for the human that own them. Will Ellie follow the life plan set by her Aunt Cordelia to have a perfect and comfortable life? Or will she change the trajectory to help the Poppets?

“Revelation: Poppet Cycle” by Donna J. W. Munro is a dystopian steampunk-like book focused on the theme of abuse against what society deems as lesser beings. The book has a lot of boring drawn out parts but still had a wonderful story. The cover is absolutely perfect. I liked the steampunk dystopian period drama sort of vibes. It reminded me of BioShock Infinite which was perfect. The social justice aspect is even important in today’s society with Ai that we can relate to. I gave it a 4 out of 5 stars.

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