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Our Fight

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As an avid MMA fan and recovering-WWE-fan-who-could-maybe-be-swayed-to-watch-wrestling-again, I was excited to see Ronda Rousey’s memoir come up via NetGalley!

I remember watching Rousey’s debut match and then following her championship reign in the UFC. I remember rooting for her Ws and being SHOOOOK when she lost to Holly Holm. I remember when she entered the WWE ring at Wrestlemania and thinking “omg she’s gonna make the division FIGHT wonder what the WWE paid to get her in that ring”.

Hearing her speak about her reality felt like she was lifting the curtain and unveiling / confirming the stuff that we’d heard about through rumor mills. It was kinda wild and I hope it was cathartic for her - especially since she left MMA on Ls and WWE in the hellfire it was way before she stepped foot in the ring. I’m genuinely happy for her and it feels like this is definitely the best way for her to wrap up these chapters of her life.

If you’ve followed Rousey’s career / wondered what being a woman in male-dominated spaces (esp sports / ones like the MMA environment) is like / generally want to hear some goss on WWE, I def recommend this book.

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Ronda Rousey didn't hold back any punches writing her memoir especially when retelling her experience with WWE.

Our Fight starts out with a bang with Ronda's undefeated UFC record up until the fateful fight with Holly Holm. It is an exciting climb that makes the fall even more devastating. Her life is enriched with a marriage and a promise of a peaceful lifestyle. Until that nagging itch to fight again emerges in the name of WWE.

Rousey made huge stride for women entering the UFC, but WWE would prove to set her back. Way back and this portion of the book is lengthy and has an undertone of her unhappiness. They were uncompromising and I was cheering for her exit from fighting. Her accomplishments were many and, in the records, forever noted.

"We are much more than the tiny boxes that we put ourselves in". There is so much more in store for Ronda Rousey and I wish her the best.

Thanks to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for an early copy.

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Thanks to Grand Central Publishing for gifted access via Netgalley. All opinions below are my own.

Let me start by saying Rhonda Rousey is an impressive woman. I admire all that she accomplished as a woman in both MMA and WWE. She tells us how hard it all was on her physically and mentally through this book. For those bits I was impressed and interested to hear the ins and outs of daily life.

But my rating for this book is so low for several reasons. It is clear she did not write it, but it is also clear the writer, who is credited, didn't do anything to elevate the text. It felt very conversational and just an uneducated way of communicating. My main issue is that it is basically 288 pages of complaining. It had a very millenial view of the world which makes me ill. She spends a lot time talking about breaking barriers for women and how hard she fought for some sense of equality. That narrative is so important but the bashing of every male and everyone in power and her repeated shrugs or helplessness and emotional outbursts are what keep women back. I am a VP at a global organization and yes, the world is dominated by these types, but you know what else there is... advocates along the way. There is no recognition of anyone really helping her, and while I think she is very skilled, there's no way she got to the top alone. There is no advice for women, no nod to the other women who broke barriers before her. It's a very self involved memoir with nothing positive to say about anyone besides her husband. She basically says in the end all she wants is to live a small life as a wife and mom. That was never off the table to her. It's rare I leave a memoir liking someone less, people are allowed to tell their experiences the way they see them. But if I would never want someone like this on my team.

Also as a WWE fan, it definitely destroys the fabric of the mystic behind it all. Those parts are definitely a takedown of the organization. She could have provided some balance there. The Bellas memoir gave credit where credit was due and was fair about the business aspects and their challenges. This was not that.

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This book should be one of the best reads
. I was motivated by how the author was able to move on from perceived failure and her never giving up spirit. The book purely teaches that most failure isn't really the end

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I read Rousey’s first book and I enjoyed it a lot. When I saw she’d written a second book I jumped at the chance to read it. As a sports fanatic and one that followed Rousey’s career it was intriguing to see her pen a very humorous yet candid view of her career on the UFC and her time in the WWE.

It’s was wild to see that from an early age she opted to “tough it out” with her concussions rather than be seen as weak or potentially not be allowed to fight. The most intriguing part of her thoughts on the aftermath of her first loss in the UFC and then behind the scenes of her time in the WWE.

The part that was off-putting was how her relationship with her now husband started. Maybe it’s was the way that entire situation was written. It didn’t come across the right way. While it’s nice to see the behind the scenes a lot of these scenarios were her “exposing” those that have done wrong by her and it gives off the victim mentality over and over. Considering everything that’s come out about Vince McMahon, wish she kept on writing. Maybe we will get another book.

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A phenomenal exploration of failure and what it means to "sit in the mess" as well as a strong comeback tale from Rousey herself. I read this in an afternoon, truly unputdownable. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the free advance copy.

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I really enjoyed the first half but the second half was wayyyyy too much WWE for me. Love Ronda and getting to know her more personally through a book was awesome. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Our Fight is an exquisitely detailed account of what happened to Ronda Rousey before, during and after losing two MMA fights, ultimately leading to her retirement from the UFC.

Ronda’s transparency made for a phenomenal read. I’ve always wondered where Ronda went after losing in the octagon to Holly Holmes and Amanda Nunes. Finally, she opens up about everything she experienced emotionally and physically during this time. She shares how embarrassed she was. How she hid in her home, only wanting to smoke weed and play video games. She tells how the game War of Worldcraft helped pull her out of a deep depression.

Reading the moment by moment account of Ronda’s life from fighting in the UFC, to the time she left the WWE, softened my heart for her. To be honest, before reading this book I wasn’t a fan of Ronda. I thought she was arrogant and mean. Whenever she fought, I rooted for her opponent to win. I cheered once she was finally defeated. In my opinion she needed to be humbled.

But, since reading her story my heart has opened. I now understand why she was so angry. Between the concussions, never being able to take the proper time to heal between fights, and the abuse she suffered at the hands of her trainer, she went through a lot. Ronda also shared how she often experienced “contender’s luxury”. This is when her contenders took the fight only when they were 100% healthy, and didn’t have to carry any of the responsibility for promoting said fight. All while Ronda was not only expected to promote the fight, but she also had to fight while injured.

The best thing about this book is that it is a story of triumph. A story of overcoming obstacles, challenges and defeat. A journey of not giving up even when giving up is all you want to do. This is the story of changing directions, creating new dreams, rebranding, and starting over again.

Our Fight is the story of women. Our fight for happiness. Our fight to achieve our dreams, and our fight for our rights.

I enjoyed this journey!

Thank you Grand Central Publishing for gifting me an ebook via netgalley in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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This is an awesome book! Ronda starts where some people would completely skip. You know, the worst moment of your life. While reading this book, I became an even bigger fan of hers. She delves into the tough places and shows that we can all make it through those places. Definitely a book to go back to when you feel terrible.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review. I will be very upfront in my review that I am indeed a Rousey fan and followed every single one of her MMA fights as she was coming up, paved the way for women, and subsequently passed the torch after her losses. However, I am going to be very unbiased in my review while still giving it five stars. I think Rousey's writing is absolutely phenomenal. I thought it in her first book and I still think that her blend of humor and seriousness just plays together excellently for me. I think she did a phenomenal job summarizing the events that she already wrote about in her first book to make it engaging for both new and old readers and then took a deep dive into everything that has occurred in the past almost ten years. I was hooked from page one (actually I was tearing up on page one) and felt extremely empathic towards her emotions (that could just be because I love MMA). Even when the book transitioned to her WWE days I was fascinated by the content and thought she was both critical and gracious in describing her experience there. I am really excited to see what Rousey does in the future especially in a writing standpoint whether it is comics, screenplays, or even novels. I would give this one a go whether or not you know who Ronda Rousey is.

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I am not a big WWE fan but anyone knows this name for sure which is why i wanted to read this memoir.

This was a very good memoir and really covers the negativity surrounding her last fight. I enjoyed the honesty she has around everything which really makes me feel slightly different about her story. SOmetimes within the story she is very arrogant, which maybe she has a right to be, whiny, and sometimes you have to roll your eyes. Her story is very well told and you can roll your eyes and move on because i wanted to find out how this memoir proceeded. It covers her time with UFC and then the last half of the book is WWE.

Thanks NEtGalley for letting me read and review i really enjoyed the book.

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I feel that I should preface this by saying that I am not the biggest Ronda Rousey fan, but I was very curious to read this as I am a WWE fan. Her last run left me very curious and this book most definitely covers all the negativity surrounding it. I didn't come out of it with my opinion on her changed, but I must admit, I really enjoyed her honesty about everything. Does she come off a bit whiny, arrogant, and hypocritical at various points? Very much and maybe that was the only downside here, but her stories were told so well that I can ignore that some. The first half or so of this book covers her work in the UFC and then turns to her time with WWE.

If you want to know about all the mess surrounding mania 35? Covered.
Her heel turn and the reactions to her return? Covered.
Her decision to move from UFC to WWE? Covered.
When her feelings for wrestling started to turn sour? Covered.
Very honest thoughts on Vince McMahon? Covered.
Handling motherhood while also trying to be a full time wrestler? Covered.

All in all, I do recommend this as a solid read, especially if you like sports autobiographies, or biographies in general.

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Eye opening and inspiring memoir, not only about Rousey's path to becoming an elite athlete but a commentary on women in sports.

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Thank you Netgalley for the advance reader copy of Our Fight by Ronda Rousey in exchange for an honest review.
Fans of Ronda Rousey will enjoy reading her book "our Fight." I am a fan of Professional wrestling and didn't know that much about Ronda except for her wrestling career. It was nice to learn about the women she is and her fight as a woman to become the best she can be and pave the way in a difficult world where men used to only rule.
Readers will enjoy her book as she shares her biographical journey.

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Have you ever seen Rousey in a match? Be it UFC or WWE, the woman is ICONIC. She brought Women’s wrestling into spotlight. Time and again, she has proved her worth with exquisite showmanship and skills.

This book is divided into the events leading up to her big UFC loss in 2015 and her entry into WWE thereafter.
The first part covers her relationships with her mom, coach, boyfriend turned husband Travis Browne and her professional dealings the man who made UFC into the behemoth it is today- Dana White.

The second part is a BIG spill on the internal workings of WWE, and I’m here for it. This part went a little longer for me, especially the detailed match descriptions. This is an uncorrected proof, not the final copy, so I hope they edit it a bit.

I think this book is an important read, for it sheds light on how the world perceives athletes, especially women. The way that media portrays them, and the actual struggles that they go through- all of this is covered in this book. She also explains why she did some things, that at the time seemed crazy. I think it’s well thought out and written.

Read this if you
- [ ] Enjoy Pro wrestling/ MMA,
- [ ] Are a fan of Ronda Rousey or
- [ ] Simply love sports memoirs.

This one’s worth a read.

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Thank you #Netgalley for the advanced copy!

Was excited to see that Ronda has written another book! Though the timelines overlap at times from the first book, we are getting a different perspective and stories. Her raw honesty of how her body was reacting to the impact of fighting and how the WWE really was an unhealthy work environment. I have followed her career, watched many of the fights referenced as well as her introduction into the WWE and her reality work in Mars. She really laid it all out there, she is brave for sharing her story especially against the large WWE corporation that I am sure many do not feel comfortable speaking up on but agree with. I am happy she has come out on top and puts her family first.

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This book gives a very candid, behind the scenes look of Ronda Rousey's life during her UFC and WWE years. Readers get all the details of what her training regiment was along with what she endured mentally and physically to become the best in the UFC and how hard she took her losses, especially her first MMA loss along with her eventual transition to WWE. I really enjoyed learning more about her run in WWE as I didn't watch her there like I did when she competed in UFC. I've always known professional wrestling was just "sports entertainment" and scripted but also didn't know just how on the fly it was as well. I think anyone that has followed Ronda throughout her career will really enjoy this memoir and how refreshingly honest she is with all of her ups and downs. Thank you to NetGalley and Grand Central Publishing for an ARC of this book to read and provide my unbiased review on.

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This book was very captivating from the very beginning. I did not know much about Ronda Rousy but thought I would like to know more about her life. Wow is all I can say.

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Thank you Netgalley for the advance reader copy of Our Fight by Ronda Rousey in exchange for an honest review. I have been a fan of Rousey since I saw her on Expendables 2 or 3. I like her style of fighting, her quirky smile and have she embodies "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." This book was a beautiful exposure of her life and what makes her her.

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I was very interested in starting this book, as we followed Ronda through a lot of her fights. I must admit that I will not be finishing this book. It was fairly interesting the first half of the book, but then when we transitioned to her wrestling career. While it was interesting to learn the behind the scenes aspect of fighting and wrestling it does seem like everyone is against her. Like this book is ultimately about her exposing everyone that wronged her along the way. Maybe it truly was her experience and it was her against everyone but unfortunately it just lost me. I was not actively reaching to finish it and felt like I was forcing myself to read through it.

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