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I enjoyed this book and the characters. I finished in just two sittings and was hooked, even surprised at the twist at the end. The unfolding of the story was well done and I was so glad there wasn't a cliffhanger or and ending that you were meant to interpret yourself.
I think this book is a perfect weekend read.

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Want a super easy read that keeps you guessing until the last few pages? This is the book for you!

Newly single Gwen quickly learns that dating apps are both a blessing and real curse when all of the sudden all of her recent dates end up dead. The date details were HILARIOUS and relatable to anyone who has dealt with those first-app date jitters. Gwen's manical and reckless behavior absolutely reminded me of what it is like to be young and dating in a big city but sometimes I just wanted to shake her and tell her to focus on clearing her own name from the suspect list! Overall an enjoyable book with a believable plot twist that I didn't see coming!

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Swiped was such a fun and refreshing thriller. Nothing like I've read before and I found myself not wanting to put it down.

Our heroine Gwen is fresh out of a relationship and what better way to enjoy some fun than by connecting with guys on a dating app? The dates are so bad they are funny. Then the guys end up dead and Gwen is seriously wondering if she's the reason so she starts investigating to find the killer.

I love it when a thriller can be comical and still suspenseful. This was well-written and fast-paced. The ending did not disappoint with that reveal I didn't see coming.

If you like thrillers, with a bit of dark humor I highly recommend picking this one up.

This was my first read by this author but won't be my last.
Thank you Netgalley, L.M. Chilton, and Gallery Books for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This was such a fun concept and thought it was everything that I was looking for in a mystery novel. I enjoyed getting to know Gwen and figuring out the serial killer. It had a great overall feel to it and worked with what I was looking for. It left me guessing what was going on and I enjoyed what was happening.

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I was able to get an ARC copy of Swiped and this is the first book I have read by L.M. Chilton. Swiped focused on Gwen who just got out of a relationship and she signs up on this dating app as a punishment to herself for messing up a good relationship. One by one the men who Gwen connected with on the dating app are being killed but by who and why. I really thought I knew who the killer was but Gwen is actually keeping a secret that will lead to who the killer really is and why they carried out these murders. This book had me laughing a lot and the plot twist came towards the end.

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I really enjoyed Swiped by L.M. Chilton! Gwen is a plucky heroine whose dates from the online dating app Connector suddenly seem to be dying. Is it something she said? I'm already looking forward to the next title from this author. This title is a lot of fun and I highly recommend it!
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this digital ARC!

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A thriller where the guys she went on dates with off a dating app start being killed one by one?? SAY LESS !

I loved this book and if anyone ever asks me again why I don’t like dating apps I’ll be recommending this book.

All jokes aside, this book was FUN! I was laughing but also on the edge of my seat, these dates were so humorously horrid I couldn’t get enough. And then the men start dying and it’s such a great whodunit!!

Would definitely recommend this one to just about anyone! Such a quick, fun, suspenseful read.

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC 😘

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Gwen is a bit down on her luck. She broke up with her boyfriend, her best friend is moving out, and she's quit a good job to start a coffee truck that has only one regular customer. Trying to get back into dating, she's been on some dreadful dates courtesy of a dating app, and suddenly those dates are turning up dead. Gwen's beginning to worry they're dead because of her, so she sets out to find the killer.
Gwen is messy and salty and wonderful, she's so easy to root for, even when things start going well off the rails. I didn't see the ending coming though I'd figured out parts of the picture, and found this to be a fun stabby story.
Thank you to Gallery Books and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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Swiped was a book that was so far off my radar, but I’m so thankful I read it, because it was hilarious and well written. The humor was witty, with just the right amount of darkness, and frankly, I had a blast with Gwen and all of her maniacal mistakes. Gwen is easily one of my favorite characters. She was entirely relatable in a clumsy sort of way. I can’t say that the twists surprised me, because the clues were laid out pretty obviously from the beginning, but that didn’t stop me from enjoying this book any less. It was truly just a good time. I look forward to more from this author.

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This book was utterly delightful!! I know, I know , odd way to describe a thriller. But, it really was just that. I suppose this might be classified as a cozy mystery but to me it’s mire like the Hallmark Channel’s take on a thriller and I am SO here for it!! I am so excited for this author’s next book yo see what they have in store for is cause this might be one of the best books I’ve read all year. I won’t say I was absolutely blown away by the reveal but I will say I kept changing my guess as yo who the killer would be and that makes for an engaging fun ride iof a story.

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Gwen Turner has made a bloody mess of her life. She recently broke up with the best man she’s ever known for reasons even she can’t admit to herself and quit a lucrative job to open her own coffee shop. To top it all off, her best friend is getting married and leaving her behind in singlehood.

Along with too much cheap wine and bad reality TV, Gwen turns to a dating app to help fill the void in her life. Swiping through the few eligible bachelors left in town, she spends her evenings out on one disastrous date after another. But when a string of murders suddenly occurs in her small coastal English city, she’s shocked by the connection between each of the victims—they’ve all been on a date with her.

I find it hard to enjoy and book that has repeated use of incorrect grammar, so the "Me and" over and over was grating and makes me wonder if the author knows this is incorrect.

This is billed as horror/suspense but is a bit too silly to truly fit into that mold. A quick read if this is your jam.

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▪️bad dates
▪️cozy mystery
▪️dating app hell
▪️dark humor

This book was absolutely everything! A darkly hilarious cozy mystery once FMC Gwen’s disastrous dates start dying off. This was a true whodunit with evidence piling up left and right along with bodies. I would highly recommend this as a unique, cozy, funny mystery that will keep you guessing until the very end.

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Oh my GOD!! Swiped has me guessing until the very last chapter. The last 10% of the book I read at lightning speed because I needed to know how this was going to end. I was so invested in the story and seeing who was behind the murders and the connection (LOL) to our main character. I was NOT disappointed at the reveal. I think this book accomplished what it set out to do, as it was a fast paced and quick witted read. Gwen is an easy character to root for and I got roped in immediately once the murders started. I think the ending was a little unhinged but in a surprisingly good way! I’m happy I read this - plus, isn’t the cover stunning?? Thanks so much to NetGalley and Gallery books for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book is a ton of fun. I know, that’s shocking for a serial killer mystery, but it’s so self aware and full of twists and turns. Gwen truly is your average girl going through it on the dating apps who gets thrown into a murder case of all her bad dates. Chaos ensues and nothing is exactly as you expect. The side characters such as Jamal and Charlie are excellent and so much fun.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the ARC of Swiped by L.M. Chilton in exchange for an honest review.

Instead of seeing Swiped as Bridget Jones in a Scream film, I would actually compare this more closely to Fleabag trying to outsmart a serial killer. Gwen, our main character, has a Fleabag-esque personality - she uses sarcasm/jokes as a defense mechanism, she's a whole mess in every aspect of her life, and the situations she finds herself are both hilarious and horrifying.

This is definitely a fun-time read - something you don't need to take too seriously to enjoy, and, at times, you really must suspend your disbelief at some of Gwen and other characters actions. Gwen is both entertaining and a top notch unreliable narrator - and about 30% of the way through the book I saw about ten different directions the plot could go based on what we didn't know. The ending was a bit too well packaged for me considering how much carnage had just occurred, and the final twist become a bit more apparent around 80% through the book.

All in all, I finished the book in two sittings over two nights, and was amused by the quirkiness of the story - I think L.M. Chilton has talent for future cozy-ish type murder mysteries with a modern twist.

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Swiped by LM Chilton is a suspenseful, at times hilarious, read. In spite of the murders that keep happening, there is an element of humor that makes this novel fun, but still a nail biting story that makes the reader want to give the main character advice about her life choices. It is hard to not like Gwen Turner, who gave up a job with a future to sell coffee out of a van on the beach.

In fact, she is so easy to like that the men on her match-making app, Connector, are always trying to connect with her. She becomes maybe a little obsessed after a major break up with a long time boyfriend.

Connector becomes a problem in her life in many ways, especially when the men she goes out with, once, start piling up as dead bodies. Gwen finds herself in contact with the police but she tries to keep all of this from her best friend, who is getting married very soon and she does not want to ruin any of the festivities surrounding such a big event.

This book is hard to put down, it is surprising but sticks to a theme, in ways. It shows that things are not always as they seem, and sometimes they are just as they seem.

Thanks to Netgalley for the prepub copy to read and review.

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Predictability: 1/10

I started reading this book and was charmed at how witty it started out. It's a quirky mystery, and as I was reading it, I kept thinking I should really be a detective. I legit felt I had figured everything out by the time I got to the middle of the book. As I kept reading, I started thinking it was time to work for the FBI, because I just felt so sure!

I got towards the end of the book, and I swear I threw my kindle across the couch, gently of course. My hopes and dreams of thinking I could be the best detective died. This book literally stunned me as well as humbled me. Wow. This author is like, "hey reader, you think you got it figured out? Hold my beer." Let's just say it left me flabbergasted, and I'm still steaming over it.

I had to take a day to consider my rating of this book. It started pretty low, but I can officially say it's a 4/5-star rating. The character Gwen is relatable. I feel all female readers can find some way to identify with her. She's funny and a little out there, it's what makes her POV fun. Her bestie, Sarah, is also relatable in a way, but also a little annoying. I would say the characters are pretty well developed in this story. There were just certain moments that were pretty cringe. I also didn't find it to be a book I couldn't put down. I was able to stop reading it at times to do laundry and such, and I hate laundry. So, it could have been a 5-star, but the fact that I was able to put it down to do household chores, made it a 4-star.

I would say for sure read it though, it's worth it, especially if you want to crush your dreams of becoming a detective.

*Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!*

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Swiped isn't exactly fine literature, but it is a whole lot of fun. It also made me very, very glad that I met my husband long before Tinder was a thing. I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm no stranger to online dating. I might be dating (Ha! How punny!) myself here, but I met my first serious, non-high school boyfriend on AOL Personals, way back when you had to use dial-up and wait twelve minutes for your potential date's photo to load. Spent six years with the guy, despite the fact he ghosted me on our first date because he went to the wrong Kmart location (the only place within walking distance for then-carless me – it was, um, a very … romantic Kmart, okay?!) on the wrong road on the wrong side of town, and then got annoyed that he couldn't find me and turned off his phone and went home and didn't contact me again until weeks later. (I was not a smart teenager, you guys.) Years later, by the time OkCupid made it's appearance, I was a little more internet dating-savvy and managed to snag my now-husband (I mean “now-husband” in the “he - obviously - wasn't my husband when I met him” sense, not in the “eventually he won't be my husband anymore” sense) … after a few terrible, terrible dates with other guys, anyway. So what am I trying to say here? I've completely forgotten at this point. Oh, yeah, so I'm no stranger to internet dating, but the idea of Tinder and having strangers out there swiping left and right on me just freaks me out for some reason.

Anyway, oh, right, the book. It's too bad I actually have to write a review here, because I'd love to tell y'all all about the date who kept sniffing the shoes at Kmart. Yes, it was another Kmart date. Don't judge.

Okay, so … the book. Such a fun and original premise. Such fun and exasperating characters. Gwen (the main character) is full of bad decisions and is a total spaz, but it's kind of what makes the book work? If she'd just calmly sat back and waited for the police to solve the murders, it wouldn't have been much of a novel, yeah? The stories of all of her terrible dates are hilarious, and I probably would have taken a golf club to that one guy, too.

The plot is twisty and turny and I think I suspected just about every character of being the murderer at one point or another … and so did Gwen, for that matter. You do kind of have to suspend disbelief when it comes to the big reveal because it's not exactly the most plausible sequence of events, but it's still tremendously entertaining. And is it possible that Gwen is hiding a secret or two of her own?

Swiped will likely resonate with anyone who has ever attempted online dating with less than ideal results. It's a delightful (and murderous) read, full of suspense and humor and cleverness and fuckboys (Gwen's word, not mine).

Many thanks to NetGalley and Gallery Books for providing me with an advance copy of this book to review.

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This was a fun read!! It's like a combination of dexter meets bridget jones diary. Overall very enjoyable read.

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This book follows Gwen who recently broke up with her longtime boyfriend and started using a dating app. She is thrown into a murder investigation when some of the men she went on dates with end up dead.
I had such a fun time reading this book. I loved how funny Gwen was and also very much enjoyed the murder mystery. The author did a great job at making us think the suspect was so many of the different characters. I was able to guess who the killer was but only near the end. Lots of good twists and turns. I would highly recommend reading this book if you like fast paced and twisty mysteries.

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