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The Second Chance

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My second book by this author, and I've loved both of them! The Second Chance begins twenty years previously when Nell meets a fortune teller and is told the date that she will die. Fast forward and we meet Nell a week before this date. She has lived her life avoiding commitment and plans, and in this last week she sells all her belongings, writes her goodbye letters and basically closes down her life. But when she wakes the next day and it's obvious the fortune teller got it wrong, things get a bit awkward with no money, no clothes, no home and a big hotel bill to settle!

I loved this book, it was so much fun but with some serious issues being dealt with along the way. Nell is a great character, but the last twenty years have been leading up to this date and she's lived her life to the fullest. In between all the fun though, the author certainly gets you thinking as to what you would do if you knew the date you were going to die, and there are lots of emotional moments to run along side that. I loved meeting not only Nell, but also her bed-buying comic Tom, her first love Greg, her sister Polly and of course the old bus lady Juno! The storyline flowed along wonderfully and once started, I couldn't put the book down until I'd finished.

The characters were all very likeable and I really connected with them. I love London as a book setting and walking along by the canal boats brought great images to mind. Filled with lots of humour, family and friendship, the book also teaches us to live and love life! Fabulous!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for allowing me to read an ARC of The Second Chance by Charlotte Butterfield, in exchange for my honest review.

"Always say hello to strangers." " Never save anything for best."

I adored this book! It was cleverly written, entertaining, thought-provoking and introspective, with delightfully witty and loveable characters.

I would have loved to crawl right between the pages and spend time with each of them!

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How would you live your life if you knew exactly what your expiration date would be? Hmmmmm. For 2o years Nell has known her "expiry" (a lovely British term) date thanks to a visit to a psychic when she was 18. She filled her life with wanderlust and is going out with flare. But guess what....she wakes up the next morning. What? Now what does she do?

This is a clever, funny, book of second chances. You will meet Nell, Polly, Tom, Greg, Jenny and Juno. Oh did I LOVE Juno. Witty banter and fully developed characters made this a page turner. I really enjoyed this novel which teaches us to live life to the fullest and know what truly matters to you.

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Great book, brilliant beach read. Every page has something that makes you smile. I love stories where there is a psychic prediction involved and this one (similar to the concept in The Immortalists) had a great hook around knowing the day you'll die.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for an ARC.

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Light and optimistic novel, a fun and feel good take on second chances and the power of positivity. Interesting premise and well written characters.

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I had a smile on my face for most of the pages of this book. It was a mix of light hearted/cute/funny situations in the execution and w thought-provoking in its premise overall.

Nell and a group of friends go to a psychic reading when they are younger. Because one friend's death occurred on the exact day predicted, Nell plans her future around the date the psychic gave her. ...but then she wakes up the next day alive, with no money, belongings and fancy hotel bill, and we follow her as she patches things up with friends and family she had thought she was saying goodbye to.

I enjoyed the playfulness in some of the prose and dialogue, the fun cast of characters and the endearingly chaotic main character!

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Loved this book! It highlighted the difficulties of life and decisions and relationships in a humourous and charming way. I related a lot to the main character and really enjoyed journey with her as she explored the second chance she'd been given at life

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"To love fiercely and with every cell of my body" sounds perfect to me. We may never know for sure when our time will be up, but we can live every moment until the end.

Nell knows when she's going to die. She plans her life around it. When she doesn't die on the predicted day then she doesn't know what to do with herself.

The supporting cast of characters is wonderful and they really add flair to the story. Juno shines so bright and seems like a riot to know.

I would recommend this book.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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The second chance follows Nell, who has spent years believing she would die on a specific date, only to wake up very much alive the next morning.
The storyline, is original and Nell is well-developed and relatable character, and you can’t help but champion her on!
It’s a heartwarming and uplifting read, I highly recommended this if you are a lover of feel-good reads.

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This book was hilarious and so clever. The kind of book where you have a smile on your face the whole time you're reading because it's all just kind of clicking- the premise, the characters, the dialogue, all of it just worked.

In her early twenties, Nell is told by a notorious psychic that she will die at the age of 38. When the prediction ends up coming true for one of her close friends, she lives the next 15 years fully believing the psychics prediction, and this knowledge completely changes the way she lives her life. When the day comes, she has tied up every last loose end, sold all of her belongings, and spends her last night in a fancy hotel, at peace with her fate. And then the next morning… she wakes up… finding herself with an unexpected second chance at life.

While I found this to be a mostly fun and light book, it was also very thought provoking. How would you live your life if you knew you only had a certain number of years left? Clearly, Nell let that influence every decision she made from there on out. I enjoyed watching her navigate her "new life" with a new perspective- and all of the fun that came with it.

I will say, I felt like this lost a little bit of steam at the halfway point. I mostly loved Nell as a character, but there were some decisions she made in the second half of the book that were frustrating and took away some of her likability. I really enjoyed the secondary characters- Greg, Tom, Juno, Polly, and felt they added a lot to the story. Overall, I really enjoyed this book!

Thanks to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for providing this advanced copy for my review!

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Great premise, but didn’t feel the characters were fleshed out enough and I wasn’t able to connect with the story.

I’m sure many other readers will adore The Second Chance, but it wasn’t for me.

Thank you to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for the DRC

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"The Second Chance" is a novel written by Charlotte Butterfield.

I loved this book! I admit I started the reading expecting something slightly different, but it still absorbed me in the end! "The Second Chance" is a funny, witty and heartwarming novel characterized by effervescent writing, a fast pace and short chapters. Nell, the protagonist with her third person pov, won me over! She is an ironic, vivacious, chaotic and instinctive woman who, after a psychic's prediction, has spent much of her life knowing the date of her death and living accordingly. That is until, unexpectedly, she survives the fateful moment and finds herself having to figure out how to seize this second chance at life. And the consequences of the completely honest letters she has written and sent to family, friends, past and present loves, in the belief that she has come to the end. Seriously, Nell is beautifully portrayed and on more than one occasion had me rolling with laughter! In addition there are several other characters, including family members, friends, and love interests, all with their respective third person povs. I liked them and loved their interactions with Nell. There is also a romance component in the novel that convinced me! In my opinion, the narration drags a bit too much at times, but this did not affect my high liking.

All in all, "The Second Chance" is a delightfully funny, lively and heartwarming novel, full of feelings and well-drawn characters!

Thank you to the Publisher and NetGalley for giving me an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I found Nell pretty obnoxious with the way she treated everyone in her life, even after she has her great revelation. Tom and Juno were my favorite characters though.

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The premise of this book was so original, I was so excited when I got approved to read it. It didn’t disappoint, Nell was a brilliant character, very realistically written. I can’t imagine how it would be to live your life believing that you will die on a certain date and preparing for it, only to wake up the next morning very much alive and now having to face the consequences of the letters she’d sent to her loved ones. A wonderful book about second chances and fully embracing life. Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for letting me read it,

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Butterfield immediately caught my attention with the premise of the book. The main characters are likable but never progress beyond two-dimensional characters (some are even remain one-dimensional throughout). I did enjoy the plot and the outcome, but the story is stretched out too much in several sections, especially in the beginning. Overall, The Second Chance is an interesting story that is, at times, very predictable. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I absolutely loved this book. The characters were so well written and there were lots of laugh out loud moments. Highly recommended.

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Loved this one! I think we will be seeing it as a highly-sought after pick for a lot of book clubs. I highly recommend this unique story.

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I thought this was going to be a time-loop romance where the protagonist makes amends for their past mistakes but 'The Second Chance' really surprised me! It is charming, sweet and a reflective book about Nell's life.

Nell believes that she will die on a particular date. She sells everything in her home, writes letters to her family and lovers, only to realise that she didn't die! She is still unsure of what to do with her life, but one thing she knows is that she has to apologize to her family. She rekindles her relationship with her first love, Greg, and meets a comedian, Tom, and the romance element is so funny. The contrast between Greg's and Tom's personalities and Nell's realisation that she has grown into a whole new person at the end was so refreshing to read. Also, there were so many interesting characters and funny moments.

I really enjoyed this book! It was an interesting premise, not at all what I expected! Nell's story is an inspiring lesson that readers will love to read about.

Thank you so much for the advance copy.

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oooo a psychic and romance and dates:? this was so fun and i loved the concept! great writing and fun story

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Charming, funny, sweet - simply delightful! For 19 years, Nell has been preparing for her death. She’s kept her distance from her loved ones and has traveled the world. When her death date passes, Nell is shocked to be alive and has to figure out what do now that she has no phone, no money, and no home…

This was a joy to read - the plot is creative and the characters are lovable.

Thank you to Avon and NetGalley for the opportunity to read a copy.

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