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The Red River Slayer

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Hooray we get Charlotte and Mack’s story! It’s great seeing her find her own strength and power. Meanwhile he is struggling with his own feelings for her when he’s just trying to be someone she can trust and count on (platonically) a fun read and I look forward to the next in the series!

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This is the third book in the series but they can all be read as standalones. This was the first book in the series I read and I didn't waste any time going back and reading the first two. While you can read them separately, I definitely recommend reading all of them together. It really just brings the series together and provides a better and deeper understanding of the series as a whole.

Mack is one of the team members on Security One and is the security expert. But he is also struggling under the weight of a whole lot of guilt, past trauma, and scars. As a disabled veteran, Mack has a lot going on in so many ways and gives it his all each and every day to do his best to save the world and all of those living in it. He certainly isn't the type of character who was thinking about being in a relationship or finding someone to spend the rest of his life with. But isn't the best time to find a soulmate when you aren't looking?

Charlotte is a survivor through and through, figuratively and literally. She recently survived trafficking and has scars emotionally, mentally and physically. I think that has a lot to do with why she and Mack were so drawn to each other right from the start. They were immediately protective of one another and they formed an immediate bond that ran deep. While there was more than enough action to keep me hooked on this story, the emotion and level of depth in this book was incredible on its own as well.

I definitely recommend this book and the entire series along with the author. Especially if you want to be on an emotional roller coaster that is full of danger and suspense and the hunt for a killer.

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This book 😍😍😍😍 I loved Mack and Charlotte’s story. Another fantastic book in the Secure One series!! While you don’t HAVE to read the first two, I loved them just as much!

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Charlotte is a sex trafficking victim who is finally safe but dealing with demons. Mack is a security expert whose team come across a body found in a river that Charlotte can identify in connection to her past. Now they are working together to find the killer since the police don't seem to be doing enough.

There was just so much going on in this book that I had a hard time putting it down. I loved getting to know the characters there was just so much to know about them which made me like the characters all the more and hope for the best. Both Charlotte and Mack have their own trauma they are trying to work through it is also making it hard to open their hearts to something more and, it was interesting seeing how they work together in this case as well. Overall a really good book and I liked how I tied up in the end.

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This is a Romantic Suspense, and this is the third book in the Secure One series. I have not read the other books in this series before picking up this book, but I did not feel I was missing anything. I do think this book can be read as a standalone. This book is a fast paced book that is packed with suspense and action. This book kept me guessing and wanting to find out who was the killer which made me keep reading. I really loved getting to know the characters. I felt the two main characters are perfect for each other, and they help heal each other. Their romance was not cute and sweet, but it was perfect for them. I really enjoyed reading this book. The ending of this book was wild, and I really did not see it coming. I was kindly provided an e-copy of this book by the publisher (Harlequin Intrigue) or author (Katie Mettner) via NetGalley, so I can give an honest review about how I feel about this book. I want to send a big Thank you to them for that.

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This romantic suspense novel kept me turning pages because I just had to know what was going to happen next.

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In The Red River Slayer (Secure One #3) by Katie Mettner, stopping an infamous serial killer requires the Security One team to confront their pasts when women's bodies are discovered in rivers over three months. After a fourth woman is found dead in a river near Security One headquarters, security expert Mack Holbock investigates the case and searches for a clever serial killer with the help of Charlotte, a traumatized sex trafficking survivor.

The wonderfully developed relationship between Mack and Charlotte and Mettner's well-constructed action/fight scenes and gripping suspense that kept me on the edge of my seat is what drew me into this novel and kept me glued to the pages. I love Mettner's active, straight-to-the-point narrative style, vivid, detailed, descriptive writing, and superb worldbuilding that make you feel like you're right there with the characters in each moment. Reading her novels is like watching a well-written and produced criminal investigation, crime drama, mystery/thriller movie, or TV show.

Haunted by the past, kind, quiet, gentle, and accepting, Mack is a disabled vet. Consumed by guilt, Mack focuses on trying to right wrongs in the world, leaving him no room or desire to have love in his life. But when Mack meets Charlotte, he becomes possessive of her and concerned for her recovery and safety, especially when they face danger investigating the serial murders. Mack feels driven to protect Charlotte and win her trust, but he cannot fall in love with her.

A formerly homeless sex trafficking survivor whose wounds aren't visible, Charlotte suffers from nerve damage in her legs from the abuse she suffered. Her self-esteem and confidence are terrible because of the awful things she's been forced to do to survive. Coming to Secure One has been her salvation, allowing her to heal and find a supportive family, team, and home. But best of all, it brought her Mack, who makes her feel safe—except for her heart. He affects her in unfamiliar ways she doesn't quite understand. But she knows he's a danger to her heart because she believes she's unworthy of someone like him and could easily give him her heart, which is dangerous. Charlotte comes into her own working as Secure One's kitchen manager and helping Mack investigate the murders of the young women found in rivers. However, being in the field forces her to face and overcome her fears and deal with a past she cannot escape.

I love Charlotte and Mack's relationship. Their connection and attraction are instant, strong, and deep, leading to Mack and Charlotte becoming friends and companions almost immediately. The respect, honest communication, and give-and-take between Charlotte and Mack are sweet and swoony. To Mack and Charlotte's surprise, they fall for each other, believing the other deserves better because they aren't good enough. All Mack and Charlotte want is to be the one to help each other heal. Mettner transitions their relationship from friends to lovers through steamy, intimate, sweet, and sexy kisses that lead to closed-door intimacies that are sensitive to and respectful of what Charlotte has experienced.

Mettner continues developing her genuine, complicated, fallible, empathetic, intelligent, and likable characters. The novel features fantastic disability and mental health representation with its security team of disabled and recovering trauma survivors. It has humorous, snarky, supportive, and emotional interactions with a found-family feel.

The relationship and suspense plot are slightly more self-contained within this novel and easier to follow, so they flow better—even though they're still interconnected with the first two books. A thrilling, sexy, emotional, fast-paced, suspenseful, and romantic novel, The Red River Slayer explores themes of self-confidence, self-esteem, first love, letting go of the past, healing and recovery, disability rep, PTSD, learning to trust, sex trafficking, criminal activity, serial murder, and mental illness.

HARLEQUIN - Romance provided an advanced review copy via Netgalley for review.

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Terrific book that kept me hooked from start to finish. In the earlier books, the operatives at Secure One successfully stopped a trafficker and her subordinate, rescuing women who had been held captive. In both books, some women's bodies were found floating in rivers. The killer was dubbed "The Red River Slayer" and has remained unidentified for several years. This is Mack and Charlotte's story. Both were supporting characters in the earlier books.

Mack served in the military with the other team members and was injured in a mission that went wrong. His memories haunt him, and he feels guilty that he couldn't stop what happened. Charlotte escaped the clutches of The Miss, but her experience left her traumatized and wary of trusting anyone. Mack has been protective of Charlotte since the day she arrived at Secure One. I loved seeing him support her and work at building her confidence.

As the book opens, Secure One provides security for a senator's daughter's birthday celebration. When the body of a murdered woman washes up on the riverbank, Charlotte recognizes the woman as another of The Miss's captives. The team believes she is another victim of the Slayer, and there is a connection between the murder and the cases they worked on. They suspect that it is just a matter of time before there is another victim.

This action and suspense-filled story kept me glued to the pages from start to finish. Mack and Charlotte take the lead in the investigation with the backup of the rest of the team. Charlotte's artistic skills come in handy as they plot the killings and try to make sense of them. They get help from the senator's daughter, who brings a different perspective. There is also an unexpected arrival from Charlotte's past, which provides a link that sends her and Mack on a desperate journey. The final confrontation was a nail-biter with a surprise revelation.

I enjoyed the development of Mack and Charlotte's relationship. Mack is such a tough guy on the outside, but his kindness and sensitivity toward Charlotte show a softer side to him. I loved watching him build up her confidence and show her the respect she deserves. The more time Mack spends with her, the harder he falls, but he is convinced he doesn't deserve anyone's love. I loved watching the changes in Charlotte as she healed. She has confidence in herself and her abilities. She is also very empathetic and sees past Mack's tough-guy façade to the hurting man inside. The picture she drew of him was heartbreaking and blew him away with her perceptiveness. Despite her self-assurance, she believes her past makes her unworthy of anyone. It takes nearly losing each other to realize they are exactly what each other needs.

One of the things I love about this series is the author's matter-of-fact treatment of her characters' physical challenges. They aren't made a big deal of; they are simply part of who the characters are.

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Wow, fast paced romantic suspense that deals with a sensitive subject and a serial killer. The romantic relationship was top notch. Mach is ex military. Besides ptsd, memories from the war he also has physical issues, He is fortunate and privileged to work with the security group Secure One. Charlotte is a former sex traffic victim, I loved watching Charlotte grow and deal with her past. Her past which affects her present and future, Mack, sweet Mac with patience, understanding, being there for Charlotte though he is unworthy. We have a 16 year old, we have Little Daddy (creepy, just creepy) more members of Secure One and of course dead bodies. This was full out novel of suspense, romance, mystery and more. This is book 3, the conclusion to the series. I have not read book 1 or 2. I was not lost in any way, but I did realize I missed out on two more books that I am sure will be incredible, so I must go read them! Thank you for the arc! I freely volunteer my thoughts and opinions. #TheRedRiverSlayer #KatieMettner #HarlequinIntrique #NetGalley

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Another fantastic addition to the Secure One series by Katie Mettner!! Although this book can be read as a standalone and one could easily follow the plot, there are several characters and mentions from the previous books that it would be beneficial for the reader to read those -- and believe me that reading the previous books you will NOT be disappointed!! I look forward to her continued projects in this series.

This book's romantic interest focuses on Mack and Charlotte. Previous books introduced these two to these characters near the end of book 2. I've been waiting to read their happily ever after, and Mettner did not disappoint! Of course this is a romantic suspense book so no happily ever after comes with no problems obstacles or mysteries to solve/uncover. This book focuses on a serial killer coined "The Red River Slayer" and Secure One's involvement in solving and uncovering the killings. There's plenty of action and suspense that will leave you turning the pages quickly to find out how it ends and to make justice is served!!

Mack and Charlotte are perfect for each other. Each carry their own PTSD - Mack from the military and Charlotte from her time held captive and imprisoned under the Madame. Although the story is about uncovering the Red River Slayer, this story is also one on a deeper emotional level. How one battles the demons and instead of succumbing to the mental torture but empowerment and mental strength to come out on top. Both are so insightful and gentle with each other and yet unaware how truly compatible they are in the beginning. I love Charlotte -- loyal, artistically talented, plenty of inner strength, and an underestimated physical strength and smarts. Mack, all big and macho on the outside, but has a sweet and sensitive inside that Charlotte brings out.

Clean language, the physical scenes of passion are tastefully done, and nothing overly graphic/detailed when it comes to the murders. With each book Mettner writes, she always highlights to readers about different disabilities that people live with every day and how they are overcome mental battles with it. Truly awe inspiring!

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin - Romance | Harlequin Intrigue for the advanced copy. All my thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This story was a great addition to this series. Charlotte may still be in the healing process after what she suffered while under the control of The Miss but that doesn't stop her from fighting with everything she has to keep the Senator's daughter from being kidnapped. Mack has his own demons from a mission that went bad. There is plenty of danger as they work to help stop The Red River Slayer. I loved how Char and Mack were able to help each other to heal and reframe their pasts so they could work toward their HEA.

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I love this series and was excited about this book! I love Mack and Charlotte! They have their own issues and work together to figure out what is happening when a fourth body of a woman is found in a river. There is a serial killer on the loose. Who is this killer? Why are they going on this killing spree? It’s a great romantic suspense story that I really enjoyed!

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Mack Holbock works for Secure One; when another body is found in the river he and Charlotte are on high alert. Charlotte was once a captive of The Miss and is just now getting over her ordeal.
Charlotte was at a party for the senator's daughter and had taken her to the bathroom when she was attacked. She fought off the attacker and saved the sixteen-year-old Ella. The attack was when the police and FBI were there about the latest body found in the river. As Mack and Charlotte work on theories to catch the killer even Ella has some insight into the murders.
Mack and Charlotte have been trying to avoid attraction to each other; but as they work to find the killer the attraction grows. They go to Pennsylvania when a couple are found in the river sure they are party of the slayer's victims.
Love the suspense book and have really enjoyed the series.

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This is the third book in the Secure One series and gives us the answers we’ve been waiting for. Katie writes amazing books and this one is full of suspense, action and a bit of love.

This is Mack and Charlotte’s story - they are both amazing characters that have trauma from their past that they deal with on a daily basis. They are both extremely strong, determined and protective of those they care about. They are committed to work with their team to finally bring down the Red River Slayer. This book will have you in the edge of your seat the entire time.

Katie’s books are very special as they teach readers about different disabilities that people live with every day. Highly recommend this book and the entire series. They can be read as stand alone but I recommend reading them in order to understand the back story and the characters.

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This is a third book in a series but can be read as a standalone.

I liked the plot with this one. I thought it was intriguing and kept me guessing who the killer was. It was fast paced too which made the mystery more exciting.

I liked the characters. I thought they were interesting and smart. I liked them as a couple too. The romance was enjoyable.

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A creepy and gripping romantic suspense novel by a new to me author. I enjoyed the romance but the mystery is what really kept me reading.

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The Red River Slayer is a fantastic romantic suspense. The plot is a fast paced page turner that kept me guessing. I definitely recommend it. I received an advance copy from the publisher and Netgalley. This is my unbiased review.

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Good story line and lots of action in the latest book The Red River Slayer in the on-going Secure One series from author Katie Mettner. It is good to have previous characters appear to see a continuation of their stories!

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This book was so good. There is tons of suspense and lots of angst. The storyline flowed smoothly and quickly. The descriptions of the scenery made me feel as though I was there. I loved how Charlotte grew in her confidence. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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This is book 3 in the Secure One series. You can definitely read it by itself but I liked that I had read the first two before embarking on this one so I had some background.

Mack has "done good things for good people in the name of justice" which I respect and love about his character. He has some scars and like Katie's other books, he represents those with disabilities that are undercover heroes.

Charlotte needs to heal and learn to trust that not all men are bad. Mack is the perfect person to help with that and heal himself at the same time. He accepts her for who she is and that is what she needs the most. There is a fierce little lioness inside waiting to get out and protect so many others like her.

This series has always been about helping women that are being held against their will. This story was my favorite in the series and it was also the most intense. The Red River Slayer is killing women and they are being found every 6 weeks. The FBI is supposed to handle the case but Secure One is what this case needs most. This installment of the series was so good, I ended up reading it all in one sitting.

Katie Mettner has done it again in expertly crafting a great suspense story that you can enjoy whether you are reading this book alone or as part of the series filled with characters that now feel like friends.

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