Member Reviews

Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher, and author for the copy of this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Wonderful addition to my tarot collection

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Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.
As someone who has recently taken up Tarot, it's a great little book for beginners. I commented with the style of writing and hope it will help me in my practice.

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I am very excited to be reading this book! My full review to follow.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I received an ARC from Netgalley

A short informative book, easy to read and beautiful illustrations. Perfect for anyone wanting to start reading tarot or can be used as a quick reference guide

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Really useful information, well presented and i enjoyed learning more about Tarot too. Woudl recommend.

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This was such an informative read. I liked the way the author discussed each of the cards. It added to my knowledge and was a worthwhile read. Definitely recommend anyone interested in tarot pick this up.

Thanks to NetGalley and the Publisher for the arc.

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Thank you Net Galley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

This was a great little book, the information was concise, but interesting. It would be a great addition to anyone's collection.

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I didn't love this book. Many of the card explanations conflicted with common interpretation, especially in describing the Major Arcana. I also found the writing overly wordy, which could be a bit confusing. I found the second half to be more interesting, particularly the suggestions for incorporating tarot into spell work. All in all, a pass for me.

I appreciate NetGalley and the publisher for providing a digital ARC. My honest review is my own opinion.

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I really enjoyed this book. Each card for both the minor and major arcana has a photo of the card from a RWS Deck and a full page description of its meaning. Each suit also gets a page of description. The book ends with various rituals and spells utilizing tarot cards and other common magical elements (altars, candles, incense, etc). I found the various spells to be pretty encompassing and look forward to trying some myself.

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This guide details the meaning of each card in the tarot and provides other details on how to read a spread. It's a short and easy-to-use guide.

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Perfect book to learn with. So easy to follow and understand. It will be a huge help for years to come.

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Thank you to net galley for chance. I was expecting textbook hard to read kind of book. But it was easy and i was thinking this is a perfect book for new starters for Tarot. The artwork is very nicely done.

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A guide to each card with spreads, rituals and spells, and layout guides for each. The artwork isn't my favourite but it has a more traditional feel.

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This was a fun book to read. Tarot and Magic together? What more could I ask for? Handy book with an assortment of spells using the tarot. The spells were easy to understand and the images were crisp and clear to help you further along. I give this book a thumbs up!

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Beautifully illustrated, Tarot Magic by Fortuna Noir brings forth a wealth of tarot knowledge for all practitioners. This is a great book for beginners but still has plenty of neat tidbits to offer wizened practitioners as well. I appreciated the fact that Fortuna included information about playing card correspondences, you don't see that often. With so much information to offer, and a great selection of tarot spreads at the end of the book, this is one for everyone's witchy shelf!

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I really enjoyed this book. There is a lot of material out there on the Tarot nowadays, but this book felt different. All of the insights into the history and the cards themselves was very informative. It might not be a "new" book for you if you are well versed in the Tarot, but for newer folks and those just wanting to learn more, it's perfect. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a digital ARC of this book.

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Tarot Magic by Fortuna Noir is the most engaging book on tarot I have ever read. Many tarot books can seem a bit like reading a textbook, and that's okay because there is a lot to learn. However, Tarot Magic is warm. It will capture your attention from page one. This book makes it easy to remember and understand the cards. Tarot Magic is Perfect for someone new to the cards.

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This book is very short but it's one of the most informative books I've seen on tarot reading. It's very organized and starts with a history of tarot before going into a clear description of practice. The pictures are beautiful and the descriptions are clear. There is clear explanation on how to use the cards in practice. There are also some rituals that can help center someone who wants to read the cards. If someone wanted one simple book as an introduction, this would be a great choice.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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A short book but very informative. A helpful guide for someone who is just starting tarot reading or trying to familiarize themselves with each card. It also explains the different suits briefly to understand how to read the minor arcana cards.

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Beautifully illustrated, informative and thought-provoking, this would make a lovely gift for anyone starting out in the wonderful world of the tarot. 3 and a half stars.

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