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When the Waters Came

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A very well written book about an important time in history I had never heard of. Great read for those who love Christian historical fiction. Faith building!

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A person can not live in the Johnstown PA area without knowing about the great flood of 1889. When I read the book title, just knew that it was about this disaster. The author did a through research study, weaving actual events and people intertwined with fictional ones. The result was history coming alive but seen from a very human perspective. The flood itself encompasses only the first several chapters, the rest is a tale of people, people searching for family and friends, often not finding any, searching to survive when everything is gone. It is also a story of resilience, rebuilding, and the generosity of the outside world.
One of the main (fictional) characters is the young pastor of the church on the corner of Locust Street, which just happens to be the church that I attend. This stone building was only one of five left standing after the waters hit Johnstown. Reading of the disaster and rebuilding/repairing of the church has me looking around at the structure and thinking of the people who may have taken refuge in its rafters. One of the first to arrive to help the remaining survivors was the Red Cross and Clara Barton. This group worked tirelessly to assist the population to manage in spiite of great loss. Within the Historical tale there is the tale of two people, one the young pastor, the other a young Red Cross nurse. Their story is more than a romance, bot of two people finding forgiveness in the midst of surviving the world falling apart around them. This story is also personal to me. I drive by the old stone bridge several times a week, as well as Grandview Cemetery. As I pass the cemetery, I gaze over at the perfect square set headstones which mark the resting places of the unknowns. At the stone church on the corner of Locust and Franklin Streets, the high water mark from the 1889 flood is still prominently noted in the back of the sanctuary.

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What a wonderful historical fiction book that takes you through the flooding of Johnstown, Pennsylvania and the aftermath. With a Christian faith focus, the difficult moments and personal catastrophes people experience are balanced by faith. This is an emotional read that will have you wrapped in grief, cheering on the downtrodden, encouraging those who have lost so much, and praying for love and compassion to rule. The story has two primary points of view ... Annamae Worthington, a nurse with the Red Cross, and Monty Childs, a pastor in the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania. As you journey through the rough waters of devastation, you will experience forgiveness and hope ... discovering that God is the only one who can heal them in emotional, physically, and spiritually.

This is a great beginning to the new series based on American disasters that changed history. I am looking forward to reading future books.

Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour Fiction for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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I had never heard of the Johnstown flood of 1889. It was interesting to learn more about that tragic event. It was also interesting to learn more about the early days of the Red Cross and the role they played in helping the people recover. The history of this event and the affect it had on the town and the people is well researched.

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As a native Pennsylvanian I have always heard of the Johnstown flood but never knew the details. I felt the narrative was quite compelling and the characters well developed.

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When the waters came is a good but sad book about the historical Johnstown Floods in Johnstown Pennsylvania in 1889. I have never read or heard anything about it until I read this book. It is interesting and sad because a lot of lives were lost and people lost their possessions that they had worked for their entire lives. It is a good story about keeping your faith in God after a disaster, being and staying positive, helping each other get back on their feet, Coming together to help rebuild a town after a disastrous event, and forgiveness. It is the first of 6 historical disasters books published by Barbour publishing. I am going to read the other books after reading this book. The two main characters Monty and Annamae meet and become friends and they begin to fall in love. Monty is a Pastor and Annamae works for the Red Cross that came to Johnstown to provide medical care and help to the people. This was my first book that I have read by Candice Sue Patterson. I am planning to read more of her books too. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and Netgalley and was under no obligation to post a review.

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When the Waters Came by Candice Sue Patterson. ☕️☕️☕️☕️/5. The flooding of Johnstown is something I became familiar with after reading Julie by Catherine Marshall. Although this book deals with an earlier flood, it’s no less devastating. Pastor Monty moved to Johnstown hiding his former life of privilege. After surviving the flood not only is his home destroyed, so is part of his church, and almost the entire town. Five days later Annamae arrives with famed nurse Clara Barton and other members of the Red Cross. She finds herself dealing with death and tragedy on a level she has never seen. She also is there to get answers for the death of her father several years prior. When Typhoid fever hits as a result of the flooding aftermath, Annamae befriends Pastor Monty and the secrets they are carrying threaten to stop a budding romance. This book was both inspiring and tragic all at once. As a person who has survived my own life-changing event, I can relate to what the character went through. I think this work of fiction was well researched and shines a light on a part of US history that is not well known. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review. I also received a copy via NetGalley. #barbourpublishing #netgalleyreads #netgalley @barbourbooks #bookworm #bookwyrm #booknerd #booknerdigan #booksofinstagram #igbooks #bookish #bibliophile #instabooks #booknerdigans #lovebooks #booklover

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A step back into one of America’s greatest tragedy’s that is often overlooked, When the Waters Came by Candice Sue Patterson is a heartbreaking and hope-filled story to honor the lives of those touched by the flood.

The historical elements of this story were so vivid and filled with fascinating details. The true story of the Johnstown flood is written beautifully alongside a fictional narrative of loss, hope, and forgiveness. The characters of Monty and Annamae give the reader two varying viewpoints of how the flood impacted the lives of so many. Forgiveness is at the heart of this novel and the Gospel is so perfectly illustrated in the lives of the characters and the town as a whole.

Thank you Barbour Publishing and Netgalley for an advanced reader copy in return for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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A great story that also tells the factual account of this historic flood and the attempts to find and punish those who might have been at fault. Monty is a pastor in the small town, but he's got a secret past he'd just as soon no one discovered. Annamae is a kindhearted nurse who follows Clara Barton and the Red Cross to the flood ravaged town now facing an outbreak of typhoid. As Monty and Annamae forge a friendship in the midst of the hardship around them, his desire for anonymity conflicts with her need for those responsible for her father's death to be brought to justice. Little does either of them realize how their secrets will affect each other. When Annamae learns the truth of Monty's past and Monty gets a glimpse inside her vengeful desires, will conflict tear them apart or serve to push them closer together?
The fictional story line is intriguing, characters have real-life flaws, and the historical facts surrounding them in this dreadful flood aftermath are fascinating.
You will be so glad you picked up this book, but don't plan on putting it down into that final page is turned.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review

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I read the second book in Barbour Publishing's A Day to Remember series, and was so touched by it that I had to go back and read the first book in the series, When the Waters Came. Like the second book, When the Waters Came had me searching online for the details of the disaster, this one a flood that struck Johnstown, Pennsylvania on May 31, 1889. The story includes several historical characters including Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross and Doctor Hamilton, Surgeon General of the United States along with Henry Clay Frick and Andrew Carnegie, members of the South Fork Fishing and Hunting Club. Many blamed the club and its members for the collapse of its dam that caused the flood. The two central fictional characters are Annamae Worthington, A Red Cross nurse, and Pastor Monty Childs. The themes of struggling with why God allows such devastation, the harm in holding grudges and seeking vengeance, and forgiveness of those deemed responsible are key to this disaster story as well as to current disasters and the daily misfortunes of life.

I highly recommend When the Waters Came, and am grateful to have received a complimentary copy from Barbour Publishing via NetGalley without obligation. This is a well-researched novel with authentic sounding dialogue, and writing that evokes vivid mental images.

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Here's an interesting new series by Barbour publishing based on historic disasters in America. This first novel surrounds the Johnstown flood as the Red Cross comes in to provide support. Anamae is one of the nurses who arrives to care for the sick. Pastor Montgomery was rescued from the attic of his house as the floodwaters decimated the land, his congregation in shock and torn apart with the loss of lives and homes.

Together they care for the hurting and broken, while both curious about and seeking justice against those negligent causing the dam to collapse. If you appreciate a story about justice and belonging, you might be interested in this one.

*A big thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC snd for the opportunity to post an honest review.

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When the Waters Came is a well written historical novel based on an actual flood that happened in the 1800s. If you enjoy historical fiction I recommend this book. I received an advance copy of the book from the publisher and Netgalley. This is my unbiased review .

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I have read this author before and this book definitely was one i wanted to read as soon as I saw the description. It did not disappoint. So glad I picked it up and loved it so much I'm still thinking about it after turning the last page. Great author and will definitely be telling my friends about it.

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Wow! This was quite a book. Not an easy read, but I had grown up having heard about the Johnstown floods, as my parents grew up fairly near there. I was hoping that the 2 main characters were real people, but they actually aren't. However, I enjoyed the 2 main characters, and I did learn quite a bit of history that I hadn't known before! Some parts are very sad, but this book is definitely worth reading.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance e-copy of this book! All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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I love Candice's writing. In this instance, however, I had to shelve the book. It was very well written, but for personal reasons of a death, it set some triggers off for me. Excellent characterization however, and very moving scenes. Just not for me right now.

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The first book in Barbour’s A Day to Remember series, is based on the Johnstown Flood of 1889. I had heard of it, but never really read much about it and the resulting devastation. This historical fiction grabbed so many emotions throughout the book. There were times I would stop and read a portion to my husband commenting I just was so unaware of it all.

History of the flood, descriptions of the horrors that resulted, Clara Barton, nurse Annamae Worthington and the Red Cross as they came to assist, to the minister and his emotions, brings the reader to a place of being completely so involved in the book that you cannot put it down.

I enjoyed learning this history so much and highly recommend it to those who like historical fiction based on actual happenings.

I received a copy of this book from Barbour and NetGalley and the comments are my own.

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I had heard of the flood in Johnstown, PA in 1889, but knew none of the details. So much devastation and death as all the people of the town were affected in watching homes and businesses destroyed. Friends and family are washed away as the flood waters cascade through the town as the dam above collapses. Pastor Mongomery Childs (Monty) shepherds not only his flock, but the whole town as he has escaped through extenuating circumstances.

The Red Cross responds to the disaster with Clara Barton and her team, including Annamae Worthington. Funds and supplies are poured into the town as people are cared for, both physically and mentally. Not only are they suffering from the loss of human and animal life, but wounds are tended too and then Typhoid Fever affects many people due to the lack of sanitation and dead bodies, many having been buried in the mud and debris.

I enjoyed this Historical Fiction book by Candice Sue Patterson very much. Although it is fiction, she included so many true details which are included at the end of book. I could not wait to read that part of the book. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and Net Galley and was under no obligation to post a review.

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Historical fiction readers will enjoy this story. Based on true events this tragic flood is seen through the eyes of a pastor ministering the people of the community. Also, loved learning more about Clara Barton through the eyes of Annamae. Author's note is very informative. Recommended!

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The flood of Johnstown, Pennsylvania May 31, 1899, was a horrendous event! This amazing new series from Barbour Books addresses one of the most devastating news stories of that era. Pastor Monty Childs has a been at his church in Johnstown, PA for two years. He loves his flock and desires to work alongside them and minister to their needs. But he is hiding a secret that haunts him. Annamae Worthington is a nurse working at a hospital in Washington, DC and apprenticing under Clara Barton at the American Red Cross. When the dam breaks and Johnstown is literally swept away, Monty is able to climb to the roof of his house and be pulled up by other men. Along with a little girl, these men take shelter in a church steeple to ride out the storm. Five days later Annamae arrives along with a Red Cross team to help those who have been devastated by the flood. Amidst the sorrow, heartache, and ruins, Monty and Annamae work to help those still alive to dig out from the mess and receive the care that is needed. But Annamae has her own struggles from the past and the secrets they both carry could drive them apart forever. This poignant tale of such a tragic time is masterfully woven by Candice Sue Patterson. She has enticed me to dig deeper and read more about this disaster.

I was gifted this book by the publisher and all opinions are soley my own.

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When the Waters Came, the first book in Barbour’s A Day to Remember series, is a powerful, compelling story. This skillfully woven, poignant tale based on a true historical event, the 1889 Johnstown Flood, drew me in immediately and kept me immersed for the entirety of the story. The fictional characters are well-crafted and memorable. In addition, many real-life historical figures are wonderfully and believably infused into the fictional story. Rich sensory imagery and vivid, detailed descriptions of the flood and its aftermath put you at the scene allowing you to experience the story as you read. The amazing historical detail in the story reflects extensive, meticulous research. Monty and Annamae’s love story is sweet and at times bittersweet. I appreciate the strong, inspiring faith element with themes of hope, forgiveness, and restoration. This is the kind of story that stays with you long after the last word is read. I love this book and have added it to my Best Books Ever list. I recommend it as a must read for historical romance fans.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing via NetGalley with no obligation to post a review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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