Cover Image: A Clock Stopped Dead

A Clock Stopped Dead

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Member Reviews

Was delighted to be pre approved for this. I have really enjoyed the last two outing of the garden centre girls.

This book was good but quite as good as previous two. The plot line is for sure unique, it keeps the cosy crime feel but there is unlaying more sinister feel, I think this more down the examination of the human condition the author expertly does though the mixture of characters and subtle political and social commentary…the world is a dark place. The plot line as I said is unique it not what you expect at all, it keeps you guessing though there was times I felt it dragged on a little too much. This for me makes it slightly less engaging, a bit of cutting back on some of the background plot lines would really elevate the books to Thursday Murder Club Standard, for me the sub plots are not written well enough to be fully relevant.

That being said I loved the three ladies, the main plot and the authors style of writing,

This a good read that you keep you guessing and entertained on a cold winters day.

On a side note I was recently at a garden centre with my newly retired father, we were having a coffee and beside there was three ladies chatting away that reminded me of Pat, Liz and Thelma…hope they were plotting something just like them

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Retired school teachers - Liz, Pat and Thelma - are investigating a series of mysterious events which may or may not be a crime.

Their friend, Marguerite, has a vision of a charity shop while lost in the fog. On the same night there is a fatal car crash. Can the two events be linked? Why was the woman there and what had scared her?

The three women uncover more facts about the people involved and begin to realise that, in fact, there has been a crime but need to uncover ‘why’ and ‘how’. Each is also dealing with pressures in their own lives.

I love these feisty ladies and enjoyed this encounter with them.

An enjoyable cosy crime story - to be recommended.

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Another great outing with the retired schoolteachers.

This is the third installment in the series and it holds up well. Pat, Thelma and Liz are as funny and engaging as ever, and the mystery kept me intrigued. I love how these books aren't just straight up murder mysteries: the first one was about a murder, but the second one was about poison pen letters while this one is more about puzzling out the mystery behind an apparently vanished charity shop. It's quite creepy, which I didn't love, but I'm sure that will appeal to other readers.

I also like how we get a lot about the characters' personal lives, their families and what's going on with them outside of the mystery. It makes the story deeper. I do recommend reading the books in order as you then get the progression of the characters' lives. It's a great series and I'm already looking forward to the next part.

I'd like to thank the publishers and Netgalley for kindly providing me with an advance copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Another delightful cosy crime mystery with the Thirsk Three - Pat, Thelma and Liz find themselves embroiled in another mystery. This time involving Marguerite, a former colleague, a ghostly charity shop and two untimely deaths……… delicious fun! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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A charity shop that disappeared overnight, a fatal car crash just round the corner. Coincidence or connected and, if so, how and why? Marguerite, the scatty friend of Liz, Pat, and Thelma, tells them she’s had a psychic experience in which, while lost in a fog, she entered a strange Charity Shop, which had disappeared completely when she went back the following day. Sceptical, but knowing her propensity for getting the wrong end of the stick, the three retired teachers go to check on this mysterious shop, but are impeded by the aftermath of a car crash in which a woman had driven at speed from the lane (it’s basically a track behind some houses containing some derelict outbuildings) where the shop was reportedly situated. Confirming that there is no shop in the lane, the trio wonder what Marguerite actually saw and whether or not it is connected to the crash. The dead woman, wealthy after being recently widowed, was known for being a safe and careful driver, not known for speeding under any circumstance. The state of the track and the absence of any obvious reason also raises the question of why the woman was there in the first place. Sitting around their favourite table in the Garden Centre, the three friends start puzzling it out. I say “puzzling” because investigating is too organised a term. In truth they mostly continue with their normal activities. Gradually they accrue scraps of information which build a picture of a crime, although it is not clear what type of crime nor how many of their suspects are actually involved. Meanwhile, domestic issues like husband problems, grown up children problems, get in the way, not to mention Marguerite’s increasing interest in her ‘psychic’ powers which threatens to drag Pat into what the more rational Thelma and Liz consider to be nonsense.
This is the third in a series but works as a standalone. The stories feature Liz, Pat, and Thelma, all around the sixty mark, retired teachers with a unique view on human fallibility. That view is mainly that adults display the same psychological features as children and their motivation can be deduced from this – a quite sensible idea. I reviewed the earlier books and can see that my opinions then are still apposite now. “The three women are all very different and extremely well drawn characters, with detailed family backgrounds that clearly show why they act, individually and collectively, in the way they do when sleuthing. The plot is carefully assembled, rather like a patchwork quilt, with each element placed just so. As a mystery story it is not particularly complicated, but the writing is so good that you find yourself invested in these women and their progress.” If cosy crime is your preferred form (or even if it isn’t) then you must read this book, and its predecessors. If you like well plotted and literate stories then read this book, even if crime isn’t your usual genre.
I would like to thank NetGalley, the publishers and the author for providing me with a draft proof copy for the purpose of this review.

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Retired teachers Liz, Pat, and Thelma are at it again. They love a good mystery.

So when their scatty friend Marguerite is bothered by a vanishing charity shop, they can't leave it alone

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I absolutely love these woman and am desperate to join their friendship group. I loved the book which I believe is third in a series so far. Well written and a really good read - loved it!

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