Member Reviews

This is a devotional book that reminds us more and more about Jesus presence with us, just like the meaning of the name Emmanuel. In every aspect of our life, we can see God and it is His promise to us. Hopefully you'll get blessed with this book.

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This book is so rich. Summer's research and personal experience with it are articulated simply, clear and informative. I have already received 3 books. One for myself and 2 give aways. Summer has been teaching and testing out her content on our circle in the Presence Project and my attachment with God has shifted greatly. I love how she writes, teaches and holds space for others to walk through the Emmanuel Promise.
I highly recommend this book. Regina Stafford, BCC

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This book does a beautiful job of intertwining attachment theory, neuroscience, our story and learning to be in the presence of God. Summer's vulnerability and gentle voice leads you to examine your own attachment to God and provides you with many spiritual practices to connect with the Lord.

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The Emmanuel Promise by Summer Joy Gross leads the reader to examine their growing up years and patterns formed, how that relates to their relationship with God and Jesus, and how we might establish a new more accurate connection with Christ in the future.
I have been exploring other facets of the Christian faith outside that which I was raised, and this book has fit quite well in my adventure. I appreciated the explanation of attachment theory and how experience in our young lives can affect our entire life and experience of God. I was not left hopeless and also appreciated the suggestions of how to relearn and have a healthy relationship with the Lord and not revert back to our old ways.
If taken seriously, the info and suggestions offered in this book will help you to rethink and reconfigure your faith and have it based not on the judgment of God but on his nearness wherever you may be, whether that be in doubt or in faith or somewhere in between.
I hope you will give it a read - it will challenge you. I know it did me!
I received a Kindle advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. I hope to get a paper copy in the future and revisit this book at a slower pace, mark it up, and utilize the videos that were linked to in many chapters.

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