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This book is such a page turner indeed! I dive in with no expectation in particular - and didn’t expect that it would turned out another (bigger and deeper) than the first few chapters. I like where it went and turned out actually, as it’s more than just a marriage issues, it’s actually bring us readers down to the complex rabbit hole, filled with action, violence, riddles, games, and more.

The writing is good, manage to keep my interest till the very end. I love how Romeo & Juliet characters been added into the story which in my opinion manages to spice the whole story up. Love the gore & violence as well as the deep love & fun yet a lil bit psycho persona between these two, and it is aching me upon what happened to them towards the ending, as it never stop showing how much they love each other.

Abby grew to such strong character as well in time, and love that for her. The ending is satisfying enough, and I definitely love how precise the gore detailing included in each violence scene especially with Romeo. It also got humorous part, and overall, the plot growth are good and I enjoyed reading the whole story. If you love gore violence thriller with sprinkles of mystery along with tech based, I think you’ll enjoy reading this book too. Be mindful if you didn’t enjoyed gore / violence and check for other trigger warning as well. Also, I don’t think this book categorized as dark romance, yet it’s more of a dark thriller in my opinion (since saw handful of review thought this would be some kind of dark romance, or some kind of spicy book) - all fine by me, yet just a heads up to those whom think so, alright. Such a good read for me, thanks for the ARC!

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Pub Date: May 13 2024

Although author J.D. Barker usually writes original and unique books, this book Behind A Closed Door was a different style completely! The book makes you think about reading the small print before you click accept on apps! There is lots of tension, it was certainly a page turner!

Synopsis: Sugar & Spice is the latest app craze taking the world by storm, but for Abby and Brendan Hollander, downloading it leads to a dangerous game of life and death. When the app assigns them a series of increasingly taboo tasks, they soon find themselves caught up in a twisted web of seduction and violence in this sexually charged dark thriller.

Many thanks to #BEHINDACLOSEDDOOR #NetGalley and #HamptonCreekPress for providing me with an E-ARC of this book.

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I want to extend my gratitude to NetGalley and Hampton Creek Press for the ARC of this book. I found the concept of the Sugar & Spice App and the characters Brendan and Abby intriguing overall. However, as the plot unfolded with its twists, I felt that the pacing slowed down significantly, and it took several chapters to navigate through. I was hoping for deeper character development and more nuanced storytelling. Nonetheless, the premise kept me hooked; it sheds light on our casual acceptance of apps without delving into the terms and conditions, except here it becomes a matter of life and death. I rate this book 3.75 stars.

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I went into this book a tad blind, I knew the premise, but should have looked at other reviews to know a bit more of what I was getting into. This book was a bit much for me; cheating, rape, murder, blackmail, graphic violence etc … I wasn’t ready for all that.

Interesting concept, “sugar & spice” is initially an app that is supposed to strengthen a relationship. Click on sugar and you do or say something sweet to/for your partner. Click on spice and you get something a tad more daring. Essentially is it “Truth or Dare” adult style. But what happens when that app asks you to do something you are against, and it gives you a countdown timer? Don’t complete your “spice” pay a huge consequence. One couple finds out they should have checked the fine print before accepting the terms and conditions of this app, they didn’t know what they were fully signing up for. The book was super descriptive, which was good to develop the scene, not so good when it goes into graphic detail. The book also dragged on a little for me, I wanted to know the who, how & why, but it took longer than I would have liked.

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NOTE: This is a translated version of the original review, which was published in spanish on goodreads.

Score: 4 Stars.

First of all, thanks to Netgalley and Hampton Creek Press for the advance copy of this novel.

My experience with this book has been quite an adventure, as it generated many different emotions in me while reading it. From intrigue, through discomfort, suspense, fear and excitement.

The first thing you should know is that the novel has two “separate” plots that will later be connected. The first is about the main characters: Abby is a writer and is married with Brendan, who works at a government company that is responsible for investigating corporate and business fraud. They are going through problems in their relationship, so they go to a therapist to help them overcome this impasse. This woman recommends them to download an application that will help them get out of the routine and break the ice that has formed over the years.

The second plot is completely focused on Brendan's work, as we will follow him while he is investigating the case of a company in which, apparently, there has been an embezzlement of funds. How are both plots connected? You will find out when you read the book.

In addition to this couple, during the course of the novel we will meet other characters, especially several of Brendan's co-workers and friends of the couple, who will become involved in the whole matter.

I feel that the book has two atmospheres or environments. The first half is more focused on romance and eroticism. There we can see the different challenges of the Sugar & Spice App, as well as the effect it has on its users. I didn't love this part very much, however, the mystery that was forming around the case Brendan was working on convinced me to continue. And it's a good thing I did, because the second part of the novel takes a totally different pace, full of action, adrenaline and suspense. It is in this second part of the book where we discover how deep the scope of the danger that is latent in the book is. In addition, Barker will reveal details that will leave you wanting to advance faster with the reading.

Something I like about J.D.'s writing. Barker is that he doesn't think twice about pushing his characters to the limit. This author makes me wish that I never star in a story like the ones in his novels in my life, because he wouldn't want to be in that position. On the other hand, and I did not expect this, the novel takes place in Massachusetts and the suburbs of Boston. I feel like life is sending me signs about my favorite city in the world, and I love that, coincidentally, several of the novels I've read this year take place in that specific area of ​​the United States.

All in all, this has been a very intriguing read. In general, I consider it to be a positive experience, which makes me happy, since I still have to continue with "The Fourth Monkey" trilogy. While the ending was a little rushed, I liked that the author kept me hooked on the story. I recommend this novel to Thriller readers, for me Barker is an author who does not disappoint.

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4.5 ⭐

J.D. Barker is one of my all-time favorite authors. His books are always a wild intense ride. I can always expect to be grabbed at the first page, and not let go of until the end.

This one was good, but different from his others. It was a spicy read, which you usually don't get from Barker. It was, also, scary because it dealt with an app and how apps, or I guess I should say phones and computers, can start controlling our lives.

Abby and Brendan decide to go to a martial counselor. The counselor tells them to download the app 'Sugar & Spice.'. They do and this starts the wild ride you will have when you read this book.

I have to say that it made me think and wonder about the apps on my phone. I don't know if that was Barker's intention or not. But, I may just have to start reading terms instead of just agreeing.

Tentative Publishing Date: May 13, 2024

Thanks to Netgalley, Hampton Creek Press and Barker for the E-ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

😊 Happy Reading 😊

#netgalley #hamptoncreekpress #jdbarker #behindacloseddoor #arc #readmytbr #readaway2024

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Hampton Creek Press for the free e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Abby and Brendan have been married some years and seek outside help from a therapist. Their therapist suggests they download an app called Sugar and Spice. We will call it a ‘truth or dare’ type game. The app is the number one download across the country. So it must be good, right? Not so much...Not only are they playing, but a billion other people are too. What do they win? Loads of money or meet their demise, DEATH.

I loved the 4MK series. I hoped this would be along the same lines as the popular serial killer series but alas, it is not. The sex in the book was a bit uncomfortable, especially the first scene of sex with murder. I think that this should be reclassified as erotica and not as general fiction. So, if you don't care for the erotica genre (me) then you will not enjoy this as much as his 4MK series.

Despite the lot of unbelievable things in this story, if you go with it and immerse yourself in the story he is telling, it really is a pretty good one and ultimately I thought it was clever. Like all of Barker's other books, this is an intense, faced paced thriller. Its action packed, edge of your seat that I expected from the author.

So, if you go into this one knowing 4MK its not and yes, should be classified as erotica, than its a classic Barker tale.

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𝗪𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗸𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗮 𝘁𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲?
Sugar & Spice is the latest app craze taking the world by storm, but for Abby and Brendan Hollander, downloading it leads to a dangerous game of life and death. When the app assigns them a series of increasingly taboo tasks, they soon find themselves caught up in a twisted web of seduction and violence in this sexually charged dark thriller

♥︎ J.D. Barker is one of my auto buy authors since reading his Fourth Monkey series. I was obsessed with it! He is a master storyteller who has the knack of pulling his readers into his world with a host of lies, deception, and meticulously crafted twists that keep you turning the pages.His characters are so well crafted, each with their distinctive personalities, backstories and motivations.

This is not Barker's typicial style. He's gone in a slightly different direction, but it surpassed all my expectations. Each chapter ends on a cliffhanger, keeping the reader gripped in the story.

And for those who are not fans of a little spice mixed with your thrillers- this book is worth pushing past your comfort zone. The spicyness settles down, and the thriller aspect begins. The concept of this book is brilliant, so please don't miss out.

𝗔𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗹𝗹, 𝗮 𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲 𝗶𝘀 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗮 𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗲.
𝗜𝘀𝗻'𝘁 𝗶𝘁?

Thank you to netgally and the publisher for the advanced copy. My review is voluntary.

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Have you ever clicked on ‘Accept’ for the terms of purchase when downloading an App without reading them? Of course you have - we all have! But you might want to think again after reading this.

When Abby and Brendan Hollander consult a marriage therapist to help them rescue their troubled relationship, she suggests they download an App called ‘Sugar and Spice’. Brendan’s job investigating financial fraud keeps him working long hours and travelling away from home, while Abby has given up her job to write full time after the success of her first novel but has writer’s block so their income is fragile. They decide to download the app to put some zing back in their relationship.

At first the app just seems like a harmless truth and dare game, daring them to carry out various acts to sweeten or spice up their marriage and it actually seems to be working. But then the dares become more risqué before moving into taboo territory and eventually taking a dark turn into seriously dangerous waters. Before they know it Abby and Brendan are in a lot of trouble.

This is one very twisty puzzle, with a lot of pieces to bring together to fill out the final picture. The plotting is well done and the suspense builds inexorably to the explosive ending. The app and what it can do seems totally over the top to me <spoiler>especially the all seeing, all knowing aspects and ability to manipulate people en masse</spoiler>, but I did find myself asking how far people would go to do what it demanded. It certainly makes for one wild and thrilling rollercoaster of a novel!

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J.D. Barker admits that he writes popcorn books. That is what he does. And he does it good. As with any popcorn movie you just have to sit back and enjoy the show. And don’t overthink it.

Abby and Brendan are consulting a marriage therapist because they are not doing good anymore. She suggested an app (honestly??) to spice up their sex life. They follow her advice and load up the app “Sugar&Spice”. And off they go with their sex life. At that point you may consider if you choose the right book. But stay with me. This is J.D. Barker. Master of popcorn stories. If you are here for pure entertainment than you are in the right place. Because that app soon takes over their lives and will change them (and the world) forever.

J.D. Barker always takes you on a wild ride. And that is what I am looking for when I read his books. This one starts spicey (I don’t like that usually) but soon it goes into unpredictable territory. I will not say much about the plot, it will ruin it for you. The story is way over the top, but it is also fun. Don’t get spooked with the sex app stuff, just enjoy the wild ride.

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Big thank you to Hampton Creek Press and Independent Book Publishers Association for approving me for this e-arc.

Hmm. Where do I begin with this book? The premise is extremely enticing. The writing and plot were enough to reel me in, but I find that it fell flat for me because of how bizarre this book is. There was a lot of things that were just plain disturbing in this book, and putting aside fiction isn't possible when reading it. While the author has a wonderful ability to write a scene and draw you in, it just left me feeling wrong by the end of it.

This is my personal opinion, so if anyone goes into this and isn't quite as disturbed by the things that I was, the book could be considered enjoyable.

Overall, this novel was not for me, but it was well written and the plot was very interesting.

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Wow, this one hooked me from page 1, and I couldn’t put it down. It exceeded my expectations on every level. This book is non-stop entertainment and suspense. If nothing else, it’ll make you even wearier of technology than you already probably are. I definitely had to suspend my disbelief at times, but it was legitimately unputdownable. 4.5 stars rounded up!

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I always enjoy J.D. Barker's thrillers so when he offered me an arc of his latest book via NetGalley, I jumped at the chance. I have to say though that as I began reading, I wasn't too thrilled with the subject matter, which seemed to be venturing into erotica. But I took my Kindle along on a recent trip and allowed the plot to unwind slowly as I found time to read. As usual, Barker has more in store for his readers than just a steamy novel.

The story is about a financial crimes detective named Brendan and his wife Abby. They are seeing a marriage counselor who recommends an app called Sugar & Spice to enliven their sex life. It's sort of a 'truth or dare' game for adults with assignments that win the players points and those points can be traded in for money. But the game quickly becomes intrusive and even a little sadistic. What are they willing to do for money, sex and power? Would they even commit murder?

So hang in: this is an interesting look at how much our daily lives are being observed and in some ways manipulated by the devices we use every day. Very scary actually, maybe even scarier than fiction.

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Being a fan of this authors previous titles I was excited to jump into another one.
Behind A Closed Door by J.D. Barker was a lot different than his other books.
I did enjoyed it. The wrong was good. And characters were great.

Thank You NetGalley and Publisher for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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I really loved this book. It had me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire book. It was awesome. Very interesting story. Its been awhile since I read JD Markers books but it was sure amazing ride.!

Love it. Now I want to read all your books. Incidentally I really love the cover that's what drew me in to want to read this book

Great job on this boom

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First off, I love all the author’s previous thrillers. I also love a good genre mashup. Behind a Closed Door is marketed as a romantic thriller. But is it really? I would say it’s closer to a male erotica thriller. It reminds me of the uncomfortable sexism of a Mickey Spillane/Mike Hammer book from the 1960s combined with some truly dark male fantasies. I understand that the pandemic was a challenging time for everyone, particularly for authors, but perhaps this book should have just stayed in the author’s desk drawer.

Beyond the disturbing erotica, the characters within this book have the shallowness of a typical superhero movie. They are almost caricatures rather than real human beings. The plot has a good premise but then goes down some formulaic roads of derring-do and impossible escapes. The ending has a twist to supposedly explain that issue. However, by then, it was too little, too late for me.

Do yourself a favor and skip Behind a Closed Door. Read any of the author’s other books and I guarantee you will be happier. This one was bad on so many levels. It earns a disappointed 2 stars.

Thanks to Hampton Creek Press and NetGalley for a digital review copy of the book.

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J.D. Barker is quickly becoming a "Must Read" author for me! I have not read a book by him that I didn't like! The idea of technology taking control doesn't seem that far out of reach, and this book brings that fear to life, in a dark and spicy way. Really enjoyed! Thank you NetGalley for this ARC

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The amazing mind that brought us the 4MK series has done it again! There were several times when I was thinking, “What the heck am I reading?” I might have been halfway through when I knew I was going to be giving this book 5 stars.

Parts of it were too realistic and terrifying. Make your choices carefully.

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I went for this book purely after loving the 4MK series without reading the blurb, which proved to be my undoing. I loved his dark psychological thrillers.

A couple with the help of a therapist turn to an app to spice up their sex life which has become stale. So you might think it’s going to be a dark romance, but no, it’s a sex/ action thriller fusion.

The actual concept of getting drawn into a dark and dangerous app that can harvest so much information about the user is a scary reality and a dangerous prospect. The scenarios quickly spiral out of control becoming very dark.

I didn’t gel with the characters, they seemed too shallow. I hated Romeo and Juliet, they were very irritating.

The second half of the book is much faster paced and action orientated.

Not sure about one aspect of the ending, the book certainly triggered my natural paranoia.

It’s certainly very different, I applaud the authors imagination. If you want something very different give it a try, but it’s no 4MK so don’t expect that. It didn’t really manage to grab me. I think it’s very much a marmite book, which in themselves cause intrigue, add in a bit of controversy and you’ve probably got a best seller.

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Would you allow an app to spice up your love life with your partner? Oh my! May I say Behind a closed doors will take you on a wild ride of deception, mystery, spice and some things not so nice.
Abby and Brendan fall into a rut and find a therapist to help them with their marriage. When said therapist suggests they download an app Sugar and Spice their lives take a spicy turn. They forget to read the fine print and begin to realize this app is slowly invading their lives.
This book was really good and kept me on my toes! I highly recommend this book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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