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Hearts on Thin Ice

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My ARC was provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. To be honest, I wasn’t expecting a lot out of this one. It was another hockey romance as far as I was concerned, so sign me up, right? But I really enjoyed it and it was a fast, engaging read where both characters were vulnerable and relatable in ways.

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was not prepared to love this dual POV, sports romance debut with GREAT emotional depth just as much as I did!! Nick Sorenson is the sole survivor of a tragic plane crash and grieving his lost hockey teammates when he is forced to hire an interior decorator to work on his apartment. Enter Alyssa who tries to make over his apartment in a way that Nick is comfortable with only to find herself falling for him. Steamy, swoony and perfect for fans of Hannah Grace and Elle Kennedy, this was great on audio and I can't wait for more!

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Heartbreak and healing.

This is definitely a case of “don’t judge a book by its cover”. There is so much more in here than a simple hockey romance. Nick is the only survivor of a plane crash that killed his 5 best friends and teammates. He’s been wallowing in grief and guilt and had a long road of recovery from his physical injuries. To prove he’s getting better to his new team, he hired Alyssa to redecorate his all-but-empty apartment. Alyssa has baggage from her childhood and although they seem like an unlikely couple their interactions and empathy for each other escalate into a closer relationship. However, as they get to know each other from the initial interest through the development of designing Nick’s apartment as well as their relationship with one another, we see the beginning of healing and opening hearts.

This wonderful story of healing after tragedy. It’s a low-key, slow-burn romance between Nick and Alyssa. I was surprised by the depth of feelings at the beginning and found my heart aching for Nick often. I was captivated and had to see how they helped each other open up and let the world in. This story contains humor, tragedy, found family, team support, and learning to live again. This is the first Katie Kennedy book I’ve read and I’m looking forward to what comes next.

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This cute hockey romance features our hockey player falling for the interior designer who makes over his place. It was a sweet story with the underlying importance of seeking therapy. I was able to listen to the audiobook while I read along and found the writing to be well structured and easy flowing. The audiobook narration was great too and perfectly clear. This debut book shows a lot of promise. I can't wait to read what Katie Kennedy writes next.

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"There’s a reason they give a point for an assist ,” she said. “That’s the player who helps set up the goal.”“I’m aware,” Nick said . There was a faint smile in his eyes. Finally. “Because people need help. Even what’s-his-face Gretzky.”

My heart broke for Nick. I definitely cried at a few points in this one. Alyssa is the perfect amount of spunk to give Nick the push he needs. I loved everything about this one!

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I was not expecting this book so have so many heavy emotions tied to it, but that is what made me love it. i found Nick and Amanda to be enjoyable characters that were both working through some real trauma. Amanda is trying to get to know him so she can accurately design his home for him, but in the process finds herself falling for him. Nick also has a similar experience, as he is finding that he is starting to feel comfortable with someone when he hasn't for some time now. These two share bits and pieces with each other and help each other work through their trauma in a respectful and paced way. I really enjoyed reading them getting to know each other and get closer, but loved their individual stories just as much if not even more. I will say that i was more invested in Nick's story. i found his grief to be, not difficult to read, but very much relatable in the sense of the thoughts and feelings you have. I really was his biggest cheerleader while reading!! This overall was a very reflective, emotional, and sweet story. Also stacy sucks.

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NHL playing MMC/interior designer FMC
She’s decorating his house
Overcoming trauma/grief
Friends to ❤️
Found family
Slow burn

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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I’m in my hockey romance era so this book really hit the spot for me. I thought the characters were well rounded and likeable, but obviously still with enough flaws to keep the story interesting! The writing style was great, with good pacing and dialogue.

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There were a lot of good ideas in this book, however, they just didn’t come together. This was an odd book because I liked the individual components of the storyline, the characters, and the idea of the romance but none of them connected well. I think there were too many ideas and too many side characters that nothing was done really well and everything was just okay. There was no chemistry with the romance. The characters just hit plot points as far as their relationship went and it felt really forced. I think this has the makings of a good story but it needs a heavy edit before it can get there. I would rather a few of the plot point and fewer characters all be done really well then just having characters for the sake of having a female friend group or a mean boss. 2.5⭐️, 2🌶

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So much miscommunication! Jeez louise! Fortunately, there was much more to the story. Lots of trauma which I think was handled very realistically. A few tears I did not expect to shed. And some spicy goodness. I’m looking forward to more from the author.

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3.5 stars.

"Hearts on Thin Ice" by Katie Kennedy has some very high points and some not-so-high points. While I liked the main characters, Nick and Alyssa, their attraction and love feel too convenient and too quick. I didn't really buy into their connection. They didn't have a lot in common, and then when they found one commonality, BOOM!, s3xy time. It just felt way too fast and surface-level without a lot of chemistry! While they are fine characters, they could have used some more character development. It felt a little lacking at times, apart from the traumas that eventually bind them. Also, the spicy scenes aren't the best written. I did like all of the goofy banter between them, even when they were doin' the deed, which a lot of people will cringe at, but it made me giggle. The best part of this book is about Nick's journey toward healing after a tragic accident left several of his friends/teammates dead. Nick was the only survivor, and his physical recovery, guilt, and grief are immense. His tremendous survivor's guilt is explored in a compelling way that made me care about his mental health and physical health journey. Alyssa also has some trauma in her life that is slightly less well-explored but is still engaging and interesting to read about. These raw, real topics give this book a human edge that felt much needed with a lot of silly dialogue, inside jokes, and goofy side characters. On the other hand, some of the chapters feel superfluous and unnecessary. In fact, this book isn't that long, but it could have been shorter. There were moments when I forgot this was a hockey romance. It feels much more like a workplace romance as it focuses more on Alyssa's burgeoning interior design career. Also, there is sooooo much miscommunication in this book. Yikes! Like, right up until the end. That could have been handled better. Still, I did really like Scarlett Everdeen and Nick Mondelli's dual narration. They added some much-needed emotion and inflection into what may have been a bland/monotonous reading otherwise. There is more good than bad here, though. I will definitely check out Kennedy's work in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley, Katie Kennedy, and Alcove Press for the complimentary ARC of this book. All opinions are my own. I was not compensated for this review.

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Overall a enjoyable read and different then your typical hockey romance. Nick and Alyssa both had a lot of trauma to work through in the book and even though it is a hockey romance not a lot of the book takes places on the rink it’s more of a side plot. I liked Nicks dynamic with his team and would definitely read another book about one of the other teammates.

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Nick and Alyssa, hockey player and interior designer. It's grumpy sunshine, as Alyssa gets the job of decorating his apartment to show he's getting himself together, or he risks losing his place on the team. Nick has a lot of demons, with unresolved grief and guilt that he needs to navigate. Alyssa learns to listen, and back herself. I must admit this didn't engage me as I'd hoped it would, even though the characters are likeable and the premise works well - I did skim a bit so I may not be doing them justice...

If you like hockey, and wounded heroes, friendship groups and banter, this should work for you. Worth a read!

Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and Katie Kennedy for the ARC. Opinions are my own.

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Hearts on Thin Ice" by Katie Kennedy intertwines the poignant journeys of Nick, a hockey player battling survivor's guilt, and Alyssa, an interior designer striving for personal success. Marketed as a hockey romance, the novel delves deeper into themes of grief and healing, as Alyssa helps transform Nick's apartment and, inadvertently, their lives. While the romantic chemistry is subtle, overshadowed by heavier themes, the story provides meaningful insights into overcoming adversity. Kennedy gracefully handles sensitive topics, making this book a thoughtful pick for those who appreciate depth alongside romance in their reads.

Thank you to Alcove Press and NetGalley for my advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book. These opinions are completely my own.

A very even-paced book that keeps the story interesting. The characters are likable and well-written, which makes reading a breeze.

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I hate writing negative reviews but I really didn’t like this book. I thought this was gonna be a cute story but no it wasn’t lol. There was no chemistry between the characters and the storyline felt a bit flat and is more based on the interior stuff than on the hockey. Personally this book wasn’t for me :(
Thank you Netgalley and Alcove Press for this arc.

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Loved this book. I enjoyed the hockey aspect but I really loved the depth of the characters and their growth. The tough topics were handled well and added to the story rather than detracting from it. I can't wait for more from this author and hope it will be a series.

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Hearts on Thin Ice follows Nick Sorenson who is battling immense guilt and grief after losing his teammates/ best friends in a plane crash. His coach, concerned with Nick’s well being, tasks him to fix up his living situation and get into therapy. This is where interior designer Alyssa Compton comes into the picture; after getting hired by Nick to fix his apartment, the two of them grow to enjoy each other's company.

I liked that we got to see how Nick is dealing with the loss of his friends and learning how to move on; while Alyssa is dealing with a boss she can’t stand and the dreams of opening up her own firm. Although, some of the dialogue and chapters were hard to read because they felt quite unnatural.

There wasn’t a whole lot of hockey, but it was a rom-com that seemed to have a heavy focus on grief and big life changes. Overall, solid 3 stars!

Thank you NetGalley for the e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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✨ Publication date: June 18, 2024✨

Hearts on Thin Ice is promoted as a hockey romance but really focuses on two characters that have their own struggles with some hockey weaved in.

Nick Sorensen is a professional hockey player and a plane crush survivor. Coming back from a serious injury after the crash left him the only survivor of the small plane that killed Four of his teammates.

After the team lets him go expecting him never to skate again he defied the odds and was picked up by the NHL team in Detroit. Nick has a new team, new line mates and friends but is overwhelmed with survivors guilt.

In order to play his new team mandates therapy sessions and tells Nick he needs to get settled in and stop living like a visitor. Nick hires an interior decorator to help fix one of his mandated problems.

Alyssa Compton knows nothing about hockey or Nick Sorensen but she does know how to decorate an apartment. As she gets to know Nick in an effort to make his condo his own, she she’s he is still struggling with his tragic past.

Alyssa has her own issues, growing up in poverty and constantly trying to prove herself, she gets fired from her job when her manager learns she’s seeing Nick. Alyssa and Nick engage in a series of miscommunications affecting their relationship.

This book was okay. The premise was solid but I had a tough time connecting with either character or believing in their connection. The constant referral to “lady bits” was a bit much. This is a 3 star read for me.

Disclaimer: I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

#NetGalley #katiekennedy #heartsonthinice

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Hearts On Thin Ice by Katie Kennedy is a hockey romance and the story of Alyssa and Nick.
Alyssa is an interior designer and I really liked seeing more of her job. She is such a sweet and loving person, and I liked her.
The more interesting person in this book is Nick. He survived a plane crush and that comes with a lot of trauma and I liked seeing how he dealt with this. He is a hockey player and working hard to get back into his job and that only showed his strength. Nick is quite grumpy, and I liked how that slowly went away.
Nick returns to an empty apartment, and he can’t see that anymore, so he employs Alyssa to redecorate. I liked seeing their grumpy sunshine dynamic from the start and the romance progressed super slow because of their work relationship. Most scenes take place in the apartment and that got boring and repetitive quickly, and I would have liked to see more hockey scenes. In addition, a lot of dialogue scratched only the surface and it felt more like small talk which made it difficult for me to be obsessed with this story. Furthermore, the third person narrative kept the distance to the story and the characters, and the emotions didn’t fully arrive by me.
Overall, Hearts On Thin Ice is a solid story and good for in-between heavier reads. 3 stars.
(ARC kindly provided in exchange for a review.)

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