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Just for the Summer

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If I could give this book an infinite amount of stars I would. ALL. THE. STARS. I read Part of Your World and Yours Truly right before reading this (why did I wait so long to start this series??), so I knew to expect a happy ending but, still, my heart was put the wringer. It was ripped out, stomped on, surgically reattached and ripped out again before Emma and Justin got their happy ever after.

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I adored this book! The characters, including side characters are well developed and the author is skipped enough to play with tropes without succumbing to them. Definitely a tearjerker!

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I read through this one rather slowly and wish I had picked up the pace. It was a good read, but didn’t fully grab me until about 2/3 through.

I love how Abby Jimenez always ties in deeper mental health issues and painful emotional conquering.

Highly recommend this romance with a deep storyline.

🚪: open, but minimal scenes

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I have NO idea how this was my first Abby Jiminez book! It will definitely not be my last as I absolutely loved it!

We meet Justin, who thanks to going viral on a message board site, everyone knows him as the guy with “the curse.” Every girl he dates finds the one right after they break up.

The story makes its way to Emma, a travel nurse, who has the exact same curse. She slides into his DMs with a proposition to date so their curses will cancel each other out and they can each finally find the one.

They start chatting more and more and she eventually decides to go surprise him in his home town with a job there for the summer.

I love that this book was balanced with plenty of humor, romance and juicy family drama! It’s the perfect summer read.

Thanks so much to NetGalley & Abby Jiminez for an ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.

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This was a solid 4 stars! Maybe my first Abby Jimenez book, but certainly not my last. The ending wrapped up real tight, so it did require some suspension of disbelief ;)

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Abby Jimenez can do no wrong. I have read and loved every single one of her books.

While this one isn’t my favorite of hers, it’s still an amazing story that you need to read!

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I had no idea I needed a romance that stemmed from Reddit's AITA, but here we are!

Emma and Justin were just so enjoyable, I could've read another 400 pages on them. Their dates, banter, relationships with their family and friends - it was just so fun (for the most part) and grounded. I love how the novel makes it clear early on that both characters have major life situations to deal with and has them both to do the work to required to be in a healthier place, eventually allowing them to come together.

I adored the supporting cast of Justin's family and Maddy and how they all fit together. (I will say that I didn't think the connection to "Part of Your World" was necessary - even though it is part of the trilogy, it just took me out of the book a bit.)

Definitely recommend!

(Also can more people start planning dates like Justin?? What a hero)

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I have never read an Abby Jimenez book and after finishing Just for the Summer, I immediately ran out to get the rest of the books in this series (and will probably end up buying the rest of her backlist as well). This is the PERFECT summer read for contemporary romance lovers. Everything from the characters to the setting to the writing to the pacing was exceptional and I can't say enough positive things about this book.

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All I can say is, if he wanted to he would. The romance and chemistry between Justin and Emma so early on is amazing. I went into this book expecting a romance story and I was met with so much more! The communication between the main characters was amazing and refreshing. They were honest with each other throughout their experiment and their relationship offered them both an escape from their equally hectic home lives. I am a sucker for banter and the banter in this book was 10/10!

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Another hilarious rom-com by Jimenez. I didn't like this one as much as the first two in the series but it was still delightful and entertaining. It hit on some mental health issues as well. I liked that these were addressed in the book as they are definitely part of our everyday life. The romance was real-life as well in the family situation portrayed. Overall great book.

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4.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫 stars! Emma and Justin are two people with the same issue….all of their previous relationships that they’ve been in, once their relationship is over, their exes always finds their true love. Justin wrote about his issue on Reddit and Emma responded stating that she goes through the same thing. They both decide that if they date each other for a month, they should each find their true love after the breakup. But it doesn’t happen the way that they’ve planned it.

We follow each of their individual stories, Emma’s relationship with her mother and how she handles it and Justin having to take care of his siblings. Their stories were written so well and while they were sad, seeing the growth in each of them was worth it. Will they continue their relationship past the month or will they have to let it go? This was a really good book and I definitely recommend it.

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This. Is . What. I'm Talking. About. When. I. Say. We. Need. More. Romance. stories. With heart that are actually funny. I ate this up. Give me more more more more more more more.

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I loved this book. Abby Jimenez always makes me cry in the most beautiful way. I love how her stories always come back and connect with each other, and this one was no exception. Thanks for a great read!

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I absolutely loved this new release by Abby Jimenez - I think she might be a new favorite author! Not only was this such a unique story, but I enjoyed all the emotional and realistic parts of this book. I feel like it's hard for me to give a romance such a high rating, but Abby's writing cracks me up, and also gives me goosebumps from the emotional hardships her characters go through.

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“If you can choose anger or empathy, always choose empathy.”

Just For The Summer by Abby Jimenez is not just a rom-com, it’s a beautifully written story that tackles big feelings and sensitive subjects with pure grace and compassion.

Emma and Justin have the same curse; whoever they date doesn’t work and their ex’s move on to find their soulmate immediately after. They meet through a viral Am I The Asshole reddit post, yes I said reddit, and decide to fake date with rules to break their curses.

The banter between Justin and Emma is hilarious. Was it the magic of the Toilet King that brought them together? Or Brad, the ugly dog with a perma-frown?

This is a heavy yet relatable read. It involves multigenerational family trauma, childhood trauma, and complex PTSD. But at its core, it’s a story of love, hope, found family and a journey of healing. Does their experiment break the curse? You’ll have to find out for yourself.

Jimenez is able to dive deep into these subjects while weaving them together with levity and ease, giving readers a heartfelt story full of emotion.

Just for the Summer is a 5 star piece of contemporary literature. Highly recommended for anyone who has a beating heart.

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I would not call myself a romance reader, but WOW I loved JUST FOR THE SUMMER by Abby Jimenez. The sense of place, the character development (and witty banter!), the pacing -- all captivated me from start to finish. Definitely will be reading more Jimenez in the future!

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3.5 Stars – A Sweet, Slow-Burning Summer Romance

"Just for the Summer" by Abby Jimenez is a delightful read that eventually won me over, though it took some time to get into the story. Initially, I found the pacing a bit slow and the characters somewhat difficult to connect with. The plot seemed to meander, making it hard to stay engaged in the early chapters.

However, perseverance paid off. As the narrative unfolded, the characters began to reveal deeper layers, and their chemistry started to sparkle. Jimenez excels in crafting realistic, relatable relationships, and this book is no exception. The romantic development, once it picked up, felt genuine and heartwarming.

The summer setting is beautifully described, and the author’s attention to detail brings the season to life, adding a charming backdrop to the evolving romance. The supporting characters are well-fleshed out, adding depth and richness to the story.

Overall, while "Just for the Summer" might require a bit of patience at the start, it ultimately delivers a sweet and satisfying love story. If you're a fan of slow-burn romances with well-developed characters, this book is worth the read.

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Abby Jimenez knocks it out of the park every time! Lovely romance with delicious spice while delivering heartfelt stories. Incredible!

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causal abby slay. this was so good ahhhhh, there were a few moments where i was low key angry at emma bu4 i think they were all important to her character. overall i love abby and the way she ties in her other books

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What would you do if every person you dated met their soulmate and got married immediately following your breakup? Probably think it's a crazy curse, right? After a Reddit thread post hits too close to home, Emma and Justin realize they aren't alone in this curse. With plans to outwit the universe, surely dating each other would cancel out the terrible luck and they'd finally get their own happily ever afters, right?

Abby Jimenez has been, and quite literally may always be one of my favorite authors. Her romances and writing style offer the perfect recipe for a fantastic read to me. With characters that are incredibly real and complex, factors such as mental health influences and struggles, banter, and development both within a relationship and individually, Just for the Summer offered the perfect balance of fluffy feel good and emotionally raw and vulnerable.

I honestly was a bit surprised that Emma held back a little harder on the chance for love, the play of childhood trauma and issues with her mother really played into this hesitation to settle down and put roots down. Having a best friend, who at first felt more enabling of 'lets keep running' vs facing our issues, played into a really sweet dynamic of someone to call her out on her crap. While the side characters were kept primarily to a minimum, those that were introduced led some impactful conversations and added to the story rather than distract.

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