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Love at First Knight

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Daisy doesn’t get out much but likes role playing at medieval events. However her father signs her up for a job in London without her knowing. And she ends up working in the Tower of London helping running their knight school However there’s a fly in the ointment in the name of Theodore Fairfax a distant relative of the royal family. Daisy is staying in a that with Bonnie who is probably the best thing that’s ever happened to her. Teddy Fairfax gets Daisy sacked. But finds her back at home and a lovely romance ensues. Loved it!

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Love at First Knight by Megan Clawson was a fun and easy read that had one of my favorite plot lines - enemies to love story.

Daisy and Teddy drew me in to their story immediately and all I say about the plot is that I want to start LARPing!

If you're looking for a little magic, a lot of fun, and enjoyable characters then you need look no further.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for this ARC in lieu of an honest review.

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I fell in love with Megan Clawson's writing a year ago when I discovered her debut novel "Falling Hard for the Royal Guard." I was such a wonderfully new and refreshing read from a person who is intimately familiar with the Tower of London. As soon as I heard she planned to write a second book, "Love at First Knight", I jumped on the preorder. I've been counting down the days until its release.

The folks over at Avon UK Publishing surprised me however and I was lucky enough to be selected to receive an advance copy.

The moment I began reading "Love at First Knight", I was sucked into the world Daisy Hastings and Teddy Fairfax. Daisy is a wonderfully witty and expressive character who is afraid of the world outside of her Lincolnshire bubble. Teddy is a grumpy Viscount who is known for his partying ways. They come from two completely different plants, yet the universe works in mysterious ways. It isn't long before Daisy encounters the grumpy Viscount in London.

Without giving away too much of the plot, I am thrilled to say that the magic of the Tower that was cultivated in the first book, continues to shine through. Clawson has done a wonderful job at once again creating a fascinating, fresh, and intriguing story line. I literally could not put this book down and stayed up late into the night (no pun intended) to finish Daisy's story. Daisy and Teddy are both such strong characters that they feel like old friends. I'm dying to know more about Bauble!

This royal romcom is easily on its way to becoming one of my favorite books and I can't wait to read it again once I receive my paperback copy in a few months time. This book is one that any fan of enemies to lovers, grumpy sunshine, and royal romance should have in their collection!

Ten out of ten brilliant stars!

Thank you so much to Avon UK and NetGalley for letting me enjoy this book early. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Another amazing romcom from this author as I just fell in love with this book as much as I did falling hard for the royal guard! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book.

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A fun and totally entertaining read with a totally improbable plot which I thoroughly enjoyed. Beneath the surface is the more serious issue of agoraphobia but dealt with not only sensitively but how the main character, Daisy, deals with it in her alter ego. Utterly delightful, charming read whilst being totally mad at times. Megan's knowledge of the Tower of London is second to none as she actually lives there and with the TV programme about the Tower the scenes are so easy to envisage. Love the intertwining of fantasy and life and I never knew about LARPing before, a sort of Sealed Knot club together with a rogue Royal character in Theo. Loved all the characters especially Daisy's colourful flatmate who hides behind her flamboyant exterior. Loved it and it can't help but make the reader smile but possibly not for everyone

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I really enjoyed this book. I loved the LARPing and alternate ego that she used to give her bravery in situations.

Thank you NetGalley and Avon for the opportunity to read this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Daisy Hastings lives in a small village in Lincolnshire helping her father at his hobby shop, living at home, and most of all, feeling very out of step with the modern world. Daisy’s only outlet is LARPing with her family in a medieval Tolkien type of fantasy role. When she reluctantly takes a job at the famed Tower of London for a children’s Knighthood camp, it is so far out of Daisy’s comfort zone as to be in another universe. When Daisy is tasked with keeping an eye on the Royal family’s black sheep nephew of the king, her stress levels sky rocket.

Theodore, Viscount Fairfax, has been royally commanded to help at the Knight School for an image makeover. The tabloid press has branded him as a shiftless bad boy along the lines of Prince Harry. Teddy wants nothing more than to be out from under the heavy hand of royal duties so intends to sabotage the King’s efforts. His initial reaction towards Daisy is one of disdain and uncooperative attitude which makes her tenuous hold on this challenging job even harder.

Daisy has a lot of self esteem issues which have all but incapacitated her from living a normal twenty-four-year-old life. Moving to London has just about stretched every nerve, her saving grace is that Daisy channels her LARP character, a brave elf warrior princess who leads their family group to battle against other such role players. Daisy’s kind and quirky family want her to do well knowing this is an important formative moment which could free her from crippling self-doubt.

Besides Teddy’s insufferable and arrogant behavior, Daisy must deal with some wildly misbehaving children who take full advantage of having “weapons” thrust into their small hands. Daisy’s LARP skills serve her well in teaching her subjects chivalrous attributes. The interplay between Daisy and Teddy while she tries to keep him from ruining this very important job makes for a very entertaining story. The backdrop of the Tower of London with its fascinating history is something the author knows very well having lived there for several years. While the setting is in part the same as Ms. Clawson’s first novel, Falling Hard for the Royal Guard, one which I highly recommend reading, this story can be read as a standalone.

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Just when i thought I could’ve love Megan’s stories anymore she writes this beautifully funny and inspiring piece. I loved the little cameo from Maggie too

Teddy and Daisy are your headlining twosome in this romcom and they both have their moments where you’re rooting for them, then wanting them to fail. Teddy is our loveable Viscount rogue who is trying anything he can to be rid of his royal ways and duties, Daisy is our cosy LARP enthusiast who just wants an easy and simple life - but a chance email and a sneaky application means she’s about to embark on something completely the opposite.

Their meeting is anything but the perfect meet cute and along the way they battle between their feelings for one another and the need to stay out of the public eye.

This story has its hilarious moments, its romantic lines and of course - that always needed happy ever after. I love Megan’s writing and her knowledge of the Tower and its workings makes these books that bit more relatable. Plus - we got to support a fellow Lincolnshire born!!

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Love at First Knight was a lighthearted and refreshing read! It was a book about the outcasts and finding one’s place in society! Daisy is a lover of all things mystical and fantasy! She’s part of a family of LARPers. They don costumes and become a part of a world that they create. The outside world is too much for her but when an opportunity arises she finds herself leaving home for the first time and trying to find if society has a place for her.

Unfortunately she meets Teddy! A Viscount with a chip on his shoulder but a smile that leaves her breath-less. They instantly butt heads but with each encounter they unravel more of the other and come to find that hate might not be the feeling they have for the other!

I loved seeing Daisy come out of her shell and become such a strong and self sure woman! She had so many things to overcome but seeing her stand up for herself and find her place in the world in the end is what made this book so special. Yes there’s love within the pages but her transformation that really had me in awe.

I loved the many characters we got to meet and the inside scoop into LARPing! This books was different than others and I loved everything about it!

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This is absolutely barmy, and all the better for it. The role playing games with knights, orbs and elves alongside the royal Viscount being forced to run a summer camp as a punishment makes a laugh out loud story. Daisy is adorable, a mess of anxiety and nerves and yet manages to be true and kind, her family are the best part of the book. They add to the madness and make the story. The romance is improbable but that doesn’t matter a jot. It just adds to the romping and brilliance.

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This is a right royal five-star read. I adored this author’s first work, and when I found out that we would be back at the tower I got so excited. Daisy is such a breath of fresh air, she is so unexpected as a MFC and she shines in this story, even when she doesn’t realise that she is, or feel like she should be shining, her polished armour still shines through. Teddy was the one who had my eyes watering on more than one occasion, but it was Bobble who made me smile so bright. Honestly this story will make you smile so big and bright, but you will also learn a couple of things as well as you ready about history. I am so excited to find out which story this author will tell us next. I must admit the cameo from a certain couple, well that just made my day.

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Love at First Knight by Megan Clawson is an intriguingly charming & entertaining forced proximity, enemies to lovers royal romance set admist the Tower of London’s Knight School. This is the second royal romance from Megan Clawson but this could easily be read as a standalone.

Love at First Knight is great for fans of…
❤️Royal Romance
❤️Enemies to Lovers
❤️Forced Proximity
❤️Nerds (LARPing)
❤️Opposites Attract

I was not prepared to swoon this hard whilst attending Knight School, but I am utterly enchanted by these two. I could relate so heavily to the anxiety riddled overthinker that starts unsure of herself. It was such a beautiful journey watching her blossom on her adventure.

With both of Megan Clawson’s novels, I’ve learned so much. With this one, I learned more about the Tower of London, swords, antique weaponry as well as LARPing & the magic that entails. I love a nerdy main character & this one totally delivered on that. I love even more when a hero embraces that so fully & this one did.

This showcased the beauty of being one’s true authentic self as well as the importance of both family & found family. This one got me in the feels & played like a movie in my head.

In vibes alone, this is giving me early 2000’s classic The Prince & Me in such a great way. Obviously, this has the Knight School, the Tower of London setting & different plot, but the utter disdain that starts as enemies & rolls along from there is fantastically reminiscent.

If you’re looking for a perfect cup of tea like romance that can capture your heart, I highly recommend Love at First Knight!

Massive thanks to NetGalley & Avon for the gifted copy, which I voluntarily read & reviewed.

I will post this on my social media & Amazon during publication week & add links once I do.

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Megan Clawson is fast becoming one of my favourite writers in this genre, Clawson writes characters with depth and authenticity and makes each book a real joy to read. Her (very clear) love of the Tower and all things London really shines through and the added hidden facts and histories are always a treat.

Love at First Knight is Clawson's second novel and follows Daisy Hastings as she leaves behind the comfort and safety of her life at home to move to London to work at the Tower of London's summer Knight school. Everything else I will leave for you to discover on your own.

Another really great and engaging read, I look forward to whatever Clawson brings out next.

Note: As with a lot of modern novels set in the UK, there are some random Americanisms and use of American English terminology but these were not enough to pull me from the narrative (just worth noting).

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I enjoyed this authors first book and I was really pleased to read the second one. I love learning about the Tower of London. This is a great story , you learn about reenactment , facing your fears, love and how important family is. Just a great light happy enjoyable read and a proper neat ending.

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