Cover Image: Full of Myself

Full of Myself

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Member Reviews

Thank you Andrews McMeel Publishing for the ARC!

I really liked this one! I loved reading about the author's life and her struggles. I have never had struggles like this with my body but reading about it is important. Learning about other people's experiences makes us more empathetic people, which is so needed in today's world. I really appreciated the authors vulnerability and openness. That is truly a gift. What a great book! I also adore the illustrations! Talent oozes from this book for sure.

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Enjoyed this book over two days! Thanks to net galley for the ARC. The author exploded a sensitive topic through empathetic illustrations that felt like a hug. I myself am on my own journey of exploring the topics shared and felt like I was speaking with a friend.

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💕When she gets creeped on by her supervisor and redirects the conversation by saying “Oh! Ha ha… this soup is so good” p.288. Relatable.

💕Therapist: “oh you were raised catholic that explains a lot.”
Thought bubble: That’s oddly comforting to hear p. 298. This made me cackle.

💕The shout out to Maintenance Phase Podcast Michael Hobbes and What We Don't Talk About When We Talk About Fat by Audrey Gordon p. 299.

💕Overall Canadiana is always SO exciting to see.

50/50: Illustration style is a touch simplistic and I think the pages that broke away from strict boxes were more visually interesting and advanced the plot by showing rather than telling which occurred in the traditional comic panes.

👩‍❤️‍👩At multiple points in the story I was waiting for her to come out. She does not come out *yet* there’s always time.


👎There’s mention that the head writer on her favourite show didn't allow women in the writers room due to his ongoing divorce, but it she doesn’t specify which show. I think it’s the Simpsons after some googling, but it took me out of the book to when it could have very easily just been specified p. 39.

🚫TW at the end of the day there’s *so* much focus on body image issues. The author is “midsize.” There’s an attempt to acknowledge privileged, but it still kinda gave me the ick that this felt like it was trying to tell the story of a “fat girl” when it seems more like it’s someone who’s not fat, never has been, but was also a victim of messaging of the 90s and 2000s, which important, but different. (I wouldn’t recommend giving this to a child/ teen struggling with disorder eating.)

🚩This is autobiographical, so I know we are being true to life here, but I never need to read another story where a woman moves to be with a man. Give me more he’s just a boy hit him with your car please.

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Clear and easy to read, and full of information about growing up in that time period. However, it was so informational that it almost could have been nonfiction, and it doesn't provide any new information that a reader familiar with the topic wouldn't know. As a memoir, I feel like I wasn't really engaged in the artist's story of growing up, and frankly I've read more effective memoirs about the same subject. Not bad, but not remarkable.

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Growing up are not easy. Its heartbreaking read to choose but worth the time! Its a page turner book. Never regret to pick this read.

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I’m grateful for NetGalley for providing me an ARC of this book. I’m a fan of autobiographical comics and personal narratives in self exploration and self help. This one was challenging to read for me, but not because it wasn’t good or anything. This is well written, wonderfully illustrated, and engaging. It’s also at times kind of dragging where I felt as if I wanted something to take away from just hammering into the author’s personal experience. Like maybe include something from a close friend who may've shared similar experiences with the author. This is nitpicking on my part, and it’s not going to make a difference in the emotional impact of reading this book. I think it’s still good, and worth reading… especially for those who struggle with body image and self esteem at times. There’s things in here I feel could really help a young reader understand something about their self better than self tormenting themselves with thoughts of self loathing or hatred for their appearance.

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A heartbreaking and completely relatable account of growing up female in our current society. I dare any female to read this and not find at least a small part of themselves within the pages.

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I absolutely loved this book. It would be great for young girls and adults. It is so reassuring to see someone who has experienced similar feelings and issues as you have. I am also an introvert who thought big life vents would change everything for me, but then realizes it’s just the same old me just in a new town. 10/10 highly recommend

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First, a thank you to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC! I absolutely loved this Graphic Novel. So much of the Author's story and comments throughout made me feel seen and far less alone. I would definitely recommend this book to all women and girls. The artwork is also super cute and fun! An easy and well deserved five-star rating. I will be purchasing my own copy upon its release! TW: eating disorders

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Thank you Netgalley for this opportunity! 'Full of Myself' is one of the most beautiful graphic novels I have read in my life. The story of Siobhán is touching, but above all of a real that hurts: the anxiety towards the world, the path of study undertaken only because he thought that it would be what would make his life normal, like that of anyone else, as well as the internalized fatty phobia and eating disorder that resulted. The designs are very beautiful, as well as the message that is found within these pages. I can’t wait to read more about the author, but above all to support her by buying the printed version of Full of Myself as soon as I get the chance!

Grazie Netgalley per questa opportunità! 'Full of Myself' è una delle graphic novel più belle che abbia mai letto in tutta la mia vita. La storia di Siobhán è toccante, ma soprattutto di un reale che fa male: l'ansia nei confronti del mondo, il percorso di studi intrapreso soltanto perché pensava che sarebbe stato ciò che avrebbe reso la sua vita normale, come quella di chiunque altro, così come la grassofobia interiorizzata e il disturbo alimentare che ne è derivato. I disegni sono molto belli, così come il messaggio che si trova all'interno di queste pagine. Non vedo l'ora di leggere altro dell'autrice, ma soprattutto di supportarla comprando la versione cartacea di 'Full of Myself' appena ne avrò la possibilità!

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a cute, somewhat funny, and relatable story about body image and how the author sees herself timing from childhood up to this day. as for my thoughts, i feel so.. seen. i actually requested for this book and im so happy that i was able to get approved for the ARC <3 i, myself, am struggling with my body image specifically how i perceive my body and how i find myself comparing my body to other people’s body.

this was so carefully and thoughtfully illustrated and told ! i love the author’s humor and her thoughts about the matter. it totally resonated with me which i am so thankful for !

full of myself is basically written from the perspective of a woman, but i really do think that this is suitable for all ages even if you are the opposite gender. i have learned and gained new knowledge as well as a new perspective when it comes to the way i look.

thank you for this book and of course, thank you to the author for crafting a book so amazing and fun to read while also spitting facts and stories told from personal experiences.

thank you to NetGalley as well ! i love this book so much <3

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I always seem to think my experience is individual but then i read books like this and realise it's not. It is comforting to know that the way we feel as young women about our bodies is not singular. Really cute art with a really heartwarming story of growth and health.

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Thank you NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for this ARC. It’s such an important topic and it really made me think about me and my own body image. However the graphic style was really not for me.

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Full of Myself has the makings of a great graphic memoir if it didn't slog itself down. This well-drawn story of Gallagher's youth makes the assumption that the reader is essentially clueless and doesn't have any idea how women face constant belittlement and judgement over their bodies. It felt less like a memoir and more like a lesson, and a lesson that I have been plenty aware of my whole life was not something I was looking forward to reading.

The parts that I get to learn about the author are genuinely enjoyable, touching, and honest but it was too few and far between for me to enjoy myself. Overall, this personally was not something I was able to enjoy. I feel like others can find it beneficial and a good read regardless of my stance.

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Thank you NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for this ARC.

This memoir was incredibly relatable and summed up so much of the experience I had growing up, and even still feel today. Siobhán Gallagher takes us on her journey of self acceptance and love and I think its something a lot of women struggle with. This memoir hits sensitive topics and hits them hard. I think the bright illustration style is meant to keep a positive attitude but at the same time it wasn't my favorite. It gets quite chaotic as well, and a lot is going on in terms of both the writing and drawings. It is a little overwhelming now and then and really sad in a lot of ways. It was hard for me to really get into it because I'm going through a lot mentally myself and it was very "here is my sad story" but not much "here is how I healed".

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Adorable art and a powerful message. I really appreciated Siobhan's take on fatphobia and the body positivity movement. I still struggle with body dysmorphia so this one really resonated with me. I'm sure it will also resonate with the teen crowd as well, which makes it an ideal choice for a library like mine.

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⊰ 4 stars

First of all, I would like to thank NetGalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read an e-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review!

This book really reminded me of the iconic monologue America Ferrera gave in the Barbie movie.
This one hit so close to home, but thankfully in a good way. In "Full of Myself" the author takes us on a journey through the different phases in her life and how this influenced her self image. What forms our self image and how does this influence our entire mood? And most importantly, how do we learn to love ourselves in a world that is constantly trying to put us down?
I love that it's a graphic memoir and the cartoon style is really fun.

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I really love memoirs that are in graphic novel format and this one is no exception. This graphic novel follows the author Sibohán Gallagher as she reflects back on her life. This memoir specifically follows her struggles with body image, anxiety, depression, and how society sees the ideal woman. A great look into how society sees women and could fit right in with a lot of the gender studies classes I took in college.

The art is also very good and I haven’t read a memoir with structure quite like this. It kept the book interesting as I was unsure how the next page would be structured. It was a very unique style that I enjoyed. Overall I thought the message of this book was really nice and I was glad the author shared this deeply personal story with us.

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This graphic novel was recommended by @aliciabooks in her newsletter - and I am SO GLAD it was. @siogallagher wrote an honest, vulnerable, amazing memoir about her relationship to her body image.

There are parts of this book (truthfully about 95% of it) that I related to. The constant beating yourself up for not being thin. Feeling ashamed. Depression. The self-worth tied to weight. I truly loved reading this. I’m so glad it exists. You are worthy of taking up space. I truly believe this book is necessary for anyone who has ever struggled with their body image. I’ll be thinking about this one for a long time.

Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for letting me read this graphic novel for free.

It’s such an important topic and it really made me think about me and my own body image. However the graphic style was really not for me and I didn’t feel like grabbing the book and reading it. But story and storytelling was really good.

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