Cover Image: We Shall Be Monsters

We Shall Be Monsters

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Member Reviews

Mixed feelings about this one. I thought the premise of this sounded cool, love the cover, and the first couple chapters were engaging. But after that, the beginning was a struggle to get through. I debated setting it aside a few times but decided to try to keep going, hoping it would pick up. It did eventually, around the 40% mark, and I really started to enjoy the middle, and the dynamic between Kajal and Tav. But the latter half started to drag again, I wasn’t interested in the overall plot, and the ending was confusing to me. I don’t think I’ll be picking up the next book.

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Obsessed! I love Tara Sims books, Sims is one of my author auto buys! I was obsessed with (and still am) The City of Dusk series and We Shall Be Monsters has shot up my favorites list! The flow of the Story is incredible and the plot is fantastic!

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I really enjoyed this story. It takes Indian mythology mixed with Frankenstein. The main character is trying to bring her sister back from the dead and ends up going on a crazy adventure to do it. I love how it has different Indian spirits and terms all through the story. I definitely want more stories like this. I couldn't put this story down.

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I loved this book from the first read I did of the description. I loved the world quite a bit and while there were a few chapters that felt almost out of place I could tell where they were going (there had been some non-subtle foreshadowing of it) so I stuck with it and it worked. I liked the characters a lot (especially the undead good boy dog). After Kajal’s sister Lasya dies Kajal swears to do anything at any cost to bring her back. Along the journey she meets a great cast of characters and gets caught up in an insurrection she couldn’t care less about. I was expecting the cliffhanger ending but I was still disappointed to not be able to finish the story. (I’m the kind of person who needs to know always all the things). I really liked the mythology woven into this and it’s not something I knew a lot about so I enjoyed learning it even more. Definitely will have to make a note to read the sequel to this one when it comes out.

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This book is captivating with a wonderful synopsis. I did get lost in it and then lost lost. Some of the phrases used and mythology wasn’t explained so I felt very much outsider not understanding the language.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for the ARC. I loved reading We Shall Be Monsters. Kajal has my whole heart. I love her character so much! She is so funny, but also the angst brought me to tears. I love girls with thorny personalities. The world building is also phenomenal, I love the way mythology is interwoven into the story and also the Frankenstein vibes. I can't wait for the next book after that ending!

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Thanks to Penguin Young Readers Group | Nancy Paulsen Books for the copy of this book!

The cover took me right in -- always love a skull! Blended with a dark, atmospheric read wth Indian mythology and monsters, I thought this would be a huge win. However, I found it to be reallllllly slow and it didn't hold my attention. Definitely seems like it's a me problem!

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This is a Frankenstein-esque book with the main character, Kajal, attempting to bring her sister back to life. The characters are unforgettable, and I absolutely loved the folklore in this book! Kajal then gets entwined with rebels who want her abilities for their own purposes. Meanwhile she is concerned about her sister becoming a bhuta. The characters all had dimension, even the ones who were not main characters. Indian folklore, undead dog, bringing people back to life...absolutely unique story! This was a great read!

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I couldn't put this book down. Sim wonderfully blended the loose interpretation of Frankenstein with Hindu mythology to create a wonderfully original story. The characters were as vibrant as the world they existed in. I can't wait for the next book.

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Tara Sim, who has written many books including City of Dusk and Scavenge the Stars, has written a new YA fantasy that is being promoted as Frankenstein meets indian mythology. It’s following 2 sisters, one alive and one dead and the goal is through science and magic to resurrect the other and bring her back to life but she is being hunted by witch hunters, and a sickness spreads across the land. This was really fun and interesting. One of the most captivating beginnings of a book I've read in a long time and I highly recommend!

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I was captivated by this Frankenstein retelling infused with Indian mythology! I recommend it for all lovers of fantasy and those seeking retellings with non-western mythology.

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Am DNFing at 40% for the sole reason I’m really really bored. It’s prob just not for me. The prose was great but the story after the first few chapters really didn’t captivate me. I tried both physically reading and coreading via audio but kept wanting to put it down to read something else.

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Centering around themes of resurrection, the bonds between siblings, grief, and destiny We Shall Be Monsters is a dark, gripping read that leaves the reader desperate for book two. Kajal and Tav are both struggling to do what they think is right and the duty they feel towards their sibling. Both willing to commit any action to save their sibling only to be faced with monstrous misdeeds. Is there a point at which a sibling is no longer deserves love and loyalty?

Single POV, Fantasy, Found Family, Sibling Bonds, Royal Intrigue

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We Shall Be Monsters by Tara Sim will be published officially June 25th.
Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for an eARC of this book.
For me, I think the pacing was off among other things. This book started out intense and mysterious. I thought I would continue to learn more as it went, but the shroud of mystery was a common theme for a majority of this first book in this new series. A lot of information is hidden from the reader.
I had some trouble with understanding the mythology aspect of the world building. I'm not familiar with Indian Mythology, but I feel as the reader, I shouldn't need to do outside research to remember the difference between the names of things and what they are in this fantastical world. There was even a moment where a classroom scene was strategically placed to do this, but only gave an overview for a main plot point that the reader would have to understand in order for the plot to be understood.
The pacing was also off for me, about 70% in was what I wanted to start up sooner. I was able to guess a lot of revelations even with the purposeful mystery, which may be a sign I'm too old for YA. I did enjoy Tara Sim's City of Dusk, which is classified adult, so I believe it might just be a case of intended audience.
Overall, If you are okay with mysterious characters, macabre themes, plus a newer form of mythology that's not usually used, this book may be one you'll enjoy. This book also contains a doggo that needed more page time, but got a decent amount.

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This synopsis sounded intriguing. The book started off good with a girl digging a grave. It sounded like I was really going to get sucked into this story. I got 15% in and then got sidetracked. I never gave this book a second thought until I remembered I needed to make progress. When I picked it back up, It was a chore to read another 10%. I just lost interest in the story and the characters didn't connect with me. Sadly I dnfed this at almost 30%

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This was a great read, it is a YA fantasy horror novel that uniquely combines both Indian mythology and classic themes from Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein. It focuses on a young woman Kajal who is upset and grieving the sudden death of her sister. She tries to resurrect her sister which leads to dangerous consequences when her sister’s soul turns into a malevolent spirit. This is well written and explores different themes such as grief, guilt, and the ethical boundaries of science. I was engaged from start to finish.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for the chance to read this arc.

I found the book interesting, I enjoy books that have a mix of a new story along with a backing in mythology of other cultures.

There was also the love that Kajal had for her sister motivating her. The band of rebels that she hooks up with along the way to save her sister. A love interest, an animal sidekick, this book truly had all the great aspects to make it enjoyable.!

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We Shall Be Monsters by Tara Sim is a captivating and masterfully crafted story that will completely enthrall readers. Darkly alluring and expertly rendered, Tara Sim proves herself to be a top-tier author in this compelling novel.

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We shall be monsters is a dark fantasy romance. It's fast and easy to read. You won't be able to put it down.

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Frankenstein meets Indian mythology’. Demons and Gods and undead dogs. This was surprisingly fun. I wasn’t sure what i expected both a gothic myth definitely wasn’t it. However i actually really liked it and now need more Indian Myth retelling in my life. Kajal was fun and a BA and i liked her relationship with Tav. They were fun and i really hope we get to see more of their story. the ending though perfect created a fair amount of questions as well. I will be rereading for clues ASAP.

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