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Some Doubt About It

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The novel is a delightful blend of humor, intelligence, and a touch of sorrow. It revolves around Carolyn Becket, a renowned author and self-help icon, and her mentor turned adversary, Devorah Van Buren, a retired philosophy professor. A scandal catapults Carolyn into the public eye, followed by a lawsuit from the formidable Devorah. Amidst the chaos of her crumbling personal and professional life, Carolyn returns to her roots in Cape Cod to confront Devorah and rescue her career.

The book is an engaging journey through the lives of its characters, filled with themes of self-discovery, reconciliation, camaraderie, and new beginnings. The narrative is so richly detailed that Cape Cod's sandy shores, quaint shops, and quirky locals come alive, making it the perfect companion for a day at the beach. A heartfelt shoutout to Net Galley and Lake Union Publishing for providing an Advance Reader Copy of this delightful read.

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I really enjoy stories of friends turned enemies that find their way back to being friends. This story is a little different in that Devorah was a mentor to Caroline, but the bonds of a deeper relationship are there. I adored Devorah and her attachment to her well-named dog, Mary Magdalene. Her gruff exterior hides a truly caring heart and her wit made me laugh out loud at times. Caroline is not as likeable and is a bit selfish at first, but she gradually won me over as she softened and changed. I did like how she eventually came back to her roots and realized what's important in life. The audiobook, narrated by Erin Bennett, is a lovely way to read this heart-warming novel of second chances.

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This was a great book. I connected with the characters. I felt engrossed with the plot. I would read another book by this author.

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First time reading the author and it has been a pleasant experience! I liked the two-voice narration, both Caroline and Devorah, this story is about rethinking things, rediscovering yourself, new beginnings, second chances in life, so it is a highly recommended read.

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one thing i loved about this book is how real it felt. the writing was so good that i got completely lost in the story, almost like i was living it myself. the characters were messy, funny, and complex – you really get to know them inside and out. there were so many twists and turns that i never knew what was going to happen next, which kept my heart racing the whole time.

i went through a rollercoaster of emotions, from laughing out loud to feeling my heart break a little. the story is about a celebrity life coach and her old grumpy mentor. they haven't talked in years, but something happens that brings them back together. caroline, the famous self-help guru, is accused of plagiarising devorah’s work, leading to a lawsuit. this forces caroline to return to her hometown and try to convince devorah to drop the case. they end up learning important life lessons from each other.

the book isn't just about these two women figuring out their relationship, though – there's also a bit of romance when caroline reconnects with her high school sweetheart. those parts were really swoonworthy! i also loved how the book tied in philosophy with modern issues and the deep conversations the characters had about it.

for me, this was a solid 4-star read. the only thing i didn’t like was the pacing; sometimes it felt too fast and other times too slow. but overall, it was a very good read, and i highly recommend it.

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Caroline starts out as a somewhat flaky LA type, but she really grew on me throughout this story. She finds herself in unexpected ways. I found some of the dialogue repetitive and predictable, but overall this was an enjoyable read.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are my own

This book does not match its cover. Even after reading the back, I was expecting an Eat Pray Love kind of story, what I got was so much better. It made me giggle and smile. Great story

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Some Doubt About It by Marion McNabb was a fun and humorous story.
This was delightful. The plot was well-paced and captivating from start to finish.
The characters were well-developed; complex, and a lot of fun.
I was quickly drawn into the story and kept turning the pages to read more of the vibrant descriptions. Utterly captivating.

Thank You NetGalley and Publisher for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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Caroline appears to have it all - a bestselling self-help book, a great husband, and fabulous house in California. Then, all of a sudden, it comes crashing down on her. Her husband is caught having an affair, and her long-ago mentor, Devorah, is now suing her for stealing her ideas and publishing them in her new book! In the midst of her world in California crashing down on her, Caroline returns to her childhood home in Cape Cod to confront Devorah about the lawsuit. Once back on Cape Cod, Caroline confronts memories of her parents, her childhood, and her high school sweetheart!

This book mixes the philosophy of Plato with a solid look at how we deal with the stresses of everyday life and what our lives really mean. This novel will be published on May 7, 2024. Special thanks to Net Galley and Lake Union Publishing for an Advance Reader Copy of this book! #SomeDoubtAboutIt #NetGalley

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Celebrity life coach Caroline is hardly living the dream when a video of her photographer husband cheating on her goes viral. Then a retired philosophy professor Devorah from her hometown accuses Caroline of stealing her ideas for her book, Kiss My Abundance.
So Caroline heads back to talk her old mentor around, finding her childhood friend Danny, now a firefighter, living in Devorah’s guesthouse.
The strength of the book lay in the relationship between Caroline and her sharp-tongued former boss. I also appreciated the unpredictable ending.

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Caroline and Devorah are on a collision course of sorts in this novel which plays nicely with its Cape Cod setting. Devorah has been angry with Caroline, her former student, for stealing her work and profiting off it. Caroline, for her part, is reeling from the implosion of her marriage and the realization that perhaps she didn't always know what she was talking about when giving advice. Together, though,. they heal their wounds and grow. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. Fans of novels about female friendship will like this one.

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I love a good Internet influencer. A story set there always brings so much fodder for comparison between the harsh realities of real life, compared with the supposed “vulnerable” perfection of the online influencer world.

I sped through this book, loving the references to Greek philosophy, Influencer living, and the comparison between Devorah van Buren, the grumpy mentor who feels like her life’s work was stolen from her, and Caroline Beckett, the perfect influencer who’s husband is cheating and whose life is pretty much falling apart.

When Caroline visits her hometown and their paths collide, Devorah will help her see life differently and Caroline will re-question her priorities.

I appreciated this fast, page-turning read, with an extra message about living life as best we can, and being true to ourselves.

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In “Some Doubt About It” by Marion McNabb, famous self-help guru Carolyn has everything going her way—interviews, a best seller, and a television show. But suddenly, everything unravels. Her husband is having an affair, and she is accused of having plagiarized her work from her former mentor and employer, Devorah. To try to put things right, she goes back to her hometown in Cape Code to try to convince Devorah to drop the lawsuit.

This is a story of self-exploration, forgiveness, friendship, and second chances. I enjoyed the book a lot, especially the characterization of Carolyn and Devorah, but I found the last 10% to be a bit of a letdown.

Many thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for an ARC of this novel. My opinions are my own.

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Great premise; unfortunately the book does not live up to its potential. There are far too many characters populating a mediocre story to it to be enjoyable.

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I really enjoyed this one! The premise is fabulous—a life coach who wrote the book on "Success at Life" gets accused of stealing her former mentor's work and is forced to confront all the ways she absolutely doesn't have life figured out. It's told from the dual POV of the life coach (Caroline) and her former mentor (Devorah), and I found both characters relatable and fun, even when they were very much at odds with each other. This book had me laughing out loud at several points as it confronts the absurdity of the self-help industry, and the descriptions of Cape Cod will have you longing to put your toes in the sand. Oh, and there's also a second-chance romance arc which I found refreshingly realistic and unpredictable.

Can't wait to read what this author writes next!

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Caroline is a self help guru with a celebrity clientele. She is married to a gorgeous guy who has now publicly cheated on her. One night Caroline leaves thinking about what she knows and the what ifs about life and is she really qualified to teach people how to live their lives. Caroline’s mentor Deborah decided to sue her for basically stealing her life work and publishing it. Deborah confronts Caroline. Deborah is pretty much a tell you as it is character. You will love this character. After the confrontation by Devorah, Caroline retreats to her hometown Cape Cod and tries to come up with a way to salvage her career. Devorah and Caroline decide to come to terms with many of their own issues and eventually the two rekindle their friendship and form new ones and become allies. After all of this will Caroline be able to recover and will she be able to find love again. The book has it all heartbreak, love, forgiveness, second chance romance, grief, scandals , friendship, humor and lastly finding one’s self worth again. I enjoyed it very much. I also loved the descriptions of Cape Cod.

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What an incredibly funny and heartwarming story! Marion has a gift for dialogue and creating characters that come to life on the page. Both Devorah and Caroline have unique voices and Caroline is a perfect, soft compliment to Devorah’s wily, cantankerous personality. Throw in a little heart warming romance and some betrayal and you have a full and complete story!

This was an easy read, the characters draw you in from the first page! Marion’s talent for writing is evident all the way through this novel about unlikely friendships and the lessons they teach us.

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This was an interesting read especially for those who enjoy the Greek philosophers as the main characters both studied the different mindsets. For those enjoy authors that go into great detail to paint the story, you will love this authors style.

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I devoured this book! I loved how the author developed the arc that the main character Caroline took throughout the book. And as a Cape Cod resident, it was especially cool to read about some of my favorite local spots that the character visited! The author’s style and writing kept me turning the pages… I couldn’t put it down! I loved how the chapters swapped narrators- the dual narratives kept me on the edge of my couch, never wanting to put the book down! I can’t wait for the next book! Sequel please!

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I got to read an advance copy of this book on NetGallery.

This book is funny, smart, and a little heart breaking. The two main characters are Carolyn Becket, a best-selling author and celebrity self help guru, and Devorah Van Buren, a retired philosophy professor, and Carolyn’s former mentor. Carolyn experiences a very public scandal, that is swiftly followed by the threat of a lawsuit brought by her feisty former mentor, Devorah. With Carolyn’s personal and professional life in turmoil, she heads to her hometown in Cape Cod to see Devorah and try to salvage her career.

This was a really fun read, and I found myself invested in it’s characters. The descriptions of Cape Cod, with it’s beaches, shops and local characters, were so vivid, I could practically taste the salty air and feel the sea breezes. This is an ideal beach read.

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