Member Reviews

If you enjoyed the movie Murder Mystery on Netflix, this book is for you. It is the perfect balance between comedy, romance, and thriller. The stakes are a bit high, making you laugh, swoon, and lean forward. It's the perfect book to take on vacation and read by the pool.

While originally not what I thought the book would be like, Swiped by L.M. Chilton was a unique take on a thriller story that I immensely enjoyed. Our protagonist, Gwen, is spunky and has done some sketchy things. She's honest with the reader about that, and you can read through the lines and wiggle your eyebrows at it. After a recent breakup with her longtime boyfriend, she gets on Connector, a popular dating app, to meet some new guys and get back out there.

After five dates, suddenly her (not) exs start to turn up murdered. Not only is Gwen freaked out by each pretty awful liar showing up murdered, but now, a recent connection she made on the dating app is sending her mysterious threats. As the police start to close in on Gwen, she doesn't know who to trust, and taking after a true crime podcast she loves, she decides to take the investigation into her own hands.

Gwen is a unique character and perspective to have throughout the story because she isn't the most likable. She's rough and bold, desperately trying to find a date for her best friend/roommate's wedding (just a few days away). The interesting thing about this book is that while I haven't read any other books by Chilton to compare this to, none of the characters are likable. They are all varying shades of gray between good and bad. This interpretation of the characters is a true reflection of real life because that's everyone. The protagonist isn't always 100% perfect, making beautiful decisions.

All of the guys Gwen kept meeting were sketchy, and through all of their dates, the perfect amount of clues tossed out kept my attention glued to this book and theories swirling in my head. They were all liars on their profiles, leaving Gwen to feel like a joke when she showed up to their dates. This book also (to me) serves as a precautionary tale with dating apps because guys with a couple hundred bucks could easily manipulate the system to get what they wanted (noticed by a pretty girl).

The plot line is perfectly twisty. We jump back and forth between the present day (when the case is under investigation) and two weeks prior, starting with Gwen's first date with someone she met on the app. It was addicting to read and kept me glued to my Kindle for the entirety of the book.

While the pacing was fast and certain parts of the story were confusing (like why Gwen would quit her nice job to start a coffee truck with her now ex-boyfriend when she didn't like coffee), by the end, everything was fleshed out and made perfect sense. The characters don't necessarily have a lot of growth; their motivations throughout the story are justified by who they are.

Thank you to Gallery Books and L.M. Chilton for allowing me to be an early reader. All opinions and views expressed in this review are my own. Swiped by L.M. Chilton is scheduled to be released on May 21, 2024.

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Gwen has endured bad date after bad date, which should be punishment enough, right? But after bodies are found, she becomes the leading suspect in a string of murders — the only connection? They were her bad dates.

I could not get enough of this! I had my kindle propped up on the sink while brushing my teeth or on my desk while working; I devoured it in a day. So many twists, and I certainly did not see the ending coming! A funny, fast-paced read for fans of true crime podcasts and contemporary fiction.

Thank you Gallery Books and NetGalley for the e-arc!

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Swiped By L.M. Chilton
Publication Date: *TODAY* May 21, 2024
Publisher: Gallery Books

📚MY RATING: ⭐⭐⭐⭐✨


Ahhh! Happy Publication Day to Swiped! I saw so many great reviews for this book, so I was thrilled to get approved for a copy from NetGalley just in time to read it and provide my review on publication day!

Swiped was SUCH a fun, twisty, and entertaining read! This was a bit reminiscent of Bridget Jones and all her self-deprecating and sarcastic British humor, mixed in with modern-day online dating and a series of suspenseful whodunnit mysteries. It was a fast read, with fairly short chapters and a fast-paced storyline.

As I read, I felt like I was having a harried and frenetic phone conversation with my best girlfriend about all the recent dating adventures and dramas she's experienced since we last talked. The writing was realistic and came across as a plausible account of the worst luck ever in online dating. I laughed a lot and was truly entertained throughout this entire book.

This thriller kept me riveted, waiting to see what crazy thing was coming next. I loved the characters, I loved the story, and I didn't expect the ending. Not at all. As usual, I thought I had it figured out. And as usual, nope. I didn't know what was coming. Even when our unreliable female main character narrator told us she had it figured out, I was still in the dark. Which only made the conclusion of the story that much more enjoyable!

Swiped is the perfect summer read to throw in your bag for a day at the beach, a weekend away, or an afternoon at the pool. My only trigger warning is for anyone who is currently actively involved in the online dating scene: reading this book might just lead you to decide you want to pause your account for a little while. 😂😂 I highly recommend this fun book to anyone! A huge thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for gifting me this advanced copy in exchange for my honest review!

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I thought this was a great fast paced read with good dark humor and a wild ride! I love that we had a very well written storyline that kept your attention and interest and left you trying to figure things out along the way.

I felt as though the characters were well developed…all like able—no, did I like a lot of the characters yes 🤣. Dual timelines are my favorite and this had just that as well. Overall a really good who-did-it serial killer vibe thriller vibe read that gives you laughs and plenty of side eye 😂. Put this fun read on your TBR today!

Thank you @netgalley and @gallerybooks for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Swiped was a humorous mystery-thriller that I enjoyed reading. Oh, the horrors of online dating. If you’ve ever had a disastrous online dating experience (been there, done that) then you can probably relate to the main character in this book. Gwen Turner, recently out of a long-term relationship, decides to enter the unpredictable world of online dating. She has several horrible dates and she soon finds out that the men she’s dated were murdered after going on dates with her. Now, she’s the prime suspect!

This story definitely had some laugh out loud moments and I thought Gwen was a very interesting and funny character. I liked how Gwen’s awkward dates were featured in every couple of chapters. I thought the mystery was intriguing. The ending was definitely crazy and a little too unbelievable. I was left with some questions and some things didn’t make sense to me.

Overall, this was a pretty quick and entertaining read. I would recommend this book to fans of dark comedies and funny mystery-thrillers.


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I love this trend toward fun thrillers. I know in the past that some would refer to books like Swiped as cozies, but I think that word just doesn't do justice to the light-hearted suspense that some of us crave. Don't get me wrong. I'm also a fan of the darker thrillers, but sometimes I just want a not-too-gory death (IFKYK). I've seen Swiped described as Bridget Jones meets Scream, and that's actually a great way to describe it. I loved Gwen and her snarky dialogue, and there's a supporting cast that I had each of them pegged as the killer at some point. Looking back, there were carefully placed clues pointing to the true villain, but I was having too much fun along the way to catch them.

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This was very cute! It was relatable reading about being on the dating apps and a very cute and funny read.

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Swiped by L.M. Chilton is such a fun debut!
Such a fun mystery that I found myself unable to turn away.
It’s funny, charming and downright entertaining!
The writing style flows smoothly and the book is an easy read. The author is very talented in her descriptive writing and it pulled me into the story from the very beginning.

Thank You NetGalley and Publisher for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Swiped was beyond fun! Right from the start, I was totally hooked on the humor and mystery rollercoaster. The whole idea of a dating app going completely haywire had me racing through pages at warp speed, way past my bedtime. I was glued to my chair, playing detective like I was the next Sherlock Holmes. Spoiler alert: I failed miserably! Each plot twist blew my mind, and I welcomed every bit of craziness with open arms. This book was an absolute blast, and I couldn't tear myself away if I tried. If you want a wild, brain-bending mystery that'll leave you breathless, then Swiped is the one for you!

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Gwen has recently broken up with her long-term boyfriend. She also gets to watch her best friend prepare for her upcoming nuptials to someone that Gwen can't stand. Feeling out of sorts about everything going on Gwen makes a profile on dating app Connector. Unfortunately, instead of finding a potential partner, Gwen is met with an ever undesirable array of men who are either cheating on their wives, looking for a quick hookup, or just want Gwen to send salacious photos.

Instead of actually helping Gwen move on, Connector app has become more of a curse. This becomes even more apparent when someone begins killing Gwen's dates one by one.

When Gwen is pinned as suspect number one, she decides to take matters into her own hands to figure out who is behind this before they murder everyone on the list.

I like the sort of dark comedic humor that this book encompasses. Definitely a commentary on dating apps and the varied way that people, mainly women, face abuse and harassment yet when something begins happening, in this case, to the men on the app it's cause for alarm.

The story is pretty fast-paced but there's also this kind of chaotic feeling about it kind of like a whirlwind. I felt like there were a lot of secondary elements that are setup and sort of pushed to the side until needed to lend credence to the big reveal. Gwen is much more impulsive in throwing herself into this investigation than I personally would have been considering there is an active murderer on the loose and it made me cringe a few times because every action she took just made her look more and more suspect. Logically, I understand that is the point and there's more beyond that which we aren't privy to until all is said and done, but still it just made for an uneasy read for me.

I do feel like the whirlwind did lend itself well to the twist and turns that mysteries tend to take. It did keep me looking in all directions for who is behind the murders even up to and including the big reveal because the story is setup where it could have easily played out a few different ways. So I can say that I successfully figured it out but also equally unsuccessfully figured it out.

Overall, the book hooked me into its premise and was quick-paced enough with each twist and turn that it was hard to put it down at the end of the day.

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The premise of this book sounds so good. Gwen is fresh out of a relationship and decides that she needs to get back into the dating so she can move forward. She does the online dating thing but she ends up with a bunch of losers.

Then one by one the losers she has dated start being murdered.

Now this part is just my opinion. I liked Gwen at first but as the book went on I started not liking her at all. I kinda was hoping the killer would off her ass next.
Then the damn ending was ball sucks.

Booksource: Netgalley in exchange for review.

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Listen, I did the whole dating app thing, and it actually worked out! But if you’re on the dating app scene, maybe approach this book with caution. This was equal parts fun, creepy, and twisty– a murder mystery that will certainly resonate with the dating app generation.

Gwen is doing her best to prepare the best wedding for her best friend, but suddenly, all the men she’s met on dating apps have been dying one-by-one. AND she’s getting disturbing messages from a guy named Parker who seems to have something to do with it. The police get involved and begin to question Gwen’s innocence. Will she be able to prove she’s not responsible? Or will her dark secrets that come to light be her demise?

This was a fun and fast mystery set in the backdrop of England that examines the good and bad that comes with online dating. The plot is really unique and spooky. Just the idea that everyone you date is being targeted? Yikes. You’re kept guessing until the very end, which I’ll be honest… left me a little unsettled.

Gwen is an interesting and at some points a bit frustrating of a main character. I like how she takes you through each of the dates when they become relevant throughout the story. Each one ended in a bad experience that’s typical of online dating. It’s rough out there. The plot with Parker messaging her really speeds things up, as well.

Officer Lyons is a gem in the story. You’re at once charmed and suspicious of him. No spoilers– but you’ll have to find out for yourself why he’s so invested.

On the whole, I recommend if you’re looking for a quick murder mystery!

***Thank you NetGalley and Gallery Books for lending me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review!***

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I love, love, love a bingeworthy popcorn thriller and that’s exactly what Swiped delivered!

Let’s start with the premise – genius! I love the use of a dating app being the driving factor in how our victims were selected. Chilton also wisely adds in detailed chapters where readers get to attend the not-so-great dates of Gwen’s dearly departed love life. From the locations to the men’s actions to the DMs, everything felt fresh, funny, and realistic.

Speaking of Gwen – I loved her! It was so easy to bond with Gwen and become attached to her life and the murder investigation she unwittingly finds herself front and center in. I loved her take-no-shit attitude and the ingenuity she had for being her own detective on the case. Gwen also has a very real emotional side that she keeps locked up and Chilton slowly chips away at it as readers get closer and closer with her.

If you’re looking for a fun time, this book is it! Perfect for long days at the beach/pool or snuggled up on your couch!

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Thanks to Gallery Books and Scout Press for gifted access via Netgalley. All opinions below are my own. 

Imagine everyone you've gone on a date recently has turned up dead. None of the dates were stellar… and of course, the police are looking at you. Suddenly your messy life is even messier. Now every sketchy little thing you’ve done is under the microscope. That’s how we meet Gwen. 

I didn’t find the main character super likable, but I was intrigued by the modern technology driven serial killer story. In the beginning, the author dedicates the book “For all my red herrrings,” and that is the perfect start to this book. They were lots of perfect candidates for the big baddie and I thought I had it figured out a few times. The pace was fun and the ending was really good. This is a perfect beach read… and it would make a great Netflix series.

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Here me out – I’ve read a lot of books similar to this one that I have loved. Finlay Donovan is the one that comes to my mind the most, but there’s something about this one that can’t sit right with me. With Finlay, it’s over the top and ridiculous how Finlay gets herself into weird and shitty situations. She makes bad decisions all the time, but it’s balanced well by her friendships and that she’s trying hard to be a good person. She’s spurred on by her desire to protect and morbid curiosity at times. With this, Gwen is just dumb. She’s a horrible person who cheated on her boyfriend after falling out of love with him – basically doing the same thing to Noah that Aubrey’s wife had done to him.

She’s horrible to her best friend, always going on and on about how Sarah is always there for her, yet never really showing a single way that she’s there for Sarah. She’s just a manic pixie dream girl – which is even said in the book and it just came across as cringey. The plot was predictable – I called it by 50% of the book. But that isn’t to say that it’s well set up either.

I can see people like this. It can be a fun and quick read, absolutely. And I’m also well aware that my general dislike of the main character definitely led to me not enjoying the book as much. That being said, I will admit that I read the book in one afternoon, stopping every 25% to update the read with me. It was easy to read, absolutely.

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A fun and different murder mystery debut that has a single woman's online dating matches start turning up dead, leaving her as a prime suspect. With bit of romance and lots of twists I didn't see coming, this was a very enjoyable amateur detective story that was also good on audio. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital and audio copy in exchange for my honest review! I look forward to reading more from this author!!

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Gwen Turner’s life is a little absurd; she has broken up with the love of her life and can’t explain why, she owns a coffee stand truck and is NOT a coffee drinker, her best friend is getting married and leaving her to be single alone, and she experiences way too many miserable first dates all found on her local dating app. What else could go awry? Only that all those miserable first dates are turning up murdered and Gwen has become the prime suspect! This book is darkly funny and suspense filled as we follow the life and times of Gwen as she reluctantly musters concern for the health and well being for the remaining living men she dated and also tries to prove that she is not a murderer! Thank you Netgalley, Gallery Books and the author for this eARC in exchange for my honest review. This book will be available for purchase on May 21, 2024

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This book… confused me. Was it supposed to be an intense thriller? A diss on the modern dating scene? A novel about a woman who is kind of unlikable and bumbles about her life?

Maybe it’s supposed to be all three, but it didn’t quite hit the mark for me. I think it’s much easier to showcase a thriller with funny moments strewn throughout in a movie versus a book. I won’t spoil anything, but the ending was kind of wild and not in a satisfying way.

Thank you Gallery Books and NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC,

This was so fun! It was such a quick read and the female protagonist was decently realistic. This one looses points with me for the way the relationship ties up at the end--the whole deal with Lyons just wasn't believable for me and it felt unfinished/unnecessary.

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Online dating. Good or bad idea? After reading Swiped by L.M. Chilton I have serious doubts about the wisdom of joining any online dating service. The wrong swipe could change your life and not necessarily in a good way.

After breaking up with her boyfriend, Gwen decides to try Connector, an online dating app. Each date she has seems to be worse than the one before. Even she can’t believe that’s possible. But, she’s not without perseverance. However, when her first online date is found murdered and followed by another she realizes she’s the connection but has no idea why or how.

Gwen is juggling her new, single life, her best friend and roommate’s impending wedding, a new career (of sorts), and now inexplicable murders. All of this is handled beautifully by the author with humor, great dialogue, a plot that wiggles and squirms, and some interesting characters. It’s a crazy ride and I enjoyed all of it. Swiped has laugh out-loud moments as well as suspense. Not to mention a touch of romance. But just a touch. I recommend you swipe right for this one. NetGalley provided an advance copy.

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